{-| Module : Toml.Value Description : Semantic TOML values Copyright : (c) Eric Mertens, 2023 License : ISC Maintainer : emertens@gmail.com This module provides the type for the semantics of a TOML file. All dotted keys are resolved in this representation. Each table is a Map with a single level of keys. -} module Toml.Value ( Value(..), Table, ) where import Data.Data (Data) import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Time (Day, LocalTime, TimeOfDay, ZonedTime(zonedTimeToLocalTime, zonedTimeZone), timeZoneMinutes) import GHC.Generics (Generic) -- | Representation of a TOML key-value table. type Table = Map String Value -- | Semantic TOML value with all table assignments resolved. data Value = Integer Integer | Float Double | Array [Value] | Table Table | Bool Bool | String String | TimeOfDay TimeOfDay | ZonedTime ZonedTime | LocalTime LocalTime | Day Day deriving (Show, Read, Data, Generic) instance Eq Value where Integer x == Integer y = x == y Float x == Float y = x == y Array x == Array y = x == y Table x == Table y = x == y Bool x == Bool y = x == y String x == String y = x == y TimeOfDay x == TimeOfDay y = x == y LocalTime x == LocalTime y = x == y Day x == Day y = x == y ZonedTime x == ZonedTime y = projectZT x == projectZT y _ == _ = False -- Extract the relevant parts to build an Eq instance projectZT :: ZonedTime -> (LocalTime, Int) projectZT x = (zonedTimeToLocalTime x, timeZoneMinutes (zonedTimeZone x))