{----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tomato-rubato ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} module Sound.Tomato.Speakers ( -- * Synopsis -- | Very small module for playing audio data on your speakers. -- -- Currently based on the Haskell OpenAL bindings. -- * Setting up audio devices Speakers, SampleRate, standardSampleRates, BlockSize, withSpeakers, testSine, -- * Audio data and playback Sample, playSamples, AudioBlock, playBlock, ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Control.Exception import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.STM import Data.Int (Int16) import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V -- Code heavily adapated from from YampaSynth -- which was written by George Giorgidze and Henrik Nilsson import Sound.OpenAL {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Representation and playing of audio data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Single audio sample. type Sample = Float -- | Audio sample rate. -- Needs to be one of the 'standardSampleRates' . type SampleRate = Frequency -- | List of standard sample rates, from high quality to low quality -- -- > standardSampleRates = [44100,22050,11025] standardSampleRates :: [SampleRate] standardSampleRates = [44100,22050,11025] -- | Size of an audio block. -- -- The lower the block size, the lower the latency. -- However, if the block size is too low, there will be jitter. -- -- Recommended values: 64, 128, 256, 512 type BlockSize = Int -- | Data type representing your loudspeakers. data Speakers = Speakers { sampleRate :: SampleRate , blockSize :: BlockSize , source :: Source , freeBuffers :: MyChan Buffer , usedBuffers :: MyChan Buffer } -- | Initialize audio environment. withSpeakers :: SampleRate -> BlockSize -> (Speakers -> IO a) -> IO a withSpeakers rate size f = bracket init final try where init = do (d,c,source, buffers) <- initOpenAL 20 s <- Speakers rate size source <$> newMyChan buffers <*> newMyChan [] threadId <- forkIO $ recycleBuffers s -- start buffer recycling return (s,d,c,source,buffers,threadId) final (s,d,c,source,buffers,threadId) = do killThread threadId -- stop buffer recycling deInitOpenAL (d,c,source,buffers) try (s,_,_,_,_,_) = do x <- f s waitForSource (source s) -- wait for sound to finish playing return x -- | Play a (possibly) infinite list of samples. playSamples :: Speakers -> [Sample] -> IO () playSamples s = mapM_ (playBlock s) . map V.fromList . chunk (blockSize s) -- | Memory block containing audio data. -- Blockwise audio processing may be faster than lazy lists of samples. type AudioBlock = V.Vector Sample -- | Add a block of audio data to the speaker queue. -- May block if the speaker has too much pending data. playBlock :: Speakers -> AudioBlock -> IO () playBlock s block = do evaluate block (used, b) <- atomically $ (,) <$> takeMyChan (usedBuffers s) <*> readMyChan (freeBuffers s) -- get free buffer withBufferData s block (bufferData b $=) -- write data queueBuffers (source s) [b] -- queue to source playing <- (== Playing) <$> get (sourceState $ source s) when (not playing) $ play [source s] -- set status to Playing atomically $ putMyChan (usedBuffers s) (used ++ [b]) -- mark buffer as used {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Test ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Play a test sine wave. -- Look at the source code to see how the library is used. -- -- This should be a clear sound, similar to a telephone test tone. -- If there is rattling or hissing, you have a problem. -- -- > > testSine 440 testSine :: Frequency -> IO () testSine freq = withSpeakers sampleRate 128 $ \s -> playSamples s sound where sampleRate = 22050 dt = 1 / sampleRate -- time in seconds of a single sample duration = 3 -- seconds sound = take (ceiling $ duration / dt) $ map (0.4*) $ sine freq sine freq = [sin (2*pi*freq*dt*fromIntegral t) | t <- [0..]] -- square freq = cycle $ replicate n 0 ++ replicate n 1 -- where n = ceiling $ sampleRate / (2*freq) {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- OpenAL glue code ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Convert 'AudioBlock' to 'BufferData' withBufferData :: Speakers -> AudioBlock -> (BufferData Int16 -> IO a) -> IO a withBufferData speakers block f = V.unsafeWith blockInt16 $ \ptr -> do f $ BufferData (MemoryRegion ptr sizeInBytes) Mono16 (sampleRate speakers) where sizeInBytes = 2 * fromIntegral (V.length block) blockInt16 = V.map toSample block -- | Convert a normalized floating point value in (-1,1) to a 'Sample' toSample :: Float -> Int16 toSample = floor . (fromIntegral (maxBound - 1 :: Int16) *) . min 1 . max (-1) -- | Process that recycles used buffers forever. recycleBuffers :: Speakers -> IO () recycleBuffers s = forever $ do hasGarbage <- (> 0) <$> get (buffersProcessed $ source s) if not hasGarbage then threadDelay 10 else do -- recycle the last used buffer buffer <- atomically $ readMyChan (usedBuffers s) unqueueBuffers (source s) [buffer] atomically $ writeMyChan (freeBuffers s) buffer -- | Wait for an OpenAL source to complete playing. waitForSource :: Source -> IO () waitForSource source = do isPlaying <- (== Playing) <$> (get $ sourceState source) when isPlaying $ do threadDelay 10 waitForSource source -- | Init OpenAL initOpenAL :: Int -> IO (Device, Context, Source, [Buffer]) initOpenAL numBuffs = do Just device <- openDevice Nothing Just context <- createContext device [] currentContext $= Just context [pSource] <- genObjectNames 1 pBuffers <- genObjectNames numBuffs printErrors return (device,context,pSource,pBuffers) -- | Deinitialize OpenAL deInitOpenAL :: (Device, Context, Source, [Buffer]) -> IO () deInitOpenAL (device,context,pSource,pBuffers) = do buffer pSource $= Nothing deleteObjectNames [pSource] deleteObjectNames pBuffers currentContext $= Nothing printErrors destroyContext context b <- closeDevice device when (not b) $ fail "closing OpenAL device" printErrors -- | Print all OpenAL errors if applicable printErrors :: IO () printErrors = do e <- get alErrors when (not $ null e) $ print e {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Concurrency primitives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} type MyChan a = TMVar [a] newMyChan :: [a] -> IO (MyChan a) newMyChan = newTMVarIO -- read single value from channel readMyChan :: MyChan a -> STM a readMyChan c = do xs <- readTMVar c case xs of [] -> retry (x:xs) -> do takeTMVar c putTMVar c xs return x -- write single value to channel writeMyChan :: MyChan a -> a -> STM () writeMyChan c x = do xs <- takeTMVar c putTMVar c (xs ++ [x]) -- block channel takeMyChan :: MyChan a -> STM [a] takeMyChan = takeTMVar -- unblock channel putMyChan :: MyChan a -> [a] -> STM () putMyChan = putTMVar {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Utilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------------} -- | Divide a list into chunks of n elements. chunk :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]] chunk n [] = [] chunk n xs = y : chunk n xs' where (y,xs') = splitAt n xs