module Database.TokyoCabinet.TDB.Query
    , OrderType(..)
    , PostTreatment(..)
    , new
    , delete
    , addcond
    , setorder
    , setlimit
    , search
    , searchout
    , hint
    , proc
    ) where

import Data.Word

import Foreign.C.String

import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Foreign.Storable (pokeByteOff, peek)
import Foreign.Marshal (mallocBytes, alloca)
import Foreign.Marshal.Utils (copyBytes)

import Database.TokyoCabinet.Storable
import Database.TokyoCabinet.Sequence
import Database.TokyoCabinet.Associative
import Database.TokyoCabinet.Map.C
import Database.TokyoCabinet.TDB.C
import Database.TokyoCabinet.TDB.Query.C

-- | Create a query object.
new :: TDB -> IO TDBQRY
new tdb = withForeignPtr (unTCTDB tdb) $ \tdb' ->
          flip TDBQRY tdb `fmap` (c_tctdbqrynew tdb' >>= newForeignPtr tctdbqryFinalizer)

-- | Free object resource forcibly.
delete :: TDBQRY -> IO ()
delete qry = finalizeForeignPtr (unTDBQRY qry)

-- | Add a narrowing condition to a query object.
addcond :: (Storable k, Storable v) => TDBQRY -> k -> Condition -> v -> IO ()
addcond qry name op expr =
    withForeignPtr (unTDBQRY qry) $ \qry' ->
        withPtrLen name $ \(name', nlen) ->
        withPtrLen expr $ \(expr', elen) ->
            do pokeByteOff name' (fromIntegral nlen) (0 :: Word8)
               pokeByteOff expr' (fromIntegral elen) (0 :: Word8)
               c_tctdbqryaddcond qry' (castPtr name') (condToCInt op) (castPtr expr')

-- | Set the order of a query object.
setorder :: (Storable k) => TDBQRY -> k -> OrderType -> IO ()
setorder qry name otype =
    withForeignPtr (unTDBQRY qry) $ \qry' ->
        withPtrLen name $ \(name', nlen) ->
            do pokeByteOff name' (fromIntegral nlen) (0 :: Word8)
               c_tctdbqrysetorder qry' (castPtr name') (orderToCInt otype)

-- | Set the limit number of records of the result of a query object.
setlimit :: TDBQRY -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
setlimit qry maxn skip =
    withForeignPtr (unTDBQRY qry) $ \qry' ->
        c_tctdbqrysetlimit qry' (fromIntegral maxn) (fromIntegral skip)

-- | Execute the search of a query object. The return value is a list
-- object of the primary keys of the corresponding records.
search :: (Storable k, Sequence q) => TDBQRY -> IO (q k)
search qry = withForeignPtr (unTDBQRY qry) $ (>>= peekList') . c_tctdbqrysearch

-- | Remove each record corresponding to a query object.
searchout :: TDBQRY -> IO Bool
searchout qry = withForeignPtr (unTDBQRY qry) c_tctdbqrysearchout

hint :: TDBQRY -> IO String
hint qry = withForeignPtr (unTDBQRY qry) $ \qry' -> c_tctdbqryhint qry' >>= peekCString

-- |  Process each record corresponding to a query object.
proc :: (Storable k, Storable v, Associative m) =>
        TDBQRY  -- ^ Query object.
     -> (v -> m k v -> IO (PostTreatment m k v)) -- ^ the iterator
                                                 -- function called
                                                 -- for each record.
     -> IO Bool -- ^ If successful, the return value is true, else, it is false.
proc qry callback =
    withForeignPtr (unTDBQRY qry) $ \qry' ->
        do cb <- mkProc proc'
           c_tctdbqryproc qry' cb nullPtr
      proc' :: TDBQRYPROC'
      proc' pkbuf pksiz m _ = do
        let siz = fromIntegral pksiz
        pbuf <- mallocBytes siz
        copyBytes pbuf pkbuf siz
        pkey <- peekPtrLen (pbuf, pksiz)
        pt <- c_tcmapdup m >>= peekMap' >>= callback pkey
        case pt of
          QPPUT m' -> withMap m' (flip copyMap m)
          _ -> return ()
        return (ptToCInt pt)

      copyMap :: Ptr MAP -> Ptr MAP -> IO ()
      copyMap msrc mdist =
          do c_tcmapclear mdist
             c_tcmapiterinit msrc
             storeKeyValue msrc mdist

      storeKeyValue :: Ptr MAP -> Ptr MAP -> IO ()
      storeKeyValue msrc mdist =
          alloca $ \sizbuf -> do
              kbuf <- c_tcmapiternext msrc sizbuf
              if kbuf == nullPtr
                then return ()
                else do ksiz <- peek sizbuf
                        vbuf <- c_tcmapget msrc kbuf ksiz sizbuf
                        vsiz <- peek sizbuf
                        c_tcmapput mdist kbuf ksiz vbuf vsiz
                        storeKeyValue msrc mdist