{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK prune not-home #-} {- | Copyright : (c) 2020-2021 Tim Emiola SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD3 Maintainer : Tim Emiola Defines type-level data structures and combinators used by "System.TmpProc.Docker" and "System.TmpProc.Warp". 'HList' implements a heterogenous list used to define types that represent multiple concurrent @tmp procs@. 'KV' is intended for internal use within the @tmp-proc@ package. It allows indexing and sorting of lists of tmp procs. -} module System.TmpProc.TypeLevel ( -- * Heterogenous List HList (..) , (&:) , only , (&:&) , both , hHead , hOf , ReorderH (..) -- * A type-level Key-Value , KV (..) , select , selectMany , LookupKV (..) , MemberKV (..) , ManyMemberKV (..) -- * Other combinators , IsAbsent , IsInProof -- * Re-exports , module System.TmpProc.TypeLevel.Sort ) where import Data.Kind (Type) import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..)) import GHC.Exts (Constraint) import GHC.TypeLits ( ErrorMessage (..) , Symbol , TypeError ) import qualified GHC.TypeLits as TL import System.TmpProc.TypeLevel.Sort {- $setup >>> import Data.Proxy >>> :set -XDataKinds >>> :set -XTypeApplications -} -- | Obtain the first element of a 'HList'. hHead :: HList (a ': as) -> a hHead (x `HCons` _) = x -- | Get an item in an 'HList' given its type. hOf :: forall y xs. IsInProof y xs => Proxy y -> HList xs -> y hOf proxy = go proxy provedIsIn where go :: Proxy x -> IsIn x ys -> HList ys -> x go _ IsHead (y `HCons` _) = y go pxy (IsInTail cons) (_ `HCons` rest) = go pxy cons rest -- | Defines a Heterogenous list. data HList :: [Type] -> Type where HNil :: HList '[] HCons :: anyTy -> HList manyTys -> HList (anyTy ': manyTys) infixr 5 `HCons`, &: -- | An infix alias for 'HCons'. (&:) :: x -> HList xs -> HList (x ': xs) (&:) = HCons instance Show (HList '[]) where show HNil = "HNil" instance (Show x, Show (HList xs)) => Show (HList (x ': xs)) where show (HCons x xs) = show x ++ " &: " ++ show xs instance Eq (HList '[]) where HNil == HNil = True instance (Eq x, Eq (HList xs)) => Eq (HList (x ': xs)) where (HCons x xs) == (HCons y ys) = x == y && xs == ys -- | Construct a two-item HList. both :: x -> y -> HList '[x, y] both v w = v &: w &: HNil infixr 6 `both`, &:& -- | An infix alias for 'both'. (&:&) :: x -> y -> HList '[x, y] (&:&) = both -- | Construct a singleton HList only :: x -> HList '[x] only v = v &: HNil -- | Use a type-level symbol as /key/ type that indexes a /value/ type. data KV :: Symbol -> Type -> Type where V :: a -> KV s a -- | A constraint that confirms that a type is not present in a type-level list. type family IsAbsent e r :: Constraint where IsAbsent e '[] = () IsAbsent e (e ': _) = TypeError (NotAbsentErr e) IsAbsent e (e' ': tail) = IsAbsent e tail type NotAbsentErr e = ('TL.Text " type " ':<>: 'TL.ShowType e) ':<>: 'TL.Text " is already in this type list, and is not allowed again" -- | Proves a symbol and its type occur as entry in a list of @'KV'@ types. data LookupKV (k :: Symbol) t (xs :: [Type]) where AtHead :: LookupKV k t (KV k t ': kvs) OtherKeys :: LookupKV k t kvs -> LookupKV k t (KV ok ot ': kvs) -- | Generate proof instances of 'LookupKV'. class MemberKV (k :: Symbol) (t :: Type) (xs :: [Type]) where lookupProof :: LookupKV k t xs instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} MemberKV k t '[KV k t] where lookupProof = AtHead @k @t @'[] instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} MemberKV k t (KV k t ': kvs) where lookupProof = AtHead @k @t @kvs instance MemberKV k t kvs => MemberKV k t (KV ok ot ': kvs) where lookupProof = OtherKeys lookupProof {- | Select an item from an 'HList' of @'KV's@ by /key/. /N.B/ Returns the first item. It assumes the keys in the KV HList are unique. /TODO:/ enforce this rule using a constraint. ==== __Examples__ >>> select @"d" @Double @'[KV "b" Bool, KV "d" Double] (V True &: V (3.1 :: Double) &: HNil) 3.1 -} select :: forall k t xs. MemberKV k t xs => HList xs -> t select = go $ lookupProof @k @t @xs where go :: LookupKV k1 t1 xs1 -> HList xs1 -> t1 go AtHead (V x `HCons` _) = x go (OtherKeys cons) (_ `HCons` y) = go cons y {- | Proves that symbols with corresponding types occur as a 'KV' in a list of 'KV' types /Note/ - both the list symbols and @'KV'@ types need to be sorted, with @'KV'@ types sorted by key. /TODO:/ is there an easy way to incorporate this rule into the proof ? -} data LookupMany (keys :: [Symbol]) (t :: [Type]) (xs :: [Type]) where FirstOfMany :: LookupMany (k ': '[]) (t ': '[]) (KV k t ': kvs) NextOfMany :: LookupMany ks ts kvs -> LookupMany (k ': ks) (t ': ts) (KV k t ': kvs) ManyOthers :: LookupMany ks ts kvs -> LookupMany ks ts (KV ok ot ': kvs) -- | Generate proof instances of 'LookupMany'. class ManyMemberKV (ks :: [Symbol]) (ts :: [Type]) (kvs :: [Type]) where manyProof :: LookupMany ks ts kvs instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} ManyMemberKV '[k] '[t] (KV k t ': ks) where manyProof = FirstOfMany @k @t @ks instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} ManyMemberKV ks ts kvs => ManyMemberKV (k ': ks) (t ': ts) (KV k t ': kvs) where manyProof = NextOfMany manyProof instance ManyMemberKV ks ts kvs => ManyMemberKV ks ts (KV ok ot ': kvs) where manyProof = ManyOthers manyProof {- | Select items with specified keys from an @'HList'@ of @'KV's@ by /key/. /N.B./ this this is an internal function. The keys must be provided in the same order as they occur in the HList, any other order will likely result in an compiler error. ==== __Examples__ >>> selectMany @'["b"] @'[Bool] @'[KV "b" Bool, KV "d" Double] (V True &: V (3.1 :: Double) &: HNil) True &: HNil -} selectMany :: forall ks ts xs. ManyMemberKV ks ts xs => HList xs -> HList ts selectMany = go $ manyProof @ks @ts @xs where go :: LookupMany ks1 ts1 xs1 -> HList xs1 -> HList ts1 go FirstOfMany (V x `HCons` _) = x `HCons` HNil go (NextOfMany cons) (V x `HCons` y) = x `HCons` go cons y go (ManyOthers cons) (_ `HCons` y) = go cons y {- | Allows reordering of similar @'HList's@. ==== __Examples__ >>> hReorder @_ @'[Bool, Int] ('c' &: (3 :: Int) &: True &: (3.1 :: Double) &: HNil) True &: 3 &: HNil >>> hReorder @_ @'[Double, Bool, Int] ('c' &: (3 :: Int) &: True &: (3.1 :: Double) &: HNil) 3.1 &: True &: 3 &: HNil -} class ReorderH xs ys where hReorder :: HList xs -> HList ys instance ReorderH xs '[] where hReorder _ = HNil instance (IsInProof y xs, ReorderH xs ys) => ReorderH xs (y ': ys) where hReorder xs = hOf @y Proxy xs `HCons` hReorder xs -- | Proves a type is present in a list of other types. data IsIn t (xs :: [Type]) where IsHead :: IsIn t (t ': tys) IsInTail :: IsIn t tys -> IsIn t (otherTy ': tys) -- | Generate proof instances of 'IsIn'. class IsInProof t (tys :: [Type]) where provedIsIn :: IsIn t tys instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} IsInProof t (t ': tys) where provedIsIn = IsHead @t @tys instance IsInProof t tys => IsInProof t (a : tys) where provedIsIn = IsInTail provedIsIn