module Network.TLS.Crypto
( HashCtx(..)
, hashInit
, hashUpdate
, hashUpdateSSL
, hashFinal
, module Network.TLS.Crypto.DH
, module Network.TLS.Crypto.ECDH
, hashMD5SHA1
, hashSHA1
, hashSHA256
, hashSHA512
, PubKey(..)
, PrivKey(..)
, PublicKey
, PrivateKey
, HashDescr(..)
, kxEncrypt
, kxDecrypt
, kxSign
, kxVerify
, KxError(..)
) where
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA512 as SHA512
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA1 as SHA1
import qualified Crypto.Hash.MD5 as MD5
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Crypto.PubKey.HashDescr
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.DSA as DSA
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.RSA as RSA
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.RSA.PKCS15 as RSA
import Crypto.Random
import Data.X509 (PrivKey(..), PubKey(..))
import Network.TLS.Crypto.DH
import Network.TLS.Crypto.ECDH
import Data.ASN1.Types
import Data.ASN1.Encoding
import Data.ASN1.BinaryEncoding (DER(..), BER(..))
type PublicKey = PubKey
type PrivateKey = PrivKey
data KxError =
RSAError RSA.Error
| KxUnsupported
deriving (Show)
class HashCtxC a where
hashCName :: a -> String
hashCInit :: a -> a
hashCUpdate :: a -> B.ByteString -> a
hashCUpdateSSL :: a -> (B.ByteString,B.ByteString) -> a
hashCFinal :: a -> B.ByteString
data HashCtx = forall h . HashCtxC h => HashCtx h
instance Show HashCtx where
show (HashCtx c) = hashCName c
data HashMD5SHA1 = HashMD5SHA1 SHA1.Ctx MD5.Ctx
instance HashCtxC HashMD5SHA1 where
hashCName _ = "MD5-SHA1"
hashCInit _ = HashMD5SHA1 SHA1.init MD5.init
hashCUpdate (HashMD5SHA1 sha1ctx md5ctx) b = HashMD5SHA1 (SHA1.update sha1ctx b) (MD5.update md5ctx b)
hashCUpdateSSL (HashMD5SHA1 sha1ctx md5ctx) (b1,b2) = HashMD5SHA1 (SHA1.update sha1ctx b2) (MD5.update md5ctx b1)
hashCFinal (HashMD5SHA1 sha1ctx md5ctx) = B.concat [MD5.finalize md5ctx, SHA1.finalize sha1ctx]
newtype HashSHA1 = HashSHA1 SHA1.Ctx
instance HashCtxC HashSHA1 where
hashCName _ = "SHA1"
hashCInit _ = HashSHA1 SHA1.init
hashCUpdate (HashSHA1 ctx) b = HashSHA1 (SHA1.update ctx b)
hashCUpdateSSL (HashSHA1 ctx) (_,b2) = HashSHA1 (SHA1.update ctx b2)
hashCFinal (HashSHA1 ctx) = SHA1.finalize ctx
newtype HashSHA256 = HashSHA256 SHA256.Ctx
instance HashCtxC HashSHA256 where
hashCName _ = "SHA256"
hashCInit _ = HashSHA256 SHA256.init
hashCUpdate (HashSHA256 ctx) b = HashSHA256 (SHA256.update ctx b)
hashCUpdateSSL _ _ = error "CUpdateSSL with HashSHA256"
hashCFinal (HashSHA256 ctx) = SHA256.finalize ctx
newtype HashSHA512 = HashSHA512 SHA512.Ctx
instance HashCtxC HashSHA512 where
hashCName _ = "SHA512"
hashCInit _ = HashSHA512 SHA512.init
hashCUpdate (HashSHA512 ctx) b = HashSHA512 (SHA512.update ctx b)
hashCUpdateSSL _ _ = error "CUpdateSSL with HashSHA512"
hashCFinal (HashSHA512 ctx) = SHA512.finalize ctx
hashInit :: HashCtx -> HashCtx
hashInit (HashCtx h) = HashCtx $ hashCInit h
hashUpdate :: HashCtx -> B.ByteString -> HashCtx
hashUpdate (HashCtx h) b = HashCtx $ hashCUpdate h b
hashUpdateSSL :: HashCtx
-> (B.ByteString,B.ByteString)
-> HashCtx
hashUpdateSSL (HashCtx h) bs = HashCtx $ hashCUpdateSSL h bs
hashFinal :: HashCtx -> B.ByteString
hashFinal (HashCtx h) = hashCFinal h
hashMD5SHA1, hashSHA1, hashSHA256, hashSHA512 :: HashCtx
hashMD5SHA1 = HashCtx (HashMD5SHA1 SHA1.init MD5.init)
hashSHA1 = HashCtx (HashSHA1 SHA1.init)
hashSHA256 = HashCtx (HashSHA256 SHA256.init)
hashSHA512 = HashCtx (HashSHA512 SHA512.init)
generalizeRSAWithRNG :: CPRG g => (Either RSA.Error a, g) -> (Either KxError a, g)
generalizeRSAWithRNG (Left e, g) = (Left (RSAError e), g)
generalizeRSAWithRNG (Right x, g) = (Right x, g)
kxEncrypt :: CPRG g => g -> PublicKey -> ByteString -> (Either KxError ByteString, g)
kxEncrypt g (PubKeyRSA pk) b = generalizeRSAWithRNG $ RSA.encrypt g pk b
kxEncrypt g _ _ = (Left KxUnsupported, g)
kxDecrypt :: CPRG g => g -> PrivateKey -> ByteString -> (Either KxError ByteString, g)
kxDecrypt g (PrivKeyRSA pk) b = generalizeRSAWithRNG $ RSA.decryptSafer g pk b
kxDecrypt g _ _ = (Left KxUnsupported, g)
kxVerify :: PublicKey -> HashDescr -> ByteString -> ByteString -> Bool
kxVerify (PubKeyRSA pk) hashDescr msg sign = RSA.verify hashDescr pk msg sign
kxVerify (PubKeyDSA pk) hashDescr msg signBS =
case signature of
Right (sig, []) -> DSA.verify (hashFunction hashDescr) pk sig msg
_ -> False
where signature = case decodeASN1' BER signBS of
Left err -> Left (show err)
Right asn1s -> fromASN1 asn1s
kxVerify _ _ _ _ = False
kxSign :: CPRG g => g -> PrivateKey -> HashDescr -> ByteString -> (Either KxError ByteString, g)
kxSign g (PrivKeyRSA pk) hashDescr msg =
generalizeRSAWithRNG $ RSA.signSafer g hashDescr pk msg
kxSign g (PrivKeyDSA pk) hashDescr msg =
let (sign, g') = DSA.sign g pk (hashFunction hashDescr) msg
in (Right $ encodeASN1' DER $ toASN1 sign [], g')