{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Potato.Flow.Types ( REltIdMap , ControllersWithId , controllerWithId_isParams , AttachmentMap -- DELETE , LayerPos , SuperSEltLabel , SEltLabelChanges , SEltLabelChangesWithLayerPos , LayerPosMap -- * controllers , CRename(..) , CLine(..) , CBoxText(..) , CBoxType(..) , CBoundingBox(..) , CTag(..) , CTextStyle(..) , CSuperStyle(..) , CLineStyle(..) , CTextAlign(..) , CMaybeText(..) , CTextArea(..) , CTextAreaToggle(..) , Controller -- * delta types , DeltaText , DeltaSuperStyle(..) , DeltaLineStyle(..) , DeltaTextStyle(..) , DeltaTextAlign(..) , DeltaMaybeText(..) , DeltaTextArea(..) , DeltaTextAreaToggle(..) -- * serialized types , SEltTree , SCanvas(..) , SPotatoFlow(..) ) where import Relude import Potato.Flow.Math import Potato.Flow.SElts import Control.Exception (assert) import Data.Aeson import Data.Binary import Data.Constraint.Extras.TH import Data.Default import qualified Data.Dependent.Sum as DS import qualified Data.IntSet as IS import Data.GADT.Compare.TH import Data.GADT.Show.TH import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Text.Show type LayerPos = Int type REltIdMap a = IM.IntMap a type SuperSEltLabel = (REltId, LayerPos, SEltLabel) type AttachmentMap = REltIdMap (IS.IntSet) -- key is target, value is set of things attaching to target -- TODO ugg, pretty sure this could just be SElt instead of SEltLabel type SEltLabelChanges = REltIdMap (Maybe SEltLabel) type SEltLabelChangesWithLayerPos = REltIdMap (Maybe (LayerPos, SEltLabel)) type LayerPosMap = REltIdMap LayerPos type SEltTree = [(REltId,SEltLabel)] data SCanvas = SCanvas { _sCanvas_box :: LBox } deriving (Eq, Generic) instance Show SCanvas where show s = "SCanvas " <> show (_sCanvas_box s) instance FromJSON SCanvas instance ToJSON SCanvas instance Binary SCanvas instance NFData SCanvas -- TODO serialize PFState instead data SPotatoFlow = SPotatoFlow { _sPotatoFlow_sCanvas :: SCanvas , _sPotatoFlow_sEltTree :: SEltTree } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance FromJSON SPotatoFlow instance ToJSON SPotatoFlow instance Binary SPotatoFlow instance NFData SPotatoFlow -- TODO DELETE ALL CONTROLLER STUFF -- | (old text, new text) type DeltaText = (Text,Text) {- -- TODO more efficient to do this with zippers prob? -- is there a way to make this more generic? instance Delta Text DeltaText where plusDelta s (b, a) = assert (b == s) a minusDelta s (b, a) = assert (a == s) b -} data DeltaTextAlign = DeltaTextAlign (TextAlign, TextAlign) deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance NFData DeltaTextAlign instance Delta TextAlign DeltaTextAlign where plusDelta ta (DeltaTextAlign d) = plusDelta ta d minusDelta ta (DeltaTextAlign d) = minusDelta ta d data DeltaSuperStyle = DeltaSuperStyle (SuperStyle, SuperStyle) deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance NFData DeltaSuperStyle instance Delta SuperStyle DeltaSuperStyle where plusDelta ss (DeltaSuperStyle d) = plusDelta ss d minusDelta ss (DeltaSuperStyle d) = minusDelta ss d data DeltaLineStyle = DeltaLineStyle (LineStyle, LineStyle) deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance NFData DeltaLineStyle instance Delta LineStyle DeltaLineStyle where plusDelta ss (DeltaLineStyle d) = plusDelta ss d minusDelta ss (DeltaLineStyle d) = minusDelta ss d data DeltaTextStyle = DeltaTextStyle (TextStyle, TextStyle) deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance NFData DeltaTextStyle instance Delta TextStyle DeltaTextStyle where plusDelta ts (DeltaTextStyle d) = plusDelta ts d minusDelta ts (DeltaTextStyle d) = minusDelta ts d data DeltaMaybeText = DeltaMaybeText (Maybe Text, Maybe Text) deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance NFData DeltaMaybeText instance Delta (Maybe Text) DeltaMaybeText where plusDelta mt (DeltaMaybeText d) = plusDelta mt d minusDelta mt (DeltaMaybeText d) = minusDelta mt d data DeltaTextArea = DeltaTextArea (Map XY (Maybe PChar, Maybe PChar)) deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance NFData DeltaTextArea instance Delta TextAreaMapping DeltaTextArea where plusDelta tam (DeltaTextArea m) = justs `Map.union` tam `Map.difference` empties where m' = fmap snd m justs = Map.mapMaybe id m' empties = Map.mapMaybe (\x -> if isNothing x then Just () else Nothing) m' minusDelta tam (DeltaTextArea m) = justs `Map.union` tam `Map.difference` empties where m' = fmap fst m justs = Map.mapMaybe id m' empties = Map.mapMaybe (\x -> if isNothing x then Just () else Nothing) m' -- TODO data DeltaTextAreaToggle = DeltaTextAreaToggle SElt deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance NFData DeltaTextAreaToggle instance Delta SElt DeltaTextAreaToggle where plusDelta s (DeltaTextAreaToggle s') = assert (s == s') $ undefined -- TODO minusDelta _ (DeltaTextAreaToggle s') = s' data CRename = CRename { _cRename_deltaLabel :: DeltaText } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance NFData CRename instance Delta SEltLabel CRename where plusDelta (SEltLabel name selt) CRename {..} = SEltLabel (plusDelta name _cRename_deltaLabel) selt minusDelta (SEltLabel name selt) CRename {..} = SEltLabel (minusDelta name _cRename_deltaLabel) selt data CLine = CLine { _cLine_deltaStart :: Maybe DeltaXY , _cLine_deltaEnd :: Maybe DeltaXY , _cLine_deltaAttachStart :: Maybe (Maybe Attachment, Maybe Attachment) , _cLine_deltaAttachEnd :: Maybe (Maybe Attachment, Maybe Attachment) } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance NFData CLine instance Default CLine where def = CLine Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing instance Delta SAutoLine CLine where plusDelta sline@SAutoLine {..} CLine {..} = sline { _sAutoLine_start = case _cLine_deltaStart of Nothing -> _sAutoLine_start Just d -> plusDelta _sAutoLine_start d , _sAutoLine_end = case _cLine_deltaEnd of Nothing -> _sAutoLine_end Just d -> plusDelta _sAutoLine_end d , _sAutoLine_attachStart = case _cLine_deltaAttachStart of Nothing -> _sAutoLine_attachStart Just d -> plusDelta _sAutoLine_attachStart d , _sAutoLine_attachEnd = case _cLine_deltaAttachEnd of Nothing -> _sAutoLine_attachEnd Just d -> plusDelta _sAutoLine_attachEnd d } minusDelta sline@SAutoLine {..} CLine {..} = sline { _sAutoLine_start = case _cLine_deltaStart of Nothing -> _sAutoLine_start Just d -> minusDelta _sAutoLine_start d , _sAutoLine_end = case _cLine_deltaEnd of Nothing -> _sAutoLine_end Just d -> minusDelta _sAutoLine_end d , _sAutoLine_attachStart = case _cLine_deltaAttachStart of Nothing -> _sAutoLine_attachStart Just d -> minusDelta _sAutoLine_attachStart d , _sAutoLine_attachEnd = case _cLine_deltaAttachEnd of Nothing -> _sAutoLine_attachEnd Just d -> minusDelta _sAutoLine_attachEnd d } data CBoxText = CBoxText { _cBoxText_deltaText :: DeltaText } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance NFData CBoxText instance Delta SBox CBoxText where plusDelta sbox@SBox {..} ctext = sbox { _sBox_text = plusDelta _sBox_text ctext } minusDelta sbox@SBox {..} ctext = sbox { _sBox_text = minusDelta _sBox_text ctext } instance Delta SBoxText CBoxText where plusDelta sboxtext@SBoxText {..} CBoxText {..} = sboxtext { _sBoxText_text = plusDelta _sBoxText_text _cBoxText_deltaText } minusDelta sboxtext@SBoxText {..} CBoxText {..} = sboxtext { _sBoxText_text = minusDelta _sBoxText_text _cBoxText_deltaText } data CBoxType = CBoxType (SBoxType, SBoxType) deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance NFData CBoxType instance Delta SBox CBoxType where plusDelta sbox@SBox {..} (CBoxType deltatype) = sbox { _sBox_boxType = plusDelta _sBox_boxType deltatype } minusDelta sbox@SBox {..} (CBoxType deltatype) = sbox { _sBox_boxType = minusDelta _sBox_boxType deltatype } data CBoundingBox = CBoundingBox { _cBoundingBox_deltaBox :: DeltaLBox } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance NFData CBoundingBox data CSuperStyle = CSuperStyle DeltaSuperStyle deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance NFData CSuperStyle data CLineStyle = CLineStyle DeltaLineStyle deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance NFData CLineStyle data CTextStyle = CTextStyle DeltaTextStyle deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance NFData CTextStyle data CTextAlign = CTextAlign DeltaTextAlign deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance NFData CTextAlign data CMaybeText = CMaybeText DeltaMaybeText deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance NFData CMaybeText data CTextArea = CTextArea DeltaTextArea deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance NFData CTextArea data CTextAreaToggle = CTextAreaToggle DeltaTextAreaToggle deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance NFData CTextAreaToggle -- NOTE, in some previous (very flawed) design, these were fanned out in a Reflex event hence the `DSum CTag` thing -- we don't do this anymore, but DSum is still a nice alternative to using an ADT so we keep it. data CTag a where CTagRename :: CTag CRename CTagLine :: CTag CLine CTagBoxText :: CTag CBoxText CTagBoxType :: CTag CBoxType CTagBoxTextStyle :: CTag CTextStyle CTagBoxLabelAlignment :: CTag CTextAlign CTagBoxLabelText :: CTag CMaybeText CTagTextArea :: CTag CTextArea -- TODO DELETE ME, replaced by Llama, you never finished implementing me anyways CTagTextAreaToggle :: CTag CTextAreaToggle CTagSuperStyle :: CTag CSuperStyle CTagLineStyle :: CTag CLineStyle CTagBoundingBox :: CTag CBoundingBox deriveGEq ''CTag deriveGCompare ''CTag deriveGShow ''CTag deriveArgDict ''CTag -- | Controllers represent changes to SElts type Controller = DS.DSum CTag Identity instance NFData Controller where rnf (CTagRename DS.:=> Identity a) = rnf a rnf (CTagLine DS.:=> Identity a) = rnf a rnf (CTagBoxText DS.:=> Identity a) = rnf a rnf (CTagBoxType DS.:=> Identity a) = rnf a rnf (CTagBoundingBox DS.:=> Identity a) = rnf a rnf (CTagSuperStyle DS.:=> Identity a) = rnf a rnf (CTagLineStyle DS.:=> Identity a) = rnf a rnf (CTagBoxTextStyle DS.:=> Identity a) = rnf a rnf (CTagBoxLabelAlignment DS.:=> Identity a) = rnf a rnf (CTagBoxLabelText DS.:=> Identity a) = rnf a rnf (CTagTextArea DS.:=> Identity a) = rnf a rnf (CTagTextAreaToggle DS.:=> Identity a) = rnf a -- | indexed my REltId type ControllersWithId = IntMap Controller controller_isParams :: Controller -> Bool controller_isParams (CTagBoxType DS.:=> Identity _) = True controller_isParams (CTagSuperStyle DS.:=> Identity _) = True controller_isParams (CTagLineStyle DS.:=> Identity _) = True controller_isParams (CTagBoxTextStyle DS.:=> Identity _) = True controller_isParams (CTagBoxLabelAlignment DS.:=> Identity _) = True controller_isParams _ = False controllerWithId_isParams :: ControllersWithId -> Bool controllerWithId_isParams = all controller_isParams