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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module System.Logger.Settings
    ( Settings
    , Level      (..)
    , Output     (..)
    , DateFormat (..)

    , defSettings
    , output
    , setOutput
    , format
    , setFormat
    , bufSize
    , setBufSize
    , delimiter
    , setDelimiter
    , netstrings
    , setNetStrings
    , logLevel
    , setLogLevel
    , name
    , setName
    , nameMsg
    , iso8601UTC
    ) where

import Data.String
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack)
import Data.Text (Text)
import System.Log.FastLogger (defaultBufSize)
import System.Logger.Message

data Settings = Settings
    { _logLevel   :: !Level      -- ^ messages below this log level will be suppressed
    , _output     :: !Output     -- ^ log sink
    , _format     :: !DateFormat -- ^ the timestamp format (use \"\" to disable timestamps)
    , _delimiter  :: !ByteString -- ^ text to intersperse between fields of a log line
    , _netstrings :: !Bool       -- ^ use <http://cr.yp.to/proto/netstrings.txt netstrings> encoding (fixes delimiter to \",\")
    , _bufSize    :: !Int        -- ^ how many bytes to buffer before commiting to sink
    , _name       :: !Text       -- ^ logger name
    , _nameMsg    :: Msg -> Msg

output :: Settings -> Output
output = _output

setOutput :: Output -> Settings -> Settings
setOutput x s = s { _output = x }

format :: Settings -> DateFormat
format = _format

setFormat :: DateFormat -> Settings -> Settings
setFormat x s = s { _format = x }

bufSize :: Settings -> Int
bufSize = _bufSize

setBufSize :: Int -> Settings -> Settings
setBufSize x s = s { _bufSize = max 1 x }

delimiter :: Settings -> ByteString
delimiter = _delimiter

setDelimiter :: ByteString -> Settings -> Settings
setDelimiter x s = s { _delimiter = x }

netstrings :: Settings -> Bool
netstrings = _netstrings

setNetStrings :: Bool -> Settings -> Settings
setNetStrings x s = s { _netstrings = x }

logLevel :: Settings -> Level
logLevel = _logLevel

setLogLevel :: Level -> Settings -> Settings
setLogLevel x s = s { _logLevel = x }

name :: Settings -> Text
name = _name

setName :: Text -> Settings -> Settings
setName "" s = s { _name = "", _nameMsg = id }
setName xs s = s { _name = xs, _nameMsg = "logger" .= xs }

nameMsg :: Settings -> (Msg -> Msg)
nameMsg = _nameMsg

data Level
    = Trace
    | Debug
    | Info
    | Warn
    | Error
    | Fatal
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

data Output
    = StdOut
    | StdErr
    | Path FilePath
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

newtype DateFormat = DateFormat
    { template :: ByteString
    } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

instance IsString DateFormat where
    fromString = DateFormat . pack

-- | ISO 8601 date-time format.
iso8601UTC :: DateFormat
iso8601UTC = "%Y-%0m-%0dT%0H:%0M:%0SZ"

-- | Default settings:
--   * 'logLevel'   = 'Debug'
--   * 'output'     = 'StdOut'
--   * 'format'     = 'iso8601UTC'
--   * 'delimiter'  = \", \"
--   * 'netstrings' = False
--   * 'bufSize'    = 'FL.defaultBufSize'
--   * 'name'       = \"\"
defSettings :: Settings
defSettings = Settings Debug StdOut iso8601UTC ", " False defaultBufSize "" id