{-| Module : Data.Tile Description : Tile/lonlat conversion utilities for slippy maps. Copyright : (c) Joe Canero, 2017 License : BSD3 Maintainer : jmc41493@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX This module provides types and functions for manipulating tiles, latitude/longitude pairs, and pixels. See the associated README.md for basic usage examples. -} module Data.Tile ( -- * Types Z(..) , X(..) , Y(..) , Tile(..) , Lng(..) , Lat(..) , LngLat(..) , Px(..) , Py(..) , Pixel(..) , BoxOrigin(..) , TileBounds(..) -- * Functions -- ** Tile functionality , maxTileIndex , maxTilesInDimension , maxPixelsInDimension , flipY , subTiles , parentTile , mkTile -- ** Conversions -- *** To Pixel , tileToPixel , lngLatToPixel -- *** To Tile , pixelToTile , lngLatToTile -- *** To LngLat , pixelToLngLat , tileToLngLat -- *** To TileBounds , tileToBounds ) where import Data.Bifunctor import Data.Bits -- | Newtype wrapper around map zoom level. newtype Z = Z Int deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- | Newtype wrapper around a tile's x-coordinate. newtype X = X Int deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- | Newtype wrapper around a tile's y-coordinate. newtype Y = Y Int deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- | Newtype wrapper around a triple of 'Z', 'X', and 'Y' representing -- a single tile in a map's tile system. newtype Tile = Tile (Z, X, Y) deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- | Newtype wrapper around longitude. newtype Lng = Lng Double deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) instance Bounded Lng where minBound = Lng (-180.0) maxBound = Lng 180.0 -- | Newtype wrapper around latitude. newtype Lat = Lat Double deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) instance Bounded Lat where minBound = Lat (-90.0) maxBound = Lat 90.0 -- | Newtype wrapper around a tuple of 'Lng' and 'Lat' representing -- a WGS84 latitude and longitude on the map. newtype LngLat = LngLat (Lng, Lat) deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- | Newtype wrapper around a pixel's x-coordinate newtype Px = Px Int deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- | Newtype wrapper around a pixel's y-coordinate newtype Py = Py Int deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- | Newtype wrapper around a tuple of 'Px' and 'Py' representing -- a single pixel. newtype Pixel = Pixel (Px, Py) deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) -- | Datatype representing the origin point of a bounding box. data BoxOrigin = SW -- ^ Indicates that the origin is in the southwest corner of the bbox, and the -- second point is in the northeast corner of the bbox. | NW -- ^ Indicates that the origin is in the northwest corner of the bbox, and the -- second point is in the southeast corner of the bbox. deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Datatype representing the bounds of a tile as a 'BoxOrigin' and two 'LngLat' values. data TileBounds = TileBounds BoxOrigin LngLat LngLat deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Get the maximum index a tile can have along a given dimension, x or y. maxTileIndex :: Z -> Int maxTileIndex z = maxTilesInDimension z - 1 -- | Get the numbers of tiles in a given dimension, x or y, at the specified -- map zoom level. maxTilesInDimension :: Z -> Int maxTilesInDimension (Z z) = 1 `shift` z -- | Get the number of pixels in a given dimension, x or y, assuming -- a tile is 256x256px. maxPixelsInDimension :: Z -> Int maxPixelsInDimension = (256 *) . maxTilesInDimension -- | Smart constructor for tiles. Validates that -- the 'X' and 'Y' values are valid for the value of 'Z'. mkTile :: Z -> X -> Y -> Maybe Tile mkTile zv@(Z z) xv@(X x) yv@(Y y) | 0 <= x && x <= tileMax && 0 <= y && y <= tileMax = Just $ Tile (zv, xv, yv) | otherwise = Nothing where tileMax = maxTileIndex zv -- | Convert a 'Tile' to a 'Pixel' assuming -- a tile size of 256x256px. tileToPixel :: Tile -> Pixel tileToPixel (Tile (Z z, X x, Y y)) = Pixel (Px $ 256 * x, Py $ 256 * y) -- | Convert a 'LngLat' into a 'Pixel'. lngLatToPixel :: Z -> LngLat -> Pixel lngLatToPixel z (LngLat (lng, lat)) = let (Lng lng') = clipBounded lng (Lat lat') = clipBounded lat x = (lng' + 180.0) / 360.0 sinlat = sin (lat' * pi / 180.0) y = 0.5 - log ((1 + sinlat) / (1 - sinlat)) / (4 * pi) px = floor $ min (maxPixels - 1) $ max 0 (x * maxPixels + 0.5) py = floor $ min (maxPixels - 1) $ max 0 (y * maxPixels + 0.5) in Pixel (Px px, Py py) where maxPixels = fromIntegral $ maxPixelsInDimension z -- | Convert a 'Pixel' into a 'Tile' assuming -- a tile size of 256x256px. pixelToTile :: Z -> Pixel -> Tile pixelToTile z (Pixel (Px px, Py py)) = Tile (z, X $ px `div` 256, Y $ py `div` 256) -- | Convert a 'LngLat' into a 'Tile'. lngLatToTile :: Z -> LngLat -> Tile lngLatToTile z = pixelToTile z . lngLatToPixel z -- | Convert a 'Pixel' into a 'LngLat' assuming -- map resolution as defined at the equator. pixelToLngLat :: Z -> Pixel -> LngLat pixelToLngLat z p = let x' = fromIntegral x / fromIntegral maxPx - 0.5 y' = 0.5 - fromIntegral y / fromIntegral maxPx lng = 360 * x' lat = 90 - 360 * atan (exp ((-y') * 2 * pi)) / pi in LngLat (Lng lng, Lat lat) where (Pixel (Px x, Py y)) = clip z p maxPx = maxPixelsInDimension z -- | Convert a 'Tile' into a 'LngLat'. tileToLngLat :: Tile -> LngLat tileToLngLat t@(Tile (z, _, _)) = pixelToLngLat z $ tileToPixel t -- | Convert a 'Tile' into a 'TileBounds' value representing -- the bounding box of that tile. tileToBounds :: BoxOrigin -> Tile -> TileBounds tileToBounds SW t@(Tile (z, X x, Y y)) = TileBounds SW (tileToLngLat (Tile (z, X x, Y $ y + 1))) (tileToLngLat (Tile (z, X $ x + 1, Y y))) tileToBounds NW t@(Tile (z, X x, Y y)) = TileBounds NW (tileToLngLat (Tile (z, X x, Y y))) (tileToLngLat (Tile (z, X $ x + 1, Y $ y + 1))) -- | Given a 'Tile', return a list of its four subtiles. subTiles :: Tile -> [Tile] subTiles (Tile (Z z, X x, Y y)) = [Tile (Z $ z + 1, X $ 2 * x + i, Y $ 2 * y + j) | i <- [0..1], j <- [0..1]] -- | Given a 'Tile', return its parent 'Tile', if it has one. parentTile :: Tile -> Maybe Tile parentTile (Tile (Z z, X x, Y y)) | z == 0 = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ Tile (Z $ z - 1, X $ x `div` 2, Y $ y `div` 2) -- | Given a 'Tile', flip its y-coordinate according to the rules of TMS. flipY :: Tile -> Tile flipY (Tile (z, x, Y y)) = Tile (z, x, Y $ maxTileIndex z - y) clip :: Z -> Pixel -> Pixel clip z (Pixel (Px x, Py y)) = Pixel $ bimap (Px . clip' pixels) (Py . clip' pixels) (x, y) where clip' mx = min mx . max 0 pixels = maxPixelsInDimension z clipBounded :: (Bounded a, Ord a) => a -> a clipBounded = max minBound . min maxBound