Name: tie-knot Version: 0.2 Synopsis: "Ties the knot" on a given set of structures that reference each other by keys. Description: "Ties the knot" on a given set of structures that reference each other by keys - replaces the keys with their respective values. Takes @Map k (v k)@ and converts into @Map k v'@ where @v'@ is the fixed point of @v@. See the homepage for examples. Category: Data Structures, Recursion License: LGPL License-file: COPYING.LESSER Author: Petr Pudlák Copyright: (c) 2012 Petr Pudlák Maintainer: Petr Pudlák Build-Type: Simple Cabal-Version: >=1.6 Stability: Experimental Homepage: Bug-reports: Source-repository head type: git location: git:// Library Build-Depends: base == 4.*, recursion-schemes == 3.*, containers >= 0.4, mtl >= 2 Exposed-Modules: Data.Knot hs-source-dirs: src -- ghc-options: -O2