module Sound.Tidal.MIDI.Output where

import qualified Sound.PortMidi as PM

import Sound.Tidal.MIDI.Device

import Data.Time (getCurrentTime, UTCTime, diffUTCTime)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC

import Numeric

import Sound.OSC.FD

import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent.MVar

import Data.Bits
import Data.Char
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord (comparing)

import Control.Concurrent
import Foreign.C

import qualified Sound.Tidal.MIDI.Control as C

import Sound.Tidal.Pattern
import Sound.Tidal.Parse
import Sound.Tidal.Tempo
import qualified Sound.Tidal.Stream as S (stream, name, params)

import System.IO.Error

data Output = Output {
                       conn :: PM.PMStream,
                       lock :: MVar (),
                       offset :: (Int, Int),
                       buffer :: MVar [PM.PMEvent]

messageLoop stream shape ch port = do
  putStrLn ("Starting message loop on port " ++ show port ++ " for MIDI channel " ++ show ch)
  x <- udpServer "" port

  forkIO $ loop stream x ch
    where loop stream x ch = do m <- recvMessage x
                                act stream m ch
                                loop stream x ch
          act stream (Just (Message "/note" (sec:usec:note:dur:vel:ctrls))) ch =
                let diff = timeDiff (sec, usec) (offset stream)
                    note' = (fromJust $ d_get note) :: Int
                    vel' = (fromJust $ d_get vel) :: Float
                    dur' = (fromJust $ d_get dur) :: Float
                    ctrls' = (map (fromJust . d_get) ctrls) :: [Float]

                -- mTime <- PM.time
                -- putStrLn ("MIDI in: " ++ (show (diff - mTime)))
                sendmidi stream shape ch (fromIntegral note', fromIntegral $ C.mapRange (0, 127) (realToFrac vel'), realToFrac dur') (diff) ctrls'
makeStream shape port = "" port shape

keyproxy latency deviceName targets = do
  let keyStreams = map (\(shape, channel) -> makeStream (C.toOscShape shape) (channel + 7303)) targets
  deviceID <- getIDForDeviceName deviceName
  case deviceID of
    Nothing -> do putStrLn "List of Available Device Names"
                  putStrLn =<< displayOutputDevices
                  error ("Device '" ++ show deviceName ++ "' not found")
    Just id -> do econn <- outputDevice id latency
                  case econn of
                       Right err -> error ("Failed opening MIDI Output on Device ID: " ++ show deviceID ++ " - " ++ show err)
                       Left conn -> do
                         sendevents conn
                         midiclock conn
                         mapM_ (\(shape,channel) -> messageLoop conn shape (fromIntegral channel) (channel + 7303)) targets
                         return keyStreams

midiclock stream = do
  forkIO $ do clockedTick 1 $ onClockTick stream

onClockTick stream current ticks = do
  -- schedule MIDI Clock Ticks ahead of time to avoid jumps in timing
  -- e.g. if one tick per cycle
  -- schedule 24 ticks ahead of time starting now with PM.time and incrementing each timestamp by ((1/cycle per seconds)/24)*1000 for ms for each tick
  time <- PM.time
  mapM_ (makeMidiClockTick stream) (map ((+time).round.(/(24*(cps current))).(*1000)) [0..23])
  return ()

sendevents stream = do
  forkIO $ do loop stream
    where loop stream = do act stream
                           loop stream
          act stream = do
            let buf = buffer stream
                o = conn stream
            buf' <- tryTakeMVar buf
            case buf' of
              Nothing ->  do
                return Nothing
              Just [] -> do
                putMVar buf []
                return Nothing
              (Just evts@(x:xs)) -> do
                midiTime <- PM.time
                let evts' = sortBy (comparing PM.timestamp) evts
                    nextTick = fromIntegral $ midiTime + 1 -- advance on millisecond, i.e. the next call of this loop
                    (evts'',later) = span (\x -> (((PM.timestamp x) < midiTime)) || ((PM.timestamp x) < nextTick)) evts'
                putMVar buf later

                err <- PM.writeEvents o evts''
                case err of
                  PM.NoError -> return Nothing
                  e -> return $ Just (userError ("Error '" ++ show e ++ "' sending Events: " ++ show evts))

          delay = threadDelay 1000 -- in microseconds, i.e. one millisecond

sendctrls stream shape ch t ctrls = do
  let ctrls' = filter ((>=0) . snd) (zip (C.toKeynames shape) ctrls)
  sequence_ $ map (\(name, ctrl) -> makeCtrl stream ch (C.paramN shape name) ctrl t) ctrls'
  return ()

sendnote stream shape ch (note,vel, dur) t =
  do forkIO $ do noteOn stream ch note vel t
                 noteOff stream ch note (t + (floor $ 1000 * dur))
                 return ()

sendmidi stream shape ch (128,vel,dur) t ctrls = do
  sendctrls stream shape ch t ctrls
  return ()
sendmidi stream shape ch (note,vel,dur) t ctrls = do
  sendnote stream shape ch (note,vel,dur) t
  sendctrls stream shape ch t ctrls
  return ()

timeDiff (ds, du) (s, u) = diff d i
    where diff a b = floor ((a - b) * 1000) -- as millis
          d = asFrac jds jdu
          i = asFrac s u
          jds = (fromJust $ d_get ds) :: Int
          jdu = (fromJust $ d_get du) :: Int
          asFrac a b = (fromIntegral a) + ((fromIntegral b) * 0.000001)

-- MIDI Utils
encodeChannel ch cc = (((-) ch 1) .|. cc)

-- MIDI Messages
noteOn o ch val vel t = do
  let evt = makeEvent 0x90 val ch vel t
  sendEvent o evt

noteOff o ch val t = do
  let evt = makeEvent 0x80 val ch 60 t
  sendEvent o evt

makeCtrl o ch (C.CC {C.midi=midi, C.range=range, C.scalef=f}) n t = makeCC o ch (fromIntegral midi) scaledN t
  where scaledN = fromIntegral (f range (n))
makeCtrl o ch (C.NRPN {C.midi=midi, C.range=range, C.scalef=f}) n t = makeNRPN o ch (fromIntegral midi) scaledN t
  where scaledN = fromIntegral $ (f range (n))
makeCtrl o ch (C.SysEx {C.midi=midi, C.range=range, C.scalef=f}) n t = makeSysEx o ch (fromIntegral midi) scaledN t
  where scaledN = fromIntegral $ (f range (n))

-- This is sending CC
makeCC o ch c n t = do
  let evt = makeEvent 0xB0 c ch n t
  sendEvent o evt

-- This is sending NRPN
makeNRPN o ch c n t = do
  let nrpn = makeEvent 0xB0
      evts = [nrpn 0x63 ch (shift (c .&. 0x3F80) (-7)) t,
              nrpn 0x62 ch (c .&. 0x7F) t,
              nrpn 0x06 ch (shift (n .&. 0x3F80) (-7)) t,
              nrpn 0x26 ch (n .&. 0x7F) t
  mapM (sendEvent o) evts
  return Nothing

makeMidiClockTick o t = do
  sendEvent o $ PM.PMEvent (PM.PMMsg 0xF8 0x00 0x00) t

makeSysEx o ch c n t = do
  let bytes = [0xF0, -- SysEx Start
               0x3E, -- Vendor ID
               0x13, -- Equipment ID
               0x00, -- Device No.
               0x20, -- Message ID
               0x00, -- Location
               shift (c .&. 0x3F80) (-7), -- Parameter Index high byte
               (c .&. 0x7F), -- Parameter Index low byte
               n, -- Parameter Value
               0xF7 -- End of SysEx

      msg = B.pack $ bytes

  sendSysEx o t (BC.unpack msg)

-- PortMIDI Wrapper

outputDevice deviceID latency = do
  now <- getCurrentTime
  result <- PM.openOutput deviceID latency
  case result of
    Left dev ->
        info <- PM.getDeviceInfo deviceID
        putStrLn ("Opened: " ++ show (PM.interface info) ++ ": " ++ show ( info))
        sem <- newEmptyMVar
        putMVar sem () -- initially fill MVar to be taken by the first user of this output
        buffer <- newMVar []

        midiOffset <- PM.time

        let posixNow = realToFrac $ utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds now
            syncedNow = posixNow - ((0.001*) $ fromIntegral midiOffset)
            sec = floor syncedNow
            usec = floor $ 1000000 * (syncedNow - (realToFrac sec))
        return (Left Output { conn=dev, lock=sem, offset=(sec, usec), buffer=buffer })
    Right err -> return (Right err)

makeEvent st n ch v t = PM.PMEvent msg (t)
  where msg = PM.PMMsg (encodeChannel ch st) (n) (v)

sendSysEx o t msg = do
  let sem = lock o
  takeMVar sem
  err <- PM.writeSysEx (conn o) t msg
  putMVar sem ()
  return Nothing

-- now with a semaphore since PortMIDI is NOT thread safe
sendEvent o evt = do
  let sem = lock o
      buf = buffer o
  cbuf <- takeMVar buf
  putMVar buf (cbuf ++ [evt])
  return Nothing