module Sound.Tidal.Tempo where
import Data.Time (getCurrentTime, UTCTime, NominalDiffTime, diffUTCTime, addUTCTime)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Monad (forM_, forever, void)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, maybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Data.Unique
import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Safe (readNote)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import qualified System.IO.Error as Error
import GHC.Conc.Sync (ThreadId)
import Sound.OSC.FD
import Sound.Tidal.Utils
data Tempo = Tempo {at :: UTCTime, beat :: Double, cps :: Double, paused :: Bool, clockLatency :: Double}
type ClientState = [TConnection]
data TConnection = TConnection Unique WS.Connection
wsConn :: TConnection -> WS.Connection
wsConn (TConnection _ c) = c
instance Eq TConnection where
TConnection a _ == TConnection b _ = a == b
instance Show Tempo where
show x = show (at x) ++ "," ++ show (beat x) ++ "," ++ show (cps x) ++ "," ++ show (paused x) ++ "," ++ (show $ clockLatency x)
getLatency :: IO Double
getLatency =
maybe 0.04 (readNote "latency parse") <$> lookupEnv "TIDAL_CLOCK_LATENCY"
getClockIp :: IO String
getClockIp = fromMaybe "" <$> lookupEnv "TIDAL_TEMPO_IP"
getServerPort :: IO Int
getServerPort =
maybe 9160 (readNote "port parse") <$> lookupEnv "TIDAL_TEMPO_PORT"
readTempo :: String -> Tempo
readTempo x = Tempo (read a) (read b) (read c) (read d) (read e)
where (a:b:c:d:e:_) = wordsBy (== ',') x
logicalTime :: Tempo -> Double -> Double
logicalTime t b = changeT + timeDelta
where beatDelta = b (beat t)
timeDelta = beatDelta / (cps t)
changeT = realToFrac $ utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds $ at t
tempoMVar :: IO (MVar (Tempo))
tempoMVar = do now <- getCurrentTime
l <- getLatency
mv <- newMVar (Tempo now 0 0.5 False l)
forkIO $ clocked $ f mv
return mv
where f mv change _ = do swapMVar mv change
return ()
beatNow :: Tempo -> IO (Double)
beatNow t = do now <- getCurrentTime
let delta = realToFrac $ diffUTCTime now (at t)
let beatDelta = cps t * delta
return $ beat t + beatDelta
clientApp :: MVar Tempo -> MVar Double -> MVar Double -> WS.ClientApp ()
clientApp mTempo mCps mNudge conn = do
liftIO $ forkIO $ sendCps conn mTempo mCps
liftIO $ forkIO $ sendNudge conn mTempo mNudge
forever loop
loop = do
msg <- WS.receiveData conn
let s = T.unpack msg
let tempo = readTempo $ s
old <- liftIO $ tryTakeMVar mTempo
liftIO $ putMVar mTempo tempo
sendTempo :: WS.Connection -> Tempo -> IO ()
sendTempo conn t = WS.sendTextData conn (T.pack $ show t)
sendCps :: WS.Connection -> MVar Tempo -> MVar Double -> IO ()
sendCps conn mTempo mCps = forever $ do
cps <- takeMVar mCps
t <- readMVar mTempo
t' <- updateTempo t cps
sendTempo conn t'
sendNudge :: WS.Connection -> MVar Tempo -> MVar Double -> IO ()
sendNudge conn mTempo mNudge = forever $ do
secs <- takeMVar mNudge
t <- readMVar mTempo
sendTempo conn $ nudgeTempo t secs
connectClient :: Bool -> String -> MVar Tempo -> MVar Double -> MVar Double -> IO ()
connectClient secondTry ip mTempo mCps mNudge = do
let errMsg = "Failed to connect to tidal server. Try specifying a " ++
"different port (default is 9160) setting the " ++
"environment variable TIDAL_TEMPO_PORT"
serverPort <- getServerPort
WS.runClient ip serverPort "/tempo" (clientApp mTempo mCps mNudge) `E.catch`
\(_ :: E.SomeException) -> do
case secondTry of
True -> error errMsg
_ -> do
res <- E.try (void startServer)
case res of
Left (_ :: E.SomeException) -> error errMsg
Right _ -> do
threadDelay 500000
connectClient True ip mTempo mCps mNudge
runClient :: IO ((MVar Tempo, MVar Double, MVar Double))
runClient =
do clockip <- getClockIp
mTempo <- newEmptyMVar
mCps <- newEmptyMVar
mNudge <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO $ connectClient False clockip mTempo mCps mNudge
return (mTempo, mCps, mNudge)
cpsUtils' :: IO ((Double -> IO (), (Double -> IO ()), IO Rational))
cpsUtils' = do (mTempo, mCps, mNudge) <- runClient
let cpsSetter = putMVar mCps
nudger = putMVar mNudge
currentTime = do tempo <- readMVar mTempo
now <- beatNow tempo
return $ toRational now
return (cpsSetter, nudger, currentTime)
cpsUtils = do (cpsSetter, _, currentTime) <- cpsUtils'
return (cpsSetter, currentTime)
bpsUtils :: IO ((Double -> IO (), IO (Rational)))
bpsUtils = cpsUtils
cpsSetter :: IO (Double -> IO ())
cpsSetter = do (f, _) <- cpsUtils
return f
clocked :: (Tempo -> Int -> IO ()) -> IO ()
clocked = clockedTick 1
clockedTick :: Int -> (Tempo -> Int -> IO ()) -> IO ()
clockedTick tpb callback =
do (mTempo, _, mCps) <- runClient
t <- readMVar mTempo
now <- getCurrentTime
let delta = realToFrac $ diffUTCTime now (at t)
beatDelta = cps t * delta
nowBeat = beat t + beatDelta
nextTick = ceiling (nowBeat * (fromIntegral tpb))
loop mTempo nextTick
where loop mTempo tick =
do tempo <- readMVar mTempo
tick' <- doTick tempo tick
loop mTempo tick'
doTick tempo tick | paused tempo =
do let pause = 0.01
threadDelay $ floor (pause * 1000000)
return $ if cps tempo < 0 then 0 else tick
| otherwise =
do now <- getCurrentTime
let tps = (fromIntegral tpb) * cps tempo
delta = realToFrac $ diffUTCTime now (at tempo)
actualTick = ((fromIntegral tpb) * beat tempo) + (tps * delta)
tickDelta = min 2 $ (fromIntegral tick) actualTick
delay = tickDelta / tps
threadDelay $ floor (delay * 1000000)
callback tempo tick
let newTick | (abs $ (floor actualTick) tick) > 4 = floor actualTick
| otherwise = tick + 1
return $ newTick
updateTempo :: Tempo -> Double -> IO (Tempo)
updateTempo t cps'
| paused t == True && cps' > 0 =
do now <- getCurrentTime
return $ t {at = addUTCTime (realToFrac $ clockLatency t) now, cps = cps', paused = False}
| otherwise =
do now <- getCurrentTime
let delta = realToFrac $ diffUTCTime now (at t)
beat' = (beat t) + ((cps t) * delta)
beat'' = if cps' < 0 then 0 else beat'
return $ t {at = now, beat = beat'', cps = cps', paused = (cps' <= 0)}
nudgeTempo :: Tempo -> Double -> Tempo
nudgeTempo t secs = t {at = addUTCTime (realToFrac secs) (at t)}
removeClient :: TConnection -> ClientState -> ClientState
removeClient client = filter (/= client)
broadcast :: Text -> ClientState -> IO ()
broadcast message clients = do
forM_ clients $ \conn -> WS.sendTextData (wsConn conn) $ message
startServer :: IO (ThreadId)
startServer = do
serverPort <- getServerPort
start <- getCurrentTime
l <- getLatency
tempoState <- newMVar (Tempo start 0 1 False l)
clientState <- newMVar []
liftIO $ oscBridge clientState
forkIO $ WS.runServer "" serverPort $ serverApp tempoState clientState
serverApp :: MVar Tempo -> MVar ClientState -> WS.ServerApp
serverApp tempoState clientState pending = do
conn <- TConnection <$> newUnique <*> WS.acceptRequest pending
tempo <- liftIO $ readMVar tempoState
liftIO $ WS.sendTextData (wsConn conn) $ T.pack $ show tempo
clients <- liftIO $ readMVar clientState
liftIO $ modifyMVar_ clientState $ return . (conn:)
serverLoop conn tempoState clientState
oscBridge :: MVar ClientState -> IO ()
oscBridge clientState =
osc <- liftIO $ udpServer "" 6060
_ <- forkIO $ loop osc
return ()
where loop osc =
do b <- recvBundle osc
let timestamp = addUTCTime (realToFrac $ ntpr_to_ut $ bundleTime b) ut_epoch
msg = head $ bundleMessages b
tick = datum_floating $ (messageDatum msg) !! 0
tempo = datum_floating $ (messageDatum msg) !! 1
address = messageAddress msg
act address timestamp tick tempo
loop osc
act "/sync" timestamp (Just tick) (Just tempo)
= do
let t = Tempo {at = timestamp, beat = tick, cps = tempo,
paused = False,
clockLatency = 0
msg = T.pack $ show t
clients <- readMVar clientState
broadcast msg clients
return ()
act _ _ _ _ = return ()
serverLoop :: TConnection -> MVar Tempo -> MVar ClientState -> IO ()
serverLoop conn _tempoState clientState = E.handle catchDisconnect $
forever $ do
msg <- WS.receiveData $ wsConn conn
liftIO $ readMVar clientState >>= broadcast msg
catchDisconnect e = case E.fromException e of
Just WS.ConnectionClosed -> liftIO $ modifyMVar_ clientState $ \s -> do
let s' = removeClient conn s
return s'
_ -> return ()