{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

module Data.Thyme.Format.Human
    ( humanTimeDiff
    , humanTimeDiffs
    , humanRelTime
    , humanRelTimes
    ) where

import Prelude
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens hiding (singular)
import Control.Monad
import Data.AdditiveGroup
import Data.AffineSpace
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Thyme.Internal.Micro
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Thyme.Clock.Internal
import Data.Thyme.TH
import Data.VectorSpace

data Unit = Unit
    { unit :: Micro
    , singular :: ShowS
    , plural :: ShowS
thymeLenses ''Unit

-- | Display 'DiffTime' or 'NominalDiffTime' in a human-readable form.
{-# INLINE humanTimeDiff #-}
humanTimeDiff :: (TimeDiff d) => d -> String
humanTimeDiff d = humanTimeDiffs d ""

-- | Display 'DiffTime' or 'NominalDiffTime' in a human-readable form.
{-# ANN humanTimeDiffs "HLint: ignore Use fromMaybe" #-}
humanTimeDiffs :: (TimeDiff d) => d -> ShowS
humanTimeDiffs td = (if signed < 0 then (:) '-' else id) . diff where
    signed@(Micro . abs -> us) = td ^. microseconds
    diff = maybe id id . getFirst . fold $
        zipWith (approx us . unit) (tail units) units

-- | Display one 'UTCTime' relative to another, in a human-readable form.
{-# INLINE humanRelTime #-}
humanRelTime :: UTCTime -> UTCTime -> String
humanRelTime ref time = humanRelTimes ref time ""

-- | Display one 'UTCTime' relative to another, in a human-readable form.
humanRelTimes :: UTCTime -> UTCTime -> ShowS
humanRelTimes ref time = thence $ humanTimeDiffs diff where
    (diff, thence) = case compare delta zeroV of
        LT -> (negateV delta, ((++) "in " .))
        EQ -> (zeroV, const $ (++) "right now")
        GT -> (delta, (. (++) " ago"))
        where delta = time .-. ref

approx :: Micro -> Micro -> Unit -> First ShowS
approx us next Unit {..} = First $
        shows n . inflection <$ guard (us < next) where
    n = fst $ microQuotRem (us ^+^ half) unit where
        half = Micro . fst $ microQuotRem unit (Micro 2)
    inflection = if n == 1 then singular else plural

units :: [Unit]
units = scanl (&)
    (Unit (Micro 1) (" microsecond" ++) (" microseconds" ++))
    [ times "millisecond"   1000
    , times "second"        1000
    , times "minute"        60
    , times "hour"          60
    , times "day"           24
    , times "week"          7
    , times "month"         (30.4368 / 7)
    , times "year"          12
    , times "decade"        10
    , times "century"       10 >>> set _plural (" centuries" ++)
    , times "millennium"    10 >>> set _plural (" millennia" ++)
    , const (Unit maxBound id id) -- upper bound needed for humanTimeDiffs.diff
    ] where
    times :: String -> Rational -> Unit -> Unit
    times ((++) . (:) ' ' -> singular) r Unit {unit}
        = Unit {unit = r *^ unit, plural = singular . (:) 's', ..}