{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

-- | This module provides compatibility wrappers for the things that @thyme@
-- does differently from @time@, and allows it to be used as a drop-in
-- replacement for the latter, with the exceptions noted below:
--   * When constructing an 'UTCTime' or 'UniversalTime', use 'mkUTCTime' or
--   'mkModJulianDate' in place of @UTCTime@ or @ModJulianDate@.
--   * Instead of pattern matching on @UTCTime@, use 'unUTCTime' to get
--   a 'UTCView', which has a constructor @UTCTime@ with the same fields.
--   For @ModJulianDate@, use 'getModJulianDate'. @ViewPatterns@ may make
--   the transition more seamless.
--   * Where a third party library uses @time@, you can use 'toThyme' and
--   'fromThyme' to convert between the corresponding types.
--   * 'Year's are 'Int's, not 'Integer's: you may need 'fromIntegral'.
-- You shouldn't need to use @lens@ or @vector-space@ if you don't want to.
-- Anything else is probably not intentional, and you should either contact
-- me via IRC or file an issue at <https://github.com/liyang/thyme/issues>.

module Data.Thyme.Time
    ( module Data.Thyme
    , module Data.Thyme.Time
    ) where

import Control.Lens
import Data.AffineSpace
import Data.Int
import Data.Micro
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Thyme
import Data.Thyme.Calendar.OrdinalDate
import Data.Thyme.Calendar.MonthDay
import Data.Thyme.Calendar.WeekDate
import Data.Thyme.Clock.Internal
import Data.Thyme.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Thyme.Clock.TAI
import qualified Data.Time.Calendar as T
import qualified Data.Time.Clock as T
import qualified Data.Time.Clock.TAI as T
import qualified Data.Time.LocalTime as T

-- * Type conversion

class Thyme a b | b -> a where
    thyme :: Iso' a b

instance Thyme T.Day Day where
    {-# INLINE thyme #-}
    thyme = iso
        (ModifiedJulianDay . fromInteger . T.toModifiedJulianDay)
        (T.ModifiedJulianDay . fromIntegral . toModifiedJulianDay)

instance Thyme T.UniversalTime UniversalTime where
    {-# INLINE thyme #-}
    thyme = iso T.getModJulianDate T.ModJulianDate . from modJulianDate

instance Thyme T.DiffTime DiffTime where
    {-# INLINE thyme #-}
    thyme = iso (round . (*) 1000000)
        (T.picosecondsToDiffTime . (*) 1000000 . toInteger) . microDiffTime

instance Thyme T.UTCTime UTCView where
    {-# INLINE thyme #-}
    thyme = iso
        (\ (T.UTCTime d t) -> UTCTime (view thyme d) (view thyme t))
        (\ (UTCTime d t) -> T.UTCTime (review thyme d) (review thyme t))

instance Thyme T.UTCTime UTCTime where
    {-# INLINE thyme #-}
    thyme = thyme . from utcTime

instance Thyme T.NominalDiffTime NominalDiffTime where
    {-# INLINE thyme #-}
    thyme = iso (round . (*) 1000000) -- no picosecondsToNominalDiffTime D:
        (fromRational . (% 1000000) . toInteger) . microNominalDiffTime

instance Thyme T.AbsoluteTime AbsoluteTime where
    {-# INLINE thyme #-}
    thyme = iso (`T.diffAbsoluteTime` T.taiEpoch)
            (`T.addAbsoluteTime` T.taiEpoch)
        . thyme . iso (taiEpoch .+^) (.-. taiEpoch)

instance Thyme T.TimeZone TimeZone where
    {-# INLINE thyme #-}
    thyme = id

instance Thyme T.TimeOfDay TimeOfDay where
    {-# INLINE thyme #-}
    thyme = iso ( \ (T.TimeOfDay h m s) -> TimeOfDay h m
            . view microDiffTime . round $ s * 1000000 )
        ( \ (TimeOfDay h m s) -> T.TimeOfDay h m . fromRational
            . (% 1000000) . toInteger $ review microDiffTime s )

instance Thyme T.LocalTime LocalTime where
    {-# INLINE thyme #-}
    thyme = iso
        (\ (T.LocalTime d t) -> LocalTime (view thyme d) (view thyme t))
        (\ (LocalTime d t) -> T.LocalTime (review thyme d) (review thyme t))

instance Thyme T.ZonedTime ZonedTime where
    {-# INLINE thyme #-}
    thyme = iso
        (\ (T.ZonedTime t z) -> ZonedTime (view thyme t) (view thyme z))
        (\ (ZonedTime t z) -> T.ZonedTime (review thyme t) (review thyme z))

{-# INLINE toThyme #-}
toThyme :: (Thyme a b) => a -> b
toThyme = view thyme

{-# INLINE fromThyme #-}
fromThyme :: (Thyme a b) => b -> a
fromThyme = review thyme

-- * @Data.Time.Calendar@

{-# INLINE addDays #-}
addDays :: Days -> Day -> Day
addDays = flip (.+^)

{-# INLINE diffDays #-}
diffDays :: Day -> Day -> Days
diffDays = (.-.)

{-# INLINE toGregorian #-}
toGregorian :: Day -> (Year, Month, DayOfMonth)
toGregorian (view gregorian -> YearMonthDay y m d) = (y, m, d)

{-# INLINE fromGregorian #-}
fromGregorian :: Year -> Month -> DayOfMonth -> Day
fromGregorian y m d = review gregorian (YearMonthDay y m d)

{-# INLINE fromGregorianValid #-}
fromGregorianValid :: Year -> Month -> DayOfMonth -> Maybe Day
fromGregorianValid y m d = gregorianValid (YearMonthDay y m d)

{-# INLINE addGregorianMonthsClip #-}
addGregorianMonthsClip :: Months -> Day -> Day
addGregorianMonthsClip n = review gregorian
    . gregorianMonthsClip n . view gregorian

{-# INLINE addGregorianMonthsRollover #-}
addGregorianMonthsRollover :: Months -> Day -> Day
addGregorianMonthsRollover n = review gregorian
    . gregorianMonthsRollover n . view gregorian

{-# INLINE addGregorianYearsClip #-}
addGregorianYearsClip :: Years -> Day -> Day
addGregorianYearsClip n = review gregorian
    . gregorianYearsClip n . view gregorian

{-# INLINE addGregorianYearsRollover #-}
addGregorianYearsRollover :: Years -> Day -> Day
addGregorianYearsRollover n = review gregorian
    . gregorianYearsRollover n . view gregorian

-- * @Data.Time.Calendar.MonthDay@

{-# INLINE dayOfYearToMonthAndDay #-}
dayOfYearToMonthAndDay :: Bool -> DayOfYear -> (Month, DayOfMonth)
dayOfYearToMonthAndDay leap (view (monthDay leap) -> MonthDay m d) = (m, d)

{-# INLINE monthAndDayToDayOfYear #-}
monthAndDayToDayOfYear :: Bool -> Month -> DayOfMonth -> DayOfYear
monthAndDayToDayOfYear leap m d = review (monthDay leap) (MonthDay m d)

{-# INLINE monthAndDayToDayOfYearValid #-}
monthAndDayToDayOfYearValid :: Bool -> Month -> DayOfMonth -> Maybe DayOfYear
monthAndDayToDayOfYearValid leap m d = monthDayValid leap (MonthDay m d)

-- * @Data.Time.Calendar.OrdinalDate@

{-# INLINE toOrdinalDate #-}
toOrdinalDate :: Day -> (Year, DayOfYear)
toOrdinalDate (view ordinalDate -> OrdinalDate y d) = (y, d)

{-# INLINE fromOrdinalDate #-}
fromOrdinalDate :: Year -> DayOfYear -> Day
fromOrdinalDate y d = review ordinalDate (OrdinalDate y d)

{-# INLINE fromOrdinalDateValid #-}
fromOrdinalDateValid :: Year -> DayOfYear -> Maybe Day
fromOrdinalDateValid y d = ordinalDateValid (OrdinalDate y d)

{-# INLINE sundayStartWeek #-}
sundayStartWeek :: Day -> (Year, WeekOfYear, DayOfWeek)
sundayStartWeek (view sundayWeek -> SundayWeek y w d) = (y, w, d)

{-# INLINE fromSundayStartWeek #-}
fromSundayStartWeek :: Year -> WeekOfYear -> DayOfWeek -> Day
fromSundayStartWeek y w d = review sundayWeek (SundayWeek y w d)

{-# INLINE fromSundayStartWeekValid #-}
fromSundayStartWeekValid :: Year -> WeekOfYear -> DayOfWeek -> Maybe Day
fromSundayStartWeekValid y w d = sundayWeekValid (SundayWeek y w d)

{-# INLINE mondayStartWeek #-}
mondayStartWeek :: Day -> (Year, WeekOfYear, DayOfWeek)
mondayStartWeek (view mondayWeek -> MondayWeek y w d) = (y, w, d)

{-# INLINE fromMondayStartWeek #-}
fromMondayStartWeek :: Year -> WeekOfYear -> DayOfWeek -> Day
fromMondayStartWeek y w d = review mondayWeek (MondayWeek y w d)

{-# INLINE fromMondayStartWeekValid #-}
fromMondayStartWeekValid :: Year -> WeekOfYear -> DayOfWeek -> Maybe Day
fromMondayStartWeekValid y w d = mondayWeekValid (MondayWeek y w d)

-- * @Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate@

{-# INLINE toWeekDate #-}
toWeekDate :: Day -> (Year, WeekOfYear, DayOfWeek)
toWeekDate (view weekDate -> WeekDate y w d) = (y, w, d)

{-# INLINE fromWeekDate #-}
fromWeekDate :: Year -> WeekOfYear -> DayOfWeek -> Day
fromWeekDate y w d = review weekDate (WeekDate y w d)

{-# INLINE fromWeekDateValid #-}
fromWeekDateValid :: Year -> WeekOfYear -> DayOfWeek -> Maybe Day
fromWeekDateValid y w d = weekDateValid (WeekDate y w d)

-- * @Data.Time.Clock@

{-# INLINE getModJulianDate #-}
getModJulianDate :: UniversalTime -> Rational
getModJulianDate = view modJulianDate

-- | Replacement for 'T.ModJulianDate'.
{-# INLINE mkModJulianDate #-}
mkModJulianDate :: Rational -> UniversalTime
mkModJulianDate = review modJulianDate

{-# INLINE secondsToDiffTime #-}
secondsToDiffTime :: Int64 -> DiffTime
secondsToDiffTime a = DiffTime (Micro $ a * 1000000)

{-# INLINE picosecondsToDiffTime #-}
picosecondsToDiffTime :: Int64 -> DiffTime
picosecondsToDiffTime a = DiffTime (Micro $ div (a + 500000) 1000000)

{-# INLINE mkUTCTime #-}
mkUTCTime :: Day -> DiffTime -> UTCTime
mkUTCTime d t = review utcTime (UTCTime d t)

{-# INLINE unUTCTime #-}
unUTCTime :: UTCTime -> UTCView
unUTCTime = view utcTime

{-# INLINE addUTCTime #-}
addUTCTime :: NominalDiffTime -> UTCTime -> UTCTime
addUTCTime = flip (.+^)

{-# INLINE diffUTCTime #-}
diffUTCTime :: UTCTime -> UTCTime -> NominalDiffTime
diffUTCTime = (.-.)

-- * @Data.Time.Clock.POSIX@

{-# INLINE posixSecondsToUTCTime #-}
posixSecondsToUTCTime :: POSIXTime -> UTCTime
posixSecondsToUTCTime = review posixTime

{-# INLINE utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds #-}
utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds :: UTCTime -> POSIXTime
utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds = view posixTime

-- * @Data.Time.Clock.TAI@

{-# INLINE addAbsoluteTime #-}
addAbsoluteTime :: DiffTime -> AbsoluteTime -> AbsoluteTime
addAbsoluteTime = flip (.+^)

{-# INLINE diffAbsoluteTime #-}
diffAbsoluteTime :: AbsoluteTime -> AbsoluteTime -> DiffTime
diffAbsoluteTime = (.-.)

{-# INLINE utcToTAITime #-}
utcToTAITime :: LeapSecondTable -> UTCTime -> AbsoluteTime
utcToTAITime = view . absoluteTime

{-# INLINE taiToUTCTime #-}
taiToUTCTime :: LeapSecondTable -> AbsoluteTime -> UTCTime
taiToUTCTime = review . absoluteTime

-- * @Data.Time.LocalTime@

{-# INLINE utcToLocalTimeOfDay #-}
utcToLocalTimeOfDay :: TimeZone -> TimeOfDay -> (Days, TimeOfDay)
utcToLocalTimeOfDay = addMinutes . timeZoneMinutes

{-# INLINE localToUTCTimeOfDay #-}
localToUTCTimeOfDay :: TimeZone -> TimeOfDay -> (Days, TimeOfDay)
localToUTCTimeOfDay = addMinutes . negate . timeZoneMinutes

{-# INLINE timeToTimeOfDay #-}
timeToTimeOfDay :: DiffTime -> TimeOfDay
timeToTimeOfDay = view timeOfDay

{-# INLINE timeOfDayToTime #-}
timeOfDayToTime :: TimeOfDay -> DiffTime
timeOfDayToTime = review timeOfDay

{-# INLINE dayFractionToTimeOfDay #-}
dayFractionToTimeOfDay :: Rational -> TimeOfDay
dayFractionToTimeOfDay = review dayFraction

{-# INLINE timeOfDayToDayFraction #-}
timeOfDayToDayFraction :: TimeOfDay -> Rational
timeOfDayToDayFraction = view dayFraction

{-# INLINE utcToLocalTime #-}
utcToLocalTime :: TimeZone -> UTCTime -> LocalTime
utcToLocalTime = view . utcLocalTime

{-# INLINE localTimeToUTC #-}
localTimeToUTC :: TimeZone -> LocalTime -> UTCTime
localTimeToUTC = review . utcLocalTime

{-# INLINE ut1ToLocalTime #-}
ut1ToLocalTime :: Rational -> UniversalTime -> LocalTime
ut1ToLocalTime = view . ut1LocalTime

{-# INLINE localTimeToUT1 #-}
localTimeToUT1 :: Rational -> LocalTime -> UniversalTime
localTimeToUT1 = review . ut1LocalTime

{-# INLINE utcToZonedTime #-}
utcToZonedTime :: TimeZone -> UTCTime -> ZonedTime
utcToZonedTime z t = view zonedTime (z, t)

{-# INLINE zonedTimeToUTC #-}
zonedTimeToUTC :: ZonedTime -> UTCTime
zonedTimeToUTC = snd . review zonedTime