, DeriveDataTypeable
           , NoImplicitPrelude
           , UnicodeSyntax
           , RankNTypes

-- |
-- Module     : Control.Concurrent.Thread.Group
-- Copyright  : (c) 2010-2012 Bas van Dijk & Roel van Dijk
-- License    : BSD3 (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Bas van Dijk <v.dijk.bas@gmail.com>
--            , Roel van Dijk <vandijk.roel@gmail.com>
-- This module extends @Control.Concurrent.Thread@ with the ability to wait for
-- a group of threads to terminate.
-- This module exports equivalently named functions from @Control.Concurrent@,
-- (@GHC.Conc@), and @Control.Concurrent.Thread@. Avoid ambiguities by importing
-- this module qualified. May we suggest:
-- @
-- import Control.Concurrent.Thread.Group ( ThreadGroup )
-- import qualified Control.Concurrent.Thread.Group as ThreadGroup ( ... )
-- @

module Control.Concurrent.Thread.Group
    ( ThreadGroup
    , new
    , nrOfRunning
    , wait

      -- * Forking threads
    , forkIO
    , forkOS
    , forkOn
    , forkIOWithUnmask
    , forkOnWithUnmask
    ) where

-- Imports

-- from base:
import qualified Control.Concurrent     ( forkIO
                                        , forkOS
                                        , forkOn
                                        , forkIOWithUnmask
                                        , forkOnWithUnmask
import Control.Concurrent               ( ThreadId )
import Control.Concurrent.MVar          ( newEmptyMVar, putMVar, readMVar )
import Control.Exception                ( try, mask )
import Control.Monad                    ( return, (>>=), when )
import Data.Function                    ( ($) )
import Data.Functor                     ( fmap )
import Data.Eq                          ( Eq )
import Data.Int                         ( Int )
import Data.Typeable                    ( Typeable )
import Prelude                          ( ($!), (+), subtract )
import System.IO                        ( IO )

-- from base-unicode-symbols:
import Data.Eq.Unicode                  ( () )
import Data.Function.Unicode            ( () )

-- from stm:
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar      ( TVar, newTVarIO, readTVar, writeTVar )
import Control.Concurrent.STM           ( STM, atomically, retry )

-- from threads:
import Control.Concurrent.Thread        ( Result )

#ifdef __HADDOCK__
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Thread as Thread ( forkIO
                                                     , forkOS
                                                     , forkOn
                                                     , forkIOWithUnmask
                                                     , forkOnWithUnmask

-- * Thread groups

{-| A @ThreadGroup@ can be understood as a counter which counts the number of
threads that were added to the group minus the ones that have terminated.

More formally a @ThreadGroup@ has the following semantics:

* 'new' initializes the counter to 0.

* Forking a thread increments the counter.

* When a forked thread terminates, whether normally or by raising an exception,
  the counter is decremented.

* 'nrOfRunning' yields a transaction that returns the counter.

* 'wait' blocks as long as the counter is not 0.
newtype ThreadGroup = ThreadGroup (TVar Int) deriving (Eq, Typeable)

-- | Create an empty group of threads.
new  IO ThreadGroup
new = fmap ThreadGroup $ newTVarIO 0

{-| Yield a transaction that returns the number of running threads in the

Note that because this function yields a 'STM' computation, the returned number
is guaranteed to be consistent inside the transaction.
nrOfRunning  ThreadGroup  STM Int
nrOfRunning (ThreadGroup numThreadsTV) = readTVar numThreadsTV

-- | Convenience function which blocks until all threads, that were added to the
-- group have terminated.
wait  ThreadGroup  IO ()
wait tg = atomically $ nrOfRunning tg >>= \n  when (n  0) retry

-- * Forking threads

-- | Same as @Control.Concurrent.Thread.'Thread.forkIO'@ but additionaly adds
-- the thread to the group.
forkIO  ThreadGroup  IO α  IO (ThreadId, IO (Result α))
forkIO = fork Control.Concurrent.forkIO

-- | Same as @Control.Concurrent.Thread.'Thread.forkOS'@ but additionaly adds
-- the thread to the group.
forkOS  ThreadGroup  IO α  IO (ThreadId, IO (Result α))
forkOS = fork Control.Concurrent.forkOS

-- | Same as @Control.Concurrent.Thread.'Thread.forkOn'@ but
-- additionaly adds the thread to the group.
forkOn  Int  ThreadGroup  IO α  IO (ThreadId, IO (Result α))
forkOn = fork  Control.Concurrent.forkOn

-- | Same as @Control.Concurrent.Thread.'Thread.forkIOWithUnmask'@ but
-- additionaly adds the thread to the group.
forkIOWithUnmask  ThreadGroup  (( β. IO β  IO β)  IO α)  IO (ThreadId, IO (Result α))
forkIOWithUnmask = forkWithUnmask Control.Concurrent.forkIOWithUnmask

-- | Like @Control.Concurrent.Thread.'Thread.forkOnWithUnmask'@ but
-- additionaly adds the thread to the group.
forkOnWithUnmask  Int  ThreadGroup  (( β. IO β  IO β)  IO α)  IO (ThreadId, IO (Result α))
forkOnWithUnmask = forkWithUnmask  Control.Concurrent.forkOnWithUnmask

-- Utils

fork  (IO ()  IO ThreadId)  ThreadGroup  IO α  IO (ThreadId, IO (Result α))
fork doFork (ThreadGroup numThreadsTV) a = do
  res  newEmptyMVar
  tid  mask $ \restore  do
    atomically $ modifyTVar numThreadsTV (+ 1)
    doFork $ do
      try (restore a) >>= putMVar res
      atomically $ modifyTVar numThreadsTV (subtract 1)
  return (tid, readMVar res)

forkWithUnmask  ((( β. IO β  IO β)  IO ())  IO ThreadId)
                ThreadGroup  (( β. IO β  IO β)  IO α)  IO (ThreadId, IO (Result α))
forkWithUnmask doForkWithUnmask = \(ThreadGroup numThreadsTV) f  do
  res  newEmptyMVar
  tid  mask $ \restore  do
    atomically $ modifyTVar numThreadsTV (+ 1)
    doForkWithUnmask $ \unmask  do
      try (restore $ f unmask) >>= putMVar res
      atomically $ modifyTVar numThreadsTV (subtract 1)
  return (tid, readMVar res)

-- | Strictly modify the contents of a 'TVar'.
modifyTVar  TVar α  (α  α)  STM ()
modifyTVar tv f = readTVar tv >>= writeTVar tv ! f

-- | Strict function composition
(!)  (β  γ)  (α  β)  (α  γ)
f ! g = \x  f $! g x