{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

-- |
-- The module Data.Thorn.Fold.
module Data.Thorn.Fold (
    -- * Folding and Unfolding
    -- $fold
    unfixdata, autofold, autofoldtype, autofolddec, autounfold, autounfoldtype, autounfolddec
    -- ** Mutual Recursion
  , unfixdataMutual, autofoldMutual, autofoldtypeMutual, autofolddecMutual, autounfoldMutual, autounfoldtypeMutual, autounfolddecMutual
    -- ** Helper Function
  , modifynameUf
    -- ** Primitive Functions
  , autoin, autoout, autohylo
  , autoinMutual, autooutMutual, autohyloMutual

    -- * Examples
    -- ** Basic
    -- $basic

    -- ** Mutual Recursion
    -- $mutual
    ) where

import Data.Thorn.Internal
import Data.Thorn.Functor
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Data.List
import Control.Applicative

{- $fold
    Thorn generates folds and unfolds from various kinds of recursive datatypes, including mutually recursive ones.

{- $basic

It's a piece of cake.

Note tht @foldlist@ is analogous with 'foldr' and @unfoldlist@ with 'unfoldr'.

> data List a = Nil | a :* (List a) deriving Show
> unfixdata [t|List|] "UfList" modifynameUf [''Show]
> -- data UfList a self = UfNil | a :&* self deriving Show
> autofolddec "foldlist" [t|UfList|] [t|List|]
> autounfolddec "unfoldlist" [t|UfList|] [t|List|]
> fib :: List Int
> fib = unfoldlist go (0,1)
>       -- 1 :* (1 :* (2 :* (3 :* (5 :* (8 :* (13 :* Nil))))))
>     where go :: (Int,Int) -> UfList Int (Int,Int)
>           go (a,b)
>             | b > 20 = UfNil
>             | otherwise = b :&* (b,a+b)
> fibsum :: Int
> fibsum = foldlist add fib
>          -- 33
>     where add :: UfList Int Int -> Int
>           add UfNil = 0
>           add (m :&* n) = m+n
> normalfib :: [Int]
> normalfib = foldlist go fib
>             -- [1,1,2,3,5,8,13]
>     where go :: UfList a [a] -> [a]
>           go UfNil = []
>           go (a :&* as) = a:as


{- $mutual

It also works for mutual recursion.

It's just an extension of simple recursion. Take it easy.

> data Rose x = x :-< (Forest x) deriving Show
> data Forest x = F [Rose x] deriving Show
> unfixdataMutual [([t|Rose|],"UfRose",modifynameUf,[''Show]), ([t|Forest|],"UfForest",modifynameUf,[''Show])]
> -- data UfRose x rose forest = x :&-< forest deriving Show
> -- data UfForest x rose forest = UfF [rose] deriving Show
> autofolddecMutual "foldrose" [([t|UfRose|],[t|Rose|]),([t|UfForest|],[t|Forest|])] 0
> -- foldrose :: (UfRose x a b -> a) -> (UfForest x a b -> b) -> Rose x -> a
> -- foldrose = ...
> autounfolddecMutual "unfoldrose" [([t|UfRose|],[t|Rose|]),([t|UfForest|],[t|Forest|])] 0
> -- unfoldrose :: (a -> UfRose x a b) -> (b -> UfForest x a b) -> a -> Rose x
> -- unfoldrose = ...
> rose :: Rose Int
> rose = unfoldrose gorose goforest 0
>        -- 0 :-< F [1 :-< F [3 :-< F [],4 :-< F []],2 :-< F [5 :-< F [],6 :-< F []]]
>     where gorose :: Int -> UfRose Int Int Int
>           gorose n
>             | n > 2 = n :&-< (-1)
>             | otherwise = n :&-< n
>           goforest :: Int -> UfForest Int Int Int
>           goforest (-1) = UfF []
>           goforest n = UfF [n*2+1,n*2+2]
> showrose :: Show x => Rose x -> String
> showrose = unlines . foldrose gorose goforest
>     where gorose :: Show x => UfRose x [String] [String] -> [String]
>           gorose (x :&-< ls) = [show x] ++ ls
>           goforest :: UfForest x [String] [String] -> [String]
>           goforest (UfF []) = []
>           goforest (UfF lss) = concatMap hang (init lss) ++ hang' (last lss)
>           hang ls = ["|"] ++ ["+--" ++ head ls] ++ map ("|  "++) (tail ls)
>           hang' ls = ["|"] ++ ["+--" ++ head ls] ++ map ("   "++) (tail ls)
> shownrose :: String
> shownrose = showrose rose
> -- 0
> -- |
> -- +--1
> -- |  |
> -- |  +--3
> -- |  |
> -- |  +--4
> -- |
> -- +--2
> --    |
> --    +--5
> --    |
> --    +--6


-- |
-- Use this function to designate how to convert the name of data constructors for 'unfixdata'.
-- > modifynameUf "Hello" == "UfHello"
-- > modifynameUf ":***" == ":&***"
-- Note that
-- @'modifynameUf' == 'modifyname' (\"Uf\",\"\") (\"&\",\"\")@
modifynameUf :: String -> String
modifynameUf = modifyname ("Uf","") ("&","")

-- |
-- @unfixdata t n f ds@ provides a declaration of a nonrecursive datatype whose fixpoint is the recursive type @t@, with a deriving declaration with names @ds@.
unfixdata ::
    TypeQ -- ^ @t@, recursive datatype
 -> String -- ^ @s@, name of the datatype to be declared
 -> (String -> String) -- ^ @f@, how to convert the name of data constructors
 -> [Name] -- ^ @ds@, derivings
 -> DecsQ -- ^ declaration of a nonrecursive datatype whose fixpoint is @t@
unfixdata t s f ds = unfixdataMutual [(t,s,f,ds)]

autoin ::
    TypeQ -- ^ @u@, nonrecursive datatype
 -> TypeQ -- ^ @t@, fixpoint of @u@
 -> ExpQ -- ^ function with a type @u x0 .. xn t -> t x0 .. xn@
autoin u t = autoinMutual [(u,t)] 0

autoout ::
    TypeQ -- ^ @u@, nonrecursive datatype
 -> TypeQ -- ^ @t@, fixpoint of @u@
 -> ExpQ -- ^ function with a type @t x0 .. xn -> u x0 .. xn t@
autoout u t = autooutMutual [(u,t)] 0

autohylo ::
    TypeQ -- ^ @u@, nonrecursive datatype
 -> ExpQ -- ^ function with a type @(a -> u x0 .. xn a) -> (u x0 .. xn b -> b) -> (a -> b)@
autohylo u = autohyloMutual [u] 0

-- |
-- @autofold u t@ provides a fold for the recursive type @t@.
autofold ::
    TypeQ -- ^ @u@, nonrecursive datatype
 -> TypeQ -- ^ @t@, fixpoint of @u@
 -> ExpQ -- ^ fold with a type @(u x0 .. xn a -> a) -> (t x0 .. xn -> a)@
autofold u t = autofoldMutual [(u,t)] 0

-- |
-- @autofoldtype u t@ provides the type of @$('autofold' u t)@, that is, @(u x0 .. xn a -> a) -> (t x0 .. xn -> a)@.
autofoldtype :: TypeQ -> TypeQ -> TypeQ
autofoldtype u t = autofoldtypeMutual [(u,t)] 0

-- |
-- @autofolddec s u t@ provides a declaration of a fold for the recursive type @t@ with the name @s@, with a type signature.
autofolddec :: String -> TypeQ -> TypeQ -> DecsQ
autofolddec = gendec2 autofold autofoldtype

-- |
-- @autounfold u t@ provides an unfold for the recursive type @t@.
autounfold ::
    TypeQ -- ^ @u@, nonrecursive datatype
 -> TypeQ -- ^ @t@, fixpoint of @u@
 -> ExpQ -- ^ unfold with a type @(a -> u x0 .. xn a) -> (a -> t x0 .. xn)@
autounfold u t = do
    e <- autounfoldMutual [(u,t)] 0
    return e

-- |
-- @autounfoldtype u t@ provides the type of @$('autounfold' u t)@, that is, @(a -> u x0 .. xn a) -> (a -> t x0 .. xn)@.
autounfoldtype :: TypeQ -> TypeQ -> TypeQ
autounfoldtype u t = autounfoldtypeMutual [(u,t)] 0

-- |
-- @autounfolddec s u t@ provides a declaration of an unfold for the recursive type @t@ with the name @s@, with a type signature.
autounfolddec :: String -> TypeQ -> TypeQ -> DecsQ
autounfolddec = gendec2 autounfold autounfoldtype

-- |
-- Mutually recursive version of 'unfixdata'. Note that
-- @'unfixdata' t s f ds = 'unfixdataMutual' [(t,s,f,ds)]@
unfixdataMutual ::
    [(TypeQ,String,String->String,[Name])] -- ^ @[(t0,s0,f0,ds0), ...]@; recursive datatype, name of the datatype to be declared, how to convert the name of data constructors, and derivings
 -> DecsQ -- ^ declarations of datatypes @u0, u1, u2, ...@, whose fixpoints are @t0, t1, t2, ...@ respectively
unfixdataMutual tsfdss = do
    tpls <- mapM (\(t,_,_,_) -> t >>= type2typex [] [] >>= applyFixed 0) tsfdss
    let nms = map (\(_, DataTx nm _ _) -> nm) tpls
        cxss = map (\(_, DataTx _ _ cxs) -> cxs) tpls
        ss = map (\(_,s,_,_) -> s) tsfdss
        fs = map (\(_,_,f,_) -> f) tsfdss
        dss = map (\(_,_,_,ds) -> ds) tsfdss
        l = length tpls
        (n,_) = head tpls
        modifytx (DataTx nm vmp cxs) = case elemIndex nm nms of
            Just k -> VarTx $ mkName ("self" ++ show k)
            Nothing -> DataTx nm (map (\(nm',tx) -> (nm',modifytx tx)) vmp) (map modifycx cxs)
        modifytx tx@(SeenDataTx nm _) = case elemIndex nm nms of
            Just k -> VarTx $ mkName ("self" ++ show k)
            Nothing -> tx
        modifytx (TupleTx txs) = TupleTx (map modifytx txs)
        modifytx (ArrowTx txa txb) = ArrowTx (modifytx txa) (modifytx txb)
        modifytx (ListTx tx) = ListTx (modifytx tx)
        modifytx tx = tx
        modifycx (nm,txs) = (nm,map modifytx txs)
        go f (nm,txs) = do
              ts' <- map ((,) NotStrict) <$> mapM (typex2type . modifytx) txs
              return $ NormalC (fixname f nm) ts'
        ho (nm,s,cns,ds) = DataD [] newnm (map var [0..n-1] ++ map self [0..l-1]) cns ds
            where newnm = if s=="" then fixname (modifyname ("Uf","") ("&","")) nm else mkName s
    cnss <- mapM (\(cxs,f) -> mapM (go f) cxs) (zip cxss fs)
    return $ map ho (zip4 nms ss cnss dss)
    where var i = PlainTV $ mkName ("t" ++ show i)
          self i = PlainTV $ mkName ("self" ++ show i)

-- |
-- Mutually recursive version of 'autoin'.
autoinMutual ::
    [(TypeQ,TypeQ)] -- ^ @[(u0,t0), .., (un,tn)]@; @ui@ is a nonrecursive datatype and @ti@ is a fixpoint of @ui@
 -> Int -- ^ @k@, index
 -> ExpQ -- ^ function with a type @uk x0 .. xm t0 .. tn -> tk x0 .. xm@
autoinMutual uts k = do
    cxsus <- mapM (\(u,_) -> u >>= type2typex [] [] >>= applyFixed 0 >>= return . getcxs . snd) uts
    cxsts <- mapM (\(_,t) -> t >>= type2typex [] [] >>= applyFixed 0 >>= return . getcxs . snd) uts
    let cxsu = cxsus !! k
        cxst = cxsts !! k
    u1 <- unique
    u2 <- unique
    let go ((nmu,txsu),(nmt,_)) = Match (ConP nmu (map newVarP [u2..u2+l-1])) (NormalB (applistE (ConE nmt) (map newVarE [u2..u2+l-1]))) []
            where l = length txsu
    return $ LamE [newVarP u1] (CaseE (newVarE u1) (map go (zip cxsu cxst)))
    where getcxs (DataTx _ _ cxs) = cxs
          getcxs _ = error "Thorn doesn't work well, sorry."

-- |
-- Mutually recursive version of 'autoout'.
autooutMutual ::
    [(TypeQ,TypeQ)] -- ^ @[(u0,t0), .., (un,tn)]@; @ui@ is a nonrecursive datatype and @ti@ is a fixpoint of @ui@
 -> Int -- ^ @k@, index
 -> ExpQ -- ^ function with a type @tk x0 .. xm -> uk x0 .. xm t0 .. tn@
autooutMutual uts k = do
    cxsus <- mapM (\(u,_) -> u >>= type2typex [] [] >>= applyFixed 0 >>= return . getcxs . snd) uts
    cxsts <- mapM (\(_,t) -> t >>= type2typex [] [] >>= applyFixed 0 >>= return . getcxs . snd) uts
    let cxsu = cxsus !! k
        cxst = cxsts !! k
    u1 <- unique
    u2 <- unique
    let go ((nmu,txsu),(nmt,_)) = Match (ConP nmt (map newVarP [u2..u2+l-1])) (NormalB (applistE (ConE nmu) (map newVarE [u2..u2+l-1]))) []
            where l = length txsu
    return $ LamE [newVarP u1] (CaseE (newVarE u1) (map go (zip cxsu cxst)))
    where getcxs (DataTx _ _ cxs) = cxs
          getcxs _ = error "Thorn doesn't work well, sorry."

-- |
-- Mutually recursive version of 'autohylo'.
autohyloMutual ::
    [TypeQ] -- ^ @[u0, .., un]@; @ui@ is a nonrecursive datatype
 -> Int -- ^ @k@, index
 -> ExpQ -- ^ function with a type @(a0 -> u0 x0 .. xm a0 .. an) -> .. -> (an -> un x0 .. xm a0 .. an) -> (u0 x0 .. xm b0 .. bn -> b0) -> .. -> (un x0 .. xm b0 .. bn -> bn) -> (ak -> bk)@
autohyloMutual us k = do
    ms <- mapM (\u -> u >>= type2typex [] [] >>= applyFixed 0 >>= \(m,DataTx _ _ _) -> return m) us
    fms <- mapM autofmap us
    u1 <- unique
    let n = length us
        m i = (ms !! i) - n
        f i = mkName ("f"++show (u1+i))
        g i = mkName ("g"++show (u1+i))
        x = newVar u1
        fm i = fms !! i
        hylo i = mkName ("hylo"++show i)
        hylodef i = ValD (VarP $ hylo i) (NormalB (LamE [VarP x] (
            AppE (VarE $ g i) (applistE (fm i) (replicate (m i) idE ++ map (VarE . hylo) [0..n-1] ++ [AppE (VarE $ f i) (VarE x)]))
            ))) []
    return $ LamE (map (VarP . f) [0..n-1] ++ map (VarP . g) [0..n-1]) (LetE (map hylodef [0..n-1]) (VarE $ hylo k))
        \f0 .. fn-1 g0 .. gn-1 ->
            let hylo0 = \x -> g0 (fm0 hylo0 .. hylon-1 (f1 x))
            in hylok

-- |
-- @autofoldMutual uts k@ provides a fold for the mutually recursive type @tk@.
autofoldMutual ::
    [(TypeQ,TypeQ)] -- ^ @[(u0,t0), .., (un,tn)]@; @ui@ is a nonrecursive datatype and @ti@ is a fixpoint of @ui@
 -> Int -- ^ @k@, index
 -> ExpQ -- ^ fold with a type @(u0 x0 .. xm a0 .. an -> a0) -> .. -> (un x0 .. xm a0 .. an -> an) -> (tk x0 .. xm -> ak)@
autofoldMutual uts k = do
    os <- mapM (autooutMutual uts) [0..n-1]
    h <- autohyloMutual (map fst uts) k
    return $ applistE h os
    where n = length uts

-- |
-- @autofoldtypeMutual uts k@ provides the type of @$('autofoldMutual' uts k)@, that is, @(u0 x0 .. xm a0 .. an -> a0) -> .. -> (un x0 .. xm a0 .. an -> an) -> (tk x0 .. xm -> ak)@.
autofoldtypeMutual :: [(TypeQ,TypeQ)] -> Int -> TypeQ
autofoldtypeMutual uts k = do
    mtxs <- mapM (\(_,t) -> t >>= type2typex [] [] >>= applyFixed 0) uts
    let n = length uts
        ms = map fst mtxs
        txs = map snd mtxs
    t <- typex2type $ txs !! k
    uxs <- mapM (\(m,(u,_)) -> u >>= type2typex [] [] >>= applyFixed' m 0) (zip ms uts)
    let f i = do
            uxa <- applistTx (uxs !! i) (map (VarTx . a) [0..n-1])
            typex2type (ArrowTx uxa (VarTx $ a i))
        a i = mkName ("a"++show i)
        x i = mkName ("t"++show i)
    fs <- mapM f [0..n-1]
    return $ ForallT (map (PlainTV . x) [0..ms!!k-1] ++ map (PlainTV . a) [0..n-1]) [] (
        foldr1 (\t1 t2 -> AppT (AppT ArrowT t1) t2) (fs ++ [t, VarT $ a k]))

-- |
-- @autofolddecMutual s uts k@ provides a declaration of a fold for the mutually recursive type @tk@ with the name @s@, with a type signature.
autofolddecMutual :: String -> [(TypeQ,TypeQ)] -> Int -> DecsQ
autofolddecMutual = gendec2 autofoldMutual autofoldtypeMutual

-- |
-- @autounfoldMutual uts k@ provides an unfold for the mutually recursive type @tk@.
autounfoldMutual ::
    [(TypeQ,TypeQ)] -- ^ @[(u0,t0), .., (un,tn)]@; @ui@ is a nonrecursive datatype and @ti@ is a fixpoint of @ui@
 -> Int -- ^ @k@, index
 -> ExpQ -- ^ unfold with a type @(a0 -> u0 x0 .. xm a0 .. an) -> .. -> (an -> un x0 .. xm a0 .. an) -> (ak -> tk x0 .. xm)@
autounfoldMutual uts k = do
    is <- mapM (autoinMutual uts) [0..n-1]
    h <- autohyloMutual (map fst uts) k
    u <- unique
    return $ LamE (map newFuncP [u..u+n-1]) (applistE h (map newFuncE [u..u+n-1]++is))
    where n = length uts

-- |
-- @autounfoldtypeMutual uts k@ provides the type of @$('autounfoldMutual' uts k)@, that is, @(a0 -> u0 x0 .. xm a0 .. an) -> .. -> (an -> un x0 .. xm a0 .. an) -> (ak -> tk x0 .. xm)@.
autounfoldtypeMutual :: [(TypeQ,TypeQ)] -> Int -> TypeQ
autounfoldtypeMutual uts k = do
    mtxs <- mapM (\(_,t) -> t >>= type2typex [] [] >>= applyFixed 0) uts
    let n = length uts
        ms = map fst mtxs
        txs = map snd mtxs
    t <- typex2type $ txs !! k
    uxs <- mapM (\(m,(u,_)) -> u >>= type2typex [] [] >>= applyFixed' m 0) (zip ms uts)
    let f i = do
            uxa <- applistTx (uxs !! i) (map (VarTx . a) [0..n-1])
            typex2type (ArrowTx (VarTx $ a i) uxa)
        a i = mkName ("a"++show i)
        x i = mkName ("t"++show i)
    fs <- mapM f [0..n-1]
    return $ ForallT (map (PlainTV . x) [0..ms!!k-1] ++ map (PlainTV . a) [0..n-1]) [] (
        foldr1 (\t1 t2 -> AppT (AppT ArrowT t1) t2) (fs ++ [VarT $ a k, t]))

-- |
-- @autounfolddecMutual s uts k@ provides a declaration of an unfold for the mutually recursive type @tk@ with the name @s@, with a type signature.
autounfolddecMutual :: String -> [(TypeQ,TypeQ)] -> Int -> DecsQ
autounfolddecMutual = gendec2 autounfoldMutual autounfoldtypeMutual