module TheatreDev.Actor ( Actor, -- * Acquisition spawnStatefulIndividual, spawnStatefulBatched, spawnStatelessIndividual, spawnStatelessBatched, -- * Control tell, kill, wait, -- * Composition firstAvailableOneOf, byKeyHashOneOf, allOf, ) where import TheatreDev.Prelude import TheatreDev.StmStructures.Runner (Runner) import TheatreDev.StmStructures.Runner qualified as Runner import TheatreDev.Tell (Tell) import TheatreDev.Tell qualified as Tell import TheatreDev.Wait qualified as Wait -- | -- Controls of an actor, which processes the messages of type @message@. -- The processing runs on a dedicated green thread. -- -- Provides abstraction over the message channel, thread-forking and killing. -- -- Monoid instance is not provided for the same reason it is not provided for numbers. -- This type supports both sum and product composition. See 'allOf', 'firstAvailableOneOf' and 'byKeyHashOneOf'. data Actor message = Actor { -- | Send a message to the actor. tell :: message -> STM (), -- | Kill the actor. kill :: STM (), -- | Wait for the actor to die due to error or being killed. wait :: STM (Maybe SomeException), -- | IDs of the constituent actors. -- Useful for debugging. ids :: [UUID] } instance Contravariant Actor where contramap fn (Actor tell kill wait ids) = Actor (tell . fn) kill wait ids instance Divisible Actor where conquer = Actor (const (return ())) (return ()) (return Nothing) [] divide divisor (Actor lTell lKill lWait lIds) (Actor rTell rKill rWait rIds) = Actor { tell = \msg -> case divisor msg of (lMsg, rMsg) -> lTell lMsg >> rTell rMsg, kill = lKill >> rKill, wait = Wait.both lWait rWait, ids = lIds <> rIds } instance Decidable Actor where lose fn = Actor (const (return ()) . absurd . fn) (return ()) (return Nothing) [] choose choice (Actor lTell lKill lWait lIds) (Actor rTell rKill rWait rIds) = Actor { tell = either lTell rTell . choice, kill = lKill >> rKill, wait = Wait.both lWait rWait, ids = lIds <> rIds } -- * Composition -- | Distribute the message stream across actors. -- The message gets delivered to the first available one. -- -- E.g., using this combinator in combination with 'replicateM' -- you can construct pools: -- -- > spawnPool :: Int -> IO (Actor message) -> IO (Actor message) -- > spawnPool size spawn = -- > firstAvailableOneOf <$> replicateM size spawn -- -- You can consider this being an interface to the Sum monoid. firstAvailableOneOf :: [Actor message] -> Actor message firstAvailableOneOf = tellComposition -- | -- Dispatch the message across actors based on a key hash. -- -- This lets you ensure of a property that messages with -- the same key will arrive to the same actor, -- letting you maintain a local associated state in the actors. -- -- The implementation applies a modulo equal to the amount -- of actors to the hash and thus determines the index -- of the actor to dispatch the message to. -- This is inspired by how partitioning is done in Kafka. byKeyHashOneOf :: -- | Function extracting the key from the message and hashing it. (message -> Int) -> -- | Pool of actors. [Actor message] -> Actor message byKeyHashOneOf = tellComposition . Tell.byKeyHashOneOf -- | Distribute the message stream to all provided actors. -- -- You can consider this being an interface to the Product monoid. allOf :: [Actor message] -> Actor message allOf = tellComposition Tell.all -- ** Helpers tellComposition :: ([Tell message] -> Tell message) -> [Actor message] -> Actor message tellComposition tellReducer actors = Actor { tell = tellReducer (fmap (.tell) actors), kill = traverse_ (.kill) actors, wait = Wait.all (fmap (.wait) actors), ids = foldMap (.ids) actors } fromRunner :: Runner a -> Actor a fromRunner runner = Actor { tell = Runner.tell runner, kill = Runner.kill runner, wait = Runner.wait runner, ids = [Runner.getId runner] } -- * Acquisition -- | Spawn an actor which processes messages in isolated executions. spawnStatelessIndividual :: -- | Clean up when killed or exception is thrown. IO () -> -- | Interpret a message. (message -> IO ()) -> -- | Fork a thread to run the handler loop on and produce a handle to control it. IO (Actor message) spawnStatelessIndividual cleaner interpreter = -- TODO: Optimize by reimplementing directly. spawnStatefulIndividual () (const cleaner) (const interpreter) -- | Spawn an actor which processes all available messages in one execution. spawnStatelessBatched :: -- | Clean up when killed or exception is thrown. IO () -> -- | Interpret a batch of messages. (NonEmpty message -> IO ()) -> -- | Fork a thread to run the handler loop on and produce a handle to control it. IO (Actor message) spawnStatelessBatched cleaner interpreter = -- TODO: Optimize by reimplementing directly. spawnStatefulBatched () (const cleaner) (const interpreter) -- | Spawn an actor which processes messages in isolated executions -- and threads state. spawnStatefulIndividual :: -- | Initial state. state -> -- | Clean up when killed or exception is thrown. (state -> IO ()) -> -- | Process a message and update state. (state -> message -> IO state) -> -- | Fork a thread to run the handler loop on and produce a handle to control it. IO (Actor message) spawnStatefulIndividual zero finalizer step = spawnStatefulBatched zero finalizer $ foldM step -- | Spawn an actor which processes all available messages in one execution -- and threads state. spawnStatefulBatched :: -- | Initial state. state -> -- | Clean up when killed or exception is thrown. (state -> IO ()) -> -- | Process a batch of messages and update state. (state -> NonEmpty message -> IO state) -> -- | Fork a thread to run the handler loop on and produce a handle to control it. IO (Actor message) spawnStatefulBatched zero finalizer step = do runner <- Runner.start forkIOWithUnmask $ \unmask -> let loop !state = do messages <- atomically $ Runner.receiveMultiple runner case messages of Just nonEmptyMessages -> do result <- try $ unmask $ step state nonEmptyMessages case result of Right newState -> loop newState Left exception -> finally (finalizer state) $ atomically $ Runner.releaseWithException runner exception -- Empty batch means that the runner is finished. Nothing -> finally (finalizer state) $ atomically $ Runner.releaseNormally runner in loop zero return $ fromRunner runner -- * Control -- | Add a message to the end of the queue of the -- messages to be processed by the provided actor. tell :: Actor message -> message -> IO () tell actor = atomically . actor.tell -- | Command the actor to stop registering new messages, -- process all the registered ones and execute the clean up action. -- -- This action executes immediately. -- If you want to block waiting for the actor to actually die, -- after 'kill' you can run 'wait'. kill :: Actor message -> IO () kill actor = atomically actor.kill -- | Block waiting for the actor to die either due to getting killed -- or due to its interpreter action throwing an exception. -- The exception will get rethrown here. wait :: Actor message -> IO () wait actor = atomically actor.wait >>= maybe (pure ()) throwIO