module TheatreDev.Daemon ( Daemon, -- * Acquisition Config (..), spawn, -- * Control kill, wait, ) where import TheatreDev.Prelude import TheatreDev.Wait qualified as Wait -- | Configuration of the daemon behaviour. data Config = forall state. Config { -- | Initial state of the daemon. initialState :: state, -- | Iteration action, updating the daemon's state. -- It gets executed in a loop, -- with checks of whether the daemon is still alive after each one. -- Killing the daemon will not interrupt the currently ongoing iteration, -- thus providing gracefulness guarantees. -- -- If an exception is thrown by this action, -- the iteration loop will stop, -- the 'cleanUp' action will get executed and -- in all place where 'wait' is called the exception will be rethrown. iterate :: state -> IO state, -- | Clean up after the iteration loop is stopped. -- You can use that to release resources or -- issue notifications about the daemon dying. cleanUp :: state -> IO () } -- | -- Think of an actor that does not process any messages and simply -- interrupts between each iteration to check whether it's still alive. data Daemon = Daemon { -- | Kill the daemon. kill :: STM (), -- | Wait for the daemon to die due to error or being killed. wait :: STM (Maybe SomeException) } instance Semigroup Daemon where left <> right = Daemon { kill = left.kill *> right.kill, wait = Wait.both left.wait right.wait } instance Monoid Daemon where mempty = Daemon { kill = return (), wait = return Nothing } mconcat daemons = Daemon { kill = traverse_ (.kill) daemons, wait = Wait.all (fmap (.wait) daemons) } -- | Fork a thread to run the daemon loop on -- returning immediately with a handle to control it. spawn :: Config -> IO Daemon spawn Config {..} = do iteratingVar <- newTVarIO True resultVar <- newEmptyTMVarIO forkIOWithUnmask $ \unmask -> let go !state = do iterating <- readTVarIO iteratingVar if iterating then do iterationAttemptResult <- try (unmask (iterate state)) case iterationAttemptResult of Right newState -> go newState Left exception -> do try @SomeException (unmask (cleanUp state)) atomically (putTMVar resultVar (Just exception)) else do cleanUpResult <- try @SomeException (unmask (cleanUp state)) case cleanUpResult of Right () -> atomically (putTMVar resultVar Nothing) Left exception -> atomically (putTMVar resultVar (Just exception)) in go initialState return Daemon { kill = writeTVar iteratingVar False, wait = readTMVar resultVar } where -- | Command the daemon to stop iterating, -- finish the ongoing iteration and execute the clean up action. -- -- This action executes immediately. -- If you want to block waiting for the daemon to actually die, -- after 'kill' you can run 'wait'. kill :: Daemon -> IO () kill daemon = atomically daemon.kill -- | Block waiting for the daemon to die either due to getting killed -- or due to its iterator action throwing an exception. -- The exception will get rethrown here. wait :: Daemon -> IO () wait daemon = atomically daemon.wait >>= maybe (pure ()) throwIO