{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-local-binds -Wno-unused-binds #-} module TheatreDev.StmBasedSpec (spec) where import Control.Concurrent.Async import Data.IntMap.Strict qualified as IntMap import Data.IntSet qualified as IntSet import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck import TheatreDev.StmBased qualified as Actor import TheatreDev.StmBasedSpec.IO qualified as IO import TheatreDev.StmBasedSpec.Preferences qualified as Preferences import Prelude spec :: Spec spec = do describe "kill" do describe "When full" do it "Does not" pending describe "kill" do describe "When full" do it "Blocks until a slot is freed up" pending describe "spawnStatefulBatched" do let spawnIntUpdater step = Actor.spawnStatefulBatched @Int 0 (const (return ())) step let spawnUnit step = Actor.spawnStatefulBatched () (const (return ())) step it "Works in batches" do acc <- newIORef [] actorLock <- newEmptyMVar emitterLock <- newEmptyMVar actor <- spawnUnit $ \_ messages -> do modifyIORef' acc (messages :) putMVar emitterLock () takeMVar actorLock Actor.tell actor 1 takeMVar emitterLock Actor.tell actor 2 Actor.tell actor 3 putMVar actorLock () takeMVar emitterLock Actor.tell actor 4 putMVar actorLock () takeMVar emitterLock Actor.kill actor collectedBatches <- reverse . fmap toList <$> readIORef acc shouldBe collectedBatches [[1], [2, 3], [4]] it "Threads the state" do let input = [0 .. 9] inputLength = length input resultsVar <- newTVarIO [] actor <- Actor.spawnStatefulBatched [] (const (return ())) $ \state msgs -> do let !newState = foldl' (flip (:)) state msgs atomically $ writeTVar resultsVar newState return newState traverse_ (Actor.tell actor) input results <- atomically $ do results <- readTVar resultsVar if length results < inputLength then retry else return results shouldBe (reverse results) input it "Kill and wait" do let input = [0 .. 9] inputLength = length input resultVar <- newEmptyMVar actor <- Actor.spawnStatefulBatched [] ( \state -> do threadDelay 1000 putMVar resultVar state ) ( \state msgs -> return $ foldl' (flip (:)) state msgs ) traverse_ (Actor.tell actor) input Actor.kill actor Actor.wait actor result <- takeMVar resultVar shouldBe result $ reverse input describe "allOf" . modifyMaxSuccess (max 1000) $ do it "Passes 1" do let emittersNum = 2 messagesNum = 10 actorsNum = 3 messages = [0 .. messagesNum - 1] results <- fmap (fmap sort) (IO.simulateReduction actorsNum emittersNum Actor.allOf messages) shouldBe results (replicate actorsNum (sort (concat (replicate emittersNum messages)))) shouldBe (getSum (foldMap (Sum . length) results)) (actorsNum * emittersNum * messagesNum) prop "" $ forAll (chooseInt (0, 99)) $ \size -> forAll arbitrary $ \(messages :: [Int]) -> idempotentIOProperty do results <- sort . concat <$> IO.simulateReduction Preferences.concurrency size Actor.allOf messages return $ conjoin [ length results === length messages * size * Preferences.concurrency, results === sort (concat (replicate (size * Preferences.concurrency) messages)) ] describe "oneOf" . modifyMaxSuccess (max 1000) $ do prop "Dispatches correctly" $ forAll (chooseInt (0, 99)) $ \size -> forAll arbitrary $ \(messages :: [Int]) -> idempotentIOProperty do results <- sort . concat <$> IO.simulateReduction Preferences.concurrency size Actor.oneOf messages return $ conjoin [ length results === length messages * size, results === sort (concat (replicate (size) messages)) ] describe "byKeyHash" . modifyMaxSuccess (max Preferences.largePropertyMaxSuccess) $ do prop "Dispatches individually" $ forAll (chooseInt (0, 99)) $ \size -> forAll arbitrary $ \(messages :: [Int]) -> idempotentIOProperty $ do resultsVar <- newTVarIO [] actor <- fmap (Actor.byKeyHash id) $ replicateM size $ Actor.spawnStatefulIndividual IntMap.empty ( \state -> atomically $ modifyTVar' resultsVar $ (:) state ) ( \state msg -> return $ IntMap.alter (Just . maybe 1 succ) msg state ) mapConcurrently id $ replicate Preferences.concurrency $ for_ messages $ Actor.tell actor Actor.kill actor Actor.wait actor results <- readTVarIO resultsVar let allKeys = results >>= IntMap.keys nubbedKeys = nub allKeys return $ conjoin [ allKeys === nubbedKeys, if size == 0 then nubbedKeys === [] else IntSet.fromList nubbedKeys === IntSet.fromList messages ]