{-| Module: Spec.Data.SemigroupSpec Copyright: (C) 2014-2017 Ryan Scott License: BSD-style (see the file LICENSE) Maintainer: Ryan Scott Stability: Provisional Portability: GHC @hspec@ tests for data types in the "Data.Semigroup" module. -} module Spec.Data.SemigroupSpec (main, spec) where import Data.Proxy.Compat (Proxy(..)) import Data.Semigroup.Compat (Min, Max, First, Last, WrappedMonoid, Option, Arg) import Instances.Data.Semigroup () import Spec.Utils (matchesTextShowSpec) import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, hspec, parallel) import Test.QuickCheck.Instances () main :: IO () main = hspec spec spec :: Spec spec = parallel $ do describe "Min Int" $ matchesTextShowSpec (Proxy :: Proxy (Min Int)) describe "Max Int" $ matchesTextShowSpec (Proxy :: Proxy (Max Int)) describe "First Int" $ matchesTextShowSpec (Proxy :: Proxy (First Int)) describe "Last Int" $ matchesTextShowSpec (Proxy :: Proxy (Last Int)) describe "WrappedMonoid ()" $ matchesTextShowSpec (Proxy :: Proxy (WrappedMonoid ())) describe "Option Int" $ matchesTextShowSpec (Proxy :: Proxy (Option Int)) describe "Arg Int Char" $ matchesTextShowSpec (Proxy :: Proxy (Arg Int Char))