{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}

-- | Monadic parsing combinator library with attention to locations.
module Text.Lips
  ( ParsedLines(..)
  , Parser
  , ParserResult(..)
  , ParserStep(..)
  , startParser
  , startParserAtLine
  , starveParser
  , parseText
  , LocParsing(..)
  , ResetLineParsing(..)
  ) where

import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Data.Word (Word)
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Unsafe as T
import Data.Sequence (Seq, (|>))
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Text.Loc
import Text.Parser.Combinators (Parsing(..))
import Text.Parser.Char (CharParsing(..))
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (MonadPlus(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Identity (IdentityT(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT(..))
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy as Lazy
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict as Strict
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy as Lazy
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as Strict
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Lazy as Lazy
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.RWS.Strict as Strict

data SavedInput = SavedInput { siSave  Text  SavedInput
                             , siLoad  [Text]  [Text]
                             , siPop   SavedInput }

doNotSave  SavedInput
doNotSave = SavedInput { siSave = const doNotSave
                       , siLoad = id
                       , siPop  = doNotSave }

save  SavedInput  SavedInput
save = go []
  where go is p = SavedInput { siSave = \i  go (i : is) (siSave p i)
                             , siLoad = (++ reverse is)
                             , siPop  = p }

data Error = Error { errLoc  LineCol
                   , errCtx  [String]
                   , errMsg  String }

data LastLine = LastLine Text {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
              | NoLastLine

data AccLines = AccLines { lsLines    Seq Text
                         , lsLastPre  Text
                         , lsLast     LastLine }

updateLines  Text  Char  Bool  LineCol  AccLines
             (LineCol  AccLines  α)  α
updateLines _ '\n' _ l ls cont = cont l' ls'
    !l'  = nextLine l
    !ls' = case lsLast ls of
             LastLine txt len 
               AccLines { lsLines   = lsLines ls |>
                                        (lsLastPre ls `mappend`
                                           T.take len txt)
                        , lsLastPre = T.empty
                        , lsLast    = NoLastLine }
               ls { lsLines   = lsLines ls |> lsLastPre ls
                  , lsLastPre = T.empty }
updateLines i _ itIsNull l ls cont = cont l' ls'
    !l'  = nextCol l
    !ls' = case lsLast ls of
             LastLine txt len 
               ls { lsLast    = LastLine txt (len + 1) }
             NoLastLine | itIsNull 
               ls { lsLastPre = lsLastPre ls `mappend` i }
               ls { lsLast    = LastLine i 1 }

forceUpdateLines  Text  Char  Bool  LineCol  AccLines
                  (LineCol  AccLines  α)  α
forceUpdateLines _ '\n' _ l ls cont = cont l' ls'
  where !l'  = nextLine l
        !ls' = AccLines { lsLines   = lsLines ls |> lsLastPre ls
                        , lsLastPre = T.empty
                        , lsLast    = NoLastLine }
forceUpdateLines i _ itIsNull l ls cont = cont l' ls'
  where !l'  = nextCol l
        !ls' | itIsNull  = ls { lsLastPre = lsLastPre ls `mappend` i }
             | otherwise = ls { lsLast    = LastLine i 1 }

-- | Lines of text consumed by a parser (fully or partially).
data ParsedLines = ParsedLines { plFull     Seq Text -- ^ Fully consumed lines
                               , plPartial  Maybe Text
                                 -- ^ Partially consumed line
                   deriving (Typeable, Show)

type WithSt r = [String]  LineCol  LineCol  AccLines
               [Text]  SavedInput  ParserStep r

-- | Opaque parser type.
newtype Parser α =
  Parser { runParser   r . (α  WithSt r)
                            (α  WithSt r)
                            (Error  WithSt r)
                            (Error  WithSt r)
                            WithSt r }

-- | Parser result.
data ParserResult α = ParserSuccess { prLeftovers  [Text] -- ^ Unparsed input
                                    , prLines      ParsedLines -- ^ Parsed input
                                    , prLoc        LineCol -- ^ Last location
                                    , prResult     α -- ^ Parsed value
                    | ParserFailure { prLeftovers  [Text]
                                    , prLines      ParsedLines
                                    , prLoc        LineCol
                                    , prErrCtx     [String] -- ^ Error context
                                    , prErrMsg     String -- ^ Error message
                    deriving (Typeable, Show)

-- | Parser continuation.
data ParserStep α = ParserCont (Text  ParserStep α) (ParserResult α)
                  | ParserDone (ParserResult α)

-- | Start a parser.
startParser  Parser α  ParserStep α
startParser = startParserAtLine 1 T.empty

-- | Start a parser on a specific line number and provide it with a first
--   chunk of the input.
startParserAtLine  Word  Text  Parser α  ParserStep α
startParserAtLine ln₀ pre₀ (Parser p) =
   p fc fc fh fh [] (LineCol ln₀ col₀) (LineCol ln₀ (col₀ + 1))
     lines₀ [] doNotSave
  where fc a _ _ nl ls is si =
            ParserDone (ParserSuccess { prLeftovers = lo
                                      , prLines     = ls'
                                      , prLoc       = nl
                                      , prResult    = a })
          where lo  = siLoad si is
                ls' = calcLines lo ls
        fh e _ _ _ ls is si =
            ParserDone (ParserFailure { prLeftovers = lo
                                      , prLines     = ls'
                                      , prLoc       = errLoc e
                                      , prErrCtx    = reverse (errCtx e)
                                      , prErrMsg    = errMsg e })
          where lo  = siLoad si is
                ls' = calcLines lo ls
        col₀   = fromIntegral (T.length pre₀)
        lines₀ = AccLines { lsLines   = Seq.empty
                          , lsLastPre = pre₀
                          , lsLast    = NoLastLine }
        calcLines lo (AccLines {..}) = go [] lo
          where lastLine       = case lsLast of
                                   LastLine txt len  lsLastPre `mappend`
                                                        T.take len txt
                                   NoLastLine        lsLastPre
                go acc []      = ParsedLines lsLines
                               $ Just
                               $ mconcat
                               $ reverse (lastLine : acc)
                go acc (h : t) | (h₁, h₂)  T.break (== '\n') h
                               , not (T.null h₂)
                               , line  mconcat
                                      $ reverse
                                      $ h₁ : lastLine : acc
                               = ParsedLines (lsLines |> line) Nothing
                               | otherwise
                               = go (h : acc) t

-- | Feed a parser continuation with empty input.
starveParser  ParserStep α  ParserResult α
starveParser (ParserCont _ r) = r
starveParser (ParserDone r)   = r

-- | Run a parser on a text.
parseText  Text  Parser α  ParserResult α
parseText t p = case startParser p of
                  ParserCont c _  starveParser (c t)
                  ParserDone r    r

instance Functor Parser where
  fmap f (Parser p) = Parser $ \c cc  p (c . f) (cc . f)

instance Applicative Parser where
  pure a = Parser $ \c _ _ _  c a
  {-# INLINE pure #-}
  Parser p₁ <*> Parser p₂ = Parser $ \c cc h ch 
    p₁ (\f  p₂ (c . f) (cc . f) h ch) (\f  p₂ (cc . f) (cc . f) ch ch) h ch
  {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}

instance Alternative Parser where
  empty = Parser $ \_ _ h _ ctx pl nl 
            h (Error nl ctx "Empty alternative") ctx pl nl
  {-# INLINE empty #-}
  Parser p₁ <|> Parser p₂ =
    Parser $ \c cc h ch ctx pl nl ls 
      p₁ c cc (\_ _ _ _ _  p₂ c cc h ch ctx pl nl ls) ch ctx pl nl ls

instance Monad Parser where
  return = pure
  {-# INLINE return #-}
  Parser p >>= f = Parser $ \c cc h ch 
    p (\a  runParser (f a) c cc h ch) (\a  runParser (f a) cc cc ch ch) h ch
  {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
  fail msg = Parser $ \_ _ h _ ctx pl nl 
               h (Error nl ctx msg) ctx pl nl
  {-# INLINE fail #-}

instance MonadPlus Parser where
  mzero = empty
  {-# INLINE mzero #-}
  mplus = (<|>)
  {-# INLINE mplus #-}

instance Parsing Parser where
  try (Parser p) =
    Parser $ \c cc h _ ctx pl nl ls is si 
      p (\a ctx' pl' nl' ls' is' si'  c  a ctx' pl' nl' ls' is' (siPop si'))
        (\a ctx' pl' nl' ls' is' si'  cc a ctx' pl' nl' ls' is' (siPop si'))
        (\e _    _   _   _   _   si'  h  e ctx  pl  nl  ls
                                          (siLoad si' is) (siPop si'))
        (\e _    _   _   _   _   si'  h  e ctx  pl  nl  ls
                                          (siLoad si' is) (siPop si'))
        ctx pl nl ls is (save si)
  Parser p <?> label = Parser $ \c cc h ch ctx 
                         p (\a _  c a ctx) (\a _  cc a ctx)
                           (\e _  h e ctx) (\e _  ch e ctx)
                           (label : ctx)
  {-# INLINE (<?>) #-}
  skipMany p = Parser $ \c cc h ch ctx pl nl ls 
                 runParser p (\_  runParser (skipMany p) c  cc h  ch)
                             (\_  runParser (skipMany p) cc cc ch ch)
                             (\_ _ _ _ _  c () ctx pl nl ls)
                             ch ctx pl nl ls
  skipSome p = Parser $ \c cc h ch 
                 runParser p (\_  runParser (skipMany p) c  cc h  ch)
                             (\_  runParser (skipMany p) cc cc ch ch)
                             h ch
  {-# INLINE skipSome #-}
  unexpected = fail . ("Unexpected " ++)
  {-# INLINE unexpected #-}
  notFollowedBy (Parser p) = Parser $ \c _ h _ ctx pl nl ls is si 
    p (\a _ _ _ _ _ si'  h (Error nl ctx ("Unexpected " ++ show a))
                            ctx pl nl ls (siLoad si' is) (siPop si'))
      (\a _ _ _ _ _ si'  h (Error nl ctx ("Unexpected " ++ show a))
                            ctx pl nl ls (siLoad si' is) (siPop si'))
      (\_ _ _ _ _ _ si'  c () ctx pl nl ls (siLoad si' is) (siPop si'))
      (\_ _ _ _ _ _ si'  c () ctx pl nl ls (siLoad si' is) (siPop si'))
      ctx pl nl ls is (save si)
  eof = Parser $ \c _ h _ ctx pl nl ls is si 
          let go = ParserCont
                     (\i  if T.null i
                           then go
                           else h (Error nl ctx "End of input expected")
                                  ctx pl nl ls [i] (siSave si i))
                     (starveParser $ c () ctx pl nl ls is si) in
            if null is
            then go
            else h (Error nl ctx "End of input expected")
                   ctx pl nl ls is si

instance CharParsing Parser where
  satisfy p = Parser $ \_ cc h _ ctx pl nl ls is si 
    case is of
      i : tl | !ih  T.unsafeHead i, p ih
             , !it  T.unsafeTail i, !itIsNull  T.null it
              updateLines i ih itIsNull nl ls $ \nl' ls' 
                 cc ih ctx nl nl' ls'
                    (if itIsNull then tl else it : tl) si
      _ : _  h (Error nl ctx "Unexpected input") ctx pl nl ls is si
      []  go
          go = ParserCont
                 (\i  case T.uncons i of
                         Just (!ih, it) | p ih, !itIsNull  T.null it 
                           forceUpdateLines i ih itIsNull nl ls $ \nl' ls' 
                             cc ih ctx nl nl' ls'
                                (if itIsNull then [] else [it])
                                (siSave si i)
                         Just _  h (Error nl ctx "Unexpected input")
                                    ctx pl nl ls [i] (siSave si i)
                         Nothing  go)
                 (starveParser $ h (Error nl ctx "Unexpected end of input")
                                   ctx pl nl ls [] si)
  char c = satisfy (== c) <?> ("A " ++ show c)
  notChar c = satisfy (/= c) <?> ("Not a " ++ show c)
  anyChar = Parser $ \_ cc h _ ctx pl nl ls is si 
    let ctx' = "Any character" : ctx in
      case is of
        i : tl | !ih  T.unsafeHead i
               , !it  T.unsafeTail i , !itIsNull  T.null it
                updateLines i ih itIsNull nl ls $ \nl' ls' 
                   cc ih ctx' nl nl' ls'
                      (if itIsNull then tl else it : tl) si
        []  go
            go = ParserCont
                   (\i  case T.uncons i of
                           Just (!ih, it) | !itIsNull  T.null it 
                             forceUpdateLines i ih itIsNull nl ls $ \nl' ls' 
                               cc ih ctx' nl nl' ls'
                                  (if itIsNull then [] else [it])
                                  (siSave si i)
                           Nothing  go)
                   (starveParser $ h (Error nl ctx' "Unexpected end of input")
                                     ctx' pl nl ls [] si)

instance α ~ String  IsString (Parser α) where
  fromString = string
  {-# INLINE fromString #-}

-- | Parsers that provide location information.
class CharParsing p  LocParsing p where
  -- | Parser location type.
  type ParserLoc p
  -- | The current location.
  location  p (ParserLoc p)
  default location  (MonadTrans t, Monad p)  t p (ParserLoc p)
  location = lift location
  -- | Attach the starting location to the parsed value.
  located   p α  p (Located (ParserLoc p) α)
  -- | Attach the spanned location to the parsed value.
  spanned   p α  p (Located (Span (ParserLoc p)) α)

-- | Parsers with resettable line numbers.
class LocParsing p  ResetLineParsing p where
  -- | Reset the current line number and return the text lines fully consumed
  --   by the parser so far.
  resetLineNr  Word  p (Seq Text)
  default resetLineNr  (MonadTrans t, Monad p)  Word  t p (Seq Text)
  resetLineNr = lift . resetLineNr

instance LocParsing Parser where
  type ParserLoc Parser = LineCol
  location = Parser $ \c _ _ _ ctx pl nl  c nl ctx pl nl
  {-# INLINE location #-}
  located (Parser p) = Parser $ \c cc h ch ctx pl nl 
                         p (c . Located nl) (cc . Located nl) h ch ctx pl nl
  {-# INLINE located #-}
  spanned (Parser p) = Parser $ \c cc h ch ctx pl nl 
    p (\a ctx' pl'  c (Located (Span nl (max nl pl')) a) ctx' pl')
      (\a ctx' pl'  cc (Located (Span nl (max nl pl')) a) ctx' pl')
      h ch ctx pl nl
  {-# INLINABLE spanned #-}

instance ResetLineParsing Parser where
  resetLineNr ln =
    Parser $ \c _ _ _ ctx _ nl ls@(AccLines {..}) 
      let col = locCol nl in
        c lsLines ctx (LineCol ln (col - 1)) (LineCol ln col)
          (ls { lsLines = Seq.empty })

instance (MonadPlus p, LocParsing p)  LocParsing (IdentityT p) where
  type ParserLoc (IdentityT p) = ParserLoc p
  located (IdentityT p) = IdentityT $ located p
  spanned (IdentityT p) = IdentityT $ spanned p

instance (MonadPlus p, ResetLineParsing p)  ResetLineParsing (IdentityT p) where

instance (MonadPlus p, LocParsing p)  LocParsing (ReaderT r p) where
  type ParserLoc (ReaderT r p) = ParserLoc p
  located (ReaderT p) = ReaderT $ located . p
  spanned (ReaderT p) = ReaderT $ spanned . p

instance (MonadPlus p, ResetLineParsing p)  ResetLineParsing (ReaderT r p) where

instance (Monoid w, MonadPlus p, LocParsing p)
          LocParsing (Lazy.WriterT w p) where
  type ParserLoc (Lazy.WriterT w p) = ParserLoc p
  located (Lazy.WriterT p) = Lazy.WriterT $ do
                               Located l (a, w)  located p
                               return (Located l a, w)
  spanned (Lazy.WriterT p) = Lazy.WriterT $ do
                               Located l (a, w)  spanned p
                               return (Located l a, w)

instance (Monoid w, MonadPlus p, ResetLineParsing p)
          ResetLineParsing (Lazy.WriterT w p) where

instance (Monoid w, MonadPlus p, LocParsing p)
          LocParsing (Strict.WriterT w p) where
  type ParserLoc (Strict.WriterT w p) = ParserLoc p
  located (Strict.WriterT p) = Strict.WriterT $ do
                                 Located l (a, w)  located p
                                 return (Located l a, w)
  spanned (Strict.WriterT p) = Strict.WriterT $ do
                                 Located l (a, w)  spanned p
                                 return (Located l a, w)

instance (Monoid w, MonadPlus p, ResetLineParsing p)
          ResetLineParsing (Strict.WriterT w p) where

instance (MonadPlus p, LocParsing p)  LocParsing (Lazy.StateT s p) where
  type ParserLoc (Lazy.StateT s p) = ParserLoc p
  located (Lazy.StateT p) = Lazy.StateT $ \s  do
                              Located l (a, s')  located (p s)
                              return (Located l a, s')
  spanned (Lazy.StateT p) = Lazy.StateT $ \s  do
                              Located l (a, s')  spanned (p s)
                              return (Located l a, s')

instance (MonadPlus p, ResetLineParsing p)
          ResetLineParsing (Lazy.StateT s p) where

instance (MonadPlus p, LocParsing p)  LocParsing (Strict.StateT s p) where
  type ParserLoc (Strict.StateT s p) = ParserLoc p
  located (Strict.StateT p) = Strict.StateT $ \s  do
                                Located l (a, s')  located (p s)
                                return (Located l a, s')
  spanned (Strict.StateT p) = Strict.StateT $ \s  do
                                Located l (a, s')  spanned (p s)
                                return (Located l a, s')

instance (MonadPlus p, ResetLineParsing p)
          ResetLineParsing (Strict.StateT s p) where

instance (Monoid w, MonadPlus p, LocParsing p)
          LocParsing (Lazy.RWST r w s p) where
  type ParserLoc (Lazy.RWST r w s p) = ParserLoc p
  located (Lazy.RWST p) = Lazy.RWST $ \r s  do
                            Located l (a, w, s')  located (p r s)
                            return (Located l a, w, s')
  spanned (Lazy.RWST p) = Lazy.RWST $ \r s  do
                            Located l (a, w, s')  spanned (p r s)
                            return (Located l a, w, s')

instance (Monoid w, MonadPlus p, ResetLineParsing p)
          ResetLineParsing (Lazy.RWST r w s p) where

instance (Monoid w, MonadPlus p, LocParsing p)
          LocParsing (Strict.RWST r w s p) where
  type ParserLoc (Strict.RWST r w s p) = ParserLoc p
  located (Strict.RWST p) = Strict.RWST $ \r s  do
                              Located l (a, w, s')  located (p r s)
                              return (Located l a, w, s')
  spanned (Strict.RWST p) = Strict.RWST $ \r s  do
                              Located l (a, w, s')  spanned (p r s)
                              return (Located l a, w, s')

instance (Monoid w, MonadPlus p, ResetLineParsing p)
          ResetLineParsing (Strict.RWST r w s p) where