{-# LINE 1 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, CPP, DeriveDataTypeable, ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
module Data.Text.ICU.Collate
, Attribute(..)
, AlternateHandling(..)
, CaseFirst(..)
, Strength(..)
, open
, openRules
, collate
, collateIter
, getRules
, getAttribute
, setAttribute
, sortKey
, clone
, freeze
) where
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import Data.ByteString (empty)
import Data.ByteString.Internal (ByteString(..), create, mallocByteString,
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Foreign (useAsPtr)
import Data.Text.ICU.Collate.Internal (Collator(..), MCollator, UCollator,
withCollator, wrap)
import Data.Text.ICU.Error (u_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR)
import Data.Text.ICU.Error.Internal (UErrorCode, UParseError, handleError, handleParseError)
import Data.Text.ICU.Internal
(LocaleName, UChar, CharIterator, UCharIterator,
asOrdering, fromUCharPtr, withCharIterator, withLocaleName, useAsUCharPtr)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Foreign.C.String (CString)
import Foreign.C.Types (CInt(..))
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca)
import Foreign.Marshal.Utils (with)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, nullPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (peek)
data AlternateHandling = NonIgnorable
| Shifted
deriving (Eq, Bounded, Enum, Show, Typeable)
instance NFData AlternateHandling where
rnf !_ = ()
data CaseFirst = UpperFirst
| LowerFirst
deriving (Eq, Bounded, Enum, Show, Typeable)
instance NFData CaseFirst where
rnf !_ = ()
data Strength = Primary
| Secondary
| Tertiary
| Quaternary
| Identical
deriving (Eq, Bounded, Enum, Show, Typeable)
instance NFData Strength where
rnf !_ = ()
data Attribute = French Bool
| AlternateHandling AlternateHandling
| CaseFirst (Maybe CaseFirst)
| CaseLevel Bool
| NormalizationMode Bool
| Strength Strength
| HiraganaQuaternaryMode Bool
| Numeric Bool
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
instance NFData Attribute where
rnf (French !_) = ()
rnf (AlternateHandling !_) = ()
rnf (CaseFirst c) = rnf c
rnf (CaseLevel !_) = ()
rnf (NormalizationMode !_) = ()
rnf (Strength !_) = ()
rnf (HiraganaQuaternaryMode !_) = ()
rnf (Numeric !_) = ()
type UColAttribute = CInt
type UColAttributeValue = CInt
type UCollationStrength = UColAttributeValue
toUAttribute :: Attribute -> (UColAttribute, UColAttributeValue)
toUAttribute (French v)
= ((0), toOO v)
{-# LINE 169 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
toUAttribute (AlternateHandling v)
= ((1), toAH v)
{-# LINE 171 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
toUAttribute (CaseFirst v)
= ((2), toCF v)
{-# LINE 173 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
toUAttribute (CaseLevel v)
= ((3), toOO v)
{-# LINE 175 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
toUAttribute (NormalizationMode v)
= ((4), toOO v)
{-# LINE 177 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
toUAttribute (Strength v)
= ((5), toS v)
{-# LINE 179 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
toUAttribute (HiraganaQuaternaryMode v)
= ((6), toOO v)
{-# LINE 181 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
toUAttribute (Numeric v)
= ((7), toOO v)
{-# LINE 183 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
toOO :: Bool -> UColAttributeValue
toOO False = 16
{-# LINE 186 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
toOO True = 17
{-# LINE 187 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
toDefaultOO :: (Maybe Bool) -> UColAttributeValue
toDefaultOO (Just False) = 16
{-# LINE 190 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
toDefaultOO (Just True) = 17
{-# LINE 191 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
toDefaultOO Nothing = -1
{-# LINE 192 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
toAH :: AlternateHandling -> UColAttributeValue
toAH NonIgnorable = 21
{-# LINE 195 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
toAH Shifted = 20
{-# LINE 196 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
toCF :: Maybe CaseFirst -> UColAttributeValue
toCF Nothing = 16
{-# LINE 199 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
toCF (Just UpperFirst) = 25
{-# LINE 200 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
toCF (Just LowerFirst) = 24
{-# LINE 201 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
toS :: Strength -> UColAttributeValue
toS Primary = 0
{-# LINE 204 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
toS Secondary = 1
{-# LINE 205 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
toS Tertiary = 2
{-# LINE 206 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
toS Quaternary = 3
{-# LINE 207 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
toS Identical = 15
{-# LINE 208 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
toDefaultS :: Maybe Strength -> UColAttributeValue
toDefaultS (Just s) = toS s
toDefaultS Nothing = 2
{-# LINE 212 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
fromOO :: UColAttributeValue -> Bool
fromOO (16) = False
{-# LINE 215 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
fromOO (17) = True
{-# LINE 216 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
fromOO bad = valueError "fromOO" bad
fromAH :: UColAttributeValue -> AlternateHandling
fromAH (21) = NonIgnorable
{-# LINE 220 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
fromAH (20) = Shifted
{-# LINE 221 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
fromAH bad = valueError "fromAH" bad
fromCF :: UColAttributeValue -> Maybe CaseFirst
fromCF (16) = Nothing
{-# LINE 225 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
fromCF (25) = Just UpperFirst
{-# LINE 226 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
fromCF (24) = Just LowerFirst
{-# LINE 227 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
fromCF bad = valueError "fromCF" bad
fromS :: UColAttributeValue -> Strength
fromS (0) = Primary
{-# LINE 231 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
fromS (1) = Secondary
{-# LINE 232 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
fromS (2) = Tertiary
{-# LINE 233 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
fromS (3) = Quaternary
{-# LINE 234 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
fromS (15) = Identical
{-# LINE 235 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
fromS bad = valueError "fromS" bad
fromUAttribute :: UColAttribute -> UColAttributeValue -> Attribute
fromUAttribute key val =
case key of
(0) -> French (fromOO val)
{-# LINE 241 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
(1) -> AlternateHandling (fromAH val)
{-# LINE 242 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
(2) -> CaseFirst (fromCF val)
{-# LINE 243 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
(3) -> CaseLevel (fromOO val)
{-# LINE 244 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
(4) -> NormalizationMode (fromOO val)
{-# LINE 245 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
(5) -> Strength (fromS val)
{-# LINE 246 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
(6) -> HiraganaQuaternaryMode (fromOO val)
{-# LINE 247 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
(7) -> Numeric (fromOO val)
{-# LINE 248 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
_ -> valueError "fromUAttribute" key
valueError :: Show a => String -> a -> z
valueError func bad = error ("Data.Text.ICU.Collate." ++ func ++
": invalid value " ++ show bad)
type UCollationResult = CInt
open :: LocaleName
-> IO MCollator
open loc = wrap $ withLocaleName loc (handleError . ucol_open)
openRules :: Text
-> Maybe Bool
-> Maybe Strength
-> IO MCollator
openRules r n s = wrap $ useAsUCharPtr r $ \rPtr rLen -> do
let len = fromIntegral rLen
handleParseError (== u_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR) $ ucol_openRules rPtr len (toDefaultOO n) (toDefaultS s)
getRules :: MCollator -> IO Text
getRules c =
withCollator c $ \cPtr ->
alloca $ \lenPtr -> do
textPtr <- ucol_getRules cPtr lenPtr
(fromUCharPtr textPtr . fromIntegral) =<< peek lenPtr
setAttribute :: MCollator -> Attribute -> IO ()
setAttribute c a =
withCollator c $ \cptr ->
handleError $ uncurry (ucol_setAttribute cptr) (toUAttribute a)
getAttribute :: MCollator -> Attribute -> IO Attribute
getAttribute c a = do
let name = fst (toUAttribute a)
val <- withCollator c $ \cptr -> handleError $ ucol_getAttribute cptr name
return $! fromUAttribute name val
collate :: MCollator -> Text -> Text -> IO Ordering
collate c a b =
withCollator c $ \cptr ->
useAsPtr a $ \aptr alen ->
useAsPtr b $ \bptr blen ->
fmap asOrdering . handleError $
{-# LINE 311 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
{-# LINE 313 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
cptr aptr (fromIntegral alen) bptr (fromIntegral blen)
collateIter :: MCollator -> CharIterator -> CharIterator -> IO Ordering
collateIter c a b =
fmap asOrdering . withCollator c $ \cptr ->
withCharIterator a $ \ai ->
withCharIterator b $ handleError . ucol_strcollIter cptr ai
sortKey :: MCollator -> Text -> IO ByteString
sortKey c t
| T.null t = return empty
| otherwise = do
withCollator c $ \cptr ->
useAsUCharPtr t $ \tptr tlen -> do
let len = fromIntegral tlen
loop n = do
fp <- mallocByteString (fromIntegral n)
i <- withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> ucol_getSortKey cptr tptr len p n
let j = fromIntegral i
case undefined of
_ | i == 0 -> error "Data.Text.ICU.Collate.sortKey: internal error"
| i > n -> loop i
| i <= n `div` 2 -> create j $ \p -> withForeignPtr fp $ \op ->
memcpy p op (fromIntegral i)
| otherwise -> return $! PS fp 0 j
loop (min (len * 4) 8)
freeze :: MCollator -> IO Collator
freeze = fmap C . clone
clone :: MCollator -> IO MCollator
clone c =
wrap $ withCollator c $ \cptr ->
with (1)
{-# LINE 362 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
(handleError . ucol_safeClone cptr nullPtr)
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_text_icu.h __hs_ucol_open" ucol_open
:: CString -> Ptr UErrorCode -> IO (Ptr UCollator)
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_text_icu.h __hs_ucol_openRules" ucol_openRules
:: Ptr UChar -> Int32 -> UColAttributeValue -> UCollationStrength -> Ptr UParseError -> Ptr UErrorCode -> IO (Ptr UCollator)
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_text_icu.h __hs_ucol_getAttribute" ucol_getAttribute
:: Ptr UCollator -> UColAttribute -> Ptr UErrorCode -> IO UColAttributeValue
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_text_icu.h __hs_ucol_getRules" ucol_getRules
:: Ptr UCollator -> Ptr Int32 -> IO (Ptr UChar)
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_text_icu.h __hs_ucol_setAttribute" ucol_setAttribute
:: Ptr UCollator -> UColAttribute -> UColAttributeValue -> Ptr UErrorCode -> IO ()
{-# LINE 384 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_text_icu.h __hs_ucol_strcoll" ucol_strcoll
:: Ptr UCollator -> Ptr UChar -> Int32 -> Ptr UChar -> Int32
-> Ptr UErrorCode -> IO UCollationResult
{-# LINE 388 "Data/Text/ICU/Collate.hsc" #-}
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_text_icu.h __hs_ucol_getSortKey" ucol_getSortKey
:: Ptr UCollator -> Ptr UChar -> Int32 -> Ptr Word8 -> Int32
-> IO Int32
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_text_icu.h __hs_ucol_strcollIter" ucol_strcollIter
:: Ptr UCollator -> Ptr UCharIterator -> Ptr UCharIterator -> Ptr UErrorCode
-> IO UCollationResult
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_text_icu.h __hs_ucol_safeClone" ucol_safeClone
:: Ptr UCollator -> Ptr a -> Ptr Int32 -> Ptr UErrorCode
-> IO (Ptr UCollator)