{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}

{- | Note that thanks to a restrictive lower bound on @text@, you can be sure
that the following things will be present in the "Data.Text" reexport:

* The 'T.takeWhileEnd' function.
* An instance for @Semigroup Text@.
* An instance for @Binary Text@.
* An instance for 'Text.Printf.printf' (i.e. you can use a 'Text' as one of
  @printf@'s arguments).
module Data.Text.All
  -- * Standard modules from text
  module Data.Text,
  module Data.Text.IO,
  module Data.Text.Encoding,

  -- * Lazy 'Text'

  -- * Conversion
  -- $conversion
  toStrict, toLazy, toBuilder, toString,

  -- * Showing
  -- $showing
  show, lshow, bshow,

  -- * Formatting
  -- $formatting
  module Data.Text.Format,
  module Data.Text.Buildable,
  format, lformat, bformat,

  -- * 'Builder'

import Data.Text
import Data.Text.IO
import Data.Text.Encoding
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as B
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (Builder, flush)

import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL

import Data.Text.Format hiding (format, print, hprint, build)
import Data.Text.Format.Params
import Data.Text.Buildable
import qualified Data.Text.Format as Format
import qualified Prelude as P
import Prelude hiding (show)

type LText = TL.Text

{- $showing

Variants below use 'P.show' from "Prelude". If you want faster showing,
either use <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/text-show text-show> or some
formatting library.

show :: Show a => a -> Text
show = pack . P.show
{-# INLINE show #-}

lshow :: Show a => a -> LText
lshow = TL.pack . P.show
{-# INLINE lshow #-}

bshow :: Show a => a -> Builder
bshow = B.fromString . P.show
{-# INLINE bshow #-}

{- $formatting

'format' is a function similar to @printf@ in spirit. Don't forget to enable
@OverloadedStrings@ if you want to use it!

>>> format "{}+{}={}" (2, 2, 4)

If you have only one argument, use a list:

>>> format "2+2={}" [4]

There are some formatting options available:

>>> format "123 = 0x{}, pi = {}" (hex 123, fixed 5 pi)
"123 = 0x7b, pi = 3.14159"

For more formatters, see "Data.Text.Format".

format :: Params ps => Format -> ps -> Text
format f = TL.toStrict . Format.format f
{-# INLINE format #-}

lformat :: Params ps => Format -> ps -> LText
lformat = Format.format
{-# INLINE lformat #-}

bformat :: Params ps => Format -> ps -> Builder
bformat = Format.build
{-# INLINE bformat #-}

{- $conversion
These functions can convert from strict\/lazy 'Text', 'Builder', and 'String'.

class ToStrict t where
    toStrict :: t -> Text
instance (a ~ Char) => ToStrict [a] where
    toStrict = pack
    {-# INLINE toStrict #-}
instance ToStrict LText where
    toStrict = TL.toStrict
    {-# INLINE toStrict #-}
instance ToStrict Builder where
    toStrict = TL.toStrict . B.toLazyText
    {-# INLINE toStrict #-}

class ToLazy t where
    toLazy :: t -> LText
instance (a ~ Char) => ToLazy [a] where
    toLazy = TL.pack
    {-# INLINE toLazy #-}
instance ToLazy Text where
    toLazy = TL.fromStrict
    {-# INLINE toLazy #-}
instance ToLazy Builder where
    toLazy = B.toLazyText
    {-# INLINE toLazy #-}

class ToBuilder t where
    toBuilder :: t -> Builder
instance (a ~ Char) => ToBuilder [a] where
    toBuilder = B.fromString
    {-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
instance ToBuilder Text where
    toBuilder = B.fromText
    {-# INLINE toBuilder #-}
instance ToBuilder LText where
    toBuilder = B.fromLazyText
    {-# INLINE toBuilder #-}

class ToString t where
    toString :: t -> String
instance ToString Text where
    toString = unpack
    {-# INLINE toString #-}
instance ToString LText where
    toString = TL.unpack
    {-# INLINE toString #-}
instance ToString Builder where
    toString = TL.unpack . B.toLazyText
    {-# INLINE toString #-}

-- | A 'Builder' producing a single character.
bsingleton :: Char -> Builder
bsingleton = B.singleton
{-# INLINE bsingleton #-}