module Test.TestCom
) where
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Language.Haskell.Meta.Parse
import Data.List
import Data.Either
data TestT = TestT {
valueTest :: [[String]],
resTest :: [String],
testF :: String,
actualU :: Int
} deriving (Show)
makeAllTests :: FilePath -> Q [Dec]
makeAllTests str = do
let str' = (take ((length str)3) (replaceXbyY str '/' '_'))
file <- runIO $ readFile str
funcs <- sequenceQ (buildTests str' (getTestT file))
nd <- runTests str' $ appRecDec $ funcs
return (nd : funcs)
makeAllTestsHere :: Q [Dec]
makeAllTestsHere = do
loc <- location >>= (\(Loc y _ _ _ _) -> return y)
makeAllTests loc
buildTests' :: String -> TestT -> [Q Dec]
buildTests' _ (TestT [] [] _ _) = []
buildTests' s x@(TestT valueTest' resTest' testF' actualU') = nd : buildTests' s nxs
nxs = x {valueTest = tail valueTest', resTest = tail resTest', actualU = actualU'+1}
fname = mkName $ "_TEST_"++ s ++ testF' ++ show actualU'
norm = either (const $ liftString "Failed to parse") return $ parseExp $ head resTest'
res = (appRec (reverse (head valueTest'), (varE $ mkName testF')))
guar1 = do
a <- appE (appE ([| (==) |]) norm) res
b <- appE [e|Right|] $ litE (stringL (testF' ++ " " ++ unwords (head valueTest') ++ " == " ++ (head resTest')))
return (NormalG a,b)
guar2 = do
a <- [e|otherwise|]
b <- appE [e|Left|] $ appE (appE [e|(++)|] (litE (stringL (testF' ++ " " ++ unwords (head valueTest') ++ " /= " ++ (head resTest') ++ " BUT == ")))) (appE [e|show|] res)
return (NormalG a,b)
fbody = guardedB [guar1,guar2]
fClause = clause [] fbody []
nd = funD fname [fClause]
buildTests :: String -> [TestT] -> [Q Dec]
buildTests _ [] = []
buildTests s (x:xs) = (buildTests' s x) ++ (buildTests s xs)
runTests :: String -> [Q Exp] -> Q Dec
runTests str funcs_runned = funD fname [fClause]
fname = mkName $ "_TEST_"++ str
ex = appE (appE ([e|(++)|]) (appE [e|unlines|] (appE [e|builFinalString|] (listE funcs_runned)))) (([e|"TOTAL PASSED: " ++ show countRight' ++ "/"++ show length'|]))
cr = valD (varP (mkName "countRight'")) (normalB (appE [e|countRight|] (listE funcs_runned))) []
len = valD (varP (mkName "length'")) (normalB (appE [e|length|] (listE funcs_runned))) []
boo = [e|countRight' == length' |]
fClause = clause [] (normalB (tupE [ex,boo])) [cr,len]
appRec :: ([String],Q Exp) -> Q Exp
appRec ([],a) = a
appRec ((x:xs),b) = appE (appRec (xs,b)) (either (const $ liftString "Failed to parse") return $ parseExp x)
appRecDec :: [Dec] -> [Q Exp]
appRecDec [] = []
appRecDec (x:xs) = (varE (getName x)) : appRecDec xs
getName :: Dec -> Name
getName (FunD name _ ) = name
builFinalString :: [Either String String] -> [String]
builFinalString [] = [""]
builFinalString (x:xs) = (either ("Error: " ++ ) ("Test passed: " ++) x ): builFinalString xs
countRight :: [Either a b] -> Int
countRight z = foldl (\x y -> if isLeft y then x else x+1) (0 :: Int) z
getTestT :: String -> [TestT]
getTestT str = getTestT' (lines str) False (TestT [] [] [] 0)
getTestT' :: [String] -> Bool -> TestT -> [TestT]
getTestT' [] _ _ = []
getTestT' (x:xs) b t
| "--[" `isPrefixOf` x && "]" `isSuffixOf` x = getTestT' xs True $ t {valueTest = args : (valueTest t), resTest = res : (resTest t)}
| not (null $ words x) && not ("--" `isPrefixOf` hw) && b = t {testF = hw} : getTestT' xs False (TestT [] [] [] 0)
| otherwise = getTestT' xs b t
list = words $ drop 3 (init x)
args = if length list == 1 then [] else init list
res = last list
hw = head (words x)
replaceXbyY :: String -> Char -> Char -> String
replaceXbyY [] _ _ = []
replaceXbyY (x:xs) a b
| x == a = b:replaceXbyY xs a b
| otherwise = x : replaceXbyY xs a b