{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{- | ==Usage

  In any file, you can specify tests above a function declaration, like:

  --[1 2 3]
  add x y = x+y

  Later, on your test file, you can build tests functions with

  \{\-\# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell \#\-\}
  $(makeAllTests "some\/Path\/File.hs")

  and use the produced function in your main:

  import System.Exit

  main :: IO ()
  main = do
    let (str,res) = _TEST_some_Path_File
    putStrLn str
    if res then exitSuccess else exitFailure

  If you want to make tests on the actual file, you can use


  the function produced will be equivalent to the one produced by

  $(makeAllTests "path\/to\/file\/known\/by\/ghc")

  == String produced
  Considering the given file:

  --[1 2 3]
  --[1 2 4]
  add x y = x+y

  The string produced will be:

  Test passed: add 1 2  == 3
  Error: add 1 2 /= 4 BUT == 3


module Test.TestCom
    ) where

import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Language.Haskell.Meta.Parse
import Data.List
import Data.Either

data TestT = TestT {
  valueTest :: [[String]], -- list of list of args
  resTest :: [String], -- list of results
  testF :: String,
  actualU :: Int
} deriving (Show)

-- | With a path like some\/Path\/File.hs, Create a function
-- @
-- _TEST_some_Path_File :: (String,Bool)
-- @
-- with the string containing the result of all tests, and the boolean set to @True@ if and only if all tests passed
-- This also create sub-functions that each produce a Eihter String String
makeAllTests :: FilePath -> Q [Dec]
makeAllTests str = do
  let str' = (take ((length str)-3) (replaceXbyY str '/' '_'))
  file <- runIO $ readFile str
  funcs <- sequenceQ (buildTests str' (getTestT file))
  nd <- runTests str' $ appRecDec $ funcs
  return (nd : funcs)

makeAllTestsHere :: Q [Dec]
makeAllTestsHere = do
  loc <- location >>= (\(Loc y _ _ _ _) -> return y)
  makeAllTests loc

buildTests' :: String -> TestT -> [Q Dec]
buildTests' _ (TestT [] [] _ _) = []
buildTests' s x@(TestT valueTest' resTest' testF' actualU') = nd : buildTests' s nxs
    nxs = x {valueTest = tail valueTest', resTest = tail resTest', actualU = actualU'+1}
    fname = mkName $ "_TEST_"++ s ++ testF' ++ show actualU' -- Tests have name like _TEST_funcnameX
    norm = either (const $ liftString "Failed to parse") return $ parseExp $ head resTest' -- For now only integer
    res = (appRec (reverse (head valueTest'), (varE $ mkName testF')))
    guar1 = do
      a <- appE (appE ([| (==) |]) norm) res
      b <- appE [e|Right|] $ litE (stringL (testF' ++ " " ++ unwords (head valueTest') ++ " == " ++ (head resTest')))
      return (NormalG a,b)
    guar2 = do
      a <- [e|otherwise|]
      b <- appE [e|Left|] $ appE (appE [e|(++)|] (litE (stringL (testF' ++ " " ++ unwords (head valueTest') ++ " /= " ++ (head resTest') ++ " BUT == ")))) (appE [e|show|] res)
      return (NormalG a,b)
    fbody = guardedB [guar1,guar2]
    fClause = clause [] fbody []
    nd = funD fname [fClause]

buildTests :: String -> [TestT] -> [Q Dec]
buildTests _ [] = []
buildTests s (x:xs) = (buildTests' s x) ++ (buildTests s xs)

runTests :: String -> [Q Exp] -> Q Dec
runTests str funcs_runned = funD fname [fClause]
    fname = mkName $ "_TEST_"++ str
    ex = appE (appE ([e|(++)|]) (appE [e|unlines|] (appE [e|builFinalString|] (listE funcs_runned)))) (([e|"TOTAL PASSED: " ++ show countRight' ++ "/"++ show length'|]))
    cr = valD (varP (mkName "countRight'")) (normalB (appE [e|countRight|] (listE funcs_runned))) []
    len = valD (varP (mkName "length'")) (normalB (appE [e|length|] (listE funcs_runned))) []
    boo = [e|countRight' == length' |]
    fClause = clause [] (normalB (tupE [ex,boo])) [cr,len]

appRec :: ([String],Q Exp) -> Q Exp
appRec ([],a) = a
appRec ((x:xs),b) = appE (appRec (xs,b)) (either (const $ liftString "Failed to parse") return $ parseExp x)

-- Run all declarations and store them into a tab
appRecDec :: [Dec] -> [Q Exp]
appRecDec [] = []
appRecDec (x:xs) = (varE (getName x)) : appRecDec xs

getName :: Dec -> Name
getName (FunD name _ ) = name

builFinalString :: [Either String String] -> [String]
builFinalString [] = [""]
builFinalString (x:xs) = (either ("Error: " ++ ) ("Test passed: " ++) x ): builFinalString xs

countRight :: [Either a b] -> Int
countRight z = foldl (\x y -> if isLeft y then x else x+1) (0 :: Int) z

getTestT :: String -> [TestT]
getTestT str = getTestT' (lines str) False (TestT [] [] [] 0)

-- t is supposed non empty
getTestT' :: [String] -> Bool -> TestT -> [TestT]
getTestT' [] _ _ = []
getTestT' (x:xs) b t
  | "--[" `isPrefixOf` x && "]" `isSuffixOf` x = getTestT' xs True $ t {valueTest = args : (valueTest t), resTest = res : (resTest t)}
  | not (null $ words x) && not ("--" `isPrefixOf` hw) && b = t {testF = hw} : getTestT' xs False (TestT [] [] [] 0)
  | otherwise = getTestT' xs b t
    list = words $ drop 3 (init x)
    args = if length list == 1 then [] else init list
    res = last list
    hw = head (words x)

replaceXbyY :: String -> Char -> Char -> String
replaceXbyY [] _ _ = []
replaceXbyY (x:xs) a b
  | x == a = b:replaceXbyY xs a b
  | otherwise = x : replaceXbyY xs a b