# This file pins the version of nixpkgs to a known good version. The nixpkgs is # imported with an overlay overriding haskellPackages to generate haddocks for # GI dependencies, and to use the GHC, VTE, GTK and open-haddock versions we # want. It is imported from various other files. { compiler ? null, nixpkgs ? null }: let nixpkgsSrc = if isNull nixpkgs then builtins.fetchTarball { # version of nixpkgs as of 2018-11-21 url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/a370bd1fed5fcce0bb260fb6a5213911f1441eac.tar.gz"; sha256 = "17zj2yay3wgmgh1pwmgh6fcpqnrw7fl9riv852z3l38711by5ar4"; } else nixpkgs; compilerVersion = if isNull compiler then "ghc844" else compiler; # The termonad derivation is generated automatically with `cabal2nix`. termonadOverride = stdenvLib: gnome3: callCabal2nix: overrideCabal: let src = builtins.filterSource (path: type: with stdenvLib; ! elem (baseNameOf path) [ ".git" "result" ".stack-work" ] && ! any (flip hasPrefix (baseNameOf path)) [ "dist" ".ghc" ] ) ./..; termonad = callCabal2nix "termonad" src { inherit (gnome3) gtk3; vte_291 = gnome3.vte; }; in overrideCabal termonad (oldAttrs: { # For some reason the doctests fail when running with nix. # https://github.com/cdepillabout/termonad/issues/15 doCheck = false; }); # This is only used when older versions of nixpkgs are being used that don't have # the focuslist package yet. Eventually this can probably be completely dropped # around July of 2019 or so. # # Also, if Termonad starts depending on a newer version of focuslist, this will # have to be updated. myfocuslist = callCabal2nix: let src = builtins.fetchTarball { url = "https://github.com/cdepillabout/focuslist/archive/80bd865e82ab4499ccebcd89989d2dbb221bb381.tar.gz"; sha256 = "1b7da9ngk34jc2w4hhqq6qv20pkch5vvi34kr81xpmr3mmiwqmai"; }; in callCabal2nix "focuslist" src {}; haskellPackagesOL = self: super: with super.haskell.lib; { haskellPackages = super.haskell.packages.${compilerVersion}.override { overrides = hself: hsuper: { # Only override the version of foculist if it doesn't already exist in # the haskell package set. focuslist = hsuper.focuslist or (myfocuslist hself.callCabal2nix); termonad = termonadOverride self.stdenv.lib self.gnome3 hself.callCabal2nix self.haskell.lib.overrideCabal; # This is a tool to use to easily open haddocks in the browser. open-haddock = hsuper.open-haddock.overrideAttrs (oa: { src = super.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "jml"; repo = "open-haddock"; rev = "472d10d61d7b9262626171af0484a65365863fa6"; sha256 = "072d680j1k3n0vkzsbghhnah2p799yxrm7mhvr0nkdvr7iy04gcz"; }; }); }; }; # Darwin needs a patch to gobject-introspection: # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/46310 gobjectIntrospection = super.gobjectIntrospection.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: { patches = oldAttrs.patches ++ (if self.stdenv.isDarwin then [ ./macos-gobject-introspection-rpath.patch ] else [ ]); }); }; in import nixpkgsSrc { overlays = [ haskellPackagesOL ]; }