{-# Language 
        DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable #-}

-- | A library for creating lists of constant time events related in time.
module Temporal.Media(
    -- * Introduction

    -- | "Temporal.Media" is a library for creating lists of constant time 
    -- events related in time. Constant time event is value
    -- that starts at some fixed time and lasts for some 
    -- fixed time. Library provides functions to build lists
    -- of such events with time-relations like sequent,  
    -- parallel or delayed. 
    -- Core type of library is 'Track'. It provides interface
    -- to compose list of events. 
    -- * Types
    Event(..), Track, within, eventEnd,
    -- * Composition
    module Temporal.Class,
    temp, fromEvent, singleEvent, reflect, (=:/),
    harT, sustain, sustainT,
    -- ** Common patterns
    melTemp, harTemp, harTMap,
    -- * Filtering
    slice, takeT, dropT, filterEvents,     
    -- * Mappings
    mapEvents, traverseEvents, tmap, tmapRel,
    -- * Rendering
    render, alignByZero, sortEvents,
    -- * Monoid synonyms
    -- | This package heavily relies on 'Monoid's, so there are shorcuts
    -- for 'Monoid' methods.    
    module Data.Monoid,
    -- * Miscellaneous
    linfun, linfunRel
) where

import Data.Monoid
import Data.Boolean
import Data.Foldable(Foldable(foldMap))
import Data.Traversable

import Control.Applicative hiding ((<*))

import Data.List(sortBy)
import Data.Ord(comparing)

import Temporal.Class

-- TODO : optimise loops
-- reflect ??? 

-- Monoid shortcuts

-- | Synonym for method 'mempty'.
nil :: Monoid a => a 
nil = mempty

-- Track

-- | 'Track' is a set of 'Event' s. There is total duration
-- of the track, but Events can go beyond the scope of total duration
-- (as a result of 'mapEvents' function). Total duration is used in sequent 
-- composition of tracks. 
data Track t a = Track t (TList t a)
    deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance (Num t, IfB t, OrdB t) => Monoid (Track t a) where
    mempty = Track 0 mempty
    mappend (Track d es) (Track d' es') = 
        Track (maxB d d') $ mappend es es'

type instance DurOf (Track t a) = t

instance Duration (Track t a) where
    dur (Track d _) = d

-- | Stretches track in time domain.
instance Num t => Stretch (Track t a) where
    str k (Track d es) = Track (k*d) $ stretchTList k es

-- | Delays all events by given duration. 
instance Num t => Delay (Track t a) where
    del k (Track d es) = Track (k+d) $ delayTList k es

-- | Turncating parallel composition. Total duration
-- equals to minimum of the two tracks. All events
-- that goes beyond the limit are dropped.
(=:/) :: (Real t, IfB t, OrdB t) => Track t a -> Track t a -> Track t a
a =:/ b = slice 0 (dur a `minB` dur b) $ a <> b

instance (Num t, IfB t, OrdB t) => Melody (Track t a) where
    mel = foldr (+:+) nil
    a +:+ b = a <> del (dur a) b

instance (Num t, IfB t, OrdB t) => Harmony (Track t a) where
    har = mconcat
    a =:= b = a <> b   

instance (Num t, IfB t, OrdB t) => Compose (Track t a) where 

-- | Turncating parallel composition on list of tracks.
harT :: (Real t, IfB t, OrdB t) => [Track t a] -> Track t a
harT xs = slice 0 (minimum $ dur <$> xs) $ har xs    

-- | Analog of 'replicate' function for tracks. Replicated
-- tracks are played sequentially.

-- | A melody of events. Each of them lasts for one second.
melTemp :: (Num t, IfB t, OrdB t) => [a] -> Track t a
melTemp = melMap temp

-- | A chord of events. Each of them lasts for one second.
harTemp :: (Num t, IfB t, OrdB t) => [a] -> Track t a
harTemp = harMap temp

-- | Transforms a sequence and then applies a harT.
harTMap :: (Real t, IfB t, OrdB t) => (a -> Track t b) -> [a] -> Track t b
harTMap f xs = harT $ fmap f xs

-- | Reversing the tracks
reflect :: (Num t, IfB t, OrdB t) => Track t a -> Track t a
reflect a = mapEvents 
    (\e -> e{ eventStart = d - (eventStart e + eventDur e) }) a
    where d = dur a

-- | Empty track that lasts for some time.
instance (Num t, IfB t, OrdB t) => Rest (Track t a) where
    rest = flip del nil

-- | 'slice' cuts piece of value within given time interval.
-- for @('slice' t0 t1 m)@, if @t1 < t0@ result is reversed.
-- If @t0@ is negative or @t1@ goes beyond @'dur' m@ blocks of
-- nothing inserted so that duration of result equals to 
-- @'abs' (t0 - t1)@.
slice :: (Real t) => t -> t -> Track t a -> Track t a
slice t0 t1 = (slice' t0 t1)

slice' :: (Real t) => t -> t -> Track t a -> Track t a
slice' t0 t1 = sliceDur . del (-t0) . filterEvents (within t0 t1)
    where sliceDur (Track _ a) = Track (t1 - t0) a

-- | @('takeT' t)@ is equivalent to @('slice' 0 t)@.
takeT :: (Real t) => t -> Track t a -> Track t a
takeT t1 = slice 0 t1

-- | @('dropT' t m)@ is equivalent to @('slice' t (dur a) a)@.
dropT :: Real t => t -> Track t a -> Track t a
dropT t0 a = slice t0 (dur a) a

-- | 'temp' constructs just an event. 
-- Value of type a lasts for one time unit and starts at zero.
temp :: (Num t) => a -> Track t a
temp = Track 1 . Single

-- | Constructs a track that contains a single event.
fromEvent :: Num t => Event t a -> Track t a
fromEvent (Event start duration content) = singleEvent start duration content

-- | Constructs a track that contains a single event.
-- > singleEvent start duration content
singleEvent :: Num t => t -> t -> a -> Track t a
singleEvent start duration content = del start $ str duration $ temp content

-- | Get all events on recordered on the track. 
render :: (Num t) => Track t a -> [Event t a]
render (Track d es) = renderTList es

-- Event

-- | Constant time events. Value @a@ starts at some time 
-- and lasts for some time.
data Event t a = Event {
        eventStart      :: t,
        eventDur        :: t,
        eventContent    :: a 
    } deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | End point of event (start time plus duration).
eventEnd :: Num t => Event t a -> t
eventEnd e = eventStart e + eventDur e

instance Functor (Event t) where
    fmap f e = e{ eventContent = f (eventContent e) }

durEvent = eventDur
delayEvent d e = e{ eventStart = eventStart e + d }
stretchEvent d e = e{ eventStart = eventStart e * d,
                      eventDur   = eventDur   e * d }

-- | Tests if given 'Event' happens between two time stamps.
within :: (Real t) => t -> t -> Event t a -> Bool
within t0 t1 e = within' t0 t1 (eventStart e) && within' t0 t1 (eventEnd e)
    where within' a b x = x >= a && x <= b

-- | General mapping. Maps not only values but events. 
mapEvents :: Num t => (Event t a -> Event t b) -> Track t a -> Track t b 
mapEvents = onEvents . fmap

traverseEvents :: (Num t1, Applicative f) => (t1 -> f t2) -> (Event t1 a -> f (Event t2 b)) -> Track t1 a -> f (Track t2 b)
traverseEvents df f t = Track <$> (df $ dur t) <*> (fmap fromEventList $ traverse f $ render t)

-- | Filter track. 
filterEvents :: Real t => (Event t a -> Bool) -> Track t a -> Track t a
filterEvents = onEvents . filter

onEvents :: Num t => ([Event t a] -> [Event t b]) -> Track t a -> Track t b
onEvents phi t@(Track d es) = Track d $ fromEventList $ phi $ render t

-- | Maps values and time stamps.
tmap :: Real t => (Event t a -> b) -> Track t a -> Track t b
tmap f = mapEvents $ \e -> e{ eventContent = f e }

-- | Relative tmap. Time values are normalized by argument's duration. 
tmapRel :: (RealFrac t) => (Event t a -> b) -> Track t a -> Track t b
tmapRel f x = tmap (f . stretchEvent (1 / dur x)) x

-- | After this transformation events last longer
-- by some constant amount of time.
sustain :: Num t => t -> Track t a -> Track t a
sustain a = mapEvents $ \e -> e{ eventDur = a + eventDur e }

-- | Prolongated events can not exceed total track duration.
-- All event are sustained but those that are close to 
-- end of the track are sliced. It resembles sustain on piano,
-- when track ends you release the pedal.
sustainT :: (Ord t, Num t) => t -> Track t a -> Track t a
sustainT a x = mapEvents (\e -> truncate $ e{ eventDur = a + eventDur e }) x
    where truncate e
            | eventEnd e > d    = e{ eventDur = max 0 $ d - eventStart e }
            | otherwise         = e
          d = dur x

-- | Shifts all events so that minimal start time
--  equals to zero if first event has negative start time.
alignByZero :: (Real t) => [Event t a] -> [Event t a]
alignByZero es 
    | minT < 0  = alignEvent <$> es
    | otherwise = es
    where minT = minimum $ eventStart <$> es
          alignEvent e = e{ eventStart = eventStart e - minT } 

-- | Sorts all events by start time.
sortEvents :: Ord t => [Event t a] -> [Event t a]
sortEvents = sortBy (comparing eventStart)

-- Temporal List

data TList t a =  Empty
                | Single a
                | Append  (TList t a) (TList t a)
                | TFun (Tfm t) (TList t a)
            deriving (Show, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

foldT :: b -> (a -> b) -> (b -> b -> b) -> (Tfm t -> b -> b) 
    -> TList t a -> b
foldT empty single append tfun x = case x of
        Empty        -> empty
        Single a     -> single a
        Append a b   -> append (f a) (f b)
        TFun t a     -> tfun t (f a)
    where f = foldT empty single append tfun

instance Monoid (TList t a) where
    mempty                  = Empty
    mappend Empty   a       = a
    mappend a       Empty   = a
    mappend a       b       = Append a b

durTList = maximum . fmap totalEventDur . renderTList 
    where totalEventDur = (+) <$> eventStart <*> eventDur

stretchTList k x = case x of
        TFun t a   -> TFun (stretchTfm k t) a
        Empty      -> Empty
        a          -> TFun (Tfm k 0) a

delayTList k x = case x of
        TFun t a    -> TFun (delayTfm k t) a
        Empty       -> Empty
        a           -> TFun (Tfm 1 k) a 

renderTList :: Num t => TList t a -> [Event t a]
renderTList = ($[]) . foldMap (:) . eventList 

eventList :: Num t => TList t a -> TList t (Event t a) 
eventList = iter unit
    where iter !tfm x = case x of 
                Empty       -> Empty
                Single a    -> Single (eventFromTfm tfm a)
                TFun t a    -> iter (tfm `composeTfm` t) a    
                Append a b  -> Append (iter tfm a) (iter tfm b)

fromEventList :: [Event t a] -> TList t a
fromEventList = foldr (mappend . phi) mempty
    where phi e = TFun (tfmFromEvent e) (Single $ eventContent e)

-- transformation 
-- it's a pair of (stretch factor, delay offset)
data Tfm t = Tfm !t !t
    deriving (Show, Eq)

unit :: Num t => Tfm t
unit = Tfm 1 0

durTfm (Tfm str del) = str + del
stretchTfm k (Tfm str del) = Tfm (k*str)  (k*del)
delayTfm   k (Tfm str del) = Tfm str      (k+del) 

eventFromTfm :: Tfm t -> a -> Event t a
eventFromTfm (Tfm str del) = Event del str

tfmFromEvent :: Event t a -> Tfm t
tfmFromEvent = Tfm <$> eventDur <*> eventStart

-- composition on transformations:
--  s2 `composeTfm` s1
composeTfm :: Num t => Tfm t -> Tfm t -> Tfm t
composeTfm (Tfm s2 d2) (Tfm s1 d1) = Tfm (s1*s2) (d1*s2 + d2)

-- Misc

-- | Linear interpolation. Can be useful with 'mapEvents' for 
-- envelope changes.
-- > linfun [a, da, b, db, c, ... ]
-- @a, b, c ...@ - values
-- @da, db, ...@ - duration of segments
linfun :: (Ord t, Fractional t) => [t] -> t -> t
linfun xs t = 
    case xs of
        (a:dur:b:[])      -> seg a dur b t
        (a:dur:b:(x:xs')) -> if t < dur 
                             then seg a dur b t
                             else linfun (b:x:xs') (t - dur)
    where seg a dur b t 
                | t < 0     = a
                | t >= dur  = b
                | otherwise = a + (b - a)*(t/dur)

-- | With 'linfunRel' you can make linear interpolation
-- function that has equal distance between points.
-- First argument gives total length of the interpolation function
-- and second argument gives list of values. So call
-- > linfunRel dur [a1, a2, a3, ..., aN]
-- is equivalent to:
-- > linfun [a1, dur/N, a2, dur/N, a3, ..., dur/N, aN]
linfunRel :: (Ord t, Fractional t) => t -> [t] -> t -> t
linfunRel dur xs = linfun $ init $ f =<< xs
    where dt  = dur / (fromIntegral $ length xs)
          f x = [x, dt]