# template.hs [Homepage][repository] By Alex Brandt ## Description You can use template.hs to create a new GitHub repository. The repository will have Haskell, VS Code devcontainers, and various GitHub actions ready to use. ## Terms of use You are free to use template.hs as a basis for your own projects without any conditions. See the [LICENSE] file for details. ## Prerequisites 1. VS Code with "Remote Development" installed ## How to use this template 1. Visit [the repository][repository] 1. Click "Use this template" 1. Follow the GitHub Docs to [Create a repo][create a repo] 1. Open VS Code 1. Open the command prompt (ctrl+shift+p) 1. Type "clone repository in container" and hit return 1. Input the GitHub URL of your new repository 1. In the resulting terminal (ctrl+\`), run: `cabal run initialise` 1. Resolve the README update issue that is generated 1. Continue working on your awesome project ## Documentation * [LICENSE]: The license governing use of template.hs ## Getting Help * [GitHub Issues][issues]: Support requests, bug reports, and feature requests ## How to Help * Submit [issues] for problems or questions * Submit [pull requests] for proposed changes [create a repo]: https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/create-a-repo [issues]: https://github.com/alunduil/template.hs/issues [LICENSE]: ./LICENSE [pull requests]: https://github.com/alunduil/template.hs/pulls [repository]: https://github.com/alunduil/template.hs