module Data.Text.Template
) where
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(pure), (<$>))
import Control.Monad (liftM, liftM2, replicateM_)
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (State, evalState, get, put)
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isLower)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust)
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Prelude hiding (takeWhile)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
newtype Template = Template [Frag]
instance Eq Template where
(==) = (==) `on` showTemplate
instance Show Template where
show = T.unpack . showTemplate
showTemplate :: Template -> T.Text
showTemplate (Template fs) = T.concat $ map showFrag fs
data Frag = Lit !T.Text | Var !T.Text !Bool
instance Show Frag where
show = T.unpack . showFrag
showFrag :: Frag -> T.Text
showFrag (Var s b)
| b = T.concat [T.pack "${", s, T.pack "}"]
| otherwise = T.concat [T.pack "$", s]
showFrag (Lit s) = T.concatMap escape s
where escape '$' = T.pack "$$"
escape c = T.singleton c
type Context = T.Text -> T.Text
type ContextA f = T.Text -> f T.Text
template :: T.Text -> Template
template = templateFromFrags . runParser pFrags
templateSafe :: T.Text -> Either (Int, Int) Template
templateSafe =
either Left (Right . templateFromFrags) . runParser pFragsSafe
templateFromFrags :: [Frag] -> Template
templateFromFrags = Template . combineLits
combineLits :: [Frag] -> [Frag]
combineLits [] = []
combineLits xs =
let (lits,xs') = span isLit xs
in case lits of
[] -> gatherVars xs'
[lit] -> lit : gatherVars xs'
_ -> Lit (T.concat (map fromLit lits)) : gatherVars xs'
gatherVars [] = []
gatherVars ys =
let (vars,ys') = span isVar ys
in vars ++ combineLits ys'
isLit (Lit _) = True
isLit _ = False
isVar = not . isLit
fromLit (Lit v) = v
fromLit _ = undefined
render :: Template -> Context -> LT.Text
render (Template frags) ctxFunc = LT.fromChunks $ map renderFrag frags
renderFrag (Lit s) = s
renderFrag (Var x _) = ctxFunc x
renderA :: Applicative f => Template -> ContextA f -> f LT.Text
renderA (Template frags) ctxFunc = LT.fromChunks <$> traverse renderFrag frags
renderFrag (Lit s) = pure s
renderFrag (Var x _) = ctxFunc x
substitute :: T.Text -> Context -> LT.Text
substitute = render . template
substituteA :: Applicative f => T.Text -> ContextA f -> f LT.Text
substituteA = renderA . template
pFrags :: Parser [Frag]
pFrags = do
c <- peek
case c of
Nothing -> return []
Just '$' -> do c' <- peekSnd
case c' of
Just '$' -> do discard 2
continue (return $ Lit $ T.pack "$")
_ -> continue pVar
_ -> continue pLit
continue x = liftM2 (:) x pFrags
pFragsSafe :: Parser (Either (Int, Int) [Frag])
pFragsSafe = pFragsSafe' []
pFragsSafe' frags = do
c <- peek
case c of
Nothing -> return . Right . reverse $ frags
Just '$' -> do c' <- peekSnd
case c' of
Just '$' -> do discard 2
continue (Lit $ T.pack "$")
_ -> do e <- pVarSafe
either abort continue e
_ -> do l <- pLit
continue l
continue x = pFragsSafe' (x : frags)
abort = return . Left
pVar :: Parser Frag
pVar = do
discard 1
c <- peek
case c of
Just '{' -> do discard 1
v <- pIdentifier
c' <- peek
case c' of
Just '}' -> do discard 1
return $ Var v True
_ -> liftM parseError pos
_ -> do v <- pIdentifier
return $ Var v False
pVarSafe :: Parser (Either (Int, Int) Frag)
pVarSafe = do
discard 1
c <- peek
case c of
Just '{' -> do discard 1
e <- pIdentifierSafe
case e of
Right v -> do c' <- peek
case c' of
Just '}' -> do discard 1
return $ Right (Var v True)
_ -> liftM parseErrorSafe pos
Left m -> return $ Left m
_ -> do e <- pIdentifierSafe
return $ either Left (\v -> Right $ Var v False) e
pIdentifier :: Parser T.Text
pIdentifier = do
m <- peek
if isJust m && isIdentifier0 (fromJust m)
then takeWhile isIdentifier1
else liftM parseError pos
pIdentifierSafe :: Parser (Either (Int, Int) T.Text)
pIdentifierSafe = do
m <- peek
if isJust m && isIdentifier0 (fromJust m)
then liftM Right (takeWhile isIdentifier1)
else liftM parseErrorSafe pos
pLit :: Parser Frag
pLit = do
s <- takeWhile (/= '$')
return $ Lit s
isIdentifier0 :: Char -> Bool
isIdentifier0 c = or [isLower c, c == '_']
isIdentifier1 :: Char -> Bool
isIdentifier1 c = or [isAlphaNum c, c `elem` "_'"]
parseError :: (Int, Int) -> a
parseError = error . makeParseErrorMessage
parseErrorSafe :: (Int, Int) -> Either (Int, Int) a
parseErrorSafe = Left
makeParseErrorMessage :: (Int, Int) -> String
makeParseErrorMessage (row, col) =
"Invalid placeholder at " ++
"row " ++ show row ++ ", col " ++ show col
data S = S !T.Text
type Parser = State S
char :: Parser (Maybe Char)
char = do
S s row col <- get
if T.null s
then return Nothing
else do c <- return $! T.head s
case c of
'\n' -> put $! S (T.tail s) (row + 1) 1
_ -> put $! S (T.tail s) row (col + 1)
return $ Just c
peek :: Parser (Maybe Char)
peek = do
s <- get
c <- char
put s
return c
peekSnd :: Parser (Maybe Char)
peekSnd = do
s <- get
_ <- char
c <- char
put s
return c
takeWhile :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser T.Text
takeWhile p = do
S s row col <- get
#if MIN_VERSION_text(0,11,0)
case T.span p s of
case T.spanBy p s of
(x, s') -> do
let xlines = T.lines x
row' = row + fromIntegral (length xlines 1)
col' = case xlines of
[] -> col
[sameLine] -> T.length sameLine
_ -> T.length (last xlines)
put $! S s' row' col'
return x
discard :: Int -> Parser ()
discard n = replicateM_ n char
pos :: Parser (Int, Int)
pos = do
S _ row col <- get
return (row, col)
runParser :: Parser a -> T.Text -> a
runParser p s = evalState p $ S s 1 0