import Control.Concurrent ( threadDelay ) import Control.Exception ( SomeException, try ) import Control.Error import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Identity import Control.Monad.Trans import Control.Monad.Trans.RWS import Data.Bifunctor ( second ) import Data.List ( intersperse ) import Data.List.Split ( chunksOf, splitOn ) import Data.Time.Clock ( getCurrentTime, utctDay ) import Data.Version import qualified Data.Map as M import Network import System.Environment ( getArgs ) import System.IO version :: Version version = Version [0,3,3,2] ["alcohol","IS","a","solution"] type Failable = EitherT String Identity type FailableIO = EitherT String IO type Server = String type Chan = String type Session = RWST ConInfo () Stories IO data ConInfo = ConInfo { -- server host conHost :: String -- chan , conChan :: String -- our nick , conNick :: String -- handle , conHandle :: Handle -- admin password , conPwd :: String } -- for each individual dudes, keep a list of stories to tell type Stories = M.Map String [String] ircPort :: Int ircPort = 6667 floodThreshold :: Int floodThreshold = 3 floodDelay :: Int floodDelay = 500000 -- 500ms reconnectDelay :: Int reconnectDelay = 1000000 -- 1s session :: ConInfo -> Session a -> IO a session cinfo s = do (a,_,_) <- runRWST s cinfo M.empty return a toIRC :: String -> Session () toIRC msg = asks conHandle >>= lift . flip hPutStrLn msg fromIRC :: Session String fromIRC = asks conHandle >>= lift . hGetLine msgIRC :: String -> String -> Session () msgIRC to msg = toIRC $ "PRIVMSG " ++ to ++ " :" ++ msg runFailable :: EitherT e Identity a -> Either e a runFailable = runIdentity . runEitherT runFailableIO :: EitherT e IO a -> IO (Either e a) runFailableIO = runEitherT main :: IO () main = do hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering hSetBuffering stderr NoBuffering putStrLn . showVersion $ version args <- getArgs runFailableIO (start args) >>= either errLn return getChan :: [String] -> Failable (Server,Chan,String,String) getChan args = do unless ( length args == 4 ) . left $ "expected server host, chan, nick and admin password" let [host,chan,nick,pwd] = args return (host,chan,nick,pwd) start :: [String] -> FailableIO () start args = do (serv,chan,nick,pwd) <- hoistEither . runFailable $ getChan args liftIO . withSocketsDo $ connectIRC serv chan nick pwd connectIRC :: Server -> Chan -> String -> String -> IO () connectIRC serv chan nick pwd = do putStrLn $ "connecting to " ++ serv eitherCon <- try $ do h <- connectTo serv (PortNumber . fromIntegral $ ircPort) hSetBuffering h NoBuffering session (ConInfo serv chan nick h pwd) $ do initIRC nick openChan ircSession either reconnect (const $ return ()) eitherCon where reconnect :: SomeException -> IO () reconnect e = do err (show e) threadDelay reconnectDelay connectIRC serv chan nick pwd initIRC :: String -> Session () initIRC nick = do toIRC "USER a b c :d" toIRC $ "NICK " ++ nick openChan :: Session () openChan = do chan <- asks conChan liftIO . putStrLn $ "joining " ++ chan joinChan joinChan :: Session () joinChan = asks conChan >>= toIRC . ("JOIN "++) quitChan :: Session () quitChan = toIRC "QUIT" ircSession :: Session () ircSession = forever $ fromIRC >>= onContent . purgeContent purgeContent :: String -> String purgeContent = filter (\c -> not $ c `elem` "\n\r") onContent :: String -> Session () onContent c = do liftIO (putStrLn c) treat where tailC = tail c treat | isMsg c = treatMsg tailC | isJoin c = treatJoin tailC | isKick c = treatKick c | isPing c = treatPing c | otherwise = return () -- FIXME: those functions are not really safe and might be flaws isPing :: String -> Bool isPing c = "PING" `elem` words c isMsg :: String -> Bool isMsg c = "PRIVMSG" `elem` words c isJoin :: String -> Bool isJoin c = "JOIN" `elem` words c isKick :: String -> Bool isKick c = "KICK" `elem` words c treatPing :: String -> Session () treatPing ping = do toIRC pong where pong = "PONG" ++ numericPing numericPing = snd . break (==' ') $ ping treatMsg :: String -> Session () treatMsg msg = do nick <- asks conNick liftIO . putStrLn $ "from: " ++ fromNick ++ ", to: " ++ to ++ ": " ++ content unless ( null content || fromNick == nick ) $ do tellStories fromNick when ( head content == '!') $ do onCmd fromNick to (tail content) where (fromNick,to,content) = emitterRecipientContent msg treatJoin :: String -> Session () treatJoin _ = do return () {- nick <- asks conNick unless (from == nick) $ tellStories from where (from,to,_) = emitterRecipientContent msg -} treatKick :: String -> Session () treatKick msg = do nick <- asks conNick chan <- asks conChan when (kicked == nick) $ do liftIO . putStrLn $ "woah, I was kicked by " ++ from joinChan msgIRC chan $ from ++ ": you sonavabitch." where (from',_,content) = emitterRecipientContent msg from = tailSafe from' kicked = tailSafe $ dropWhile (/=':') content -- Extract the emitter, the recipient and the message. emitterRecipientContent :: String -> (String,String,String) emitterRecipientContent msg = (from,to,content) where (from':_:to:content') = splitOn " " msg from = fst . break (=='!') $ from' content = tailSafe (unwords content') onCmd :: String -> String -> String -> Session () onCmd from to msg = do liftIO . putStrLn $ "searching command " ++ cmd ++ ": " ++ show found maybe unknownCmd treatCmd (M.lookup cmd commands) where (cmd,arg) = second tailSafe . break (==' ') $ msg unknownCmd = return () treatCmd c = c from to arg found = cmd `M.member` commands commands :: M.Map String (String -> String -> String -> Session ()) commands = M.fromList [ ("tell",tellCmd) , ("do",doCmd) , ("help",helpCmd) ] tellCmd :: String -> String -> String -> Session () tellCmd from _ arg = do chan <- asks conChan treat chan where treat chan | length arg > 1 && not (null msg) = do nick <- asks conNick if fromNick == nick then msgIRC chan "I'll tell myself for sure pal!" else do -- FIXME: issue #2 {- userPresent <- do toIRC $ "NAMES " ++ chan names <- (filter $ \c -> not $ c `elem` "?@!#:") `liftM` fromIRC liftIO . putStrLn $ "names: " ++ names return (fromNick `elem` words names) if userPresent then msgIRC chan "don't waste my time; that folk's here" else do -} now <- liftIO $ utctDay `liftM` getCurrentTime modify . M.insertWith (flip (++)) fromNick $ [show now ++ ", " ++ from ++ " told " ++ fromNick ++ ": " ++ msg] msgIRC from "\\_o<" | otherwise = msgIRC chan "nope!" (fromNick,msg) = second tailSafe . break (==' ') $ arg doCmd :: String -> String -> String -> Session () doCmd from to arg = do chan <- asks conChan myNick <- asks conNick pwd <- asks conPwd treatDo chan myNick pwd where treatDo chan myNick pwd | to == chan = msgIRC from "I'm sorry, I feel naked in public ;)" | to == myNick && length args >= 3 = executeDo chan pwd | otherwise = msgIRC from "huhu, something went terribly wrong!" args = words arg userPwd:action:actionParams = args executeDo chan pwd | pwd /= userPwd = msgIRC from "wrong password!" | otherwise = executeAction chan executeAction chan | action == "op" = mapM_ (toIRC . (mode chan "+o"++)) actionParams | action == "deop" = mapM_ (toIRC . (mode chan "-o"++)) actionParams | action == "say" = msgIRC chan (unwords actionParams) | action == "kick" = mapM_ (toIRC . (("KICK " ++ chan ++ " ")++)) actionParams | otherwise = msgIRC from "unknown action" mode chan m = "MODE " ++ chan ++ " " ++ m ++ " " helpCmd :: String -> String -> String -> Session () helpCmd from _ _ = do myNick <- asks conNick msgIRC from $ "!tell dest msg: leave a message to a beloved" msgIRC from $ "!do pwd action params: perform an action" msgIRC from $ "- - op user0 user1...: grant op privileges" msgIRC from $ "- - deop user0 user1...: revoke op privileges" msgIRC from $ "- - say blabla: make " ++ myNick ++ " say something" msgIRC from $ "- - kick user0 user1...: kick them all!" msgIRC from . showVersion $ version msgIRC from $ "written in Haskell by phaazon" -- FIXME: host & ident tellStories :: String -> Session () tellStories nick = do stories <- gets (maybeToList . M.lookup nick) let cstories = concat stories chunks = map (mapM_ $ msgIRC nick) . chunksOf floodThreshold $ cstories tells = intersperse (liftIO $ threadDelay floodDelay) chunks unless (null stories) $ do sequence_ tells modify (M.delete nick)