module Test.Asdf.EncodeSpec where import Control.Monad (forM_) import Data.ByteString qualified as BS import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as BC import Data.Massiv.Array (Array, Comp (Seq), D, Ix2, P) import Data.Massiv.Array qualified as M import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as T import GHC.Generics (Generic) import GHC.Int (Int16, Int64) import Skeletest import Skeletest.Predicate qualified as P import Telescope.Asdf.Class import Telescope.Asdf.Core import Telescope.Asdf.Encoding import Telescope.Asdf.Encoding.File import Telescope.Asdf.Error import Telescope.Asdf.NDArray import Telescope.Asdf.Node import Telescope.Data.Parser (expected) import Test.Asdf.ClassSpec (expectObject) spec :: Spec spec = do describe "basic" basicSpec describe "document" documentSpec describe "blocks" blocksSpec describe "roundtrip" roundSpec describe "stream" streamSpec describe "external verification" externalSpec describe "references" referenceSpec describe "anchors" anchorSpec anchorSpec :: Spec anchorSpec = do it "should encode an anchor" $ do (out, _) <- runAsdfM . encodeNode $ Node mempty (Just "woot") "hello" out `shouldBe` "&woot 'hello'\n" it "should encode an alias" $ do let alias = toNode $ Alias $ Anchor "something" :: Node let anc = Node mempty (Just "something") "something" (out, _) <- runAsdfM . encodeNode $ toNode $ Array [anc, alias] out `shouldBe` "[&something 'something', *something]\n" it "should not encode anchors to mappings" $ do (out, _) <- runAsdfM . encodeNode $ Node mempty (Just "thing") (Object [("hello", "world")]) let outt = T.decodeUtf8 out length (T.splitOn "&thing" outt) `shouldBe` 2 out `shouldBe` "&thing {hello: world}\n" it "should not encode anchors to array members" $ do (out, _) <- runAsdfM . encodeNode $ Node mempty (Just "thing") (Array ["one", "two"]) let outt = T.decodeUtf8 out length (T.splitOn "&thing" outt) `shouldBe` 2 out `shouldBe` "&thing [one, two]\n" it "should throw if alias before anchor" $ do let vals = [toNode $ Alias "two", Node mempty (Just "two") "two"] runAsdfM (encodeNode $ toNode (Array vals)) `shouldSatisfy` P.throws @AsdfError P.anything referenceSpec :: Spec referenceSpec = do it "should encode a pointer" $ do let ref = JSONReference mempty (jsonPointer "#/users/1/name") (out, _) <- runAsdfM . encodeNode $ toNode $ Reference ref out `shouldBe` "{$ref: '#/users/1/name'}\n" it "should encode a reference" $ do let ref = JSONReference "" (jsonPointer "#/users/1/name") (out, _) <- runAsdfM . encodeNode $ toNode $ Reference ref out `shouldBe` "{$ref: ''}\n" it "should roundtrip reference" $ do let ref = Reference $ JSONReference mempty (jsonPointer "#/users/1/name") let tree = Object [("username", toNode ref)] out <- encodeM tree obj <- decodeM @Value out >>= expectObject lookup "username" obj `shouldBe` Just (Node mempty Nothing ref) -- it "should rountrip and resolve references" $ do -- let pn = PointyName "pip" -- toValue pn `shouldBe` InternalRef (pointer "/names/2") -- -- let pd = PointyData pn ["bob", "pip", "will"] -- out <- encodeM pd -- pd2 <- decodeM @PointyData out -- -- pd2.other `shouldBe` PointyName "will" basicSpec :: Spec basicSpec = do it "starts with required header lines" $ do out <- encodeM (Object []) (l1 : l2 : l3 : l4 : doc1 : _) <- pure $ BC.lines out l1 `shouldBe` "#ASDF 1.0.0" l2 `shouldBe` "#ASDF_STANDARD 1.5.0" l3 `shouldBe` "%YAML 1.1" l4 `shouldBe` "%TAG !" BS.take 4 doc1 `shouldBe` "--- " it "should include history" $ do out <- encodeM (Object []) let (_, restL) = BS.breakSubstring "asdf_library:" out BS.length restL `shouldNotBe` 0 let (_, restH) = BS.breakSubstring "history:" out BS.length restH `shouldNotBe` 0 it "should throw if not an object" $ do encodeM (Integer 100) `shouldSatisfy` P.throws @AsdfError P.anything streamSpec :: Spec streamSpec = do it "should encode an empty string as empty single quotes" $ do let unit = fromValue $ String "" let obj = Object [("unit", unit)] (out, _) <- runAsdfM . encodeNode $ toNode obj out `shouldBe` "{unit: ''}\n" documentSpec :: Spec documentSpec = do it "converts to document" $ do asdf <- runAsdfM $ toAsdfDoc $ BasicData "henry" `shouldBe` "telescope.hs" let Tree tree = asdf.tree lookup "username" tree `shouldBe` Just "henry" blocksSpec :: Spec blocksSpec = do it "includes blocks" $ do let ns = [1 .. 100] out <- encodeM (BasicArray ns) af <- runAsdfM $ splitAsdfFile out length af.blocks `shouldBe` 1 [BlockData bd] <- runAsdfM $ mapM decodeBlock af.blocks bd `shouldBe` (toNDArray ns).bytes describe "index" $ do it "increeasing" $ do let nd1 = toNDArray ([1 .. 10] :: [Int64]) let nd2 = toNDArray $ matrix @Int64 [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]] let blks = fmap (encodeBlock . BlockData) [nd1.bytes, nd2.bytes, nd1.bytes] let tree = "1234567890" let BlockIndex ix = blockIndex tree blks length ix `shouldBe` 3 [i1, i2, i3] <- pure ix let start = BS.length tree.bytes i1 `shouldBe` start i2 `shouldSatisfy` (start + (10 * 8)) i3 `shouldSatisfy` i2 it "equivalent to example.asdf" $ do inp <- BS.readFile "samples/example.asdf" e <- decodeM @Value inp e `shouldSatisfy` P.con (Object P.anything) af <- runAsdfM $ toAsdfDoc e >>= encodeAsdf length af.blocks `shouldBe` 3 let BlockIndex ix = blockIndex af.tree af.blocks length ix `shouldBe` 3 (i1 : _) <- pure ix i1 `shouldBe` BS.length af.tree.bytes fmap (subtract i1) ix `shouldBe` fmap (subtract 897) [897, 1751, 2605] it "addresses blocks" $ do inp <- BS.readFile "samples/example.asdf" e <- decodeM @Value inp o <- encodeM e BlockIndex ix <- runAsdfM $ do a <- toAsdfDoc e af <- encodeAsdf a pure $ blockIndex af.tree af.blocks forM_ ix $ \n -> do BS.take 4 (BS.drop n o) `shouldBe` blockMagicToken roundSpec :: Spec roundSpec = do it "decodes encoded file" $ do out <- encodeM (Object [("hello", "world")]) tree <- decodeM @Value out >>= expectObject lookup "hello" tree `shouldSatisfy` P.just (P.eq "world") it "encodes data type fields" $ do out <- encodeM $ BasicData "hello" let (_, nameRest) = BS.breakSubstring "username: hello" out nameRest `shouldNotBe` "" it "encodes simple ndarray" $ do out <- encodeM $ BasicArray [1 .. 100] BasicArray ns <- decodeM out ns `shouldBe` [1 .. 100] it "encodes massiv array" $ do let mx = matrix [[1.0 .. 5.0], [2.0 .. 6.0]] out <- encodeM $ Matrix mx -- TEST: throws an error if NDArrayData.shape doesn't match Matrix ns <- decodeM out ns `shouldBe` mx it "decodes encoded data type" $ do let sd = SomeData 24 ["one", "two"] $ matrix [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] out <- encodeM sd sd2 <- decodeM @SomeData out sd2.number `shouldBe` sd.number sd2.tags `shouldBe` sd.tags sd2.matrix `shouldBe` sd.matrix externalSpec :: Spec externalSpec = do it "saves encoded document to an asdf for external verification in python" $ do let sd = SomeData 24 ["one", "two"] $ matrix [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] out <- encodeM sd BS.writeFile "samples/generated.asdf" out matrix :: (M.Prim n) => [[n]] -> Array D Ix2 n matrix ns = M.delay @Ix2 @P $ M.fromLists' Seq ns newtype BasicArray = BasicArray [Int64] instance ToAsdf BasicArray where toValue (BasicArray ns) = Object [("values", fromValue $ NDArray $ toNDArray ns)] instance FromAsdf BasicArray where parseValue = \case Object o -> do nd <- o .: "values" ns <- fromNDArray nd pure $ BasicArray ns val -> expected "BasicArray.values" val data Matrix = Matrix { values :: Array D Ix2 Double } deriving (Generic, ToAsdf, FromAsdf) data BasicData = BasicData { username :: Text } deriving (Generic, ToAsdf, FromAsdf) data SomeData = SomeData { number :: Int , tags :: [Text] , matrix :: Array D Ix2 Int16 } deriving (Generic, ToAsdf, FromAsdf) -- TEST: round trip file parts -- TEST: round trip is the only good way -- data PointyData = PointyData -- { other :: PointyName -- , names :: [Text] -- } -- deriving (Generic, FromAsdf, ToAsdf, Show, Eq) -- -- -- newtype PointyName = PointyName Text -- deriving (Show, Eq) -- instance ToAsdf PointyName where -- toValue (PointyName _) = InternalRef (pointer "/names/2") -- instance FromAsdf PointyName where -- parseValue = \case -- String s -> pure $ PointyName s -- InternalRef p -> parsePointer p -- other -> expected "PointyName Ref" other