module Test.Asdf.ClassSpec where import Conduit import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Massiv.Array (Array, Comp (..), D, Ix1, P) import Data.Massiv.Array qualified as M import Data.Text (Text) import Effectful.Resource import GHC.Generics (Generic, from) import GHC.Int (Int32, Int64) import Skeletest import System.ByteOrder import Telescope.Asdf.Class import Telescope.Asdf.Encoding import Telescope.Asdf.Encoding.File import Telescope.Asdf.Error import Telescope.Asdf.NDArray import Telescope.Asdf.Node import Telescope.Data.Axes import Telescope.Data.Parser import Test.Asdf.DecodeSpec (ExampleTreeFix (..), parseIO) import Text.Libyaml qualified as Yaml spec :: Spec spec = do describe "FromAsdf" fromAsdfSpec describe "ToAsdf" toAsdfSpec describe "GObject" gObjectSpec fromAsdfSpec :: Spec fromAsdfSpec = do it "parses object" $ do let (tree :: Object) = [ ("foo", fromValue $ Integer 42) , ("name", fromValue $ String "Monty") , ("sequence", fromValue $ Array $ fmap (fromValue . Integer) [0 .. 99]) , ("random", fromValue $ NDArray $ NDArrayData "" BigEndian Float64 (axesRowMajor [0])) ] ex <- parseIO $ parseValue @Example (Object tree) `shouldBe` 42 `shouldBe` "Monty" ex.sequence `shouldBe` [0 .. 99] it "parses sequence from example.asdf as an NDArray" $ do ExampleTreeFix (Tree tree) <- getFixture (Sequence s) <- parseIO $ parseValue @Sequence (Object tree) s `shouldBe` M.delay (M.fromLists' @P Seq [0 .. 99]) it "resolves anchors" $ do let ex = AnchorExample "world" "asdf" out <- runAsdfM $ encode ex ex2 <- runAsdfM $ decode @AnchorExample out ex2.message `shouldBe` "world" ex2.alias `shouldBe` "world" toAsdfSpec :: Spec toAsdfSpec = do it "should serialize Example" $ do let ex = Example{foo = 40, name = "Marty", sequence = [], powers = Nothing, random = M.empty} let Node s anc val = toNode ex s `shouldBe` schema ex anc `shouldBe` Just "example" o <- expectObject val lookup "foo" o `shouldBe` Just (Node mempty Nothing (Integer 40)) lookup "name" o `shouldBe` Just (Node mempty Nothing (String "Marty")) it "should serialize Example sequence as list" $ do let val = toValue $ Example{foo = 40, name = "Marty", sequence = [0 .. 99], powers = Nothing, random = M.empty} o <- expectObject val ns <- expectArray $ lookup "sequence" o ns `shouldBe` fmap (fromValue . Integer) [0 .. 99] it "should serialize list to Array" $ do let nums = [0 .. 99] :: [Int] toValue nums `shouldBe` Array (fmap (Node mempty Nothing . Integer) [0 .. 99]) it "should forward schema to maybes" $ do schema @(Maybe Example) Nothing `shouldBe` mempty schema @(Maybe Example) (Just undefined) `shouldBe` schema @Example undefined -- it "should produce similar example.asdf" $ do -- ExampleFileFix inp _ <- getFixture -- e <- decodeM @Example inp -- -- o <- encodeM e -- -- BS.writeFile "dump/test.asdf" o -- -- print e -- fail ":NOPE" gObjectSpec :: Spec gObjectSpec = do it "should gen object" $ do gToObject (from (TinyGen "world")) `shouldBe` [("hello", fromValue (String "world"))] it "should gen tiny type" $ do toValue (TinyGen "world") `shouldBe` Object [("hello", fromValue (String "world"))] it "should gen maybe type" $ do toValue (MaybeGen (Just "world")) `shouldBe` Object [("hello", fromValue (String "world"))] toValue (MaybeGen Nothing) `shouldBe` Object [("hello", fromValue Null)] it "should allow maybes" $ do let val = Object [("hello", fromValue (String "world"))] m1 <- parseIO (parseValue val) m1 `shouldBe` MaybeGen (Just "world") m2 <- parseIO (parseValue $ Object []) m2 `shouldBe` MaybeGen Nothing -- newtype ExampleAsdfFix = ExampleAsdfFix Asdf -- instance Fixture ExampleAsdfFix where -- fixtureAction = do -- ExampleFileFix _ f <- getFixture -- a <- runAsdfM $ fromAsdfFile f.tree f.blocks -- pure $ noCleanup $ ExampleAsdfFix a dumpEvents :: ByteString -> IO () dumpEvents inp = do runAsdfM $ do a <- splitAsdfFile inp runResource $ runConduit $ Yaml.decode a.tree.bytes .| takeC 100 .| mapM_C (liftIO . print) data TinyGen = TinyGen { hello :: Text } deriving (Generic, FromAsdf, ToAsdf) data MaybeGen = MaybeGen { hello :: Maybe Text } deriving (Generic, FromAsdf, ToAsdf, Eq) data Example = Example { foo :: Int32 , name :: Text , powers :: Maybe Powers , sequence :: [Int64] , random :: Array D Ix1 Double } deriving (Generic, Show) instance ToAsdf Example where schema _ = "example/woot-1.0" anchor _ = Just "example" instance FromAsdf Example where parseValue = \case Object o -> do foo <- o .: "foo" name <- o .: "name" sq <- o .: "sequence" >>= parseSequence powers <- o .:? "powers" random <- o .: "random" pure $ Example{foo, name, sequence = sq, powers, random} val -> expected "Example" val where parseSequence = \case Array ns -> mapM parseNode ns NDArray nd -> fromNDArray nd val -> expected "Array or NDArray" val data Powers = Powers {squares :: Array D Ix1 Int64} deriving (Generic, Show, ToAsdf, FromAsdf) data Sequence = Sequence (Array D Ix1 Int64) deriving (Eq) instance FromAsdf Sequence where parseValue = \case Object o -> do sql <- o .: "sequence" pure $ Sequence sql node -> expected "Example Sequence" node data AnchorExample = AnchorExample { message :: Text , alias :: Text } deriving (Generic, FromAsdf) instance ToAsdf AnchorExample where toValue ae = Object [ ("message", Node mempty (Just "message") $ String ae.message) , ("alias", toNode $ Alias "message") ] expectArray :: Maybe Node -> IO [Node] expectArray = \case Just (Node _ _ (Array ns)) -> pure ns n -> fail $ "Expected Array, but got: " ++ show n expectObject :: Value -> IO Object expectObject = \case Object o -> pure o n -> fail $ "Expected Object, but got: " ++ show n