{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} module MainSpec (spec) where import Control.Monad import Data.Monoid import Web.Telegram.API.Bot import Test.Hspec import Data.Either (isRight, isLeft) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Network.HTTP.Client (newManager) import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS (tlsManagerSettings) import Servant.Client import Network.HTTP.Types.Status import System.FilePath import Paths_telegram_api -- to print out remote response if response success not match success, nosuccess :: (Show a, Show b) =>Either a b ->Expectation success e = e `shouldSatisfy` isRight nosuccess e = e `shouldSatisfy` isLeft spec :: Token -> Text -> Text -> Spec spec token chatId botName = do manager <- runIO $ newManager tlsManagerSettings dataDir <- runIO getDataDir let testFile name = dataDir "test-data" name describe "/getMe" $ do it "responds with correct bot's name" $ do Right GetMeResponse { user_result = u } <- getMe token manager (user_first_name u) `shouldBe` botName -- f.e. "TelegramAPIBot" describe "/sendMessage" $ do it "should send message" $ do res <- sendMessage token (sendMessageRequest chatId "test message") manager success res let Right MessageResponse { message_result = m } = res (text m) `shouldBe` (Just "test message") it "should return error message" $ do res <- sendMessage token (sendMessageRequest "" "test message") manager nosuccess res let Left FailureResponse { responseStatus = Status { statusMessage = msg } } = res msg `shouldBe` "Bad Request" it "should send message markdown" $ do let request = (sendMessageRequest chatId "text *bold* _italic_ [github](github.com/klappvisor/telegram-api)") { message_parse_mode = Just Markdown } res <- sendMessage token request manager success res let Right MessageResponse { message_result = m } = res (text m) `shouldBe` (Just "text bold italic github") it "should set keyboard" $ do let kbA = keyboardButton "A" kbB = keyboardButton "B" kbC = keyboardButton "C" let message = (sendMessageRequest chatId "set keyboard") { message_reply_markup = Just $ replyKeyboardMarkup [[kbA, kbB, kbC]] } res <- sendMessage token message manager success res let Right MessageResponse { message_result = m } = res (text m) `shouldBe` (Just "set keyboard") it "should remove keyboard" $ do let message = (sendMessageRequest chatId "remove keyboard") { message_reply_markup = Just replyKeyboardHide } res <- sendMessage token message manager success res let Right MessageResponse { message_result = m } = res (text m) `shouldBe` (Just "remove keyboard") it "should force reply" $ do let message = (sendMessageRequest chatId "force reply") { message_reply_markup = Just forceReply } res <- sendMessage token message manager success res let Right MessageResponse { message_result = m } = res (text m) `shouldBe` (Just "force reply") describe "/forwardMessage" $ do it "should forward message" $ do res <- forwardMessage token (forwardMessageRequest chatId chatId 123000) manager nosuccess res let Left FailureResponse { responseStatus = Status { statusMessage = msg } } = res msg `shouldBe` "Bad Request" describe "/sendPhoto" $ do it "should return error message" $ do let photo = (sendPhotoRequest "" "photo_id") { photo_caption = Just "photo caption" } Left FailureResponse { responseStatus = Status { statusMessage = msg } } <- sendPhoto token photo manager msg `shouldBe` "Bad Request" it "should upload photo and resend it by id" $ do let fileUpload = localFileUpload (testFile "christmas-cat.jpg") let upload = (uploadPhotoRequest chatId fileUpload) { photo_caption = Just "uploaded photo" } Right MessageResponse { message_result = Message { caption = Just cpt, photo = Just photos } } <- uploadPhoto token upload manager cpt `shouldBe` "uploaded photo" -- resend by id let id = (photo_file_id . last) photos let photo = (sendPhotoRequest chatId id) { photo_caption = Just "photo caption" } Right MessageResponse { message_result = Message { caption = Just cpt } } <- sendPhoto token photo manager cpt `shouldBe` "photo caption" describe "/sendAudio" $ do it "should return error message" $ do let audio = (sendAudioRequest "" "audio_id") { _audio_performer = Just "performer" , _audio_title = Just "title" } Left FailureResponse { responseStatus = Status { statusMessage = msg } } <- sendAudio token audio manager msg `shouldBe` "Bad Request" it "should send audio" $ do -- audio source: https://musopen.org/music/2698/antonio-vivaldi/concerto-for-2-trumpets-in-c-major-rv-537-trumpet-and-organ-arr/ let audio = sendAudioRequest chatId "BQADBAADAQQAAiBOnQHThzc4cz1-IwI" Right MessageResponse { message_result = Message { audio = Just Audio { audio_title = Just title } } } <- sendAudio token audio manager title `shouldBe` "The Nutcracker Suite - Act II, No.12. Pas de Deux variations" it "should upload audio" $ do let fileUpload = localFileUpload (testFile "concerto-for-2-trumpets-in-c-major.mp3") audioTitle = "Concerto for 2 Trumpets in C major, RV. 537 (Rondeau arr.) All." audioPerformer = "Michel Rondeau" audio = (uploadAudioRequest chatId fileUpload) { _audio_performer = Just audioPerformer, _audio_title = Just audioTitle } Right MessageResponse { message_result = Message { audio = Just Audio { audio_title = Just title, audio_performer = Just performer } } } <- uploadAudio token audio manager title `shouldBe` audioTitle performer `shouldBe` audioPerformer describe "/sendSticker" $ do it "should send sticker" $ do let sticker = sendStickerRequest chatId "BQADAgADGgADkWgMAAGXlYGBiM_d2wI" Right MessageResponse { message_result = Message { sticker = Just sticker } } <- sendSticker token sticker manager (sticker_file_id sticker) `shouldBe` "BQADAgADGgADkWgMAAGXlYGBiM_d2wI" it "should upload sticker" $ do let fileUpload = localFileUpload (testFile "haskell-logo.webp") stickerReq = uploadStickerRequest chatId fileUpload Right MessageResponse { message_result = Message { sticker = Just sticker } } <- uploadSticker token stickerReq manager (sticker_height sticker) `shouldBe` 128 describe "/sendVoice" $ do it "should upload voice" $ do -- audio source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Possible_PDM_signal_labeled_as_Sputnik_by_NASA.ogg let fileUpload = localFileUpload (testFile "Possible_PDM_signal_labeled_as_Sputnik_by_NASA.ogg") voiceReq = (uploadVoiceRequest chatId fileUpload) { _voice_duration = Just 10 } Right MessageResponse { message_result = Message { voice = Just voice } } <- uploadVoice token voiceReq manager voice_duration voice `shouldBe` 10 describe "/sendVideo" $ do it "should upload video" $ do -- video source: http://techslides.com/sample-webm-ogg-and-mp4-video-files-for-html5 let fileUpload = localFileUpload (testFile "lego-video.mp4") videoReq = uploadVideoRequest chatId fileUpload Right MessageResponse { message_result = Message { video = Just video } } <- uploadVideo token videoReq manager video_width video `shouldBe` 560 describe "/sendDocument" $ do it "should upload document" $ do let fileUpload = localFileUpload (testFile "wikipedia-telegram.txt") documentReq = uploadDocumentRequest chatId fileUpload Right MessageResponse { message_result = Message { document = Just document } } <- uploadDocument token documentReq manager doc_mime_type document `shouldBe` Just "text/plain" doc_file_name document `shouldBe` Just "wikipedia-telegram.txt" describe "/sendLocation" $ do it "should send location" $ do let location = sendLocationRequest chatId 52.38 4.9 Right MessageResponse { message_result = Message { location = Just loc } } <- sendLocation token location manager (latitude loc) `shouldSatisfy` (liftM2 (&&) (> 52) (< 52.4)) (longitude loc) `shouldSatisfy` (liftM2 (&&) (> 4.89) (< 5)) describe "/sendVenue" $ do it "should send a venue" $ do let venue = sendVenueRequest chatId 52.38 4.9 "Amsterdam Centraal" "Amsterdam" Right MessageResponse { message_result = Message { location = Just loc } } <- sendVenue token venue manager (latitude loc) `shouldSatisfy` (liftM2 (&&) (> 52) (< 52.4)) (longitude loc) `shouldSatisfy` (liftM2 (&&) (> 4.89) (< 5)) describe "/sendContact" $ do it "should send a contact" $ do let contact = sendContactRequest chatId "06-18035176" "Hilbert" Right MessageResponse { message_result = Message { contact = Just con } } <- sendContact token contact manager -- Telegram seems to remove any non numeric characters from the sent phone number (at least it removed my '-') (contact_phone_number con) `shouldBe` "0618035176" (contact_first_name con) `shouldBe` "Hilbert" describe "/sendChatAction" $ do it "should set typing action" $ do Right ChatActionResponse { action_result = res} <- sendChatAction token (SendChatActionRequest chatId Typing) manager res `shouldBe` True it "should set find location action" $ do Right ChatActionResponse { action_result = res} <- sendChatAction token (SendChatActionRequest chatId FindLocation) manager res `shouldBe` True it "should set upload photo action" $ do Right ChatActionResponse { action_result = res} <- sendChatAction token (SendChatActionRequest chatId UploadPhoto) manager res `shouldBe` True describe "/getUpdates" $ do it "should get all messages" $ do Right UpdatesResponse { update_result = updates} <- getUpdates token Nothing Nothing Nothing manager (length updates) `shouldSatisfy` (>= 0) describe "/getFile" $ do it "should get file" $ do Right FileResponse { file_result = file } <- getFile token "AAQEABMXDZEwAARC0Kj3twkzNcMkAAIC" manager (fmap (T.take 10) (file_path file)) `shouldBe` (Just "thumb/file") it "should return error" $ do Left FailureResponse { responseStatus = Status { statusMessage = msg } } <- getFile token "AAQEABMXDZEwAARC0Kj3twkzNcMkAmm" manager msg `shouldBe` "Bad Request" describe "/getUserProfilePhotos" $ do it "should get user profile photos" $ do Right UserProfilePhotosResponse { photos_result = photos } <- getUserProfilePhotos token (read (T.unpack chatId)) Nothing Nothing manager (total_count photos) `shouldSatisfy` (>= 0) describe "/setWebhook" $ do it "should set webhook" $ do Right SetWebhookResponse { webhook_result = res } <- setWebhook token (Just "https://example.com/secret_token") manager res `shouldBe` True it "should remove webhook" $ do Right SetWebhookResponse { webhook_result = res } <- setWebhook token Nothing manager res `shouldBe` True describe "/editTextMessage" $ do it "should edit message" $ do let originalMessage = sendMessageRequest chatId "veritas" Right MessageResponse { message_result = Message { message_id = msg_id, text = Just txt } } <- sendMessage token originalMessage manager let editRequest = editMessageTextRequest chatId msg_id $ "edited " <> txt Right MessageResponse { message_result = Message { text = txt' } } <- editMessageText token editRequest manager txt' `shouldBe` Just "edited veritas" it "should edit caption" $ do dataDir <- getDataDir let fileUpload = localFileUpload (testFile "christmas-cat.jpg") let originalMessage = (uploadPhotoRequest chatId fileUpload) { photo_caption = Just "cat picture" } Right MessageResponse { message_result = Message { message_id = msg_id, caption = Just cpt } } <- uploadPhoto token originalMessage manager let editRequest = editMessageCaptionRequest chatId msg_id $ Just $ "edited " <> cpt Right MessageResponse { message_result = Message { caption = Just cpt' } } <- editMessageCaption token editRequest manager cpt' `shouldBe` "edited cat picture" -- it "should edit caption" $ do ... after inline query tests are on place