{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, PatternGuards, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
-- | Golden test management, interactive mode. Runs the tests, and asks
-- the user how to proceed in case of failure or missing golden standard.
module Test.Tasty.Silver.Interactive
  -- * Command line helpers

  -- * The ingredient
  , interactiveTests
  , Interactive (..)

  -- * Programmatic API
  , runTestsInteractive

import Prelude hiding (fail)
import Test.Tasty hiding (defaultMain)
import Test.Tasty.Runners
import Test.Tasty.Options
import Test.Tasty.Silver.Internal
import Test.Tasty.Silver.Interactive.Run
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Tagged
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 708
import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 708
import Data.Proxy
import Control.Monad.State hiding (fail)
import Control.Monad.STM
import Control.Monad.Reader hiding (fail)
import Control.Monad.Identity hiding (fail)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar
import Control.Exception
import Text.Printf
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding
import Options.Applicative
import System.Process.ByteString as PS
import System.Process
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import System.IO
import System.IO.Temp
import System.FilePath
import Test.Tasty.Providers
import qualified Data.Map as M
import System.Console.ANSI

-- | Like @defaultMain@ from the main tasty package, but also includes the
-- golden test management capabilities.
defaultMain :: TestTree -> IO ()
defaultMain = defaultMainWithIngredients [interactiveTests, listingTests, consoleTestReporter]

newtype Interactive = Interactive Bool
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable)
instance IsOption Interactive where
  defaultValue = Interactive False
  parseValue = fmap Interactive . safeRead
  optionName = return "interactive"
  optionHelp = return "Run tests in interactive mode."
  optionCLParser = flagCLParser (Just 'i') (Interactive True)

data ResultStatus = RPass | RFail | RInteract GoldenResultI

type GoldenStatus = GoldenResultI

type GoldenStatusMap = TVar (M.Map TestName GoldenStatus)

interactiveTests :: Ingredient
interactiveTests = TestManager [Option (Proxy :: Proxy Interactive)] $
  \opts tree ->
      case lookupOption opts of
        Interactive False -> Nothing
        Interactive True -> Just $
          runTestsInteractive opts tree

runSingleTest ::  IsTest t => GoldenStatusMap -> TestName -> OptionSet -> t -> (Progress -> IO ()) -> IO Result
runSingleTest gs n opts t cb = do
  case (cast t :: Maybe Golden) of
    Nothing -> run opts t cb
    Just g -> do

        (r, gr) <- runGolden g

        -- we may be in a different thread here than the main ui.
        -- force evaluation of actual value here, as we have to evaluate it before
        -- leaving this test.
        gr' <- forceGoldenResult gr
        atomically $ modifyTVar gs (M.insert n gr')
        return r

-- | A simple console UI
runTestsInteractive :: OptionSet -> TestTree -> IO Bool
runTestsInteractive opts tests = do
  gmap <- newTVarIO M.empty
  let tests' = wrapRunTest (runSingleTest gmap) tests

  r <- launchTestTree opts tests' $ \smap ->
    isTerm <- hSupportsANSI stdout

    (\k -> if isTerm
      then (do hideCursor; k) `finally` showCursor
      else k) $ do

      hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering

        whenColor = lookupOption opts
        HideSuccesses hideSuccesses = lookupOption opts

        ?colors = useColor whenColor isTerm

        outp = produceOutput opts tests

      stats <- case () of { _
        | hideSuccesses && isTerm ->
            consoleOutputHidingSuccesses outp smap gmap
        | hideSuccesses && not isTerm ->
            streamOutputHidingSuccesses outp smap gmap
        | otherwise -> consoleOutput outp smap gmap

      return $ \time -> do
--            stats <- computeStatistics smap
            printStatistics stats time
            return $ statFailures stats == 0

  return r

showDiff :: TestName -> GDiff -> IO ()
showDiff n (DiffText _ tGold tAct) = do
  withSystemTempFile (n <.> "golden") (\fGold hGold -> do
    withSystemTempFile (n <.> "actual") (\fAct hAct -> do
      hSetBinaryMode hGold True
      hSetBinaryMode hAct True
      BS.hPut hGold (encodeUtf8 tGold)
      BS.hPut hAct (encodeUtf8 tAct)
      hClose hGold
      hClose hAct
      callProcess "sh"
        ["-c", "git diff --color=always --no-index --text " ++ fGold ++ " " ++ fAct ++ " | less -r > /dev/tty"]

showDiff n (ShowDiffed _ t) = showInLess n t
showDiff _ Equal = error "Can't show diff for equal values..."

showValue :: TestName -> GShow -> IO ()
showValue n (ShowText t) = showInLess n t

showInLess :: String -> T.Text -> IO ()
showInLess _ t = do
  -- TODO error handling...
  _ <- PS.readProcessWithExitCode "sh" ["-c", "less > /dev/tty"] inp
  return ()
  where inp = encodeUtf8 t

tryAccept :: String -> TestName -> (a -> IO ()) -> a -> IO Bool
tryAccept pref nm upd new = do
  isTerm <- hSupportsANSI stdout
  when isTerm showCursor
  _ <- printf "%sAccept actual value as new golden value? [yn] " pref
  ans <- getLine
  case ans of
    "y" -> do
        upd new
        printf "%s" pref
        when isTerm hideCursor
        return True
    "n" -> do
        printf "%s" pref
        when isTerm hideCursor
        return False
    _   -> do
        printf "%sInvalid answer.\n" pref
        tryAccept pref nm upd new

-- TestOutput base definitions
-- {{{
-- | 'TestOutput' is an intermediary between output formatting and output
-- printing. It lets us have several different printing modes (normal; print
-- failures only; quiet).
data TestOutput
  = HandleTest
      {- test name, used for golden lookup #-} (TestName)
      {- print test name   -} (IO ())
      {- print test result -} ((Result, ResultStatus) -> IO Statistics)
  | PrintHeading (IO ()) TestOutput
  | Skip
  | Seq TestOutput TestOutput

-- The monoid laws should hold observationally w.r.t. the semantics defined
-- in this module
instance Monoid TestOutput where
  mempty = Skip
  mappend = Seq

type Level = Int

produceOutput :: (?colors :: Bool) => OptionSet -> TestTree -> TestOutput
produceOutput opts tree =
    -- Do not retain the reference to the tree more than necessary
    !alignment = computeAlignment opts tree

      :: (IsTest t, ?colors :: Bool)
      => OptionSet -> TestName -> t -> Ap (Reader Level) TestOutput
    handleSingleTest _opts name _test = Ap $ do
      level <- ask

        align = replicate (alignment - indentSize * level - length name) ' '
        pref = indent level ++ replicate (length name) ' ' ++ "  " ++ align
        printTestName =
          printf "%s%s: %s" (indent level) name align

        printTestResult (result, resultStatus) = do
          (result', stat') <- case resultStatus of
            RInteract (GRNoGolden a shw upd) -> do
                printf "Golden value missing. Press <enter> to show actual value.\n"
                _ <- getLine
                let a' = runIdentity a
                shw' <- shw a'
                showValue name shw'
                isUpd <- tryAccept pref name upd a'
                return (
                    if isUpd
                    then ( testPassed "Created golden value."
                         , mempty { statCreatedGolden = 1 } )
                    else ( testFailed "Golden value missing."
                         , mempty { statFailures = 1 } )
            RInteract (GRDifferent _ a diff upd) -> do
                printf "Golden value differs from actual value.\n"
                showDiff name diff
                isUpd <- tryAccept pref name upd a
                return (
                    if isUpd
                    then ( testPassed "Updated golden value."
                         , mempty { statUpdatedGolden = 1 } )
                    else ( testFailed "Golden value does not match actual output."
                         , mempty { statFailures = 1 } )
            RInteract _ -> error "Impossible case!"
            RPass -> return (result, mempty { statSuccesses = 1 })
            RFail -> return (result, mempty { statFailures = 1 })
          rDesc <- formatMessage $ resultDescription result'

          -- use an appropriate printing function
            printFn =
              if resultSuccessful result'
                then ok
                else fail
            time = resultTime result
          if resultSuccessful result'
            then printFn "OK"
            else printFn "FAIL"
          -- print time only if it's significant
          when (time >= 0.01) $
            printFn (printf " (%.2fs)" time)
          printFn "\n"

          when (not $ null rDesc) $
            (if resultSuccessful result' then infoOk else infoFail) $
              printf "%s%s\n" (indent $ level + 1) (formatDesc (level+1) rDesc)
          return stat'

      return $ HandleTest name printTestName printTestResult

    handleGroup :: TestName -> Ap (Reader Level) TestOutput -> Ap (Reader Level) TestOutput
    handleGroup name grp = Ap $ do
      level <- ask
        printHeading = printf "%s%s\n" (indent level) name
        printBody = runReader (getApp grp) (level + 1)
      return $ PrintHeading printHeading printBody

    flip runReader 0 $ getApp $
          { foldSingle = handleSingleTest
          , foldGroup = handleGroup
          opts tree

  :: (?colors :: Bool, Monoid b)
  => (IO () -> IO (Result, ResultStatus)
    -> ((Result, ResultStatus) -> IO Statistics)
    -> b)
  -> (IO () -> b -> b)
  -> TestOutput -> StatusMap -> GoldenStatusMap -> b
foldTestOutput foldTest foldHeading outputTree smap gmap =
  flip evalState 0 $ getApp $ go outputTree where
  go (HandleTest nm printName handleResult) = Ap $ do
    ix <- get
    put $! ix + 1
      readStatusVar = getResultWithGolden smap gmap nm ix
    return $ foldTest printName readStatusVar handleResult
  go (PrintHeading printName printBody) = Ap $
    foldHeading printName <$> getApp (go printBody)
  go (Seq a b) = mappend (go a) (go b)
  go Skip = mempty

-- }}}

-- TestOutput modes
-- {{{
consoleOutput :: (?colors :: Bool) => TestOutput -> StatusMap -> GoldenStatusMap -> IO Statistics
consoleOutput outp smap gmap =
  getApp . fst $ foldTestOutput foldTest foldHeading outp smap gmap
    foldTest printName getResult handleResult =
      (Ap $ do
        _ <- printName
        r <- getResult
        handleResult r
--        return (Any True, stats)
      , Any True)
      ( Traversal $ do
          _ <- printName
          r <- getResult
          stats <- printResult r
          return ()
      , Any True
      , stats
    foldHeading printHeading (printBody, Any nonempty) =
      (Ap $ do
        when nonempty $ printHeading
        stats <- getApp printBody
        return stats
      , Any nonempty )

consoleOutputHidingSuccesses :: (?colors :: Bool) => TestOutput -> StatusMap -> GoldenStatusMap -> IO Statistics
consoleOutputHidingSuccesses outp smap gmap =
  snd <$> (getApp $ foldTestOutput foldTest foldHeading outp smap gmap)
    foldTest printName getResult handleResult =
      Ap $ do
          _ <- printName
          r <- getResult
          if resultSuccessful (fst r)
            then do
                return (Any False, mempty { statSuccesses = 1 })
            else do
                stats <- handleResult r
                return (Any True, stats)

    foldHeading printHeading printBody =
      Ap $ do
        _ <- printHeading
        b@(Any failed, _) <- getApp printBody
        unless failed clearAboveLine
        return b

    clearAboveLine = do cursorUpLine 1; clearThisLine
    clearThisLine = do clearLine; setCursorColumn 0

streamOutputHidingSuccesses :: (?colors :: Bool) => TestOutput -> StatusMap -> GoldenStatusMap -> IO Statistics
streamOutputHidingSuccesses outp smap gmap =
  snd <$> (flip evalStateT [] . getApp $
    foldTestOutput foldTest foldHeading outp smap gmap)
    foldTest printName getResult handleResult =
      Ap $ do
          r <- liftIO $ getResult
          if resultSuccessful (fst r)
            then return (Any False, mempty { statSuccesses = 1 })
            else do
              stack <- get
              put []

              stats <- liftIO $ do
                sequence_ $ reverse stack
                _ <- printName
                handleResult r

              return (Any True, stats)

    foldHeading printHeading printBody =
      Ap $ do
        modify (printHeading :)
        b@(Any failed, _) <- getApp printBody
        unless failed $
          modify $ \stack ->
            case stack of
              _:rest -> rest
              [] -> [] -- shouldn't happen anyway
        return b

-- }}}

-- Statistics
-- {{{

data Statistics = Statistics
  { statSuccesses :: !Int
  , statUpdatedGolden :: !Int
  , statCreatedGolden :: !Int
  , statFailures :: !Int

instance Monoid Statistics where
  Statistics s1 ug1 cg1 f1 `mappend` Statistics s2 ug2 cg2 f2 = Statistics (s1 + s2) (ug1 + ug2) (cg1 + cg2) (f1 + f2)
  mempty = Statistics 0 0 0 0

{-computeStatistics :: StatusMap -> IO Statistics
computeStatistics = getApp . foldMap (\var -> Ap $
  (\r -> Statistics 1 (if resultSuccessful r then 0 else 1))
    <$> getResultFromTVar var)-}

printStatistics :: (?colors :: Bool) => Statistics -> Time -> IO ()
printStatistics st time = do
  printf "\n"

  let total = statFailures st + statUpdatedGolden st + statCreatedGolden st + statSuccesses st

  when (statCreatedGolden st > 0) (printf "Created %d golden values.\n" (statCreatedGolden st))
  when (statUpdatedGolden st > 0) (printf "Updated %d golden values.\n" (statUpdatedGolden st))

  case statFailures st of
    0 -> do
      ok $ printf "All %d tests passed (%.2fs)\n" total time

    fs -> do
      fail $ printf "%d out of %d tests failed (%.2fs)\n" fs total time

data FailureStatus
  = Unknown
  | Failed
  | OK

instance Monoid FailureStatus where
  mappend Failed _ = Failed
  mappend _ Failed = Failed

  mappend OK OK = OK

  mappend _ _ = Unknown

  mempty = OK

-- }}}

-- Console test reporter

-- | Report only failed tests
newtype HideSuccesses = HideSuccesses Bool
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable)
instance IsOption HideSuccesses where
  defaultValue = HideSuccesses False
  parseValue = fmap HideSuccesses . safeRead
  optionName = return "hide-successes"
  optionHelp = return "Do not print tests that passed successfully"
  optionCLParser = flagCLParser Nothing (HideSuccesses True)

-- | When to use color on the output
data UseColor
  = Never | Always | Auto
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable)

-- | Control color output
instance IsOption UseColor where
  defaultValue = Auto
  parseValue = parseUseColor
  optionName = return "color"
  optionHelp = return "When to use colored output. Options are 'never', 'always' and 'auto' (default: 'auto')"
  optionCLParser =
    option parse
      (  long name
      <> help (untag (optionHelp :: Tagged UseColor String))
      name = untag (optionName :: Tagged UseColor String)
      parse = str >>=
        maybe (readerError $ "Could not parse " ++ name) pure <$> parseValue

-- | @useColor when isTerm@ decides if colors should be used,
--   where @isTerm@ denotes where @stdout@ is a terminal device.
useColor :: UseColor -> Bool -> Bool
useColor cond isTerm =
  case cond of
    Never  -> False
    Always -> True
    Auto   -> isTerm

parseUseColor :: String -> Maybe UseColor
parseUseColor s =
  case map toLower s of
    "never"  -> return Never
    "always" -> return Always
    "auto"   -> return Auto
    _        -> Nothing

-- }}}

-- Various utilities
-- {{{

getResultWithGolden :: StatusMap -> GoldenStatusMap -> TestName -> Int -> IO (Result, ResultStatus)
getResultWithGolden smap gmap nm ix = do
  r <- getResultFromTVar statusVar

  gr <- atomically $ readTVar gmap
  case nm `M.lookup` gr of
    Just g@(GRDifferent {}) -> return (r, RInteract g)
    Just g@(GRNoGolden {})  -> return (r, RInteract g)
    _ | resultSuccessful r  -> return (r, RPass)
    _ | otherwise           -> return (r, RFail)
  where statusVar =
            fromMaybe (error "internal error: index out of bounds") $
            IntMap.lookup ix smap

getResultFromTVar :: TVar Status -> IO Result
getResultFromTVar statusVar = do
  atomically $ do
    status <- readTVar statusVar
    case status of
      Done r -> return r
      _ -> retry

-- }}}

-- Formatting
-- {{{

indentSize :: Int
indentSize = 2

indent :: Int -> String
indent n = replicate (indentSize * n) ' '

-- handle multi-line result descriptions properly
  :: Int -- indent
  -> String
  -> String
formatDesc n desc =
    -- remove all trailing linebreaks
    chomped = reverse . dropWhile (== '\n') . reverse $ desc

    multiline = '\n' `elem` chomped

    -- we add a leading linebreak to the description, to start it on a new
    -- line and add an indentation
    paddedDesc = flip concatMap chomped $ \c ->
      if c == '\n'
        then c : indent n
        else [c]
    if multiline
      then paddedDesc
      else chomped

data Maximum a
  = Maximum a
  | MinusInfinity

instance Ord a => Monoid (Maximum a) where
  mempty = MinusInfinity

  Maximum a `mappend` Maximum b = Maximum (a `max` b)
  MinusInfinity `mappend` a = a
  a `mappend` MinusInfinity = a

-- | Compute the amount of space needed to align "OK"s and "FAIL"s
computeAlignment :: OptionSet -> TestTree -> Int
computeAlignment opts =
  fromMonoid .
      { foldSingle = \_ name _ level -> Maximum (length name + level)
      , foldGroup = \_ m -> m . (+ indentSize)
    fromMonoid m =
      case m 0 of
        MinusInfinity -> 0
        Maximum x -> x

-- (Potentially) colorful output
ok, fail, infoOk, infoFail :: (?colors :: Bool) => String -> IO ()
fail     = output BoldIntensity   Vivid Red
ok       = output NormalIntensity Dull  Green
infoOk   = output NormalIntensity Dull  White
infoFail = output NormalIntensity Dull  Red

  :: (?colors :: Bool)
  => ConsoleIntensity
  -> ColorIntensity
  -> Color
  -> String
  -> IO ()
output bold intensity color st
  | ?colors =
        [ SetColor Foreground intensity color
        , SetConsoleIntensity bold
      putStr st
    ) `finally` setSGR []
  | otherwise = putStr st

-- }}}