# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog] and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]. [Keep a Changelog]: http://keepachangelog.com/ [Semantic Versioning]: http://semver.org/ # 2.0.2 [2017-04-13] ### Added - Change log is in `extra-source-files` now. - [#96]: README is in `extra-source-files` now. ### Fixed - [#88]: stylish-haskell automated checking. [#88]: https://github.com/lwm/tasty-discover/pull/88 [#96]: https://github.com/lwm/tasty-discover/pull/96 ## 2.0.1 [2017-03-18] ### Fixed - [#86]: Flaky test comparison. [#86]: https://github.com/lwm/tasty-discover/pull/86 ### Removed - [#83]: The `Test.Tasty.Type` module. [#83]: https://github.com/lwm/tasty-discover/pull/83 ## 2.0.0 [2017-03-15] ### Added - Use hpack format. - Use generator style test discovery from tasty-auto. - New configuration options: debug, ingredients and module name. - Unit tests for all functionality. ### Fixed - Re-license to MIT. ### Removed - RTD documentation. - TemplateHaskell dependency - Example project and integration test project. ### Changed - Move all tests into test folder. ## 1.1.0 [2017-01-19] ### Added - `--ignore-module` configuration option. ## 1.0.1 [2017-11-13] ### Added - Cabal testing on Travis CI. - Documentation testing on Travis CI. ### Fixed - Include missing `extra-source-files`. - Slim down LICENSE.md and mark as GPL-3 in Cabal file. ## 1.0.0 [2016-11-04] ### Added - Documentation to RTD. - Release on Hackage and Stackage. ## 0.0.3 [2016-09-20] ### Added - `--no-module-suffix` configuration option. ## 0.0.2 [2016-02-20] ### Added - `--module-suffix` configuration option. ## 0.0.1 [2016-02-13] - tasty-discover initial release.