# tasty-autocollect [![](https://img.shields.io/github/workflow/status/brandonchinn178/tasty-autocollect/CI/main)](https://github.com/brandonchinn178/tasty-autocollect/actions) [![](https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/gh/brandonchinn178/tasty-autocollect)](https://app.codecov.io/gh/brandonchinn178/tasty-autocollect) [![](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/tasty-autocollect)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/tasty-autocollect) A preprocessor/compiler plugin that will automatically collect Tasty tests and generate a main file to run all the tests. Design goals: * Don't use any weird syntax so that syntax highlighters, linters, and formatters still work * Support test functions with multiple arguments like `tasty-golden`'s API (which `tasty-discover` doesn't easily support) * Avoid universally exporting the whole test module, so that GHC can warn about unused test helpers * Support arbitrary test functions (e.g. user-defined test helpers or third-party tasty libraries) ## Usage ### Quickstart 1. Add the following to your `package.yaml` or `.cabal` file: ```yaml tests: my-library-tests: ghc-options: -F -pgmF=tasty-autocollect build-tools: - tasty-autocollect:tasty-autocollect ... ``` ```cabal test-suite my-library-tests ghc-options: -F -pgmF=tasty-autocollect build-tool-depends: tasty-autocollect:tasty-autocollect ... ``` 1. Write your main file to contain just: ```hs {- AUTOCOLLECT.MAIN -} ``` 1. Write your tests: ```hs {- AUTOCOLLECT.TEST -} module MyTest ( {- AUTOCOLLECT.TEST.export -} ) where import Test.Tasty.Golden import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck test = testCase "Addition" $ do 1 + 1 @?= (2 :: Int) 2 + 2 @?= (4 :: Int) test = testProperty "reverse . reverse === id" $ \xs -> (reverse . reverse) xs === id (xs :: [Int]) test = goldenVsString "Example golden test" "test/golden/example.golden" $ pure "example" test = testGroup "manually defining a test group" [ testCase "some test" $ return () , testCase "some other test" $ return () ] ``` ### How it works The `package.yaml`/`.cabal` snippet registers `tasty-autocollect` as a preprocessor, which does one of three things at the very beginning of compilation: 1. If the file contains `{- AUTOCOLLECT.MAIN -}`, find all test modules and generate a main module. 2. If the file contains `{- AUTOCOLLECT.TEST -}`, register the `tasty-autocollect` GHC plugin to rewrite tests (see below). 3. Otherwise, do nothing In a test file, the plugin will search for any functions named `test`. It will then rename the function to `tasty_test_N`, where `N` is an autoincrementing, unique number. Then it will collect all the tests into a `tasty_tests :: [TestTree]` binding, which is exported at the location of the `{- AUTOCOLLECT.TEST.export -}` comment. ### Configuration `tasty-autocollect` can be configured by adding `k = v` lines to the same block comment as `AUTOCOLLECT.MAIN`; e.g. ```hs {- AUTOCOLLECT.MAIN suite_name = foo -} ``` * `suite_name`: The name to use in the `testGroup` at the root of the test suite `TestTree` (defaults to the path of the main file) * `group_type`: How the tests should be grouped (defaults to `modules`) * `flat`: All the tests are in the same namespace ``` Main.hs test 1: OK test 2: OK test 3: OK ``` * `modules`: Tests are grouped by their module ``` Main.hs Test.Module1 test1: OK test2: OK Test.Module2 test3: OK ``` * `tree`: Tests are grouped by their module, which is broken out into a tree ``` Main.hs Test Module1 test1: OK test2: OK Module2 test3: OK ``` * `strip_suffix`: The suffix to strip from a test module, e.g. `strip_suffix = Test` will relabel a `Foo.BarTest` module to `Foo.Bar` * `ingredients`: A comma-separated list of extra tasty ingredients to include, e.g. ``` ingredients = SomeLibrary.ingredient1, SomeLibrary.ingredient2 ``` * `ingredients_override`: By default, `ingredients` will add the ingredients in front of the default `tasty` ingredients. When `true`, does not automatically include the default `tasty` ingredients, for complete control over the ingredient order. ### Notes * If you're using a formatter like Ormolu/Fourmolu, use `-- $AUTOCOLLECT.TEST.export$` instead; otherwise, the formatter will move it out of the export list. * This works around the issue by reusing Haddock's named section syntax, but it shouldn't be an issue because you shouldn't be building Haddocks for test modules. If this becomes a problem for you, please open an issue. * Upstream ticket: https://github.com/tweag/ormolu/issues/906 ## Features In addition to automatically collecting tests, this library also provides some additional functionality out-of-the-box, to make writing + managing tests a seamless experience. ### Integration with QuickCheck/SmallCheck/etc. Property test frameworks like QuickCheck or SmallCheck work better when defining the types of arguments instead of using lambdas. So there's a special syntax for defining properties: ```hs test_prop :: [Int] -> Property test_prop "reverse . reverse === id" xs = (reverse . reverse) xs === id xs ``` This will be rewritten to the equivalent of: ```hs test = testProperty "reverse . reverse === id" ( (\xs -> (reverse . reverse) xs === id xs) :: [Int] -> Property ) ``` ### Marking tests as "TODO" If you're of the Test Driven Development (TDD) mentality, you might want to specify what tests you want to write before actually writing any code. In this workflow, you might not even know what kind of test you want to write (e.g. HUnit, QuickCheck, etc.). With `tasty-autocollect`, you can use `test_todo` to write down tests you'd like to write. By default, they'll pass with a "TODO" message, but you can also pass `--fail-todos` at runtime to make them fail instead. ```hs test_todo = "a test to implement later" ``` ### Defining batches of tests With `tasty-autocollect`, you can write a set of tests in one definition without needing to nest them within a test group. For example, ```hs test_batch = [ testCase ("test #" ++ show x) $ return () | x <- [1, 5, 10 :: Int] ] ``` is equivalent to writing: ```hs test = testCase "test #1" $ return () test = testCase "test #5" $ return () test = testCase "test #10" $ return () ``` ## Comparison with `tasty-discover` Advantages: * Supports test functions with multiple arguments (e.g. `tasty-golden`) * Avoids hardcoding testers like `unit_` or `prop_` * Avoids rewriting test label twice in function name * Avoids test name restrictions * Because `tasty-discover` couples the function name with the test label, you can't do things like use punctuation in the test label. So `tasty-discover` doesn't allow writing the equivalent of `testProperty "reverse . reverse === id"`. * More features out-of-the-box (see "Features" section) * More configurable * More configuration options * Configuration is more extensible, since configuration is parsed from a comment in the main module instead of as preprocessor arguments Disadvantages: * Uses both a preprocessor and a plugin (`tasty-discover` only uses a preprocessor) * Haven't tested performance yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if there's a non-negligible performance cost