0.2 --- `tart` tool changes: * When inserting a new layer, also select it and make that selection part of the undo action. * Attribute style selector now uses more descriptive labels for style options. Tart library changes: * Added a dependency on the `text` package. * The type of some fields was changed from `String` to `Text` (`TartFile` / `tartFileCanvasNames`, `TartFileDataV1` / `tartFileDataV1CanvasNames`, `TartFileDataV2` / `tartFileDataV2CanvasNames`) * Added `Tart.Canvas.canvasFromString` and changed `canvasFromText` to take a `Text` input rather than a `String`. * Relaxed bounds on `vty`. 0.1.2 ----- Bug fixes: * Exceptions triggered during an attempt to save to an invalid path no longer cause a crash and are now reported to the user (#4) * Canvas size dialog fields are now clickable (#5) 0.1.1 ----- * Added a new saving UI and keybinding to trigger it (C-s). Previously the only opportunity to save was on quitting. 0.1 --- * First version.