{- | Module : Web.Dispatch Description : Yesod dispatch functions and default handlers. Copyright : (c) 2011 Cedric Staub License : GPL-3 Maintainer : Cedric Staub Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable -} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, OverloadedStrings, TemplateHaskell, TupleSections #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- FIXME: See how we can get rid of the Template Haskell induced warning, such -- that we have the warning again for our code. {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-} module Web.Dispatch ( withWebUI , ImageFormat(..) ) where import Theory import Web.Handler import Web.Settings import Web.Types import Network.Wai import Yesod.Core import Yesod.Static import qualified Control.Exception as E import qualified Data.Binary as Bin import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Text as T import Control.Applicative import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Time.LocalTime import System.Directory import System.FilePath -- | Create YesodDispatch instance for the interface. -- mkYesodDispatch "WebUI" resourcesWebUI mkYesodDispatch "WebUI" resourcesWebUI -- | Static route for favicon file. faviconRoute :: StaticRoute faviconRoute = StaticRoute ["img", "favicon.ico"] [] -- | Favicon handler function (favicon.ico). getFaviconR :: Handler () getFaviconR = redirect (StaticR faviconRoute) -- | Robots file handler function (robots.txt). getRobotsR :: Handler RepPlain getRobotsR = return $ RepPlain $ toContent ("User-agent: *" :: B.ByteString) -- | Initialization function for the web application. withWebUI :: String -- ^ Message to output once the sever is ready. -> FilePath -- ^ Cache directory. -> FilePath -- ^ Working directory. -> Bool -- ^ Load last proof state if present -> Bool -- ^ Automatically save proof state -> (FilePath -> IO ClosedTheory) -- ^ Theory loader (from file). -> (String -> IO (Either String ClosedTheory)) -- ^ Theory loader (from string). -> (OpenTheory -> IO ClosedTheory) -- ^ Theory closer. -> Bool -- ^ Show debugging messages? -> FilePath -- ^ Path to static content directory -> FilePath -- ^ Path to dot binary -> ImageFormat -- ^ The preferred image format -> AutoProver -- ^ The default autoprover. -> (Application -> IO b) -- ^ Function to execute -> IO b withWebUI readyMsg cacheDir_ thDir loadState autosave thLoader thParser thCloser debug' stPath dotCmd' imgFormat' defaultAutoProver' f = do thy <- getTheos thrVar <- newMVar M.empty thyVar <- newMVar thy st <- static stPath when autosave $ createDirectoryIfMissing False autosaveDir -- Don't create parent dirs, as temp-dir should be created by OS. createDirectoryIfMissing False cacheDir_ (`E.finally` shutdownThreads thrVar) $ f =<< toWaiApp WebUI { workDir = thDir , cacheDir = cacheDir_ , parseThy = liftIO . thParser , closeThy = thCloser , getStatic = st , theoryVar = thyVar , threadVar = thrVar , autosaveProofstate = autosave , dotCmd = dotCmd' , imageFormat = imgFormat' , defaultAutoProver = defaultAutoProver' , debug = debug' } where autosaveDir = thDir++"/"++autosaveSubdir getTheos = do existsAutosave <- doesDirectoryExist autosaveDir if loadState && existsAutosave then do putStrLn "Using persistent server state ... server ready." files <- getDirectoryContents autosaveDir thys <- (`mapM` files) $ \fn -> case break (`notElem` ['0'..'9']) fn of (idx,".img") -> do let file = thDir++"/"++autosaveSubdir++fn Just . (read idx,) <$> Bin.decodeFile file _ -> return Nothing return $ M.fromList $ catMaybes thys else loadTheories readyMsg thDir thLoader defaultAutoProver' shutdownThreads thrVar = do m <- modifyMVar thrVar $ \m -> return (M.empty, m) putStrLn $ "Server shutdown: " ++ show (M.size m) ++ " threads still running" forM (M.toList m) $ \(str, tid) -> do putStrLn $ "killing: " ++ T.unpack str killThread tid -- | Load theories from the current directory, generate map. loadTheories :: String -> FilePath -> (FilePath -> IO ClosedTheory) -> AutoProver -> IO TheoryMap loadTheories readyMsg thDir thLoader autoProver = do mkImageDir thPaths <- filter (".spthy" `isSuffixOf`) <$> getDirectoryContents thDir theories <- catMaybes <$> mapM loadThy (zip [1..] (map (thDir ) thPaths)) putStrLn readyMsg return $ M.fromList theories where -- Create image directory mkImageDir = do let dir = thDir imageDir existsDir <- doesDirectoryExist dir unless existsDir (createDirectory dir) -- Load theories loadThy (idx, path) = E.handle catchEx $ do thy <- thLoader path time <- getZonedTime return $ Just ( idx , TheoryInfo idx thy time Nothing True (Local path) autoProver ) where -- Exception handler (if loading theory fails) catchEx :: E.SomeException -> IO (Maybe (TheoryIdx, TheoryInfo)) catchEx e = do putStrLn "" putStrLn $ replicate 78 '-' putStrLn $ "Unable to load theory file `" ++ path ++ "'" putStrLn $ replicate 78 '-' print e return Nothing