cabal-version: 2.4 -- The cabal-version field refers to the version of the .cabal specification, -- and can be different from the cabal-install (the tool) version and the -- Cabal (the library) version you are using. As such, the Cabal (the library) -- version used must be equal or greater than the version stated in this field. -- Starting from the specification version 2.2, the cabal-version field must be -- the first thing in the cabal file. -- Initial package description 'tahoe-ssk' generated by -- 'cabal init'. For further documentation, see: -- -- -- The name of the package. name: tahoe-ssk -- The package version. -- See the Haskell package versioning policy (PVP) for standards -- guiding when and how versions should be incremented. -- -- PVP summary: +-+------- breaking API changes -- | | +----- non-breaking API additions -- | | | +--- code changes with no API change version: -- A short (one-line) description of the package. synopsis: An implementation of the Tahoe-LAFS SSK cryptographic protocols -- A longer description of the package. description: This currently includes a partial implementation of SDMF. A future version may include an implementation of MDMF. -- URL for the project homepage or repository. homepage: -- The license under which the package is released. license: BSD-3-Clause -- The file containing the license text. license-file: LICENSE -- The package author(s). author: Jean-Paul Calderone -- An email address to which users can send suggestions, bug reports, and patches. maintainer: -- A copyright notice. -- copyright: category: Cryptography,Library,Parsers,Security build-type: Simple -- Extra doc files to be distributed with the package, such as a CHANGELOG or a README. extra-doc-files: -- Extra source files to be distributed with the package, such as examples, or -- a tutorial module. extra-source-files: test/data/3of10.0 test/data/3of10.1 test/data/3of10.2 test/data/3of10.3 test/data/3of10.4 test/data/3of10.5 test/data/3of10.6 test/data/3of10.7 test/data/3of10.8 test/data/3of10.9 test/data/rsa-privkey-0.der test/data/rsa-privkey-1.der test/data/rsa-privkey-2.der test/data/rsa-privkey-3.der test/data/rsa-privkey-4.der test/data/tahoe-lafs-generated-rsa-privkey.der source-repository head type: git location: common warnings ghc-options: -Wall -Werror=missing-fields common language default-extensions: DerivingStrategies GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving NamedFieldPuns OverloadedStrings PackageImports RecordWildCards TypeApplications -- Base language which the package is written in. default-language: Haskell2010 library import: warnings , language hs-source-dirs: src exposed-modules: Tahoe.SDMF Tahoe.SDMF.Internal.Capability Tahoe.SDMF.Internal.Converting Tahoe.SDMF.Internal.Encoding Tahoe.SDMF.Internal.Encrypting Tahoe.SDMF.Internal.Keys Tahoe.SDMF.Internal.Share Tahoe.SDMF.Keys build-depends: , asn1-encoding >=0.9.6 && <0.10 , asn1-types >=0.3.4 && <0.4 , base >=4.7 && <5 , base32 >=0.2.1 && <0.3 , binary >=0.8.6 && <0.9 , bytestring >= && <0.11 , cereal >= && <0.6 , containers >= && <0.7 , cryptonite >=0.27 && <0.30 , megaparsec >=8.0 && <9.3 , memory >=0.15 && <0.17 , tahoe-capabilities >=0.1 && <0.2 , text >= && <1.3 , x509 >=1.7.5 && <1.8 -- This dependency isn't ideal. Move common bits out to -- another library. build-depends: tahoe-chk >=0.1 && <0.2 test-suite tahoe-ssk-test import: warnings , language -- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package. -- other-extensions: -- The interface type and version of the test suite. type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 -- Directories containing source files. hs-source-dirs: test -- The entrypoint to the test suite. main-is: Main.hs other-modules: Generators Spec -- Test dependencies. build-depends: , asn1-encoding >=0.9.6 && <0.10 , asn1-types >=0.3.4 && <0.4 , base >=4.7 && <5 , base32 >=0.2.1 && <0.3 , binary >=0.8.6 && <0.9 , bytestring >= && <0.11 , cryptonite >=0.27 && <0.30 , hedgehog >=1.0.3 && <1.1 , megaparsec >=8.0 && <9.3 , memory >=0.15 && <0.17 , tahoe-capabilities >=0.1 && <0.2 , tahoe-chk >=0.1 && <0.2 , tahoe-ssk , tasty >=1.2.3 && <1.5 , tasty-hedgehog >= && <1.2 , tasty-hunit >= && <0.11 , text >= && <1.3 , x509 >=1.7.5 && <1.8 -- A helper for generating RSA key pairs for use by the test suite. executable make-keypairs import: warnings , language main-is: Main.hs hs-source-dirs: make-keypairs build-depends: , asn1-encoding >=0.9.6 && <0.10 , asn1-types >=0.3.4 && <0.4 , base >=4.7 && <5 , bytestring >= && <0.11 , cryptonite >=0.27 && <0.30 , tahoe-ssk , x509 >=1.7.5 && <1.8 executable encode-ssk import: warnings , language main-is: Main.hs hs-source-dirs: encode-ssk build-depends: , base >=4.7 && <5 , base32 >=0.2.1 && <0.3 , binary >=0.8.6 && <0.9 , bytestring >= && <0.11 , cryptonite >=0.27 && <0.30 , tahoe-capabilities >=0.1 && <0.2 , tahoe-ssk , text >= && <1.3