module Spec where import Hedgehog ( annotateShow, diff, forAll, property, tripping, ) import Control.Monad (when) import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Crypto.Cipher.Types (makeIV) import Crypto.Hash (digestFromByteString) import Data.ASN1.BinaryEncoding (DER (DER)) import Data.ASN1.Encoding (decodeASN1') import qualified Data.Binary as Binary import Data.Binary.Get (ByteOffset) import qualified Data.ByteArray as ByteArray import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Data.ByteString.Base32 (decodeBase32Unpadded, encodeBase32Unpadded) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB import Data.Either (rights) import qualified Data.Text as T import Generators (capabilities, encodingParameters, genRSAKeys, ivLength, shareHashChains, shares) import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range import System.IO (hSetEncoding, stderr, stdout, utf8) import Tahoe.Capability (confidentiallyShow) import qualified Tahoe.SDMF import Tahoe.SDMF.Internal.Capability (deriveVerifier) import Tahoe.SDMF.Internal.Keys (signatureKeyFromBytes, signatureKeyToBytes) import qualified Tahoe.SDMF.Keys as Keys import Test.Tasty (TestTree, defaultMain, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.HUnit (assertEqual, testCase) import Test.Tasty.Hedgehog (testProperty) import Text.Megaparsec (parse) -- The test suite compares against some hard-coded opaque strings. These -- expected values were determined using the program in -- this directory. tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "SSK" [ testProperty "Hash chain round-trips through bytes" $ property $ do hashChain <- forAll shareHashChains tripping hashChain Binary.encode decode' , testProperty "Signatures round-trip through signatureKeyToBytes . signatureKeyFromBytes" $ property $ do key <- forAll genRSAKeys tripping (Keys.Signature . Keys.toPrivateKey $ key) signatureKeyToBytes signatureKeyFromBytes , testCase "Signature byte-serializations round-trip through signatureKeyFromBytes . signatureKeyToBytes" $ do let keyPaths = [ -- Check ours "test/data/rsa-privkey-0.der" , "test/data/rsa-privkey-1.der" , "test/data/rsa-privkey-2.der" , "test/data/rsa-privkey-3.der" , "test/data/rsa-privkey-4.der" , -- And one from Tahoe-LAFS "test/data/tahoe-lafs-generated-rsa-privkey.der" ] checkSignatureRoundTrip p = B.readFile p >>= \original -> let (Right sigKey) = signatureKeyFromBytes original serialized = signatureKeyToBytes sigKey in do -- They should decode to the same structure. This -- has the advantage of representing differences a -- little more transparently than the next -- assertion. assertEqual "decodeASN1 original /= decodeASN1 serialized" (decodeASN1' DER original) (decodeASN1' DER serialized) -- Also check the raw bytes in case there -- are different representations of the -- structure possible. The raw bytes -- matter because we hash them in key -- derivations. assertEqual "original /= serialized" original serialized -- Check them all mapM_ checkSignatureRoundTrip keyPaths , testCase "derived keys equal known-correct values" $ -- The path is relative to the root of the package, which is where -- at least some test runners will run the test process. If B.readFile "test/data/rsa-privkey-0.der" >>= \privBytes -> let -- Load the test key. (Right sigKey) = signatureKeyFromBytes privBytes -- Hard-code the expected result. expectedWriteKey = ("v7iymuxkc5yv2fomi3xwbjdd4e" :: T.Text) expectedReadKey = ("6ir6husgx6ubro3tbimmzskqri" :: T.Text) expectedDataKey = ("bbj67exlrkfcaqutwlgwvukbfe" :: T.Text) expectedStorageIndex = ("cmkuloz2t6fhsh7npxxteba6sq" :: T.Text) expectedWriteEnablerMaster = ("qgptod5dsanfep2kbimvxl2yixndnoks7ndoeamczj7g33gokcvq" :: T.Text) expectedWriteEnabler = ("bg4ldrgfyiffufltcuttr3cnrmrjfpoxc65qdoqa6d5izkzofl5q" :: T.Text) -- Constants involved in the derivation. These agree with -- those used to generate the above expected values. (Just iv) = Keys.SDMF_IV <$> makeIV (B.replicate 16 0x42) peerid = B.replicate 20 0x42 -- Derive all the keys. (Just w@(Keys.Write _ derivedWriteKey)) = Keys.deriveWriteKey sigKey (Just r@(Keys.Read _ derivedReadKey)) = Keys.deriveReadKey w (Just (Keys.Data _ derivedDataKey)) = Keys.deriveDataKey iv r (Keys.StorageIndex derivedStorageIndex) = Keys.deriveStorageIndex r wem@(Keys.WriteEnablerMaster derivedWriteEnablerMaster) = Keys.deriveWriteEnablerMaster w (Keys.WriteEnabler derivedWriteEnabler) = Keys.deriveWriteEnabler peerid wem -- A helper to format a key as text for convenient -- comparison to expected value. fmtKey = T.toLower . encodeBase32Unpadded . ByteArray.convert in do -- In general it might make more sense to convert expected -- into ScrubbedBytes instead of converting derived into -- ByteString but ScrubbedBytes doesn't have a useful Show -- instance so we go the other way. We're not worried about -- the safety of these test-only keys anyway. assertEqual "writekey: expected /= derived" expectedWriteKey (fmtKey derivedWriteKey) assertEqual "readkey: expected /= derived" expectedReadKey (fmtKey derivedReadKey) assertEqual "datakey: expected /= derived" expectedDataKey (fmtKey derivedDataKey) assertEqual "storage index: expected /= derived" expectedStorageIndex (T.toLower . encodeBase32Unpadded $ derivedStorageIndex) assertEqual "write enabler master: expected /= derived" expectedWriteEnablerMaster (fmtKey derivedWriteEnablerMaster) assertEqual "write enabler: expected /= derived" expectedWriteEnabler (fmtKey derivedWriteEnabler) , testCase "known-correct SDMF capability strings round-trip through parse . confidentiallyShow" $ do let validWrite = "URI:SSK:vbopclzrkxces6okoqfarapmou:xlwog3jxbgsuaddh3bsofwmyhncv7fanmo7ujhqiy26usx2v2neq" validRead = "URI:SSK-RO:ro7pnpq6duaduuolookwbv5lqy:xlwog3jxbgsuaddh3bsofwmyhncv7fanmo7ujhqiy26usx2v2neq" validVerify = "URI:SSK-Verifier:gz4s2zkkqy2geblvv77atyoppi:xlwog3jxbgsuaddh3bsofwmyhncv7fanmo7ujhqiy26usx2v2neq" parsed = rights $ parse Tahoe.SDMF.pCapability "" <$> [validWrite, validRead, validVerify] serialized = confidentiallyShow <$> parsed assertEqual "parsing failed" 3 (length parsed) assertEqual "original /= serialized" [validWrite, validRead, validVerify] serialized let [Tahoe.SDMF.SDMFWriter writeCap, Tahoe.SDMF.SDMFReader readCap, Tahoe.SDMF.SDMFVerifier verifyCap] = parsed derivedReader = Tahoe.SDMF.writerReader writeCap derivedVerifier = Tahoe.SDMF.readerVerifier readCap assertEqual "derived reader /= parsed reader" derivedReader readCap assertEqual "serialized derived reader /= original" (confidentiallyShow derivedReader) validRead assertEqual "derived verifier /= parsed verifier" derivedVerifier verifyCap assertEqual "serialized derived verifier /= original" (confidentiallyShow derivedVerifier) validVerify , testProperty "SDMF capabilities round-trip through confidentiallyShow . parse pCapability" $ property $ do cap <- forAll capabilities tripping cap confidentiallyShow (parse Tahoe.SDMF.pCapability "") , testProperty "Share round-trips through bytes" $ property $ do share <- forAll shares tripping share Binary.encode decode' , testCase "known-correct serialized shares round-trip though Share" $ mapM_ knownCorrectRoundTrip [0 :: Int .. 9] , testProperty "Ciphertext round-trips through encode . decode" $ property $ do keypair <- forAll genRSAKeys ivBytes <- forAll $ Gen.bytes (Range.singleton ivLength) let Just iv = Keys.SDMF_IV <$> makeIV ivBytes ciphertext <- forAll $ LB.fromStrict <$> Gen.bytes (Range.exponential 1 1024) sequenceNumber <- forAll $ Gen.integral Range.exponentialBounded (required, total) <- forAll encodingParameters (shares', Tahoe.SDMF.Writer{Tahoe.SDMF.writerReader}) <- liftIO $ Tahoe.SDMF.encode keypair iv sequenceNumber required total ciphertext annotateShow shares' recovered <- Tahoe.SDMF.decode writerReader (zip [0 ..] shares') diff ciphertext (==) recovered , testProperty "Plaintext round-trips through encrypt . decrypt" $ property $ do keypair <- forAll genRSAKeys (Just iv) <- fmap Keys.SDMF_IV <$> (makeIV <$> forAll (Gen.bytes (Range.singleton 16))) let (Just readKey) = do writeKey <- Keys.deriveWriteKey (Keys.toSignatureKey keypair) Keys.deriveReadKey writeKey plaintext <- forAll $ LB.fromStrict <$> Gen.bytes (Range.exponential 1 1024) tripping plaintext (Tahoe.SDMF.encrypt keypair iv) (Just . Tahoe.SDMF.decrypt readKey iv) , testCase "Recover plaintext from a known-correct slot" $ do s0 <- liftIO $ Binary.decode <$> (LB.readFile "test/data/3of10.0" >>= readShareFromBucket) s6 <- liftIO $ Binary.decode <$> (LB.readFile "test/data/3of10.6" >>= readShareFromBucket) s9 <- liftIO $ Binary.decode <$> (LB.readFile "test/data/3of10.9" >>= readShareFromBucket) let (Right writeKey) = Binary.decode . LB.fromStrict <$> decodeBase32Unpadded "vdv6pcqkblsguvkagrblr3gopu" (Just readerReadKey) = Keys.deriveReadKey writeKey (Just readerVerifier) = deriveVerifier readerReadKey <$> digestFromByteString ("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" :: B.ByteString) reader = Tahoe.SDMF.Reader{..} ciphertext <- Tahoe.SDMF.decode reader [(0, s0), (6, s6), (9, s9)] let (Right expectedCiphertext) = LB.fromStrict <$> decodeBase32Unpadded "6gutkha6qd4g3lxahth2dw2wjekadwoxvmazrnfq5u5j6a7quu5qy6nz3dvosx2gisdjshdtd5xphqvqjco5pq73qi" (Right (Just expectedIV)) = fmap (fmap Keys.SDMF_IV . makeIV) . decodeBase32Unpadded $ "xkczackg4djsvtx5brgy4z3pse" (Right expectedReadKey) = Binary.decode . LB.fromStrict <$> decodeBase32Unpadded "g4fimjxgdpwrvpfguyz5a6hvz4" (Right expectedDataKey) = Binary.decode . LB.fromStrict <$> decodeBase32Unpadded "crblibtnjacos5xwjpxb2d5hla" expectedPlaintext = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIJHGRFCBA1357" (Just dataKey) = Keys.deriveDataKey (Tahoe.SDMF.shareIV s0) readerReadKey recoveredPlaintext = Tahoe.SDMF.decrypt readerReadKey (Tahoe.SDMF.shareIV s0) ciphertext assertEqual "read key: expected /= derived" expectedReadKey readerReadKey assertEqual "data key: expected /= derived" expectedDataKey dataKey assertEqual "iv: expected /= loaded" expectedIV (Tahoe.SDMF.shareIV s0) assertEqual "ciphertext: expected /= decoded" expectedCiphertext ciphertext assertEqual "expected /= recovered" expectedPlaintext recoveredPlaintext ] readShareFromBucket :: MonadFail m => LB.ByteString -> m LB.ByteString readShareFromBucket bucket = let withoutPrefix = LB.drop (32 + 20 + 32 + 8 + 8 + 368) bucket dataSize = LB.length withoutPrefix - 4 shareData = LB.take dataSize withoutPrefix suffix = LB.drop dataSize withoutPrefix in do when (suffix /= "\0\0\0\0") (fail "Cannot account for extra leases") pure shareData {- | Load a known-correct SDMF bucket and assert that bytes in the slot it contains deserializes to a Share and then serializes back to the same bytes Note: The capability for the test data is: URI:SSK:vdv6pcqkblsguvkagrblr3gopu:6pd5r2qrsb3zuq2n6ocvcsg2a6b47ehclqxidkzd5awdabhtdo6a -} knownCorrectRoundTrip :: Show a => a -> IO () knownCorrectRoundTrip n = do -- The files are in "bucket" format. We need to extract the -- "slot". We do so by stripping a prefix and suffix. To avoid -- having to parse the prefix, we assert that the suffix is a -- predictable size. bucket <- LB.readFile ("test/data/3of10." <> show n) shareData <- readShareFromBucket bucket let decoded = decode' shareData let encoded = (Binary.encode :: Tahoe.SDMF.Share -> LB.ByteString) <$> decoded assertEqual "original /= encoded" (Right shareData) encoded -- We also know some specific things about the know-correct shares. let (Right sh) = decoded assertEqual "3 /= required" 3 (Tahoe.SDMF.shareRequiredShares sh) assertEqual "10 /= total" 10 (Tahoe.SDMF.shareTotalShares sh) -- | Like `Binary.Binary.decodeOrFail` but only return the decoded value. decode' :: Binary.Binary b => LB.ByteString -> Either (LB.ByteString, ByteOffset, String) b decode' = ((\(_, _, a) -> a) <$>) . Binary.decodeOrFail main :: IO () main = do -- Hedgehog writes some non-ASCII and the whole test process will die if -- it can't be encoded. Increase the chances that all of the output can -- be encoded by forcing the use of UTF-8 (overriding the LANG-based -- choice normally made). hSetEncoding stdout utf8 hSetEncoding stderr utf8 defaultMain tests