-- | Deal with details related to the structural layout of an SDMF share. module Tahoe.SDMF.Internal.Share where import Control.Monad (unless) import Crypto.Cipher.Types (makeIV) import qualified Crypto.PubKey.RSA.Types as RSA import Data.ASN1.BinaryEncoding (DER (DER)) import Data.ASN1.Encoding (ASN1Encoding (encodeASN1), decodeASN1') import Data.ASN1.Types (ASN1Object (fromASN1, toASN1)) import Data.Binary (Binary (..), Get, getWord8) import Data.Binary.Get (bytesRead, getByteString, getLazyByteString, getRemainingLazyByteString, getWord16be, getWord32be, getWord64be, isEmpty, isolate) import Data.Binary.Put (putByteString, putLazyByteString, putWord16be, putWord32be, putWord64be, putWord8) import qualified Data.ByteArray as ByteArray import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB import Data.Int (Int64) import Data.Word (Word16, Word32, Word64, Word8) import Data.X509 (PrivKey (PrivKeyRSA), PubKey (PubKeyRSA)) import Tahoe.CHK.Merkle (MerkleTree, leafHashes) import Tahoe.SDMF.Internal.Converting (From (from), into, tryInto) import qualified Tahoe.SDMF.Internal.Keys as Keys hashSize :: Int hashSize = 32 newtype HashChain = HashChain { hashChain :: [(Word16, B.ByteString)] } deriving newtype (Eq, Show, Semigroup) instance Binary HashChain where put (HashChain []) = mempty put (HashChain ((n, h) : c)) = do putWord16be n putByteString h put (HashChain c) get = do empty <- isEmpty if empty then pure $ HashChain [] else do n <- getWord16be h <- getByteString hashSize (HashChain [(n, h)] <>) <$> get {- | Structured representation of a single version SDMF share. See Tahoe-LAFS "mutable" specification document, section title "SDMF Slot Format". Since the only version of SDMF that is specified uses version 0, this implicitly represents a version 0 SDMF. If new versions of SDMF are specified then new constructors may be added. -} data Share = Share { -- | sequence number. 2^64-1 must be handled specially, TBD shareSequenceNumber :: Word64 , -- | "R" (root of share hash merkle tree) shareRootHash :: B.ByteString , -- | The IV for encryption of share data. shareIV :: Keys.SDMF_IV , -- | The total number of encoded shares (k). shareTotalShares :: Word8 , -- | The number of shares required for decoding (N). shareRequiredShares :: Word8 , -- | The size of a single ciphertext segment. This differs from -- shareDataLength in that it includes padding. shareSegmentSize :: Word64 , -- | The length of the original plaintext. shareDataLength :: Word64 , -- | The 2048 bit "verification" RSA key. shareVerificationKey :: Keys.Verification , -- | The RSA signature of -- H('\x00'+shareSequenceNumber+shareRootHash+shareIV+encoding -- parameters) where '\x00' gives the version of this share format (0) -- and the encoding parameters are a certain serialization of -- shareRequiredShares and shareTotalShares. shareSignature :: B.ByteString , -- | The share numbers and shareRootHash values which are required to -- ... something about verification I dunno. XXX shareHashChain :: HashChain , -- | A merkle tree where leaves are the hashes of the blocks in this share. shareBlockHashTree :: MerkleTree , -- | The share data (erasure encoded ciphertext). shareData :: LB.ByteString , -- | The encrypted 2048 bit "signature" RSA key. shareEncryptedPrivateKey :: B.ByteString } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Binary Share where put Share{..} = do putWord8 0 putWord64be shareSequenceNumber putByteString shareRootHash putByteString . ByteArray.convert $ shareIV putWord8 shareRequiredShares putWord8 shareTotalShares putWord64be shareSegmentSize putWord64be shareDataLength putWord32be signatureOffset putWord32be hashChainOffset putWord32be blockHashTreeOffset putWord32be shareDataOffset putWord64be encryptedPrivateKeyOffset putWord64be eofOffset putByteString verificationKeyBytes putByteString shareSignature put shareHashChain put shareBlockHashTree putLazyByteString shareData putByteString shareEncryptedPrivateKey where verificationKeyBytes = Keys.verificationKeyToBytes shareVerificationKey blockHashTreeBytes = B.concat . leafHashes $ shareBlockHashTree -- Some conversions could fail because we can't be completely sure of -- the size of the data we're working with. Put has no good failure -- mechanism though. Try to provide the best failure behavior we can -- here. signatureOffset = case tryInto @Word32 "" $ 1 + 8 + hashSize + 16 + 18 + 32 + B.length verificationKeyBytes of Nothing -> error "Binary.put Share could not represent signature offset" Just x -> x hashChainOffset = signatureOffset + case tryInto @Word32 "" (B.length shareSignature) of Nothing -> error "Binary.put Share could not represent hash chain offset" Just x -> x blockHashTreeOffset = hashChainOffset + case tryInto @Word32 "" (length (hashChain shareHashChain) * (hashSize + 2)) of Nothing -> error "Binary.put Share could not represent block hash tree offset" Just x -> x shareDataOffset = blockHashTreeOffset + case tryInto @Word32 "" (B.length blockHashTreeBytes) of Nothing -> error "Binary.put Share could not represent share data offset" Just x -> x -- Then there are a couple 64 bit offsets, represented as Word64s, for -- positions that follow the share data. encryptedPrivateKeyOffset = into @Word64 shareDataOffset + case tryInto @Word64 "" (LB.length shareData) of Nothing -> error "Binary.put Share could not represent share data length" Just x -> x eofOffset = encryptedPrivateKeyOffset + case tryInto @Word64 "" (B.length shareEncryptedPrivateKey) of Nothing -> error "Binary.put Share could not represent encrypted private key length" Just x -> x get = do version <- getWord8 unless (version == 0) (fail $ "Only version 0 is supported; got version " <> show version) shareSequenceNumber <- getWord64be shareRootHash <- getByteString 32 ivBytes <- getByteString 16 shareIV <- case makeIV ivBytes of Nothing -> fail "Could not decode IV" Just iv -> pure (Keys.SDMF_IV iv) shareRequiredShares <- getWord8 shareTotalShares <- getWord8 shareSegmentSize <- getWord64be shareDataLength <- getWord64be signatureOffset <- getWord32be hashChainOffset <- getWord32be blockHashTreeOffset <- getWord32be shareDataOffset <- getWord32be encryptedPrivateKeyOffset <- getWord64be eofOffset <- getWord64be -- This offset is not the encoded share but it's defined as being -- right where we've read to. Give it a name that follows the -- pattern. shareVerificationOffset <- bytesRead -- Read in the values between all those offsets. shareVerificationKey <- Keys.Verification <$> isolate (from signatureOffset - from shareVerificationOffset) getSubjectPublicKeyInfo shareSignature <- getByteString (from $ hashChainOffset - signatureOffset) shareHashChain <- isolate (from $ blockHashTreeOffset - hashChainOffset) get shareBlockHashTree <- isolate (from $ shareDataOffset - blockHashTreeOffset) get blockLength <- tryInto @Int64 "Binary.get Share could not represent share block length" (encryptedPrivateKeyOffset - into @Word64 shareDataOffset) shareData <- getLazyByteString blockLength keyBytesLength <- tryInto @Int "Binary.get Share cannot represent private key length" (eofOffset - encryptedPrivateKeyOffset) shareEncryptedPrivateKey <- getByteString keyBytesLength empty <- isEmpty unless empty (fail "Expected end of input but there are more bytes") pure Share{..} {- | Read an X.509v3-encoded SubjectPublicKeyInfo structure carrying an ASN.1 DER encoded RSA public key. -} getSubjectPublicKeyInfo :: Get RSA.PublicKey getSubjectPublicKeyInfo = do bytes <- getRemainingLazyByteString let (Right asn1s) = decodeASN1' DER . LB.toStrict $ bytes let (Right (PubKeyRSA pubKey, [])) = fromASN1 asn1s pure pubKey {- | Encode a private key to the Tahoe-LAFS canonical bytes representation - X.509 SubjectPublicKeyInfo of the ASN.1 DER serialization of an RSA PublicKey. -} signatureKeyToBytes :: RSA.PrivateKey -> B.ByteString signatureKeyToBytes = LB.toStrict . encodeASN1 DER . flip toASN1 [] . PrivKeyRSA