module SpecUtil where import Hedgehog (Property, assert, diff, forAll, property) import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range import Test.Tasty ( TestTree, testGroup, ) import Test.Tasty.HUnit (assertEqual, testCase) import Test.Tasty.Hedgehog (testProperty) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import Tahoe.Util (ceilDiv, chunkedBy) tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "utilities" [ testProperty "BS.concat . chunkedBy n == id" prop_chunkedBy_identity , testProperty "The length of every result element, except sometimes the last, equals n" prop_chunkedBy_length , testCeilDiv ] testCeilDiv :: TestTree testCeilDiv = testCase "ceiling division" $ do assertEqual "evenly divisible" (ceilDiv 2 1) (2 :: Integer) assertEqual "needs rounding" (ceilDiv 3 2) (2 :: Integer) prop_chunkedBy_identity :: Property prop_chunkedBy_identity = property $ do someBytes <- forAll $ Gen.bytes (Range.linear 1 100) someSize <- forAll $ (Range.linear 1 100) diff someBytes (==) (BS.concat . chunkedBy someSize $ someBytes) prop_chunkedBy_length :: Property prop_chunkedBy_length = property $ do someBytes <- forAll $ Gen.bytes (Range.linear 1 100) someSize <- forAll $ (Range.linear 1 100) let chunks = chunkedBy someSize someBytes -- Handle the possibly-short element separately. equalSize = tail . reverse $ chunks short = last chunks -- All the rest should have the same length assert (all ((someSize ==) . BS.length) equalSize) -- And the last should just be no longer. assert (BS.length short <= someSize)