{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Tahoe.CHK.Upload ( UploadResult (uploadResultReadCap, uploadResultExistingShares, uploadResultShareMap), Uploadable (..), Parameters (Parameters), defaultParameters, filesystemUploadable, filesystemUploadableWithConvergence, filesystemUploadableRandomConvergence, memoryUploadableWithConvergence, getConvergentKey, upload, store, prettyFormatSharemap, adjustSegmentSize, encryptAndEncode, ) where import Control.Monad.Conc.Class ( modifyIORefCAS, ) import Data.Maybe ( fromJust, ) import Data.List ( intersperse, ) import Data.IORef ( newIORef, ) import qualified Data.Binary as Binary import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import Data.Text ( Text, intercalate, pack, ) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Crypto.Classes ( buildKey, buildKeyIO, ) import qualified Tahoe.CHK.Capability as Cap import System.IO ( IOMode (ReadMode), hFileSize, hSetBinaryMode, openBinaryFile, openFile, ) import Crypto.Cipher.AES128 ( AESKey128, ) import Tahoe.CHK.Crypto ( convergenceEncryptionHashLazy, storageIndexHash, ) import Tahoe.CHK.Server ( ShareMap, StorageServer (..), ) import Tahoe.CHK.Types ( Parameters (Parameters), ShareNum, Size, StorageIndex, ) import Tahoe.Util (nextMultipleOf) import Data.Tuple.Extra (thd3) import Tahoe.CHK ( encode, ) import Tahoe.CHK.Encrypt (encrypt) -- Some data that can be uploaded. data Uploadable = Uploadable { uploadableKey :: AESKey128 , uploadableSize :: Size , uploadableParameters :: Parameters , uploadableReadCleartext :: Integer -> IO B.ByteString } -- The outcome of an attempt to upload an immutable. data UploadResult = UploadResult { uploadResultReadCap :: Cap.Reader , uploadResultExistingShares :: Integer , uploadResultShareMap :: ShareMap } deriving (Show) -- Find shares that already exist on servers. locateAllShareholders :: StorageIndex -> [StorageServer] -> IO ShareMap locateAllShareholders storageIndex servers = Map.unionsWith Set.union <$> mapM getBuckets servers where getBuckets :: StorageServer -> IO ShareMap getBuckets s = do buckets <- storageServerGetBuckets s storageIndex return $ Map.fromSet (const $ Set.singleton s) buckets planSharePlacement :: Parameters -> StorageIndex -> ShareMap -> [StorageServer] -> ShareMap planSharePlacement (Parameters _ total _ _) _storageIndex _currentShares servers = Map.fromList [ (shareNum, Set.singleton server) | (shareNum, server) <- zip [0 .. (fromIntegral total - 1)] (cycle servers) ] -- Upload some immutable share data to some buckets on some servers. -- -- XXX TODO This writes the raw share data to a file with no server-side -- bookkeeping. This may not be intrinsically bad but it makes the share -- files incompatible with the Tahoe-LAFS storage server on-disk state. This -- may not be intrinsically bad either but interop testing would be much -- easier if the on-disk state were compatible. uploadImmutableShares :: StorageIndex -> [(ShareNum, StorageServer, BL.ByteString)] -> IO () uploadImmutableShares storageIndex uploads = uploadChunks 0 where -- How much data to upload to each server per request. chunkSize = 1024 * 1024 -- Upload the chunk of each share at `offset` to the corresponding server -- and then proceed to the chunks at the next offset. uploadChunks offset = do res <- uploadChunk chunkSize storageIndex offset if res then uploadChunks (offset + chunkSize) else pure () uploadChunk :: Integer -> StorageIndex -> Integer -> IO Bool uploadChunk size storageIndex' offset = if any ("" /=) chunks then mapM_ (uploadOneChunk offset storageIndex') uploads >> pure True else pure False where chunks = map (BL.take (fromIntegral size) . BL.drop (fromIntegral offset) . thd3) uploads uploadOneChunk offset storageIndex' (shareNum, server, shareData) = storageServerWrite server storageIndex' shareNum offset (BL.toStrict shareData) {- | Encrypt and encode some application data to some ZFEC shares and upload them to some servers. -} store :: -- | The servers to consider using. [StorageServer] -> -- | The application data to operate on. Uploadable -> -- | The result of the attempt. IO UploadResult store servers uploadable@(Uploadable key _ params _) = encryptAndEncode uploadable >>= upload servers key params {- | Given some cleartext and some encoding parameters: encrypt and encode some shares that can later be used to reconstruct the cleartext. -} encryptAndEncode :: -- | The application data to encrypt and encode. Uploadable -> -- | An action to get an action that can be repeatedly evaluated to get -- share data. As long as there is more share data, it evaluates to Left. -- When shares are done, it evaluates to Right. IO ([BL.ByteString], Cap.Reader) encryptAndEncode (Uploadable readKey _ params read') = do plaintext <- readAll read' let ciphertext = encrypt readKey plaintext (shares, cap) <- encode readKey params ciphertext pure (map Binary.encode shares, cap) where readAll :: (Integer -> IO B.ByteString) -> IO BL.ByteString readAll f = do bs <- BL.fromStrict <$> f (1024 * 32) if bs == "" then pure "" else (bs <>) <$> readAll f {- | Given some cleartext, some encoding parameters, and some servers: encrypt, encode, and upload some shares that can later be used to reconstruct the cleartext. This replaces allmydata.immutable.upload.Uploader.upload. -} upload :: -- | The servers to consider uploading shares to. [StorageServer] -> -- | The encryption key (to derive the storage index). AESKey128 -> -- | The encoding parameters (XXX only for happy, right?) Parameters -> -- | The share data to upload. ([BL.ByteString], Cap.Reader) -> -- | Describe the outcome of the upload. IO UploadResult upload servers key params encoded = do -- Decide where to put it existingShares <- locateAllShareholders storageIndex servers let targets = targetServers params existingShares -- Go let (streams, cap) = encoded uploadImmutableShares storageIndex (uploads targets streams) return $ UploadResult { uploadResultReadCap = cap , uploadResultExistingShares = fromIntegral $ length existingShares , uploadResultShareMap = targets } where storageIndex :: StorageIndex storageIndex = storageIndexHash key targetServers :: Parameters -> ShareMap -> ShareMap targetServers parameters existingShares = planSharePlacement parameters storageIndex existingShares servers -- Adapt a stream of share data to a stream of share data annotated with -- server placement decision. uploads :: ShareMap -> [BL.ByteString] -> [(ShareNum, StorageServer, BL.ByteString)] uploads goal shareDatav = Map.foldrWithKey (makeUpload shareDatav) [] goal where makeUpload :: [BL.ByteString] -> ShareNum -> Set.Set StorageServer -> [(ShareNum, StorageServer, BL.ByteString)] -> [(ShareNum, StorageServer, BL.ByteString)] makeUpload shareDatav' num servers' soFar = [ ( num , server , shareDatav' !! fromIntegral num ) | server <- Set.elems servers' ] ++ soFar defaultParameters :: Parameters defaultParameters = Parameters (128 * 1024) 10 7 3 -- The adjustment implemented in -- allmydata.immutable.upload.BaseUploadable.get_all_encoding_parameters adjustSegmentSize :: Parameters -> Size -> Parameters adjustSegmentSize (Parameters segmentSize total happy required) dataSize = Parameters (effectiveSegmentSize dataSize) total happy required where effectiveSegmentSize = -- For small files, shrink the segment size to avoid wasting space. -- Also make the shrunk value a multiple of required shares or the -- encoding doesn't work. nextMultipleOf required . min segmentSize -- Create an uploadable with the given key. filesystemUploadable :: AESKey128 -> FilePath -> Parameters -> IO Uploadable filesystemUploadable key path params = do fhandle <- openBinaryFile path ReadMode fsize <- hFileSize fhandle return $ Uploadable { uploadableKey = key , uploadableSize = fsize , uploadableParameters = adjustSegmentSize params fsize , -- TODO Consider replacing this with a lazy bytestring or a list of bytestrings uploadableReadCleartext = B.hGet fhandle . fromIntegral } filesystemUploadableWithConvergence :: B.ByteString -> FilePath -> Parameters -> IO Uploadable filesystemUploadableWithConvergence secret uploadablePath params = do -- Allow getConvergentKey to use lazy ByteString to read and hash the -- uploadable by letting the handle remain open past the end of this -- function. lazy ByteString will close the handle. uploadableHandle <- openFile uploadablePath ReadMode hSetBinaryMode uploadableHandle True -- Annoyingly, adjust the segment size here so that the convergence secret -- is computed based on the adjusted value. This is what Tahoe-LAFS does so -- it is necessary to arrive at the same converged key. Whether this part -- of the construction is actually important aside from interop, I don't -- know. size <- hFileSize uploadableHandle content <- BL.hGetContents uploadableHandle memoryUploadableWithConvergence secret size content params -- TODO Consider lazy bytestring here instead memoryUploadableWithConvergence :: B.ByteString -> Integer -> BL.ByteString -> Parameters -> IO Uploadable memoryUploadableWithConvergence secret size content params = let key = getConvergentKey secret (adjustSegmentSize params size) content in memoryUploadable key size content params memoryUploadable :: AESKey128 -> Integer -> BL.ByteString -> Parameters -> IO Uploadable memoryUploadable key size content params = let makeReader :: BL.ByteString -> IO (Integer -> IO BL.ByteString) makeReader allContent = let cas len content' = (BL.drop len content', BL.take len content') in do contentRef <- newIORef allContent return $ (modifyIORefCAS contentRef . cas) . fromIntegral in do reader <- makeReader content return $ Uploadable { uploadableKey = key , uploadableSize = size , uploadableParameters = adjustSegmentSize params size , -- TODO Consider replacing this with a lazy bytestring or a list of bytestrings uploadableReadCleartext = (BL.toStrict <$>) . reader } -- allmydata.immutable.upload.FileHandle._get_encryption_key_convergent getConvergentKey :: B.ByteString -> Parameters -> BL.ByteString -> AESKey128 getConvergentKey secret params content = fromJust . buildKey $ convergenceEncryptionHashLazy secret params content -- Create an uploadable with a random key. filesystemUploadableRandomConvergence :: FilePath -> Parameters -> IO Uploadable filesystemUploadableRandomConvergence path params = do key <- buildKeyIO :: IO AESKey128 filesystemUploadable key path params prettyFormatSharemap :: ShareMap -> Text prettyFormatSharemap sharemap = intercalate "\n" [ Text.concat ["\t", showElem elem'] | elem' <- Map.toList sharemap ] where showElem :: (ShareNum, Set.Set StorageServer) -> Text showElem (shareNum, servers) = Text.concat $ [ pack $ show shareNum , ":" ] ++ intersperse ", " (map storageServerID (Set.toList servers))