{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} -- Copyright (C) 2011 John Millikin <jmillikin@gmail.com> -- -- See license.txt for details module FilesystemTests.Posix ( suite_Posix ) where import Prelude hiding (FilePath) import Control.Exception (bracket) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import qualified Data.ByteString import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8 import qualified Data.Text import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text.IO import Data.Time.Clock (diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime) import Foreign import Foreign.C import Test.Chell #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,2,0) import qualified GHC.IO.Exception as GHC #else import qualified GHC.IOBase as GHC #endif import qualified System.Posix.IO as PosixIO import Filesystem import Filesystem.Path import qualified Filesystem.Path.Rules as Rules import qualified Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS as CurrentOS import FilesystemTests.Util (assertionsWithTemp, todo) suite_Posix :: Suite suite_Posix = suite "posix" $ (concatMap suiteTests [ suite_IsFile , suite_IsDirectory , suite_Rename , suite_CanonicalizePath , suite_CreateDirectory , suite_CreateTree , suite_RemoveFile , suite_RemoveDirectory , suite_RemoveTree , suite_GetWorkingDirectory , suite_SetWorkingDirectory , suite_GetHomeDirectory , suite_GetDesktopDirectory , suite_GetModified , suite_GetSize , suite_CopyFile , suite_WithFile , suite_WithTextFile , suite_RegressionTests ]) ++ [ test_ListDirectory , todo "getDocumentsDirectory" , todo "getAppDataDirectory" , todo "getAppCacheDirectory" , todo "getAppConfigDirectory" , todo "openFile" , todo "readFile" , todo "writeFile" , todo "appendFile" , todo "openTextFile" , todo "readTextFile" , todo "writeTextFile" , todo "appendTextFile" ] suite_IsFile :: Suite suite_IsFile = suite "isFile" [ test_IsFile "ascii" (decode "test.txt") , test_IsFile "utf8" (fromText "\xA1\xA2.txt") , test_IsFile "iso8859" (decode "\xA1\xA2\xA3.txt") , test_PipeIsFile "pipe.ascii" (decode "test.txt") , test_PipeIsFile "pipe.utf8" (fromText "\xA1\xA2.txt") , test_PipeIsFile "pipe.iso8859" (decode "\xA1\xA2\xA3.txt") ] suite_IsDirectory :: Suite suite_IsDirectory = suite "isDirectory" [ test_IsDirectory "ascii" (decode "test.d") , test_IsDirectory "utf8" (fromText "\xA1\xA2.d") , test_IsDirectory "iso8859" (decode "\xA1\xA2\xA3.d") ] suite_Rename :: Suite suite_Rename = suite "rename" [ test_Rename "ascii" (decode "old_test.txt") (decode "new_test.txt") , test_Rename "utf8" (fromText "old_\xA1\xA2.txt") (fromText "new_\xA1\xA2.txt") , test_Rename "iso8859" (decode "old_\xA1\xA2\xA3.txt") (decode "new_\xA1\xA2\xA3.txt") ] suite_CanonicalizePath :: Suite suite_CanonicalizePath = suite "canonicalizePath" [ test_CanonicalizePath "ascii" (decode "test-a.txt") (decode "test-b.txt") , test_CanonicalizePath "utf8" (fromText "\xA1\xA2-a.txt") (fromText "\xA1\xA2-b.txt") , test_CanonicalizePath "iso8859" (decode "\xA1\xA2\xA3-a.txt") #ifdef CABAL_OS_DARWIN (decode "%A1%A2%A3-b.txt") #else (decode "\xA1\xA2\xA3-b.txt") #endif , test_CanonicalizePath_TrailingSlash ] suite_CreateDirectory :: Suite suite_CreateDirectory = suite "createDirectory" [ test_CreateDirectory "ascii" (decode "test.d") , test_CreateDirectory "utf8" (fromText "\xA1\xA2.d") , test_CreateDirectory "iso8859" (decode "\xA1\xA2\xA3.d") , test_CreateDirectory_FailExists , test_CreateDirectory_SucceedExists , test_CreateDirectory_FailFileExists ] suite_CreateTree :: Suite suite_CreateTree = suite "createTree" [ test_CreateTree "ascii" (decode "test.d") , test_CreateTree "ascii-slash" (decode "test.d/") , test_CreateTree "utf8" (fromText "\xA1\xA2.d") , test_CreateTree "utf8-slash" (fromText "\xA1\xA2.d/") , test_CreateTree "iso8859" (decode "\xA1\xA2\xA3.d") , test_CreateTree "iso8859-slash" (decode "\xA1\xA2\xA3.d/") ] suite_RemoveFile :: Suite suite_RemoveFile = suite "removeFile" [ test_RemoveFile "ascii" (decode "test.txt") , test_RemoveFile "utf8" (fromText "\xA1\xA2.txt") , test_RemoveFile "iso8859" (decode "\xA1\xA2\xA3.txt") ] suite_RemoveDirectory :: Suite suite_RemoveDirectory = suite "removeDirectory" [ test_RemoveDirectory "ascii" (decode "test.d") , test_RemoveDirectory "utf8" (fromText "\xA1\xA2.d") , test_RemoveDirectory "iso8859" (decode "\xA1\xA2\xA3.d") ] suite_RemoveTree :: Suite suite_RemoveTree = suite "removeTree" [ test_RemoveTree "ascii" (decode "test.d") , test_RemoveTree "utf8" (fromText "\xA1\xA2.d") , test_RemoveTree "iso8859" (decode "\xA1\xA2\xA3.d") ] suite_GetWorkingDirectory :: Suite suite_GetWorkingDirectory = suite "getWorkingDirectory" [ test_GetWorkingDirectory "ascii" (decode "test.d") , test_GetWorkingDirectory "utf8" (fromText "\xA1\xA2.d") , test_GetWorkingDirectory "iso8859" (decode "\xA1\xA2\xA3.d") ] suite_SetWorkingDirectory :: Suite suite_SetWorkingDirectory = suite "setWorkingDirectory" [ test_SetWorkingDirectory "ascii" (decode "test.d") , test_SetWorkingDirectory "utf8" (fromText "\xA1\xA2.d") , test_SetWorkingDirectory "iso8859" (decode "\xA1\xA2\xA3.d") ] suite_GetHomeDirectory :: Suite suite_GetHomeDirectory = suite "getHomeDirectory" [ test_GetHomeDirectory "ascii" (decode "/home/test.d") , test_GetHomeDirectory "utf8" (decode "/home/\xA1\xA2.d") , test_GetHomeDirectory "iso8859" (decode "/home/\xA1\xA2\xA3.d") ] suite_GetDesktopDirectory :: Suite suite_GetDesktopDirectory = suite "getDesktopDirectory" [ test_GetDesktopDirectory "ascii" (decode "/desktop/test.d") , test_GetDesktopDirectory "utf8" (decode "/desktop/\xA1\xA2.d") , test_GetDesktopDirectory "iso8859" (decode "/desktop/\xA1\xA2\xA3.d") ] suite_GetModified :: Suite suite_GetModified = suite "getModified" [ test_GetModified "ascii" (decode "test.txt") , test_GetModified "utf8" (fromText "\xA1\xA2.txt") , test_GetModified "iso8859" (decode "\xA1\xA2\xA3.txt") ] suite_GetSize :: Suite suite_GetSize = suite "getSize" [ test_GetSize "ascii" (decode "test.txt") , test_GetSize "utf8" (fromText "\xA1\xA2.txt") , test_GetSize "iso8859" (decode "\xA1\xA2\xA3.txt") ] suite_CopyFile :: Suite suite_CopyFile = suite "copyFile" [ test_CopyFile "ascii" (decode "old_test.txt") (decode "new_test.txt") , test_CopyFile "utf8" (fromText "old_\xA1\xA2.txt") (fromText "new_\xA1\xA2.txt") , test_CopyFile "iso8859" #ifdef CABAL_OS_DARWIN (decode "old_%A1%A2%A3.txt") #else (decode "old_\xA1\xA2\xA3.txt") #endif #ifdef CABAL_OS_DARWIN (decode "new_%A1%A2%A3.txt") #else (decode "new_\xA1\xA2\xA3.txt") #endif ] suite_WithFile :: Suite suite_WithFile = suite "withFile" [ test_WithFile_Read "read.ascii" (decode "test.txt") , test_WithFile_Read "read.utf8" (fromText "\xA1\xA2.txt") , test_WithFile_Read "read.iso8859" #ifdef CABAL_OS_DARWIN (decode "%A1%A2%A3.txt") #else (decode "\xA1\xA2\xA3.txt") #endif , test_WithFile_Write "write.ascii" (decode "test.txt") , test_WithFile_Write "write.utf8" (fromText "\xA1\xA2.txt") , test_WithFile_Write "write.iso8859" (decode "\xA1\xA2\xA3.txt") ] suite_WithTextFile :: Suite suite_WithTextFile = suite "withTextFile" [ test_WithTextFile "ascii" (decode "test.txt") , test_WithTextFile "utf8" (fromText "\xA1\xA2.txt") , test_WithTextFile "iso8859" #ifdef CABAL_OS_DARWIN (decode "%A1%A2%A3.txt") #else (decode "\xA1\xA2\xA3.txt") #endif ] suite_RegressionTests :: Suite suite_RegressionTests = suite "regression-tests" [ test_ListDirectoryLeaksFds ] test_IsFile :: String -> FilePath -> Test test_IsFile test_name file_name = assertionsWithTemp test_name $ \tmp -> do let path = tmp </> file_name before <- liftIO $ Filesystem.isFile path $expect (not before) touch_ffi path "contents\n" after <- liftIO $ Filesystem.isFile path $expect after test_PipeIsFile :: String -> FilePath -> Test test_PipeIsFile test_name file_name = assertionsWithTemp test_name $ \tmp -> do let path = tmp </> file_name before <- liftIO $ Filesystem.isFile path $expect (not before) mkfifo_ffi path after <- liftIO $ Filesystem.isFile path $expect after test_IsDirectory :: String -> FilePath -> Test test_IsDirectory test_name dir_name = assertionsWithTemp test_name $ \tmp -> do let path = tmp </> dir_name before <- liftIO $ Filesystem.isDirectory path $expect (not before) mkdir_ffi path after <- liftIO $ Filesystem.isDirectory path $expect after test_Rename :: String -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Test test_Rename test_name old_name new_name = assertionsWithTemp test_name $ \tmp -> do let old_path = tmp </> old_name let new_path = tmp </> new_name touch_ffi old_path "" old_before <- liftIO $ Filesystem.isFile old_path new_before <- liftIO $ Filesystem.isFile new_path $expect old_before $expect (not new_before) liftIO $ Filesystem.rename old_path new_path old_after <- liftIO $ Filesystem.isFile old_path new_after <- liftIO $ Filesystem.isFile new_path $expect (not old_after) $expect new_after test_CopyFile :: String -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Test test_CopyFile test_name old_name new_name = assertionsWithTemp test_name $ \tmp -> do let old_path = tmp </> old_name let new_path = tmp </> new_name touch_ffi old_path "" old_before <- liftIO $ Filesystem.isFile old_path new_before <- liftIO $ Filesystem.isFile new_path $expect old_before $expect (not new_before) liftIO $ Filesystem.copyFile old_path new_path old_after <- liftIO $ Filesystem.isFile old_path new_after <- liftIO $ Filesystem.isFile new_path $expect old_after $expect new_after old_contents <- liftIO $ Filesystem.withTextFile old_path ReadMode $ Data.Text.IO.hGetContents new_contents <- liftIO $ Filesystem.withTextFile new_path ReadMode $ Data.Text.IO.hGetContents $expect (equalLines old_contents new_contents) test_CanonicalizePath :: String -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Test test_CanonicalizePath test_name src_name dst_name = assertionsWithTemp test_name $ \tmp -> do let src_path = tmp </> src_name let subdir = tmp </> "subdir" -- canonicalize the directory first, to avoid false negatives if -- it gets placed in a symlinked location. mkdir_ffi subdir canon_subdir <- liftIO (Filesystem.canonicalizePath subdir) let dst_path = canon_subdir </> dst_name touch_ffi dst_path "" symlink_ffi dst_path src_path canonicalized <- liftIO $ Filesystem.canonicalizePath src_path $expect $ equal canonicalized dst_path test_CanonicalizePath_TrailingSlash :: Test test_CanonicalizePath_TrailingSlash = assertionsWithTemp "trailing-slash" $ \tmp -> do let src_path = tmp </> "src" let subdir = tmp </> "subdir" -- canonicalize the directory first, to avoid false negatives if -- it gets placed in a symlinked location. mkdir_ffi subdir canon_subdir <- liftIO (Filesystem.canonicalizePath (tmp </> "subdir")) let dst_path = canon_subdir </> "dst" mkdir_ffi dst_path symlink_ffi dst_path src_path canonicalized <- liftIO (Filesystem.canonicalizePath (src_path </> empty)) $expect (equal canonicalized (dst_path </> empty)) test_CreateDirectory :: String -> FilePath -> Test test_CreateDirectory test_name dir_name = assertionsWithTemp test_name $ \tmp -> do let dir_path = tmp </> dir_name exists_before <- liftIO $ Filesystem.isDirectory dir_path $assert (not exists_before) liftIO $ Filesystem.createDirectory False dir_path exists_after <- liftIO $ Filesystem.isDirectory dir_path $expect exists_after test_CreateDirectory_FailExists :: Test test_CreateDirectory_FailExists = assertionsWithTemp "fail-if-exists" $ \tmp -> do let dir_path = tmp </> "subdir" mkdir_ffi dir_path $expect $ throwsEq (mkAlreadyExists "createDirectory" dir_path) (Filesystem.createDirectory False dir_path) test_CreateDirectory_SucceedExists :: Test test_CreateDirectory_SucceedExists = assertionsWithTemp "succeed-if-exists" $ \tmp -> do let dir_path = tmp </> "subdir" mkdir_ffi dir_path liftIO $ Filesystem.createDirectory True dir_path test_CreateDirectory_FailFileExists :: Test test_CreateDirectory_FailFileExists = assertionsWithTemp "fail-if-file-exists" $ \tmp -> do let dir_path = tmp </> "subdir" touch_ffi dir_path "" $expect $ throwsEq (mkAlreadyExists "createDirectory" dir_path) (Filesystem.createDirectory False dir_path) $expect $ throwsEq (mkAlreadyExists "createDirectory" dir_path) (Filesystem.createDirectory True dir_path) mkAlreadyExists :: String -> FilePath -> GHC.IOError mkAlreadyExists loc path = GHC.IOError Nothing GHC.AlreadyExists loc "File exists" #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,2,0) (Just (errnoCInt eEXIST)) #endif (Just (CurrentOS.encodeString path)) test_CreateTree :: String -> FilePath -> Test test_CreateTree test_name dir_name = assertionsWithTemp test_name $ \tmp -> do let dir_path = tmp </> dir_name let subdir = dir_path </> "subdir" dir_exists_before <- liftIO $ Filesystem.isDirectory dir_path subdir_exists_before <- liftIO $ Filesystem.isDirectory subdir $assert (not dir_exists_before) $assert (not subdir_exists_before) liftIO $ Filesystem.createTree subdir dir_exists_after <- liftIO $ Filesystem.isDirectory dir_path subdir_exists_after <- liftIO $ Filesystem.isDirectory subdir $expect dir_exists_after $expect subdir_exists_after test_ListDirectory :: Test test_ListDirectory = assertionsWithTemp "listDirectory" $ \tmp -> do -- OSX replaces non-UTF8 filenames with http-style %XX escapes let paths = #ifdef CABAL_OS_DARWIN [ tmp </> decode "%A1%A2%A3.txt" , tmp </> decode "test.txt" , tmp </> fromText "\xA1\xA2.txt" ] #else [ tmp </> decode "test.txt" , tmp </> fromText "\xA1\xA2.txt" , tmp </> decode "\xA1\xA2\xA3.txt" ] #endif forM_ paths (\path -> touch_ffi path "") names <- liftIO $ Filesystem.listDirectory tmp $expect $ sameItems paths names test_RemoveFile :: String -> FilePath -> Test test_RemoveFile test_name file_name = assertionsWithTemp test_name $ \tmp -> do let file_path = tmp </> file_name touch_ffi file_path "contents\n" before <- liftIO $ Filesystem.isFile file_path $assert before liftIO $ Filesystem.removeFile file_path after <- liftIO $ Filesystem.isFile file_path $expect (not after) test_RemoveDirectory :: String -> FilePath -> Test test_RemoveDirectory test_name dir_name = assertionsWithTemp test_name $ \tmp -> do let dir_path = tmp </> dir_name mkdir_ffi dir_path before <- liftIO $ Filesystem.isDirectory dir_path $assert before liftIO $ Filesystem.removeDirectory dir_path after <- liftIO $ Filesystem.isDirectory dir_path $expect (not after) test_RemoveTree :: String -> FilePath -> Test test_RemoveTree test_name dir_name = assertionsWithTemp test_name $ \tmp -> do let dir_path = tmp </> dir_name let subdir = dir_path </> "subdir" mkdir_ffi dir_path mkdir_ffi subdir dir_before <- liftIO $ Filesystem.isDirectory dir_path subdir_before <- liftIO $ Filesystem.isDirectory subdir $assert dir_before $assert subdir_before liftIO $ Filesystem.removeTree dir_path dir_after <- liftIO $ Filesystem.isDirectory dir_path subdir_after <- liftIO $ Filesystem.isDirectory subdir $expect (not dir_after) $expect (not subdir_after) test_GetWorkingDirectory :: String -> FilePath -> Test test_GetWorkingDirectory test_name dir_name = assertionsWithTemp test_name $ \tmp -> do -- canonicalize to avoid issues with symlinked temp dirs canon_tmp <- liftIO (Filesystem.canonicalizePath tmp) let dir_path = canon_tmp </> dir_name mkdir_ffi dir_path chdir_ffi dir_path cwd <- liftIO $ Filesystem.getWorkingDirectory $expect (equal cwd dir_path) test_SetWorkingDirectory :: String -> FilePath -> Test test_SetWorkingDirectory test_name dir_name = assertionsWithTemp test_name $ \tmp -> do -- canonicalize to avoid issues with symlinked temp dirs canon_tmp <- liftIO (Filesystem.canonicalizePath tmp) let dir_path = canon_tmp </> dir_name mkdir_ffi dir_path liftIO $ Filesystem.setWorkingDirectory dir_path cwd <- getcwd_ffi $expect (equal cwd dir_path) test_GetHomeDirectory :: String -> FilePath -> Test test_GetHomeDirectory test_name dir_name = assertions test_name $ do path <- liftIO $ withEnv "HOME" (Just dir_name) Filesystem.getHomeDirectory $expect (equal path dir_name) test_GetDesktopDirectory :: String -> FilePath -> Test test_GetDesktopDirectory test_name dir_name = assertions test_name $ do path <- liftIO $ withEnv "XDG_DESKTOP_DIR" (Just dir_name) $ Filesystem.getDesktopDirectory $expect (equal path dir_name) fallback <- liftIO $ withEnv "XDG_DESKTOP_DIR" Nothing $ withEnv "HOME" (Just dir_name) $ Filesystem.getDesktopDirectory $expect (equal fallback (dir_name </> "Desktop")) test_GetModified :: String -> FilePath -> Test test_GetModified test_name file_name = assertionsWithTemp test_name $ \tmp -> do let file_path = tmp </> file_name touch_ffi file_path "" now <- liftIO getCurrentTime mtime <- liftIO $ Filesystem.getModified file_path $expect (equalWithin (diffUTCTime mtime now) 0 2) test_GetSize :: String -> FilePath -> Test test_GetSize test_name file_name = assertionsWithTemp test_name $ \tmp -> do let file_path = tmp </> file_name let contents = "contents\n" touch_ffi file_path contents size <- liftIO $ Filesystem.getSize file_path $expect (equal size (toInteger (Data.ByteString.length contents))) test_WithFile_Read :: String -> FilePath -> Test test_WithFile_Read test_name file_name = assertionsWithTemp test_name $ \tmp -> do let file_path = tmp </> file_name let contents = "contents\n" touch_ffi file_path contents read_contents <- liftIO $ Filesystem.withFile file_path ReadMode $ Data.ByteString.hGetContents $expect (equalLines contents read_contents) test_WithFile_Write :: String -> FilePath -> Test test_WithFile_Write test_name file_name = assertionsWithTemp test_name $ \tmp -> do let file_path = tmp </> file_name let contents = "contents\n" liftIO $ Filesystem.withFile file_path WriteMode $ (\h -> Data.ByteString.hPut h contents) read_contents <- liftIO $ Filesystem.withFile file_path ReadMode $ Data.ByteString.hGetContents $expect (equalLines contents read_contents) test_WithTextFile :: String -> FilePath -> Test test_WithTextFile test_name file_name = assertionsWithTemp test_name $ \tmp -> do let file_path = tmp </> file_name let contents = "contents\n" touch_ffi file_path (Char8.pack contents) read_contents <- liftIO $ Filesystem.withTextFile file_path ReadMode $ Data.Text.IO.hGetContents $expect (equalLines (Data.Text.pack contents) read_contents) test_ListDirectoryLeaksFds :: Test test_ListDirectoryLeaksFds = assertionsWithTemp "listDirectory-leaks-fds" $ \tmp -> do -- Test that listDirectory doesn't leak file descriptors. let dir_path = tmp </> "subdir" mkdir_ffi dir_path nullfd1 <- liftIO openDevNull liftIO $ PosixIO.closeFd nullfd1 _subdirContents <- liftIO $ listDirectory dir_path nullfd2 <- liftIO openDevNull liftIO $ PosixIO.closeFd nullfd2 $assert (equal nullfd1 nullfd2) where openDevNull = #if MIN_VERSION_unix(2,8,0) PosixIO.openFd "/dev/null" PosixIO.ReadOnly PosixIO.defaultFileFlags #else PosixIO.openFd "/dev/null" PosixIO.ReadOnly Nothing PosixIO.defaultFileFlags #endif withPathCString :: FilePath -> (CString -> IO a) -> IO a withPathCString p = Data.ByteString.useAsCString (encode p) decode :: ByteString -> FilePath decode = Rules.decode Rules.posix encode :: FilePath -> ByteString encode = Rules.encode Rules.posix fromText :: Text -> FilePath fromText = Rules.fromText Rules.posix -- | Create a file using the raw POSIX API, via FFI touch_ffi :: FilePath -> Data.ByteString.ByteString -> Assertions () touch_ffi path contents = do fp <- liftIO $ withPathCString path $ \path_cstr -> Foreign.C.withCString "wb" $ \mode_cstr -> c_fopen path_cstr mode_cstr $assert (fp /= nullPtr) _ <- liftIO $ Data.ByteString.useAsCStringLen contents $ \(buf, len) -> c_fwrite buf 1 (fromIntegral len) fp _ <- liftIO $ c_fclose fp return () -- | Create a directory using the raw POSIX API, via FFI mkdir_ffi :: FilePath -> Assertions () mkdir_ffi path = do ret <- liftIO $ withPathCString path $ \path_cstr -> c_mkdir path_cstr 0o700 $assert (ret == 0) -- | Create a symlink using the raw POSIX API, via FFI symlink_ffi :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Assertions () symlink_ffi dst src = do ret <- liftIO $ withPathCString dst $ \dst_p -> withPathCString src $ \src_p -> c_symlink dst_p src_p $assert (ret == 0) -- | Create a FIFO using the raw POSIX API, via FFI mkfifo_ffi :: FilePath -> Assertions () mkfifo_ffi path = do ret <- liftIO $ withPathCString path $ \path_cstr -> c_mkfifo path_cstr 0o700 $assert (ret == 0) getcwd_ffi :: Assertions FilePath getcwd_ffi = do buf <- liftIO $ c_getcwd nullPtr 0 $assert (buf /= nullPtr) bytes <- liftIO $ Data.ByteString.packCString buf liftIO $ c_free buf return (decode bytes) chdir_ffi :: FilePath -> Assertions () chdir_ffi path = do ret <- liftIO $ withPathCString path $ \path_p -> c_chdir path_p $assert (ret == 0) errnoCInt :: Errno -> CInt errnoCInt (Errno x) = x withEnv :: ByteString -> Maybe FilePath -> IO a -> IO a withEnv name val io = bracket set unset (\_ -> io) where set = do old <- getEnv name setEnv name (fmap encode val) return old unset = setEnv name getEnv :: ByteString -> IO (Maybe ByteString) getEnv name = Data.ByteString.useAsCString name $ \cName -> do ret <- liftIO (c_getenv cName) if ret == nullPtr then return Nothing else fmap Just (Data.ByteString.packCString ret) setEnv :: ByteString -> Maybe ByteString -> IO () setEnv name Nothing = throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setEnv" $ Data.ByteString.useAsCString name c_unsetenv setEnv name (Just val) = throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "setEnv" $ Data.ByteString.useAsCString name $ \cName -> Data.ByteString.useAsCString val $ \cVal -> c_setenv cName cVal 1 foreign import ccall unsafe "fopen" c_fopen :: CString -> CString -> IO (Ptr ()) foreign import ccall unsafe "fclose" c_fclose :: Ptr () -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "fwrite" c_fwrite :: CString -> CSize -> CSize -> Ptr () -> IO CSize foreign import ccall unsafe "mkdir" c_mkdir :: CString -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "symlink" c_symlink :: CString -> CString -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "mkfifo" c_mkfifo :: CString -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "getcwd" c_getcwd :: CString -> CSize -> IO CString foreign import ccall unsafe "chdir" c_chdir :: CString -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "free" c_free :: Ptr a -> IO () foreign import ccall unsafe "getenv" c_getenv :: CString -> IO CString foreign import ccall unsafe "setenv" c_setenv :: CString -> CString -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "unsetenv" c_unsetenv :: CString -> IO CInt