{- | Convert MIDI events of a MIDI controller to a control signal. -} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} module Synthesizer.Dimensional.ALSA.MIDI where import qualified Synthesizer.PiecewiseConstant.ALSA.MIDI as AlsaPC import qualified Synthesizer.EventList.ALSA.MIDI as AlsaEL import qualified Synthesizer.Generic.ALSA.MIDI as AlsaG import Synthesizer.EventList.ALSA.MIDI (Channel, Controller, Note(Note), Program, ) import Synthesizer.Generic.ALSA.MIDI (errorNoProgram, ) import qualified Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.Event as Event import qualified Synthesizer.Dimensional.MIDIValue as DMV import qualified Synthesizer.MIDIValue as MV import qualified Synthesizer.Dimensional.Causal.Process as Causal import qualified Synthesizer.Dimensional.Causal.Filter as Filt import qualified Synthesizer.Dimensional.Rate as Rate import qualified Synthesizer.Dimensional.Rate.Oscillator as OsciR import qualified Synthesizer.Dimensional.Signal.Private as SigA import qualified Synthesizer.Dimensional.Process as Proc import qualified Synthesizer.Dimensional.Amplitude as Amp import qualified Synthesizer.Dimensional.Amplitude.Displacement as DispA import qualified Synthesizer.Dimensional.Amplitude.Filter as FiltA import qualified Synthesizer.Dimensional.Wave as WaveD -- import qualified Synthesizer.Dimensional.RateAmplitude.Cut as CutA import qualified Synthesizer.Basic.Wave as Wave import Synthesizer.Dimensional.Causal.Process ((<<<), ) import Synthesizer.Dimensional.Process (($:), ) import qualified Synthesizer.ChunkySize as ChunkySize import qualified Synthesizer.Generic.Cut as CutG import qualified Synthesizer.Generic.Signal2 as SigG2 import qualified Synthesizer.Generic.Signal as SigG import qualified Synthesizer.Storable.Cut as CutSt import qualified Synthesizer.Storable.Signal as SigSt -- import qualified Data.StorableVector.Lazy.Pattern as SigStV import qualified Data.StorableVector.Lazy as SVL import qualified Sound.MIDI.Message.Channel.Voice as VoiceMsg import qualified Data.EventList.Relative.TimeBody as EventList -- import qualified Data.EventList.Relative.TimeTime as EventListTT -- import qualified Data.EventList.Relative.TimeMixed as EventListTM -- import qualified Data.EventList.Relative.MixedTime as EventListMT -- import qualified Data.EventList.Relative.BodyTime as EventListBT import Foreign.Storable (Storable, ) -- import qualified Algebra.NonNegative as NonNeg import qualified Number.NonNegative as NonNegW import qualified Number.NonNegativeChunky as Chunky -- import qualified Numeric.NonNegative.Class as NonNeg98 -- import qualified Numeric.NonNegative.Wrapper as NonNegW98 import qualified Numeric.NonNegative.Chunky as Chunky98 import qualified Algebra.DimensionTerm as Dim import qualified Number.DimensionTerm as DN import qualified Algebra.Transcendental as Trans import qualified Algebra.Module as Module import qualified Algebra.RealField as RealField import qualified Algebra.Field as Field import qualified Algebra.Additive as Additive import Control.Category (Category, (.), ) import Control.Applicative (Applicative, pure, (<*>), liftA2, ) import Control.Monad.Trans.State (State, evalState, state, gets, ) import Control.Monad (liftM, ) import NumericPrelude.Base hiding (id, (.), ) import NumericPrelude.Numeric import Prelude (RealFrac, ) type Signal s v y signal = AmpSignal s (Amp.Dimensional v y) signal type AmpSignal s amp signal = SigA.T (Rate.Phantom s) amp signal {- | This type ensures that all signals generated from the event list share the same sample rate. -} newtype Filter s u t a = Filter (AlsaEL.Filter (Proc.T s u t a)) {-# INLINE runFilter #-} runFilter :: EventList.T AlsaEL.StrictTime [Event.T] -> Filter s u t a -> Proc.T s u t a runFilter evs (Filter f) = evalState f evs instance Functor (Filter s u t) where fmap f (Filter flt) = Filter (fmap (fmap f) flt) instance Applicative (Filter s u t) where pure x = Filter (pure (pure x)) Filter f <*> Filter x = Filter (liftA2 (<*>) f x) {-# INLINE piecewiseConstant #-} piecewiseConstant :: (SigG.Write sig y) => SigA.T rate amp (AlsaPC.T y) -> SigA.T rate amp (sig y) piecewiseConstant = SigA.processBody AlsaG.piecewiseConstant {-# INLINE controllerLinear #-} controllerLinear :: (Field.C y, Ord y, Dim.C u, Dim.C v) => Channel -> Controller -> (DN.T v y, DN.T v y) -> DN.T v y -> Filter s u t (Signal s v y (AlsaPC.T y)) controllerLinear chan ctrl bnd initial = Filter $ liftM (let amp = max initial (uncurry max bnd) in return . SigA.fromBody amp . AlsaPC.initWith (DMV.controllerLinear amp bnd) (DN.divToScalar initial amp)) $ AlsaEL.getControllerEvents chan ctrl {-# INLINE controllerExponential #-} controllerExponential :: (Trans.C y, Ord y, Dim.C u, Dim.C v) => Channel -> Controller -> (DN.T v y, DN.T v y) -> DN.T v y -> Filter s u t (Signal s v y (AlsaPC.T y)) controllerExponential chan ctrl bnd initial = Filter $ liftM (let amp = max initial (uncurry max bnd) in return . SigA.fromBody amp . AlsaPC.initWith (DMV.controllerExponential amp bnd) (DN.divToScalar initial amp)) $ AlsaEL.getControllerEvents chan ctrl {- | @pitchBend channel range center@: emits frequencies on an exponential scale from @center/range@ to @center*range@. -} {-# INLINE pitchBend #-} pitchBend :: (Trans.C y, Ord y, Dim.C u, Dim.C v) => Channel -> y -> DN.T v y -> Filter s u t (Signal s v y (AlsaPC.T y)) pitchBend chan range center = Filter $ liftM (let amp = DN.scale (max range (recip range)) center in return . SigA.fromBody amp . AlsaPC.initWith (DMV.pitchBend amp range center) (DN.divToScalar center amp)) $ AlsaEL.getSlice (AlsaEL.maybePitchBend chan) -- AlsaEL.getPitchBendEvents chan {-# INLINE channelPressure #-} channelPressure :: (Trans.C y, Ord y, Dim.C u, Dim.C v) => Channel -> DN.T v y -> DN.T v y -> Filter s u t (Signal s v y (AlsaPC.T y)) channelPressure chan maxVal initVal = Filter $ liftM (return . SigA.fromBody maxVal . AlsaPC.initWith (DMV.controllerLinear maxVal (zero,maxVal)) (DN.divToScalar initVal maxVal)) $ AlsaEL.getSlice (AlsaEL.maybeChannelPressure chan) -- AlsaEL.getPitchBendEvents chan {-# INLINE bendWheelPressure #-} bendWheelPressure :: (SigG.Write sig q, SigG2.Transform sig q q, RealField.C q, Trans.C q, Module.C q q, Dim.C u) => Channel -> Int -> DN.T (Dim.Recip u) q -> q -> q -> Filter s u q (Signal s Dim.Scalar q (sig q)) bendWheelPressure chan pitchRange speed wheelDepth pressDepth = pure (\bend fm press osci env -> let modu = DispA.raise 1 $ FiltA.envelope osci (DispA.mix (SigA.restore fm) (SigA.restore press)) in Causal.apply (env <<< Causal.feedSnd modu <<< Causal.canonicalizeFlat) (piecewiseConstant bend)) $: pitchBend chan (2^?(fromIntegral pitchRange/12)) (DN.scalar 1) $: controllerLinear chan VoiceMsg.modulation (zero, DN.scalar wheelDepth) zero $: channelPressure chan (DN.scalar pressDepth) 0 $: Filter (return $ OsciR.static (WaveD.flat Wave.sine) zero speed) $: Filter (return $ Filt.envelope) type LazyTime s = SigA.T (Rate.Phantom s) Amp.Abstract ChunkySize.T -- type LazyTime s = SigA.T (Rate.Phantom s) Amp.Abstract SigStV.LazySize -- type LazyTime s = SigA.T (Rate.Phantom s) Amp.Abstract AlsaEL.LazyTime type Instrument s u v q signal = ModulatedInstrument s u q (Signal s v q signal) type ModulatedInstrument s u q signal = q -> DN.T (Dim.Recip u) q -> Proc.T s u q (LazyTime s -> signal) type Bank s u q signal = Program -> ModulatedInstrument s u q signal {-# INLINE chunkySizeFromLazyTime #-} chunkySizeFromLazyTime :: AlsaEL.LazyTime -> ChunkySize.T chunkySizeFromLazyTime = Chunky.fromChunks . map (SigG.LazySize . fromIntegral . NonNegW.toNumber) . concatMap AlsaEL.chopLongTime . Chunky98.toChunks . Chunky98.normalize {-# INLINE renderInstrument #-} renderInstrument :: (Trans.C q) => Bank s Dim.Time q signal -> Note -> Proc.T s Dim.Time q signal renderInstrument instrument (Note pgm pitch vel dur) = fmap ($ SigA.abstractFromBody $ chunkySizeFromLazyTime dur) $ instrument pgm (MV.velocity vel) (DMV.frequencyFromPitch pitch) {- | Instrument parameters are: velocity from -1 to 1 (0 is the normal pressure, no pressure aka NoteOff is not supported), frequency is given in Hertz -} {-# INLINE makeInstrumentSounds #-} makeInstrumentSounds :: (Trans.C q) => Bank s Dim.Time q signal -> EventList.T time [Note] -> Proc.T s Dim.Time q (EventList.T time [signal]) makeInstrumentSounds bank = EventList.mapBodyM (mapM (renderInstrument bank)) {-# INLINE sequence #-} sequence :: (RealFrac q, Storable y, Module.C q y, Trans.C q, Dim.C v) => SVL.ChunkSize -> DN.T v q -> Channel -> Instrument s Dim.Time v q (SigSt.T y) -> Filter s Dim.Time q (Signal s v q (SigSt.T y)) sequence chunkSize amp chan instr = fmap (renderSequence chunkSize amp) $ prepareTones chan errorNoProgram (const instr) {- {-# INLINE sequence #-} sequence :: (RealFrac q, Storable y, Module.C q y, Trans.C q, Dim.C v) => SVL.ChunkSize -> DN.T v q -> Channel -> Instrument s Dim.Time v q y -> Filter (Proc.T s Dim.Time q (Signal s v q (SigSt.T y))) sequence chunkSize amp chan instr = fmap ((CutA.arrangeStorableVolume undefined {- chunkSize -} amp undefined $:) . fmap (EventListTM.switchTimeR const . EventListTT.mapTime fromIntegral . AlsaSt.insertBreaksGen (SigA.fromBody amp SigSt.empty)) . makeInstrumentSounds instr . AlsaEL.matchNoteEvents) $ AlsaEL.getNoteEvents chan -} {-# INLINE sequenceModulated #-} sequenceModulated :: (CutG.Transform ctrl, CutG.NormalForm ctrl, RealFrac q, Storable y, Module.C q y, Trans.C q, Dim.C v) => SVL.ChunkSize -> DN.T v q -> Channel -> ModulatedInstrument s Dim.Time q (AmpSignal s amp ctrl -> Signal s v q (SigSt.T y)) -> Filter s Dim.Time q (AmpSignal s amp ctrl -> Signal s v q (SigSt.T y)) sequenceModulated chunkSize amp chan instr = fmap (flip $ \ctrl -> renderSequence chunkSize amp . applyModulator (applyModulation ctrl)) $ prepareTones chan errorNoProgram (const instr) {-# INLINE sequenceModulated2 #-} sequenceModulated2 :: (CutG.Transform ctrl0, CutG.NormalForm ctrl0, CutG.Transform ctrl1, CutG.NormalForm ctrl1, RealFrac q, Storable y, Module.C q y, Trans.C q, Dim.C v) => SVL.ChunkSize -> DN.T v q -> Channel -> ModulatedInstrument s Dim.Time q (AmpSignal s amp0 ctrl0 -> AmpSignal s amp1 ctrl1 -> Signal s v q (SigSt.T y)) -> Filter s Dim.Time q (AmpSignal s amp0 ctrl0 -> AmpSignal s amp1 ctrl1 -> Signal s v q (SigSt.T y)) sequenceModulated2 chunkSize amp chan instr = fmap (\evs ctrl0 ctrl1 -> renderSequence chunkSize amp . applyModulator (applyModulation ctrl1 . applyModulation ctrl0) $ evs) $ prepareTones chan errorNoProgram (const instr) {-# INLINE sequenceMultiModulated #-} sequenceMultiModulated :: (RealFrac q, Storable y, Module.C q y, Trans.C q, Dim.C v) => SVL.ChunkSize -> DN.T v q -> Channel -> ModulatedInstrument s Dim.Time q instrument -> Filter s Dim.Time q (AlsaG.Modulator instrument (Signal s v q (SigSt.T y))) -> Filter s Dim.Time q (Signal s v q (SigSt.T y)) sequenceMultiModulated chunkSize amp chan instr modu = fmap (renderSequence chunkSize amp) $ (fmap applyModulator modu $: prepareTones chan errorNoProgram (const instr)) {-# INLINE prepareTones #-} prepareTones :: (RealFrac q, Trans.C q) => -- ToDo: use time value Channel -> Program -> Bank s Dim.Time q signal -> Filter s Dim.Time q (EventList.T AlsaEL.StrictTime [signal]) prepareTones chan initPgm instr = Filter $ fmap (makeInstrumentSounds instr . AlsaEL.matchNoteEvents . AlsaEL.embedPrograms initPgm) $ AlsaEL.getNoteEvents chan {-# INLINE applyModulation #-} applyModulation :: (CutG.Transform signal, CutG.NormalForm signal) => AmpSignal s amp signal -> AlsaG.Modulator (AmpSignal s amp signal -> body) body applyModulation ctrl = AlsaG.Modulator ctrl advanceModulationChunk gets {-# INLINE applyModulator #-} applyModulator :: AlsaG.Modulator a b -> EventList.T AlsaEL.StrictTime [a] -> EventList.T AlsaEL.StrictTime [b] applyModulator = AlsaG.applyModulator {-# INLINE renderSequence #-} renderSequence :: (Storable y, Module.C q y, Dim.C u, Field.C q) => SVL.ChunkSize -> DN.T u q -> EventList.T AlsaEL.StrictTime [Signal s u q (SigSt.T y)] -> Signal s u q (SigSt.T y) renderSequence chunkSize amp = SigA.fromBody amp . CutSt.arrangeEquidist chunkSize . {- This concatenates times across empty events, and thus is too strict. EventList.flatten . -} AlsaG.flatten . EventList.mapTime fromIntegral . EventList.mapBody (map (SigA.vectorSamples (flip DN.divToScalar amp))) {-# INLINE advanceModulationChunky #-} advanceModulationChunky :: (CutG.Transform signal, CutG.NormalForm signal) => AlsaEL.LazyTime -> State (AmpSignal s amp signal) AlsaEL.LazyTime advanceModulationChunky = liftM Chunky98.fromChunks . mapM advanceModulationChunk . Chunky98.toChunks {-# INLINE advanceModulationChunk #-} advanceModulationChunk :: (CutG.Transform signal, CutG.NormalForm signal) => AlsaEL.StrictTime -> State (AmpSignal s amp signal) AlsaEL.StrictTime advanceModulationChunk t = state $ \xs -> let ys = SigA.processBody (CutG.drop (fromIntegral t)) xs in (AlsaG.evaluateVectorHead (SigA.body ys) t, ys) {-# INLINE sequenceMultiProgram #-} sequenceMultiProgram :: (RealFrac q, Storable y, Module.C q y, Trans.C q, Dim.C v) => SVL.ChunkSize -> DN.T v q -> Channel -> Program -> -- Bank s Dim.Time q (Signal s v q (SigSt.T y)) -> [Instrument s Dim.Time v q (SigSt.T y)] -> Filter s Dim.Time q (Signal s v q (SigSt.T y)) sequenceMultiProgram chunkSize amp chan initPgm instrs = let bank = AlsaEL.makeInstrumentArray instrs in fmap (renderSequence chunkSize amp) $ prepareTones chan initPgm $ AlsaEL.getInstrumentFromArray bank initPgm