-- | Construct for decorating symbols or expressions with additional information

module Data.Syntactic.Decoration where

import Data.Tree (Tree (..))

import Data.Tree.View

import Data.Syntactic.Syntax
import Data.Syntactic.Traversal
import Data.Syntactic.Interpretation

-- | Decorating symbols or expressions with additional information
-- One usage of ':&:' is to decorate every node of a syntax tree. This is done
-- simply by changing
-- > AST sym sig
-- to
-- > AST (sym :&: info) sig
data (expr :&: info) sig
        :: { decorExpr :: expr sig
           , decorInfo :: info (DenResult sig)
        -> (expr :&: info) sig

instance Project sub sup => Project sub (sup :&: info)
    prj = prj . decorExpr

instance Equality expr => Equality (expr :&: info)
    equal a b = decorExpr a `equal` decorExpr b
    hash      = hash . decorExpr

instance Render expr => Render (expr :&: info)
    renderSym       = renderSym . decorExpr
    renderArgs args = renderArgs args . decorExpr

instance StringTree expr => StringTree (expr :&: info)
    stringTreeSym args = stringTreeSym args . decorExpr

-- | Map over a decoration
    :: (sym1 sig -> sym2 sig)
    -> (info1 (DenResult sig) -> info2 (DenResult sig))
    -> ((sym1 :&: info1) sig -> (sym2 :&: info2) sig)
mapDecor fs fi (s :&: i) = fs s :&: fi i

-- | Get the decoration of the top-level node
getDecor :: AST (sym :&: info) sig -> info (DenResult sig)
getDecor (Sym (_ :&: info)) = info
getDecor (f :$ _)           = getDecor f

-- | Update the decoration of the top-level node
updateDecor :: forall info sym a .
    (info a -> info a) -> ASTF (sym :&: info) a -> ASTF (sym :&: info) a
updateDecor f = match update
        :: (a ~ DenResult sig)
        => (sym :&: info) sig
        -> Args (AST (sym :&: info)) sig
        -> ASTF (sym :&: info) a
    update (a :&: info) args = appArgs (Sym sym) args
        sym = a :&: (f info)

-- | Lift a function that operates on expressions with associated information to
-- operate on a ':&:' expression. This function is convenient to use together
-- with e.g. 'queryNodeSimple' when the domain has the form @(sym `:&:` info)@.
liftDecor :: (expr s -> info (DenResult s) -> b) -> ((expr :&: info) s -> b)
liftDecor f (a :&: info) = f a info

-- | Strip decorations from an 'AST'
stripDecor :: AST (sym :&: info) sig -> AST sym sig
stripDecor (Sym (a :&: _)) = Sym a
stripDecor (f :$ a)        = stripDecor f :$ stripDecor a

-- | Rendering of decorated syntax trees
stringTreeDecor :: forall info sym a . StringTree sym =>
    (forall a . info a -> String) -> ASTF (sym :&: info) a -> Tree String
stringTreeDecor showInfo a = mkTree [] a
    mkTree :: [Tree String] -> AST (sym :&: info) sig -> Tree String
    mkTree args (Sym (expr :&: info)) = Node infoStr [stringTreeSym args expr]
        infoStr = "<<" ++ showInfo info ++ ">>"
    mkTree args (f :$ a) = mkTree (mkTree [] a : args) f

-- | Show an decorated syntax tree using ASCII art
showDecorWith :: StringTree sym => (forall a . info a -> String) -> ASTF (sym :&: info) a -> String
showDecorWith showInfo = showTree . stringTreeDecor showInfo

-- | Print an decorated syntax tree using ASCII art
drawDecorWith :: StringTree sym => (forall a . info a -> String) -> ASTF (sym :&: info) a -> IO ()
drawDecorWith showInfo = putStrLn . showDecorWith showInfo