module Language.Syntactic.Constructs.Binding where
import qualified Control.Monad.Identity as Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Ix
import Data.Tree
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Hash
import Data.PolyProxy
import Data.DynamicAlt
import Language.Syntactic
import Language.Syntactic.Constructs.Condition
import Language.Syntactic.Constructs.Construct
import Language.Syntactic.Constructs.Decoration
import Language.Syntactic.Constructs.Identity
import Language.Syntactic.Constructs.Literal
import Language.Syntactic.Constructs.Monad
import Language.Syntactic.Constructs.Tuple
newtype VarId = VarId { varInteger :: Integer }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Num, Real, Integral, Enum, Ix)
instance Show VarId
show (VarId i) = show i
showVar :: VarId -> String
showVar v = "var" ++ show v
data Variable a
Variable :: VarId -> Variable (Full a)
instance Constrained Variable
type Sat Variable = Top
exprDict _ = Dict
instance Equality Variable
equal (Variable v1) (Variable v2) = v1==v2
exprHash (Variable _) = hashInt 0
instance Render Variable
renderSym (Variable v) = showVar v
instance StringTree Variable
stringTreeSym [] (Variable v) = Node ("var:" ++ show v) []
data Lambda a
Lambda :: VarId -> Lambda (b :-> Full (a -> b))
instance Constrained Lambda
type Sat Lambda = Top
exprDict _ = Dict
instance Equality Lambda
equal (Lambda v1) (Lambda v2) = v1==v2
exprHash (Lambda _) = hashInt 0
instance Render Lambda
renderSym (Lambda v) = "Lambda " ++ show v
renderArgs [body] (Lambda v) = "(\\" ++ showVar v ++ " -> " ++ body ++ ")"
instance StringTree Lambda
stringTreeSym [body] (Lambda v) = Node ("Lambda " ++ show v) [body]
reuseLambda :: Lambda (b :-> Full (a -> b)) -> Lambda (c :-> Full (a -> c))
reuseLambda (Lambda v) = Lambda v
data Let a
Let :: Let (a :-> (a -> b) :-> Full b)
instance Constrained Let
type Sat Let = Top
exprDict _ = Dict
instance Equality Let
equal Let Let = True
exprHash Let = hashInt 0
instance Render Let
renderSym Let = "Let"
renderArgs [] Let = "Let"
renderArgs [f,a] Let = "(" ++ unwords ["letBind",f,a] ++ ")"
instance StringTree Let
stringTreeSym [a,body] Let = case splitAt 7 node of
("Lambda ", var) -> Node ("Let " ++ var) [a,body']
_ -> Node "Let" [a,body]
Node node ~[body'] = body
var = drop 7 node
instance Eval Let
evaluate Let = flip ($)
subst :: forall constr dom a b
. ( ConstrainedBy dom Typeable
, Project Lambda dom
, Project Variable dom
=> VarId
-> ASTF dom a
-> ASTF dom b
-> ASTF dom b
subst v new a = go a
go :: AST dom c -> AST dom c
go a@((prj -> Just (Lambda w)) :$ _)
| v==w = a
go (f :$ a) = go f :$ go a
go var
| Just (Variable w) <- prj var
, v==w
, Dict <- exprDictSub pTypeable new
, Dict <- exprDictSub pTypeable var
, Just new' <- gcast new
= new'
go a = a
:: ( ConstrainedBy dom Typeable
, Project Lambda dom
, Project Variable dom
=> ASTF dom a
-> ASTF dom (a -> b)
-> ASTF dom b
betaReduce new (lam :$ body)
| Just (Lambda v) <- prj lam = subst v new body
class EvalBind sub
:: (EvalBind dom, ConstrainedBy dom Typeable, Typeable (DenResult sig))
=> sub sig
-> Args (AST dom) sig
-> Reader [(VarId,Dynamic)] (DenResult sig)
instance (EvalBind sub1, EvalBind sub2) => EvalBind (sub1 :+: sub2)
evalBindSym (InjL a) = evalBindSym a
evalBindSym (InjR a) = evalBindSym a
evalBindM :: (EvalBind dom, ConstrainedBy dom Typeable) =>
ASTF dom a -> Reader [(VarId,Dynamic)] a
evalBindM a
| Dict <- exprDictSub pTypeable a
= liftM result $ match (\s -> liftM Full . evalBindSym s) a
evalBind :: (EvalBind dom, ConstrainedBy dom Typeable) => ASTF dom a -> a
evalBind = flip runReader [] . evalBindM
appDen :: Denotation sig -> Args Monad.Identity sig -> DenResult sig
appDen a Nil = a
appDen f (a :* as) = appDen (f $ result $ Monad.runIdentity a) as
:: (Eval sub, EvalBind dom, ConstrainedBy dom Typeable)
=> sub sig
-> Args (AST dom) sig
-> Reader [(VarId,Dynamic)] (DenResult sig)
evalBindSymDefault sym args = do
args' <- mapArgsM (liftM (Monad.Identity . Full) . evalBindM) args
return $ appDen (evaluate sym) args'
instance EvalBind dom => EvalBind (dom :| pred)
evalBindSym (C a) = evalBindSym a
instance EvalBind dom => EvalBind (dom :|| pred)
evalBindSym (C' a) = evalBindSym a
instance EvalBind dom => EvalBind (SubConstr1 c dom p)
evalBindSym (SubConstr1 a) = evalBindSym a
instance EvalBind dom => EvalBind (SubConstr2 c dom pa pb)
evalBindSym (SubConstr2 a) = evalBindSym a
instance EvalBind Empty
evalBindSym = error "Not implemented: evalBindSym for Empty"
instance EvalBind dom => EvalBind (Decor info dom)
evalBindSym = evalBindSym . decorExpr
instance EvalBind Identity where evalBindSym = evalBindSymDefault
instance EvalBind Construct where evalBindSym = evalBindSymDefault
instance EvalBind Literal where evalBindSym = evalBindSymDefault
instance EvalBind Condition where evalBindSym = evalBindSymDefault
instance EvalBind Tuple where evalBindSym = evalBindSymDefault
instance EvalBind Select where evalBindSym = evalBindSymDefault
instance EvalBind Let where evalBindSym = evalBindSymDefault
instance Monad m => EvalBind (MONAD m) where evalBindSym = evalBindSymDefault
instance EvalBind Variable
evalBindSym (Variable v) Nil = do
env <- ask
case lookup v env of
Nothing -> return $ error "evalBind: evaluating free variable"
Just a -> case fromDyn a of
Just a -> return a
_ -> return $ error "evalBind: internal type error"
instance EvalBind Lambda
evalBindSym lam@(Lambda v) (body :* Nil) = do
env <- ask
$ \a -> flip runReader ((v, toDyn (funType lam) a):env)
$ evalBindM body
funType :: Lambda (b :-> Full (a -> b)) -> P (a -> b)
funType _ = P
class VarEqEnv a
prjVarEqEnv :: a -> [(VarId,VarId)]
modVarEqEnv :: ([(VarId,VarId)] -> [(VarId,VarId)]) -> (a -> a)
instance VarEqEnv [(VarId,VarId)]
prjVarEqEnv = id
modVarEqEnv = id
class AlphaEq sub1 sub2 dom env
:: sub1 a
-> Args (AST dom) a
-> sub2 b
-> Args (AST dom) b
-> Reader env Bool
instance (AlphaEq subA1 subB1 dom env, AlphaEq subA2 subB2 dom env) =>
AlphaEq (subA1 :+: subA2) (subB1 :+: subB2) dom env
alphaEqSym (InjL a) aArgs (InjL b) bArgs = alphaEqSym a aArgs b bArgs
alphaEqSym (InjR a) aArgs (InjR b) bArgs = alphaEqSym a aArgs b bArgs
alphaEqSym _ _ _ _ = return False
alphaEqM :: AlphaEq dom dom dom env =>
ASTF dom a -> ASTF dom b -> Reader env Bool
alphaEqM a b = simpleMatch (alphaEqM2 b) a
alphaEqM2 :: AlphaEq dom dom dom env =>
ASTF dom b -> dom a -> Args (AST dom) a -> Reader env Bool
alphaEqM2 b a aArgs = simpleMatch (alphaEqSym a aArgs) b
alphaEq :: AlphaEq dom dom dom [(VarId,VarId)] =>
ASTF dom a -> ASTF dom b -> Bool
alphaEq a b = flip runReader ([] :: [(VarId,VarId)]) $ alphaEqM a b
alphaEqSymDefault :: (Equality sub, AlphaEq dom dom dom env)
=> sub a
-> Args (AST dom) a
-> sub b
-> Args (AST dom) b
-> Reader env Bool
alphaEqSymDefault a aArgs b bArgs
| equal a b = alphaEqChildren a' b'
| otherwise = return False
a' = appArgs (Sym (undefined :: dom a)) aArgs
b' = appArgs (Sym (undefined :: dom b)) bArgs
alphaEqChildren :: AlphaEq dom dom dom env =>
AST dom a -> AST dom b -> Reader env Bool
alphaEqChildren (Sym _) (Sym _) = return True
alphaEqChildren (f :$ a) (g :$ b) = liftM2 (&&)
(alphaEqChildren f g)
(alphaEqM a b)
alphaEqChildren _ _ = return False
instance AlphaEq sub sub dom env => AlphaEq (sub :| pred) (sub :| pred) dom env
alphaEqSym (C a) aArgs (C b) bArgs = alphaEqSym a aArgs b bArgs
instance AlphaEq sub sub dom env => AlphaEq (sub :|| pred) (sub :|| pred) dom env
alphaEqSym (C' a) aArgs (C' b) bArgs = alphaEqSym a aArgs b bArgs
instance AlphaEq sub sub dom env => AlphaEq (SubConstr1 c sub p) (SubConstr1 c sub p) dom env
alphaEqSym (SubConstr1 a) aArgs (SubConstr1 b) bArgs = alphaEqSym a aArgs b bArgs
instance AlphaEq sub sub dom env =>
AlphaEq (SubConstr2 c sub pa pb) (SubConstr2 c sub pa pb) dom env
alphaEqSym (SubConstr2 a) aArgs (SubConstr2 b) bArgs = alphaEqSym a aArgs b bArgs
instance AlphaEq Empty Empty dom env
alphaEqSym = error "Not implemented: alphaEqSym for Empty"
instance AlphaEq dom dom dom env => AlphaEq Condition Condition dom env where alphaEqSym = alphaEqSymDefault
instance AlphaEq dom dom dom env => AlphaEq Construct Construct dom env where alphaEqSym = alphaEqSymDefault
instance AlphaEq dom dom dom env => AlphaEq Identity Identity dom env where alphaEqSym = alphaEqSymDefault
instance AlphaEq dom dom dom env => AlphaEq Let Let dom env where alphaEqSym = alphaEqSymDefault
instance AlphaEq dom dom dom env => AlphaEq Literal Literal dom env where alphaEqSym = alphaEqSymDefault
instance AlphaEq dom dom dom env => AlphaEq Select Select dom env where alphaEqSym = alphaEqSymDefault
instance AlphaEq dom dom dom env => AlphaEq Tuple Tuple dom env where alphaEqSym = alphaEqSymDefault
instance AlphaEq sub sub dom env =>
AlphaEq (Decor info sub) (Decor info sub) dom env
alphaEqSym a aArgs b bArgs =
alphaEqSym (decorExpr a) aArgs (decorExpr b) bArgs
instance (AlphaEq dom dom dom env, Monad m) => AlphaEq (MONAD m) (MONAD m) dom env
alphaEqSym = alphaEqSymDefault
instance (AlphaEq dom dom dom env, VarEqEnv env) =>
AlphaEq Variable Variable dom env
alphaEqSym (Variable v1) Nil (Variable v2) Nil = do
env <- asks prjVarEqEnv
case lookup v1 env of
Nothing -> return (v1==v2)
Just v2' -> return (v2==v2')
instance (AlphaEq dom dom dom env, VarEqEnv env) =>
AlphaEq Lambda Lambda dom env
alphaEqSym (Lambda v1) (body1 :* Nil) (Lambda v2) (body2 :* Nil) =
local (modVarEqEnv ((v1,v2):)) $ alphaEqM body1 body2