module Language.Syntactic.Sharing.Reify
( reifyGraph
) where
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.IntMap as Map
import Data.IORef
import System.Mem.StableName
import Language.Syntactic
import Language.Syntactic.Sharing.Graph
import Language.Syntactic.Sharing.StableName
type GraphMonad dom a = WriterT
[(NodeId, ASTB (NodeDomain dom) (Sat dom))]
(AST (NodeDomain dom) a)
reifyGraphM :: forall dom a . Constrained dom
=> (forall a . ASTF dom a -> Bool)
-> IORef NodeId
-> IORef (History (AST dom))
-> ASTF dom a
-> GraphMonad dom (Full a)
reifyGraphM canShare nSupp history = reifyNode
reifyNode :: ASTF dom b -> GraphMonad dom (Full b)
reifyNode a
| Dict <- exprDict a = case canShare a of
False -> reifyRec a
True | a `seq` True -> do
st <- liftIO $ makeStableName a
hist <- liftIO $ readIORef history
case lookHistory hist (StName st) of
Just n -> return $ injC $ Node n
_ -> do
n <- fresh nSupp
liftIO $ modifyIORef history $ remember (StName st) n
a' <- reifyRec a
tell [(n, ASTB a')]
return $ injC $ Node n
reifyRec :: Sat dom (DenResult b) => AST dom b -> GraphMonad dom b
reifyRec (f :$ a) = liftM2 (:$) (reifyRec f) (reifyNode a)
reifyRec (Sym s) = return $ Sym $ C' $ InjR s
reifyGraph :: Constrained dom
=> (forall a . ASTF dom a -> Bool)
-> ASTF dom a
-> IO (ASG dom a)
reifyGraph canShare a = do
nSupp <- newIORef 0
history <- newIORef empty
(a',ns) <- runWriterT $ reifyGraphM canShare nSupp history a
n <- readIORef nSupp
return (ASG a' ns n)