module Language.Symantic.Compiling.Module where
import Data.Bool (not)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Prelude hiding (mod, not, any)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Language.Symantic.Grammar
import Language.Symantic.Typing
import Language.Symantic.Compiling.Term
class ModuleFor src ss s where
moduleFor :: (PathMod, Module src ss)
moduleFor = ([], moduleEmpty)
importModules :: PathMod -> Modules src ss -> Imports NameTe
importModules as (Modules mods) =
Imports $ Map.singleton as $
(\pm (ByFixity mp mi mq) acc ->
acc <> ByFixity
{ byPrefix = pm <$ mp
, byInfix = pm <$ mi
, byPostfix = pm <$ mq
) mempty mods
newtype Modules src ss
= Modules
{ modules :: Map PathMod (Module src ss)
} deriving (Eq, Show)
unionModules :: Modules src ss -> Modules src ss -> Either Error_Module (Modules src ss)
unionModules mx@(Modules x) my@(Modules y) =
case check x y of
Just err -> Left err
Nothing -> Right $ unionModulesUnchecked mx my
check ::
Map PathMod (Module src ss) ->
Map PathMod (Module src ss) ->
Maybe Error_Module
check x' y' =
case Map.intersectionWith (,) x' y' of
xy | null xy -> Nothing
xy ->
let errs =
Map.filter (not . null) $
(<$> xy) $ \(a, b) ->
inter a b byPrefix <>
inter a b byInfix <>
inter a b byPostfix in
case errs of
e | null e -> Nothing
e -> Just $ Error_Module_colliding_Term e
inter a b f = Map.keysSet $ Map.intersection (f a) (f b)
unionModulesUnchecked :: Modules src ss -> Modules src ss -> Modules src ss
unionModulesUnchecked (Modules x) (Modules y) =
Modules $ Map.unionWith (<>) x y
data Error_Module
= Error_Module_colliding_Term (Map PathMod (Set NameTe))
| Error_Module_ambiguous (Mod NameTe) (Map PathMod NameTe)
| Error_Module_missing PathMod
| Error_Module_missing_Term (Mod NameTe)
deriving (Eq, Show)
type Module src ss = ByFixity (ModuleFixy src ss Unifix)
(ModuleFixy src ss Infix)
(ModuleFixy src ss Unifix)
moduleEmpty :: Module src ss
moduleEmpty = ByFixity
{ byPrefix = mempty
, byInfix = mempty
, byPostfix = mempty
moduleWhere :: forall src ss. Source src => PathMod -> [DefTerm src ss] -> (PathMod, Module src ss)
moduleWhere mod lst =
(mod,) ByFixity
{ byInfix = mk $ \(n `WithFixity` fixy := t) ->
case fixy of
Fixity2 inf -> [(n, Tokenizer inf $ Token_Term . setSource (TermAVT t))]
_ -> []
, byPrefix = mk $ \(n `WithFixity` fixy := t) ->
case fixy of
Fixity1 pre@Prefix{} -> [(n, Tokenizer pre $ Token_Term . setSource (TermAVT t))]
_ -> []
, byPostfix = mk $ \(n `WithFixity` fixy := t) ->
case fixy of
Fixity1 post@Postfix{} -> [(n, Tokenizer post $ Token_Term . setSource (TermAVT t))]
_ -> []
mk ::
(DefTerm src ss -> [(NameTe, Tokenizer src ss fixy)]) ->
Map NameTe (Tokenizer src ss fixy)
mk = Map.fromList . (`foldMap` lst)
type ModuleFixy src ss fixy = Map NameTe (Tokenizer src ss fixy)
data Tokenizer src ss fixy
= Tokenizer
{ token_fixity :: fixy
, token_term :: src -> Token_Term src ss
instance (Source src, Eq fixy) => Eq (Tokenizer src ss fixy) where
Tokenizer fx x == Tokenizer fy y = fx == fy && (x noSource) == (y noSource)
instance Source src => Show (Tokenizer src ss fixy) where
show (Tokenizer _fx x) = show (x noSource)
type AST_Term src ss = BinTree (Token_Term src ss)
data Token_Term src ss
= Token_Term (TermAVT src ss)
| Token_TermVT (TermVT src ss '[])
| Token_Term_Abst src NameTe (AST_Type src) (AST_Term src ss)
| Token_Term_Var src NameTe
| Token_Term_Let src NameTe (AST_Term src ss) (AST_Term src ss)
| Token_Term_App src
instance Source src => Eq (Token_Term src ss) where
Token_Term x == Token_Term y = x == y
Token_TermVT x == Token_TermVT y = x == y
Token_Term_Abst _ nx ax rx == Token_Term_Abst _ ny ay ry = nx == ny && ax == ay && rx == ry
Token_Term_Var _ x == Token_Term_Var _ y = x == y
Token_Term_Let _ nx ax rx == Token_Term_Let _ ny ay ry = nx == ny && ax == ay && rx == ry
Token_Term_App _ == Token_Term_App _ = True
_ == _ = False
instance Source src => Show (Token_Term src ss) where
showsPrec p (Token_Term x) =
showParen (p >= 10) $
showString "Token_Term" .
showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 x
showsPrec p (Token_TermVT x) =
showParen (p >= 10) $
showString "Token_TermVT" .
showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 x
showsPrec p (Token_Term_Abst _ n a r) =
showParen (p >= 10) $
showString "Token_Term_Abst" .
showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 n .
showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 a .
showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 r
showsPrec p (Token_Term_Var _ x) =
showParen (p >= 10) $
showString "Token_Term_Var" .
showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 x
showsPrec p (Token_Term_Let _ n a r) =
showParen (p >= 10) $
showString "Token_Term_Let" .
showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 n .
showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 a .
showChar ' ' . showsPrec 10 r
showsPrec _p (Token_Term_App _) = showString "Token_Term_App"
newtype NameTe = NameTe Name
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance IsString NameTe where
fromString = NameTe . fromString
instance NameOf NameTe where
nameOf (NameTe n) = n
type ModulesInj src ss
= ModulesInjR src ss ss
modulesInj ::
forall src ss.
ModulesInj src ss =>
Either Error_Module (Modules src ss)
modulesInj = modulesInjR @_ @_ @ss
class ModulesInjR src (ss::[*]) (rs::[*]) where
modulesInjR :: Either Error_Module (Modules src ss)
instance ModulesInjR src ss '[] where
modulesInjR = Right $ Modules mempty
( ModuleFor src ss s
, ModulesInjR src ss rs
) => ModulesInjR src ss (Proxy s ': rs) where
modulesInjR = do
x <- modulesInjR @_ @_ @rs
let (n, m) = moduleFor @_ @_ @s
Modules (Map.singleton n m) `unionModules` x
data DefTerm src ss
= forall vs t.
(:=) (WithFixity NameTe)
(forall ts. Term src ss ts vs t)
lookupDefTerm ::
forall src ss fixy.
Fixy (ModuleFixy src ss Unifix)
(ModuleFixy src ss Infix)
(ModuleFixy src ss Unifix)
(ModuleFixy src ss fixy) ->
Imports NameTe ->
Mod NameTe ->
Modules src ss ->
Either Error_Module (Tokenizer src ss fixy)
lookupDefTerm FixyInfix _is ([] `Mod` " ") _ms =
Right $ Tokenizer
{ token_term = Token_Term_App @src @ss
, token_fixity = Infix (Just AssocL) 9
lookupDefTerm fixy imps mn@(m `Mod` n) (Modules mods) =
let m' = m `fromMaybe` lookupImports fixy mn imps in
maybe (Left $ Error_Module_missing m') Right (Map.lookup m' mods) >>=
maybe (Left $ Error_Module_missing_Term mn) Right .
Map.lookup n . selectByFixity fixy
deleteDefTerm :: Mod NameTe -> Modules src ss -> Modules src ss
deleteDefTerm (m `Mod` n) (Modules ms) = Modules $ Map.adjust del m ms
where del mod = mod
{ byPrefix = Map.delete n $ byPrefix mod
, byInfix = Map.delete n $ byInfix mod
, byPostfix = Map.delete n $ byPostfix mod
deleteDefTermInfix :: Mod NameTe -> Modules src ss -> Modules src ss
deleteDefTermInfix (m `Mod` n) (Modules ms) = Modules $ Map.adjust del m ms
where del mod = mod{byInfix = Map.delete n $ byInfix mod}
deleteDefTermPrefix :: Mod NameTe -> Modules src ss -> Modules src ss
deleteDefTermPrefix (m `Mod` n) (Modules ms) = Modules $ Map.adjust del m ms
where del mod = mod{byPrefix = Map.delete n $ byPrefix mod}
deleteDefTermPostix :: Mod NameTe -> Modules src ss -> Modules src ss
deleteDefTermPostix (m `Mod` n) (Modules ms) = Modules $ Map.adjust del m ms
where del mod = mod{byPostfix = Map.delete n $ byPostfix mod}
insertDefTerm ::
forall src ss.
Source src =>
Mod (DefTerm src ss) -> Modules src ss -> Modules src ss
insertDefTerm (m `Mod` (n `WithFixity` fixy := t)) (Modules ms) =
Modules $ Map.insert m (insertFixity ins fixy moduleEmpty) ms
ins :: fx -> ModuleFixy src ss fx -> ModuleFixy src ss fx
ins fx = Map.insert n $ Tokenizer fx $ Token_Term . setSource (TermAVT t)
insertTermVT ::
forall src ss.
Source src =>
Mod (TermVT src ss '[]) -> NameTe -> Fixity ->
Modules src ss -> Modules src ss
insertTermVT (m `Mod` t) n fixy (Modules ms) =
Modules $ Map.insert m (insertFixity ins fixy moduleEmpty) ms
ins :: fx -> ModuleFixy src ss fx -> ModuleFixy src ss fx
ins fx = Map.insert n $ Tokenizer fx $ Token_TermVT . setSource t
insertFixity ::
(forall fx. fx -> ModuleFixy src ss fx -> ModuleFixy src ss fx) ->
Fixity -> Module src ss -> Module src ss
insertFixity ins fx mod =
case fx of
Fixity1 uni@Prefix{} -> mod {byPrefix = ins uni $ byPrefix mod}
Fixity2 inf@Infix{} -> mod {byInfix = ins inf $ byInfix mod}
Fixity1 uni@Postfix{} -> mod {byPostfix = ins uni $ byPostfix mod}