{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Language.Symantic.Compiling.Grammar where

import Control.Arrow (left)
import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Prelude hiding (mod, not, any)
import qualified Data.Function as Fun
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Text as Text

import Language.Symantic.Grammar as G
import Language.Symantic.Typing
import Language.Symantic.Compiling.Module

-- * Class 'Gram_Term_Name'
 ( Gram_Terminal g
 , Gram_Rule g
 , Gram_Alt g
 , Gram_Try g
 , Gram_App g
 , Gram_AltApp g
 , Gram_RegL g
 , Gram_CF g
 , Gram_Comment g
 , Gram_Op g
 , Gram_Mod g
 ) => Gram_Term_Name g where
	g_ModNameTe :: CF g (Mod NameTe)
	g_ModNameTe = rule "ModNameTe" $
		lexeme $
			g_ModNameTeId <+>
			parens g_ModNameTeOp
	g_NameTe :: CF g NameTe
	g_NameTe = rule "NameTe" $
		lexeme $
			g_NameTeId <+>
			parens g_NameTeOp
	g_ModNameTeId :: CF g (Mod NameTe)
	g_ModNameTeId = rule "ModNameTeId" $
		 <$> option [] (try $ g_PathMod <* char '.')
		 <*> g_NameTeId
	g_NameTeId :: CF g NameTe
	g_NameTeId = rule "NameTeId" $
		(NameTe . Text.pack <$>) $
		(identG `minus`) $
		 <$> g_NameTeKey
		 <*. (any `but` g_NameTeIdTail)
		identG = (:) <$> headG <*> many (cfOf g_NameTeIdTail)
		headG  = unicat $ Unicat_Letter
	g_NameTeIdTail :: Terminal g Char
	g_NameTeIdTail = rule "NameTeIdTail" $
		unicat Unicat_Letter <+>
		unicat Unicat_Number
	g_NameTeKey :: Reg rl g String
	g_NameTeKey = rule "NameTeKey" $
		choice $ string <$> ["in", "let"]
	g_ModNameTeOp :: CF g (Mod NameTe)
	g_ModNameTeOp = rule "ModNameTeOp" $
		 <$> option [] (try $ g_PathMod <* char '.')
		 <*> g_NameTeOp
	g_NameTeOp :: CF g NameTe
	g_NameTeOp = rule "NameTeOp" $
		(NameTe . Text.pack <$>) $
		(some (cfOf g_NameTeOpOk) `minus`) $
		 <$> g_NameTeKeySym
		 <*. (any `but` g_NameTeOpOk)
	g_NameTeOpOk :: Terminal g Char
	g_NameTeOpOk = rule "NameTeOpOk" $
		choice (unicat <$>
		 [ Unicat_Symbol
		 , Unicat_Punctuation
		 , Unicat_Mark
		 ]) `but` koG
		koG = choice (char <$> ['(', ')', '`', '\'', ',', '[', ']'])
	g_NameTeKeySym :: Reg rl g String
	g_NameTeKeySym = rule "NameTeKeySym" $
		choice $ string <$> ["\\", "->", "=", "@"]

deriving instance Gram_Term_Name g => Gram_Term_Name (CF g)
instance Gram_Term_Name EBNF
instance Gram_Term_Name RuleEBNF

-- * Class 'Gram_Term_Type'
 ( Gram_Terminal g
 , Gram_Rule g
 , Gram_Alt g
 , Gram_AltApp g
 , Gram_App g
 , Gram_CF g
 , Gram_Comment g
 , Gram_Term_Name g
 , Gram_Type src g
 ) => Gram_Term_Type src g where
	g_term_abst_decl :: CF g (NameTe, AST_Type src)
	g_term_abst_decl = rule "term_abst_decl" $
		parens $ (,)
		 <$> g_NameTe
		 <*  (symbol "::" <+> symbol ":")
		 -- NOTE: "::" is Haskell compatibility and ":" is another common notation.
		 <*> g_type

deriving instance Gram_Term_Type src g => Gram_Term_Type src (CF g)
 ( Gram_Source src EBNF
 , Constable (->)
 , Constable (,)
 , Constable []
 ) => Gram_Term_Type src EBNF
 ( Gram_Source src RuleEBNF
 , Constable (->)
 , Constable (,)
 , Constable []
 ) => Gram_Term_Type src RuleEBNF

-- ** Type 'Error_Term_Gram'
data Error_Term_Gram
 =   Error_Term_Gram_Fixity Error_Fixity
 |   Error_Term_Gram_Term_incomplete
 |   Error_Term_Gram_Type_applied_to_nothing
 |   Error_Term_Gram_not_applicable
 |   Error_Term_Gram_application
 |   Error_Term_Gram_application_mismatch
 |   Error_Term_Gram_Module Error_Module
 deriving (Eq, Show)

-- * Class 'Gram_Term'
 ( Gram_Source src g
 , Gram_Error Error_Term_Gram g
 , Gram_Terminal g
 , Gram_Rule g
 , Gram_Alt g
 , Gram_App g
 , Gram_AltApp g
 , Gram_CF g
 , Gram_Comment g
 , Gram_Type src g
 , Gram_Term_Name g
 , Gram_Term_Type src g
 , Gram_Term_Atoms src ss g
 , Gram_State (Imports NameTe, Modules src ss) g
 ) => Gram_Term src ss g where
	g_term :: CF g (AST_Term src ss)
	g_term = rule "term" $
		 [ try g_term_abst
		 , g_term_operators
		 , g_term_let
	g_term_operators :: CF g  (AST_Term src ss)
	g_term_operators = rule "term_operators" $
		G.catch $
		left Error_Term_Gram_Fixity <$>
		g_ops :: CF g (Either Error_Fixity  (AST_Term src ss))
		g_ops = operators g_term_atom g_prefix g_infix g_postfix
		g_prefix  :: CF g (Unifix, AST_Term src ss -> AST_Term src ss)
		g_infix   :: CF g (Infix,  AST_Term src ss -> AST_Term src ss -> AST_Term src ss)
		g_postfix :: CF g (Unifix, AST_Term src ss -> AST_Term src ss)
		g_prefix  = G.catch $ G.source $ G.getAfter $ op_prefix  <$> g_prefix_op
		g_infix   = G.catch $ G.source $ G.getAfter $ op_infix   <$> g_infix_op
		g_postfix = G.catch $ G.source $ G.getAfter $ op_postfix <$> g_postfix_op
		 :: Mod NameTe
		 -> (Imports NameTe, Modules src ss)
		 -> src
		 -> Either Error_Term_Gram
		           (Infix, AST_Term src ss -> AST_Term src ss -> AST_Term src ss)
		op_infix name (imps, mods) src = do
			t <- Error_Term_Gram_Module `left`
				lookupDefTerm FixyInfix imps name mods
			Right $ (token_fixity t,) $ \a b ->
				(BinTree0 (token_term t src) `BinTree2` a) `BinTree2` b
		op_prefix, op_postfix
		 :: Mod NameTe
		 -> (Imports NameTe, Modules src ss)
		 -> src
		 -> Either Error_Term_Gram
		           ( Unifix
		           , AST_Term src ss -> AST_Term src ss )
		op_prefix name (imps, mods) src = do
			t <- Error_Term_Gram_Module `left`
				lookupDefTerm FixyPrefix imps name mods
			Right $ (token_fixity t,) $ \a ->
				BinTree0 (token_term t src) `BinTree2` a
		op_postfix name (imps, mods) src = do
			t <- Error_Term_Gram_Module `left`
				lookupDefTerm FixyPostfix imps name mods
			Right $ (token_fixity t,) $ \a ->
				BinTree0 (token_term t src) `BinTree2` a
		g_postfix_op :: CF g (Mod NameTe)
		g_postfix_op = rule "term_op_postfix" $
			lexeme $
				g_backquote *> g_ModNameTeId <+> -- <* (G.cfOf $ Gram.Term (pure ' ') `but` g_backquote)
		g_infix_op :: CF g (Mod NameTe)
		g_infix_op = rule "term_op_infix" $
			lexeme $
				between g_backquote g_backquote g_ModNameTeId <+>
				try (Fun.const <$> g_ModNameTeOp <*> (string " " <+> string "\n")) <+>
				pure (Mod [] " ")
		g_prefix_op :: CF g (Mod NameTe)
		g_prefix_op = rule "term_op_prefix" $
			lexeme $
				g_ModNameTeId <* g_backquote <+>
		g_backquote :: Gram_Terminal g' => g' Char
		g_backquote = char '`'
	g_term_atom :: CF g  (AST_Term src ss)
	g_term_atom = rule "term_atom" $
		choice $
		 {-(try (
			G.source $
			(\typ src -> BinTree0 $ inj_EToken src $ Token_Term_Type typ)
			 <$ char '@' <*> g_type) :) $
		 (try <$> g_term_atomsR @_ @_ @ss) <>
		 [ try $
			G.catch $ G.source $ G.getAfter $
			(\m (imps, mods) src ->
				case lookupDefTerm FixyInfix imps m mods of
				 Right t -> Right $ BinTree0 $ token_term t src
				 Left err ->
					case m of
					 [] `Mod` n -> Right $ BinTree0 $ Token_Term_Var src n
					 _ -> Left $ Error_Term_Gram_Module err
			 ) <$> g_ModNameTe
		 , g_term_group
	g_term_group :: CF g (AST_Term src ss)
	g_term_group = rule "term_group" $ parens g_term
	g_term_abst :: CF g (AST_Term src ss)
	g_term_abst = rule "term_abst" $
		G.source $
		((\(xs, te) src ->
			foldr (\(x, ty_x) ->
				BinTree0 . Token_Term_Abst src x ty_x) te xs) <$>) $
		 (symbol "\\" *> some g_term_abst_decl <* symbol "->")
	 :: CF g [(NameTe, AST_Type src)]
	 -> CF g (AST_Term src ss)
	 -> CF g ([(NameTe, AST_Type src)], AST_Term src ss)
	-- g_term_abst_args_body args body = (,) <$> args <*> body
	g_term_abst_args_body cf_args cf_body =
		G.stateBefore $
		(\a b (imps::Imports NameTe, mods::Modules src ss) -> ((imps, mods), (a, b)))
		 <$> G.stateAfter ((<$> cf_args) $ \args (imps::Imports NameTe, mods) ->
			((setArgsImps args imps, setArgsMods args mods), args))
		 <*> cf_body
		setArgsImps args (Imports imps) = Imports $ Map.alter (alterArgsImps args) [] imps
		alterArgsImps args = \case
		 Nothing -> Just mempty
		 Just m -> Just $ mapMapFixity (delArgImp args) m
		delArgImp :: [(NameTe, _a)] -> Map NameTe PathMod -> Map NameTe PathMod
		delArgImp = flip $ foldr $ \(n, _) -> Map.delete n
		setArgsMods args (Modules mods) = Modules $ Map.alter (alterArgsMods args) [] mods
		alterArgsMods args = \case
		 Nothing -> Just moduleEmpty{byInfix = mempty `insArgMod` args}
		 Just m -> Just m
			 { byPrefix  = byPrefix  m `delArgMod` args
			 , byInfix   = byInfix   m `insArgMod` args
			 , byPostfix = byPostfix m `delArgMod` args
		delArgMod :: ModuleFixy src ss Unifix -> [(NameTe, _a)] -> ModuleFixy src ss Unifix
		delArgMod = foldr $ \(n, _) -> Map.delete n
		insArgMod :: ModuleFixy src ss Infix -> [(NameTe, _a)] -> ModuleFixy src ss Infix
		insArgMod = foldr $ \(n, _) ->
			Map.insert n Tokenizer
			 { token_term   = (`Token_Term_Var` n)
			 , token_fixity = infixN5
	g_term_let :: CF g  (AST_Term src ss)
	g_term_let = rule "term_let" $
		G.source $
		(\name args bound body src ->
			BinTree0 $
			Token_Term_Let src name
			 (foldr (\(x, ty_x) ->
				BinTree0 . Token_Term_Abst src x ty_x) bound args) body)
		 <$  symbol "let"
		 <*> g_NameTe
		 <*> many g_term_abst_decl
		 <*  symbol "="
		 <*> g_term
		 <*  symbol "in"
		 <*> g_term

deriving instance
 ( Gram_Term src ss g
 , Gram_Term_Atoms src ss (CF g)
 ) => Gram_Term src ss (CF g)
 ( Gram_Term_Atoms src ss EBNF
 , Gram_Source src EBNF
 , Constable (->)
 , Constable (,)
 , Constable []
 ) => Gram_Term src ss EBNF
 ( Gram_Term_Atoms src ss RuleEBNF
 , Gram_Source src RuleEBNF
 , Constable (->)
 , Constable (,)
 , Constable []
 ) => Gram_Term src ss RuleEBNF

-- ** Class 'Gram_Term_Atoms'
type Gram_Term_Atoms src ss g = Gram_Term_AtomsR src ss ss g

-- *** Class 'Gram_Term_AtomsR'
class Gram_Term_AtomsR src (ss::[*]) (rs::[*]) g where
	g_term_atomsR :: [CF g (AST_Term src ss)]
instance Gram_Term_AtomsR src ss '[] g where
	g_term_atomsR = []
 ( Gram_Term_AtomsFor src ss g t
 , Gram_Term_AtomsR src ss rs g
 ) => Gram_Term_AtomsR src ss (Proxy t ': rs) g where
	g_term_atomsR =
		g_term_atomsFor @_ @_ @_ @t <>
		g_term_atomsR @_ @_ @rs

-- *** Class 'Gram_Term_AtomsFor'
class Gram_Term_AtomsFor src ss g t where
	g_term_atomsFor :: [CF g (AST_Term src ss)]
	g_term_atomsFor = []

 :: forall g.
 ( Gram_Term () '[Proxy (->), Proxy Integer] g
 ) => [CF g ()]
gram_term =
 [ voiD g_term
 , voiD g_term_operators
 , voiD g_term_atom
 , voiD g_term_group
 , voiD g_term_abst
 , void (g_term_abst_decl::CF g (NameTe, AST_Type ()))
 , voiD g_term_let
 , void g_ModNameTe
 , void g_NameTe
 , void g_NameTeId
 , void $ G.cfOf g_NameTeIdTail
 , void $ G.cfOf g_NameTeKey
 , void g_ModNameTeOp
 , void g_NameTeOp
 , void $ G.cfOf g_NameTeOpOk
 , void $ G.cfOf g_NameTeKeySym
 ] where
	voiD :: CF g (AST_Term () '[Proxy (->), Proxy Integer]) -> CF g ()
	voiD = (() <$)