{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} module Test.Syd.OptParse where import Autodocodec import Autodocodec.Yaml import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Data.Functor ((<&>)) import Data.Maybe import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Env import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Options.Applicative as OptParse import qualified Options.Applicative.Help as OptParse (string) import Path import Path.IO import System.Exit import Test.Syd.Run import Text.Colour #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS import System.Console.ANSI (hSupportsANSIColor) import System.IO (stdout) #else import Text.Colour.Capabilities.FromEnv #endif getSettings :: IO Settings getSettings = do flags <- getFlags env <- getEnvironment config <- getConfiguration flags env combineToSettings flags env config -- | Test suite definition and run settings data Settings = Settings { -- | The seed to use for deterministic randomness settingSeed :: !SeedSetting, -- | Randomise the execution order of the tests in the test suite settingRandomiseExecutionOrder :: !Bool, -- | How parallel to run the test suite settingThreads :: !Threads, -- | How many examples to run a property test with settingMaxSuccess :: !Int, -- | The maximum size parameter to supply to generators settingMaxSize :: !Int, -- | The maximum number of discarded examples per tested example settingMaxDiscard :: !Int, -- | The maximum number of tries to use while shrinking a counterexample. settingMaxShrinks :: !Int, -- | Whether to write golden tests if they do not exist yet settingGoldenStart :: !Bool, -- | Whether to overwrite golden tests instead of having them fail settingGoldenReset :: !Bool, -- | Whether to use colour in the output settingColour :: !(Maybe Bool), -- | The filters to use to select which tests to run settingFilters :: ![Text], -- | Whether to stop upon the first test failure settingFailFast :: !Bool, -- | How many iterations to use to look diagnose flakiness settingIterations :: !Iterations, -- | How many times to retry a test for flakiness diagnostics settingRetries :: !Word, -- | Whether to fail when any flakiness is detected in tests declared as flaky settingFailOnFlaky :: !Bool, -- | How to report progress settingReportProgress :: !ReportProgress, -- | Debug mode settingDebug :: !Bool, -- | Profiling mode settingProfile :: !Bool } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) defaultSettings :: Settings defaultSettings = let d func = func defaultTestRunSettings in Settings { settingSeed = d testRunSettingSeed, settingRandomiseExecutionOrder = True, settingThreads = ByCapabilities, settingMaxSuccess = d testRunSettingMaxSuccess, settingMaxSize = d testRunSettingMaxSize, settingMaxDiscard = d testRunSettingMaxDiscardRatio, settingMaxShrinks = d testRunSettingMaxShrinks, settingGoldenStart = d testRunSettingGoldenStart, settingGoldenReset = d testRunSettingGoldenReset, settingColour = Nothing, settingFilters = mempty, settingFailFast = False, settingIterations = OneIteration, settingRetries = defaultRetries, settingFailOnFlaky = False, settingReportProgress = ReportNoProgress, settingDebug = False, settingProfile = False } defaultRetries :: Word defaultRetries = 3 deriveTerminalCapababilities :: Settings -> IO TerminalCapabilities deriveTerminalCapababilities settings = case settingColour settings of Just False -> pure WithoutColours Just True -> pure With8BitColours Nothing -> detectTerminalCapabilities #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS detectTerminalCapabilities :: IO TerminalCapabilities detectTerminalCapabilities = do supports <- hSupportsANSIColor stdout if supports then pure With8BitColours else pure WithoutColours #else detectTerminalCapabilities :: IO TerminalCapabilities detectTerminalCapabilities = getTerminalCapabilitiesFromEnv #endif data Threads = -- | One thread Synchronous | -- | As many threads as 'getNumCapabilities' tells you you have ByCapabilities | -- | A given number of threads Asynchronous !Word deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Generic) data Iterations = -- | Run the test suite once, the default OneIteration | -- | Run the test suite for the given number of iterations, or until we can find flakiness Iterations !Word | -- | Run the test suite over and over, until we can find some flakiness Continuous deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Generic) data ReportProgress = -- | Don't report any progress, the default ReportNoProgress | -- | Report progress ReportProgress deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Generic) -- | Combine everything to 'Settings' combineToSettings :: Flags -> Environment -> Maybe Configuration -> IO Settings combineToSettings Flags {..} Environment {..} mConf = do let d func = func defaultSettings let debugMode = fromMaybe (d settingDebug) $ flagDebug <|> envDebug <|> mc configDebug let threads = fromMaybe (if debugMode then Synchronous else d settingThreads) $ flagThreads <|> envThreads <|> mc configThreads setReportProgress <- case flagReportProgress <|> envReportProgress <|> mc configReportProgress of Nothing -> pure $ if threads == Synchronous then if debugMode then ReportProgress else d settingReportProgress else d settingReportProgress Just progress -> if progress then if threads /= Synchronous then die "Reporting progress in asynchronous runners is not supported. You can use --synchronous or --debug to use a synchronous runner." else pure ReportProgress else pure ReportNoProgress pure Settings { settingSeed = fromMaybe (d settingSeed) $ flagSeed <|> envSeed <|> mc configSeed, settingRandomiseExecutionOrder = fromMaybe (if debugMode then False else d settingRandomiseExecutionOrder) $ flagRandomiseExecutionOrder <|> envRandomiseExecutionOrder <|> mc configRandomiseExecutionOrder, settingThreads = threads, settingMaxSuccess = fromMaybe (d settingMaxSuccess) $ flagMaxSuccess <|> envMaxSuccess <|> mc configMaxSuccess, settingMaxSize = fromMaybe (d settingMaxSize) $ flagMaxSize <|> envMaxSize <|> mc configMaxSize, settingMaxDiscard = fromMaybe (d settingMaxDiscard) $ flagMaxDiscard <|> envMaxDiscard <|> mc configMaxDiscard, settingMaxShrinks = fromMaybe (d settingMaxShrinks) $ flagMaxShrinks <|> envMaxShrinks <|> mc configMaxShrinks, settingGoldenStart = fromMaybe (d settingGoldenStart) $ flagGoldenStart <|> envGoldenStart <|> mc configGoldenStart, settingGoldenReset = fromMaybe (d settingGoldenReset) $ flagGoldenReset <|> envGoldenReset <|> mc configGoldenReset, settingColour = flagColour <|> envColour <|> mc configColour, settingFilters = flagFilters <|> maybeToList envFilter <|> maybeToList (mc configFilter), settingFailFast = fromMaybe (if debugMode then True else d settingFailFast) (flagFailFast <|> envFailFast <|> mc configFailFast), settingIterations = fromMaybe (d settingIterations) $ flagIterations <|> envIterations <|> mc configIterations, settingRetries = fromMaybe (if debugMode then 0 else d settingRetries) $ flagRetries <|> envRetries <|> mc configRetries, settingFailOnFlaky = fromMaybe (d settingFailOnFlaky) $ flagFailOnFlaky <|> envFailOnFlaky <|> mc configFailOnFlaky, settingReportProgress = setReportProgress, settingDebug = debugMode, settingProfile = fromMaybe False $ flagProfile <|> envProfile <|> mc configProfile } where mc :: (Configuration -> Maybe a) -> Maybe a mc f = mConf >>= f -- | What we find in the configuration variable. -- -- Do nothing clever here, just represent the configuration file. -- For example, use 'Maybe FilePath', not 'Path Abs File'. -- -- Use 'readYamlConfigFile' or 'readFirstYamlConfigFile' to read a configuration. data Configuration = Configuration { configSeed :: !(Maybe SeedSetting), configRandomiseExecutionOrder :: !(Maybe Bool), configThreads :: !(Maybe Threads), configMaxSize :: !(Maybe Int), configMaxSuccess :: !(Maybe Int), configMaxDiscard :: !(Maybe Int), configMaxShrinks :: !(Maybe Int), configGoldenStart :: !(Maybe Bool), configGoldenReset :: !(Maybe Bool), configColour :: !(Maybe Bool), configFilter :: !(Maybe Text), configFailFast :: !(Maybe Bool), configIterations :: !(Maybe Iterations), configRetries :: !(Maybe Word), configFailOnFlaky :: !(Maybe Bool), configReportProgress :: !(Maybe Bool), configDebug :: !(Maybe Bool), configProfile :: !(Maybe Bool) } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) -- | We use 'autodocodec' for parsing a YAML config. instance HasCodec Configuration where codec = object "Configuration" $ Configuration <$> optionalField "seed" "Seed for random generation of test cases" .= configSeed <*> parseAlternative (optionalField "randomise-execution-order" "Randomise the execution order of the tests in the test suite") (optionalField "randomize-execution-order" "American spelling") .= configRandomiseExecutionOrder <*> optionalField "parallelism" "How parallel to execute the tests" .= configThreads <*> optionalField "max-size" "Maximum size parameter to pass to generators" .= configMaxSize <*> optionalField "max-success" "Number of quickcheck examples to run" .= configMaxSuccess <*> optionalField "max-discard" "Maximum number of discarded tests per successful test before giving up" .= configMaxDiscard <*> optionalField "max-shrinks" "Maximum number of shrinks of a failing test input" .= configMaxShrinks <*> optionalField "golden-start" "Whether to write golden tests if they do not exist yet" .= configGoldenStart <*> optionalField "golden-reset" "Whether to overwrite golden tests instead of having them fail" .= configGoldenReset <*> parseAlternative (optionalField "colour" "Whether to use coloured output") (optionalField "color" "American spelling") .= configColour <*> optionalField "filter" "Filter to select which parts of the test tree to run" .= configFilter <*> optionalField "fail-fast" "Whether to stop executing upon the first test failure" .= configFailFast <*> optionalField "iterations" "How many iterations to use to look diagnose flakiness" .= configIterations <*> optionalField "retries" "The number of retries to use for flakiness diagnostics. 0 means 'no flakiness diagnostics'" .= configRetries <*> optionalField "fail-on-flaky" "Whether to fail when any flakiness is detected in tests marked as potentially flaky" .= configFailOnFlaky <*> optionalField "progress" "How to report progres" .= configReportProgress <*> optionalField "debug" "Turn on debug-mode. This implies randomise-execution-order: false, parallelism: 1 and fail-fast: true" .= configDebug <*> optionalField "profile" "Turn on profiling mode" .= configProfile instance HasCodec Threads where codec = dimapCodec f g codec where f = \case Nothing -> ByCapabilities Just 1 -> Synchronous Just n -> Asynchronous n g = \case ByCapabilities -> Nothing Synchronous -> Just 1 Asynchronous n -> Just n instance HasCodec Iterations where codec = dimapCodec f g codec where f = \case Nothing -> OneIteration Just 0 -> Continuous Just 1 -> OneIteration Just n -> Iterations n g = \case OneIteration -> Nothing Continuous -> Just 0 Iterations n -> Just n -- | Get the configuration -- -- We use the flags and environment because they can contain information to override where to look for the configuration files. -- We return a 'Maybe' because there may not be a configuration file. getConfiguration :: Flags -> Environment -> IO (Maybe Configuration) getConfiguration Flags {..} Environment {..} = case flagConfigFile <|> envConfigFile of Nothing -> defaultConfigFile >>= readYamlConfigFile Just cf -> do afp <- resolveFile' cf readYamlConfigFile afp -- | Where to get the configuration file by default. defaultConfigFile :: IO (Path Abs File) defaultConfigFile = resolveFile' ".sydtest.yaml" -- | What we find in the configuration variable. -- -- Do nothing clever here, just represent the relevant parts of the environment. -- For example, use 'Text', not 'SqliteConfig'. data Environment = Environment { envConfigFile :: Maybe FilePath, envSeed :: !(Maybe SeedSetting), envRandomiseExecutionOrder :: !(Maybe Bool), envThreads :: !(Maybe Threads), envMaxSize :: !(Maybe Int), envMaxSuccess :: !(Maybe Int), envMaxDiscard :: !(Maybe Int), envMaxShrinks :: !(Maybe Int), envGoldenStart :: !(Maybe Bool), envGoldenReset :: !(Maybe Bool), envColour :: !(Maybe Bool), envFilter :: !(Maybe Text), envFailFast :: !(Maybe Bool), envIterations :: !(Maybe Iterations), envRetries :: !(Maybe Word), envFailOnFlaky :: !(Maybe Bool), envReportProgress :: !(Maybe Bool), envDebug :: !(Maybe Bool), envProfile :: !(Maybe Bool) } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) defaultEnvironment :: Environment defaultEnvironment = Environment { envConfigFile = Nothing, envSeed = Nothing, envRandomiseExecutionOrder = Nothing, envThreads = Nothing, envMaxSize = Nothing, envMaxSuccess = Nothing, envMaxDiscard = Nothing, envMaxShrinks = Nothing, envGoldenStart = Nothing, envGoldenReset = Nothing, envColour = Nothing, envFilter = Nothing, envFailFast = Nothing, envIterations = Nothing, envRetries = Nothing, envFailOnFlaky = Nothing, envReportProgress = Nothing, envDebug = Nothing, envProfile = Nothing } getEnvironment :: IO Environment getEnvironment = Env.parse (Env.header "Environment") environmentParser -- | The 'envparse' parser for the 'Environment' environmentParser :: Env.Parser Env.Error Environment environmentParser = Env.prefixed "SYDTEST_" $ Environment <$> Env.var (fmap Just . Env.str) "CONFIG_FILE" (Env.def Nothing <> Env.help "Config file") <*> seedSettingEnvironmentParser <*> ( Env.var (fmap Just . Env.auto) "RANDOMISE_EXECUTION_ORDER" (Env.def Nothing <> Env.help "Randomise the execution order of the tests in the test suite") <|> Env.var (fmap Just . Env.auto) "RANDOMIZE_EXECUTION_ORDER" (Env.def Nothing <> Env.help "Randomize the execution order of the tests in the test suite") ) <*> Env.var (fmap Just . (Env.auto >=> parseThreads)) "PARALLELISM" (Env.def Nothing <> Env.help "How parallel to execute the tests") <*> Env.var (fmap Just . Env.auto) "MAX_SIZE" (Env.def Nothing <> Env.help "Maximum size parameter to pass to generators") <*> Env.var (fmap Just . Env.auto) "MAX_SUCCESS" (Env.def Nothing <> Env.help "Number of quickcheck examples to run") <*> Env.var (fmap Just . Env.auto) "MAX_DISCARD" (Env.def Nothing <> Env.help "Maximum number of discarded tests per successful test before giving up") <*> Env.var (fmap Just . Env.auto) "MAX_SHRINKS" (Env.def Nothing <> Env.help "Maximum number of shrinks of a failing test input") <*> Env.var (fmap Just . Env.auto) "GOLDEN_START" (Env.def Nothing <> Env.help "Whether to write golden tests if they do not exist yet") <*> Env.var (fmap Just . Env.auto) "GOLDEN_RESET" (Env.def Nothing <> Env.help "Whether to overwrite golden tests instead of having them fail") <*> ( Env.var (fmap Just . Env.auto) "COLOUR" (Env.def Nothing <> Env.help "Whether to use coloured output") <|> Env.var (fmap Just . Env.auto) "COLOR" (Env.def Nothing <> Env.help "Whether to use colored output") ) <*> Env.var (fmap Just . Env.str) "FILTER" (Env.def Nothing <> Env.help "Filter to select which parts of the test tree to run") <*> Env.var (fmap Just . Env.auto) "FAIL_FAST" (Env.def Nothing <> Env.help "Whether to stop executing upon the first test failure") <*> Env.var (fmap Just . (Env.auto >=> parseIterations)) "ITERATIONS" (Env.def Nothing <> Env.help "How many iterations to use to look diagnose flakiness") <*> Env.var (fmap Just . Env.auto) "RETRIES" (Env.def Nothing <> Env.help "The number of retries to use for flakiness diagnostics. 0 means 'no flakiness diagnostics'") <*> Env.var (fmap Just . Env.auto) "FAIL_ON_FLAKY" (Env.def Nothing <> Env.help "Whether to fail when flakiness is detected in tests marked as potentially flaky") <*> Env.var (fmap Just . Env.auto) "PROGRESS" (Env.def Nothing <> Env.help "Report progress as tests run") <*> Env.var (fmap Just . Env.auto) "DEBUG" (Env.def Nothing <> Env.help "Turn on debug mode. This implies RANDOMISE_EXECUTION_ORDER=False, PARALLELISM=1 and FAIL_FAST=True.") <*> Env.var (fmap Just . Env.auto) "PROFILE" (Env.def Nothing <> Env.help "Turn on profiling mode.") where parseThreads :: Word -> Either e Threads parseThreads 1 = Right Synchronous parseThreads i = Right (Asynchronous i) parseIterations :: Word -> Either e Iterations parseIterations 0 = Right Continuous parseIterations 1 = Right OneIteration parseIterations i = Right (Iterations i) seedSettingEnvironmentParser :: Env.Parser Env.Error (Maybe SeedSetting) seedSettingEnvironmentParser = combine <$> Env.var (fmap Just . Env.auto) "SEED" (Env.def Nothing <> Env.help "Seed for random generation of test cases") <*> Env.switch "RANDOM_SEED" (Env.help "Use a random seed for every test case") where combine :: Maybe Int -> Bool -> Maybe SeedSetting combine mSeed random = if random then Just RandomSeed else FixedSeed <$> mSeed -- | Get the command-line flags getFlags :: IO Flags getFlags = customExecParser prefs_ flagsParser -- | The 'optparse-applicative' parsing preferences prefs_ :: OptParse.ParserPrefs prefs_ = -- I like these preferences. Use what you like. OptParse.defaultPrefs { OptParse.prefShowHelpOnError = True, OptParse.prefShowHelpOnEmpty = True } -- | The @optparse-applicative@ parser for 'Flags' flagsParser :: OptParse.ParserInfo Flags flagsParser = OptParse.info (OptParse.helper <*> parseFlags) (OptParse.fullDesc <> OptParse.footerDoc (Just $ OptParse.string footerStr)) where -- Show the variables from the environment that we parse and the config file format footerStr = unlines [ Env.helpDoc environmentParser, "", "Configuration file format:", T.unpack (renderColouredSchemaViaCodec @Configuration) ] -- | The flags that are common across commands. data Flags = Flags { flagConfigFile :: !(Maybe FilePath), flagSeed :: !(Maybe SeedSetting), flagRandomiseExecutionOrder :: !(Maybe Bool), flagThreads :: !(Maybe Threads), flagMaxSize :: !(Maybe Int), flagMaxSuccess :: !(Maybe Int), flagMaxDiscard :: !(Maybe Int), flagMaxShrinks :: !(Maybe Int), flagGoldenStart :: !(Maybe Bool), flagGoldenReset :: !(Maybe Bool), flagColour :: !(Maybe Bool), flagFilters :: ![Text], flagFailFast :: !(Maybe Bool), flagIterations :: !(Maybe Iterations), flagRetries :: !(Maybe Word), flagFailOnFlaky :: !(Maybe Bool), flagReportProgress :: !(Maybe Bool), flagDebug :: !(Maybe Bool), flagProfile :: !(Maybe Bool) } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) defaultFlags :: Flags defaultFlags = Flags { flagConfigFile = Nothing, flagSeed = Nothing, flagRandomiseExecutionOrder = Nothing, flagThreads = Nothing, flagMaxSize = Nothing, flagMaxSuccess = Nothing, flagMaxDiscard = Nothing, flagMaxShrinks = Nothing, flagGoldenStart = Nothing, flagGoldenReset = Nothing, flagColour = Nothing, flagFilters = mempty, flagFailFast = Nothing, flagIterations = Nothing, flagRetries = Nothing, flagFailOnFlaky = Nothing, flagReportProgress = Nothing, flagDebug = Nothing, flagProfile = Nothing } -- | The 'optparse-applicative' parser for the 'Flags'. parseFlags :: OptParse.Parser Flags parseFlags = Flags <$> optional ( strOption ( mconcat [ long "config-file", help "Path to an altenative config file", metavar "FILEPATH" ] ) ) <*> seedSettingFlags <*> doubleSwitch ["randomise-execution-order", "randomize-execution-order"] (help "Randomise the execution order of the tests in the test suite") <*> optional ( ( ( \case 1 -> Synchronous i -> Asynchronous i ) <$> option auto ( mconcat [ short 'j', long "jobs", help "How parallel to execute the tests", metavar "JOBS" ] ) ) <|> flag' Synchronous ( mconcat [ long "synchronous", help "Execute tests synchronously" ] ) ) <*> optional ( option auto ( mconcat [ long "max-size", long "qc-max-size", help "Maximum size parameter to pass to generators", metavar "MAXIMUM_SIZE_PARAMETER" ] ) ) <*> optional ( option auto ( mconcat [ long "max-success", long "qc-max-success", help "Number of quickcheck examples to run", metavar "NUMBER_OF_SUCCESSES" ] ) ) <*> optional ( option auto ( mconcat [ long "max-discard", long "qc-max-discard", help "Maximum number of discarded tests per successful test before giving up", metavar "MAXIMUM_DISCARD_RATIO" ] ) ) <*> optional ( option auto ( mconcat [ long "max-shrinks", long "qc-max-shrinks", help "Maximum number of shrinks of a failing test input", metavar "MAXIMUM_SHRINKS" ] ) ) <*> doubleSwitch ["golden-start"] (help "Whether to write golden tests if they do not exist yet") <*> doubleSwitch ["golden-reset"] (help "Whether to overwrite golden tests instead of having them fail") <*> doubleSwitch ["colour", "color"] (help "Use colour in output") <*> ( maybeToList <$> optional ( strArgument ( mconcat [ help "Filter to select which parts of the test tree to run", metavar "FILTER" ] ) ) <|> manyOptional ( mconcat [ short 'f', long "filter", short 'm', long "match", help "Filter to select which parts of the test tree to run", metavar "FILTER" ] ) ) <*> doubleSwitch ["fail-fast"] (help "Stop upon the first test failure") <*> optional ( ( ( \case 0 -> Continuous 1 -> OneIteration i -> Iterations i ) <$> option auto ( mconcat [ long "iterations", help "How many iterations to use to look diagnose flakiness", metavar "ITERATIONS" ] ) ) <|> flag' Continuous ( mconcat [ long "continuous", help "Run the test suite over and over again until it fails, to diagnose flakiness" ] ) ) <*> optional ( option auto ( mconcat [ long "retries", help "The number of retries to use for flakiness diagnostics. 0 means 'no flakiness diagnostics'", metavar "INTEGER" ] ) ) <*> doubleSwitch ["fail-on-flaky"] (help "Fail when any flakiness is detected") <*> doubleSwitch ["progress"] (help "Report progress") <*> doubleSwitch ["debug"] (help "Turn on debug mode. This implies --no-randomise-execution-order, --synchronous, --progress and --fail-fast.") <*> doubleSwitch ["profile"] (help "Turn on profiling mode.") manyOptional :: OptParse.Mod OptionFields [Text] -> OptParse.Parser [Text] manyOptional modifier = mconcat <$> many (option (str <&> T.words) modifier) seedSettingFlags :: OptParse.Parser (Maybe SeedSetting) seedSettingFlags = optional $ ( FixedSeed <$> option auto ( mconcat [ long "seed", help "Seed for random generation of test cases", metavar "SEED" ] ) ) <|> flag' RandomSeed ( mconcat [ long "random-seed", help "Use a random seed instead of a fixed seed" ] ) doubleSwitch :: [String] -> OptParse.Mod FlagFields (Maybe Bool) -> OptParse.Parser (Maybe Bool) doubleSwitch suffixes mods = flag' (Just True) (hidden <> internal <> foldMap long suffixes <> mods) <|> flag' (Just False) (hidden <> internal <> foldMap (long . ("no-" <>)) suffixes <> mods) <|> flag' Nothing (foldMap (\suffix -> long ("[no-]" <> suffix)) suffixes <> mods) <|> pure Nothing