{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} -- FromJSON WExp {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} -- | -- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause -- -- Parser for the Swarm world description DSL. module Swarm.Game.World.Parse where import Control.Monad (MonadPlus, void) import Control.Monad.Combinators.Expr (Operator (..), makeExprParser) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty) import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Void import Data.Yaml (FromJSON (parseJSON), withText) import Swarm.Game.World.Syntax import Swarm.Util (failT, showT, squote) import Swarm.Util.Parse (fully) import Text.Megaparsec hiding (runParser) import Text.Megaparsec.Char import Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer qualified as L import Witch (into) type Parser = Parsec Void Text type ParserError = ParseErrorBundle Text Void ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Utility sepByNE :: (MonadPlus m) => m a -> m sep -> m (NonEmpty a) sepByNE p sep = NE.fromList <$> p `sepBy1` sep ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Lexing reservedWords :: [Text] reservedWords = [ "not" , "true" , "false" , "seed" , "x" , "y" , "hash" , "let" , "in" , "overlay" , "hcat" , "vcat" , "if" , "then" , "else" , "perlin" , "mask" , "empty" , "abs" ] -- | Skip spaces and comments. sc :: Parser () sc = L.space space1 (L.skipLineComment "//") (L.skipBlockComment "/*" "*/") -- | In general, we follow the convention that every token parser -- assumes no leading whitespace and consumes all trailing -- whitespace. Concretely, we achieve this by wrapping every token -- parser using 'lexeme'. lexeme :: Parser a -> Parser a lexeme = L.lexeme sc -- | A lexeme consisting of a literal string. symbol :: Text -> Parser Text symbol = L.symbol sc operatorChar :: Parser Char operatorChar = oneOf ("!@#$%^&*=+-/<>" :: String) operator :: Text -> Parser Text operator op = (lexeme . try) $ string op <* notFollowedBy operatorChar -- | A positive integer literal token. integerOrFloat :: Parser (Either Integer Double) integerOrFloat = label "numeric literal" $ lexeme (Right <$> try L.float <|> Left <$> L.decimal) -- | Parse a case-insensitive reserved word, making sure it is not a -- prefix of a longer variable name, and allowing the parser to -- backtrack if it fails. reserved :: Text -> Parser () reserved w = (lexeme . try) $ string' w *> notFollowedBy (alphaNumChar <|> char '_') -- | Parse an identifier, i.e. any non-reserved string containing -- alphanumeric characters and underscores and not starting with a -- number. identifier :: Parser Var identifier = (lexeme . try) (p >>= check) "variable name" where p = (:) <$> (letterChar <|> char '_') <*> many (alphaNumChar <|> char '_' <|> char '\'') check (into @Text -> t) | T.toLower t `elem` reservedWords = failT ["reserved word", squote t, "cannot be used as variable name"] | otherwise = return t brackets :: Parser a -> Parser a brackets = between (symbol "[") (symbol "]") parens :: Parser a -> Parser a parens = between (symbol "(") (symbol ")") braces :: Parser a -> Parser a braces = between (symbol "{") (symbol "}") comma :: Parser () comma = void $ symbol "," ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Parser ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- NOTE: when updating the parser, be sure to update the BNF in -- data/worlds/README.md to match! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- parseWExpAtom :: Parser WExp parseWExpAtom = either WInt WFloat <$> integerOrFloat <|> WBool <$> (True <$ reserved "true" <|> False <$ reserved "false") <|> parseCell <|> WVar <$> identifier <|> WSeed <$ reserved "seed" <|> WCoord <$> (X <$ reserved "x" <|> Y <$ reserved "y") <|> WHash <$ reserved "hash" <|> parseIf <|> parsePerlin <|> parseAbs <|> parseLet <|> parseOverlay <|> parseMask <|> parseImport -- <|> parseCat -- <|> parseStruct <|> parens parseWExp parseWExp :: Parser WExp parseWExp = makeExprParser parseWExpAtom [ [ Prefix (unary Not <$ reserved "not") , Prefix (unary Neg <$ operator "-") ] , [ InfixL (binary Mul <$ operator "*") , InfixL (binary Div <$ operator "/") , InfixL (binary Mod <$ operator "%") ] , [ InfixL (binary Add <$ operator "+") , InfixL (binary Sub <$ operator "-") , InfixR (binary Overlay <$ operator "<>") ] , [ InfixN (binary Eq <$ operator "==") , InfixN (binary Neq <$ operator "/=") , InfixN (binary Lt <$ operator "<") , InfixN (binary Leq <$ operator "<=") , InfixN (binary Gt <$ operator ">") , InfixN (binary Geq <$ operator ">=") ] , [InfixR (binary And <$ operator "&&")] , [InfixR (binary Or <$ operator "||")] ] where unary op x = WOp op [x] binary op x1 x2 = WOp op [x1, x2] parseCell :: Parser WExp parseCell = braces $ WCell <$> parseCellItem `sepBy1` comma parseCellItem :: Parser (Maybe CellTag, Text) parseCellItem = (,) <$> optional (try (parseCellTag <* symbol ":")) <*> parseName parseCellTag :: Parser CellTag parseCellTag = choice (map mkCellTagParser [minBound .. maxBound :: CellTag]) where mkCellTagParser ct = ct <$ string' (T.drop 4 $ showT ct) parseName :: Parser Text parseName = into @Text <$> manyTill anySingle (lookAhead (satisfy (\c -> c == ',' || c == '}' || c == ']'))) parseIf :: Parser WExp parseIf = (\i t e -> WOp If [i, t, e]) <$> (reserved "if" *> parseWExp) <*> (reserved "then" *> parseWExp) <*> (reserved "else" *> parseWExp) parsePerlin :: Parser WExp parsePerlin = (\s o k p -> WOp Perlin [s, o, k, p]) <$> (reserved "perlin" *> parseWExpAtom) <*> parseWExpAtom <*> parseWExpAtom <*> parseWExpAtom parseAbs :: Parser WExp parseAbs = WOp Abs . (: []) <$> (reserved "abs" *> parseWExpAtom) parseLet :: Parser WExp parseLet = WLet <$> ( reserved "let" *> (((,) <$> identifier <*> (symbol "=" *> parseWExp)) `sepBy` comma) ) <*> (reserved "in" *> parseWExp) parseOverlay :: Parser WExp parseOverlay = do reserved "overlay" brackets $ WOverlay <$> parseWExp `sepByNE` comma parseMask :: Parser WExp parseMask = do reserved "mask" w1 <- parseWExpAtom w2 <- parseWExpAtom return $ WOp Mask [w1, w2] parseImport :: Parser WExp parseImport = WImport . into @Text <$> between (symbol "\"") (symbol "\"") (some (satisfy (/= '"'))) -- parseCat :: Parser WExp -- parseCat = -- WCat -- <$> (X <$ reserved "hcat" <|> Y <$ reserved "vcat") -- <*> brackets (parseWExp `sepBy` comma) -- parseStruct :: Parser WExp -- parseStruct = reserved "struct" *> fail "struct not implemented" ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Utility runParser :: Parser a -> Text -> Either ParserError a runParser p = parse (fully sc p) "" ------------------------------------------------------------ -- JSON instance instance FromJSON WExp where parseJSON = withText "World DSL program" $ \t -> case runParser parseWExp t of Left err -> error (errorBundlePretty err) Right wexp -> return wexp